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Posts posted by gamer1234

  1. Wow, this is very sad. You all have to know the limits. Free speech and all that bull, burning a countries flag is obviously showing disrespect and extreme dislike towards that country. Free speech, yes but you HAVE TO KNOW THE LIMITS. You can't go around saying "I'm going to kill Reaper88888!!!" in real life because you would be arrested.




    This is sad and very pathetic. Show some respect for the country you live in.

  2. Well, this is only something I heard about recently, but supposedly Canada now has an official policy of allowing extradition of draftees who fled there. (If anyone can confirm that either way, please do...) Crud. Any suggestions as to where I should go if/when the draft is reinstated?


    If by draft you mean being drafted into the military.. well, you can go anywhere lol. Extradition is a long diplomatic process that only a government, not city or state, can make. It strains many of the countries resources and takes a while, so you can go anywhere because I don't think the U.S. government would waste that many resources on a single person.




    It depends on how severe is your situation... really

  3. Ya? Wasn't the world supposed to end in 2000 as well? It appears as if it's supposed to end whenever it feels like it.




    The polar shift? Hmm. Ya, from what I learned the polar shift isn't supposed to happen for a LONG time. If this is the cause, it won't cause the end of the world, but it will cause a global crisis in terms of machinery shutting down, and then we'll have to rebuild machines/electronics that fit with the opposite pole. That won't take two minutes to do, but we'll just have to live without technology I suppose...THAT I can see causing the end, though lol.




    Nostradamus said it was going to end, the Mayans said so...But who cares? This world will go when the sun shines no more. Thats billions of years from now, some I'm not going to worry.


    No. Very wrong. Go read some books you ignorant punk. The sun is a star, all stars have some life expectancy, it is unknown how long. For what we know the Earth has existed for 3-5 billion years and the sun for ~4 billion years. We do know that when stars "explode" they are very much shiny and many of them are shine much more than the Sun does. For all we, humans, know the Sun could explode at any moment. How do I back this up? Science books.


    The sun is a main sequence star. it isn't going to supernova or "blow up" as you say. Oh and he said the sun will shine no more billions of years from now, and you "corrected" him saying that the sun could explode at any moment which is oh so wrong. We know how old the earth is because of uranium half lives. Most likely the earth formed from the sun so they are relatively the same age. We have billions of years to go


    Oh and you know about this because you read it on some little Wikipedia article or perhaps a "science" website, even better: a google search! How remarkable!




    Well I, I spent some hours at my college's library reading about this. Reading about stars, how the Earth was formed, and the Sun.




    If you learned that in college, then thats kinda sad, 'cause I learned it in high school last year. Also, from what I learned, the Sun CANNOT become a black hole, and the supposed "Supernova" won't happen in our generation. So no, it won't explode at any given moment...




    Anyway, dunno why you were rude and called me an ignorant punk, but I didn't mean to offend. I apologize.


    Lol no, I first started learning about the Universe and all that in 7th grade (science class). Like 2 weeks ago, I went to my college's library and did some further research. You didn't offend me, your just know-it-all attitude annoyed me.

  4. Ya? Wasn't the world supposed to end in 2000 as well? It appears as if it's supposed to end whenever it feels like it.




    The polar shift? Hmm. Ya, from what I learned the polar shift isn't supposed to happen for a LONG time. If this is the cause, it won't cause the end of the world, but it will cause a global crisis in terms of machinery shutting down, and then we'll have to rebuild machines/electronics that fit with the opposite pole. That won't take two minutes to do, but we'll just have to live without technology I suppose...THAT I can see causing the end, though lol.




    Nostradamus said it was going to end, the Mayans said so...But who cares? This world will go when the sun shines no more. Thats billions of years from now, some I'm not going to worry.


    No. Very wrong. Go read some books you ignorant punk. The sun is a star, all stars have some life expectancy, it is unknown how long. For what we know the Earth has existed for 3-5 billion years and the sun for ~4 billion years. We do know that when stars "explode" they are very much shiny and many of them are shine much more than the Sun does. For all we, humans, know the Sun could explode at any moment. How do I back this up? Science books.


    The sun is a main sequence star. it isn't going to supernova or "blow up" as you say. Oh and he said the sun will shine no more billions of years from now, and you "corrected" him saying that the sun could explode at any moment which is oh so wrong. We know how old the earth is because of uranium half lives. Most likely the earth formed from the sun so they are relatively the same age. We have billions of years to go


    Oh and you know about this because you read it on some little Wikipedia article or perhaps a "science" website, even better: a google search! How remarkable!




    Well I, I spent some hours at my college's library reading about this. Reading about stars, how the Earth was formed, and the Sun.

  5. Hmm just something random. If your 12 miles offshore (lets say California), then you are in international waters. US law doesn't apply. Something good to know, eh?




    International law applies though so it's not like you can start knocking people off when you go on a cruise.


    Hmm not exactly. Depends where the cruise first left from and to who it belongs. So for example, if it left from some US city and the company who owns the ship operates in America then anything that happens on the ship while its in international waters, US law applies and not international but if the cruises go to, say, Costa Rica, then when the passengers touch their land, the costa rican law applies while on Costa Rican land but what happens in/on the ship is US law...




    Nomad: No lol ;)

  6. Ya? Wasn't the world supposed to end in 2000 as well? It appears as if it's supposed to end whenever it feels like it.




    The polar shift? Hmm. Ya, from what I learned the polar shift isn't supposed to happen for a LONG time. If this is the cause, it won't cause the end of the world, but it will cause a global crisis in terms of machinery shutting down, and then we'll have to rebuild machines/electronics that fit with the opposite pole. That won't take two minutes to do, but we'll just have to live without technology I suppose...THAT I can see causing the end, though lol.




    Nostradamus said it was going to end, the Mayans said so...But who cares? This world will go when the sun shines no more. Thats billions of years from now, some I'm not going to worry.


    No. Very wrong. Go read some books you ignorant punk. The sun is a star, all stars have some life expectancy, it is unknown how long. For what we know the Earth has existed for 3-5 billion years and the sun for ~4 billion years. We do know that when stars "explode" they are very much shiny and many of them are shine much more than the Sun does. For all we, humans, know the Sun could explode at any moment. How do I back this up? Science books.

  7. I was walking down a street from work at around 2 am once and a group of people (4 or 5 of them) in hoods demanded all my personal possessions, armed with knives. For a situation like this, I always carried a retractable 12 inch short sword (which I'm capable of using with skill and precision) and I instinctively pulled it out. We had a struggle in which I recall successfully disarming 2 of them before I was stabbed right below where my heart was. All I remember then was my blood pouring out onto the street and them running away. I was more in shock than pain and I remembered all my memories flashing at once, I then blacked out and found myself in the hospital with a searing pain in my chest cavity. Scary moment :|


    You watch too much anime. Sorry, I don't believe you. For one, you just can't carry it around all the time. If the police were to stop you, you would be screwed. If it is an "exotic weapon" (and not just a knife), you might need some type paper (like those with gun ownership).

  8. Britain will never extradite if there is a threat of death or harm at the other end.... a fair policy I feel


    Oh, thats cool. What about England? Is it the same case :)?




    Although England and Scotland now have separate governments, we are fundamentally the same, generally what happens in england happens all over. (so yes :D )


    oh :ohnoes:




    http://www.panamalaw.org/guide_to_extradition.html << reading it all atm :)

  9. The best country, I would say, to run to is Cuba. Though getting there is pretty difficult and living ther eis even harder. Since it is a complete communism and it is totally cut-off from the rest of the world (it's also stuck in the 1950s), any attempts from the countries you're wanted will be ignored or denied. Especially if it is from the U.S.

  10. I have been wondering about this for a while. Information about international extradition laws and national extraditions laws on the web has proven difficult to find.




    I know that there are some countries that do not allow extradition for any reason - whether the person be a citizen or resident of the country. I also know that there are few countries that do allow extradition of a wanted man except in the cases where that person may have the death sentence upon them (or it has been already decided). I want to know which countries is what. I know Mexico is not a good country to flee to if you're wanted but Panama is - extradition is not allowed AT ALL there.




    Ok so this topic is about two things: discussing extradition laws (national [of each country and what their policy is] and international) and listing which countries allow/disallow what.




    1. Which countries DO allow extradition under the condition that the penalty/sentence is NOT death penalty?


    2. Which countries DO allow extradition only if the conditions the person would be treated under is within human rights and a fair trial plus no death penalty?


    3. Which countries DO NOT allow extradition of a resident or citizen under any circumstances?




    Back your answer up, please. Wikipedia is not a reliable source as anyone can edit-in something that reads like its true but it's totally made up.








    [hide=What I have come up with so far]Questions & countries:




    1. Mexico


    2. Most European countries (a more specific list would be better): Britain


    3. Panama, I think. I have only heard from other people, haven't seen/read any real proof.[/hide]

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