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Posts posted by Tidus2555

  1. Well after about A YEAR i'm back. I completed my goals completely forgetting about this thread, because i'm really that absent minded.


    Anyway, I had a load of goals and got them, so now this is my "everything else" blog. I'm going for skilling! Come drop by this new skilling clan if you want (I'll link to it in my sig once it's up and running

  2. You might want to update those levels things near the bottom of your blog, the last one you took was near the start of September (unless my memory is so bad I can't remember a date after 10 seconds :o )








    Mini-party was called off, I got impatient sorry :o I has my helm now though, so i'm happy :D








    Yes, you may have a picture, would you care to specify any particular armour/clothing, or do I get free reign on what I wear in it?








    If I do get free reign, I might have to ask someone where they get those really small pink shorts! ;)

  3. 814 xp in slayer today, haha.








    Anyway, forgot to write down full number of dagannoths I had so lets stick it at 140 (ish) :D








    Task finished with 473 xp to 81 :wall: So dusties get the honour of being my level'ers ;)








    Also 2 more tasks for 40 in a row and Slayer Helm!








    Might hold a mini-party if I get a decent task to gain the points after :lol:

  4. You might want to add the Fighter Helmet from Barbarian Assault to the helmet section, it gives +5 to stab/slash/crush attacks. Good for those people out there who haven't done the quest for Dwarven helm (like me).




    You might want to update your pros and cons sections, it still has SGS as ~100m and Zamarokian Spear as "Cheaper than whip"




    Other than that nice guide, although one of my friends (135 combat) Says a D mace works pretty well if you have them as a slayer task.

  5. Yes well that's all well and good but really, the way everyone is clamouring over Ice Giants is a bit pathetic. How many people have read that guide do you reckon? Over 100? Over 200? Name an amount of people that you think have read the guide and now train on Ice Giants.




    Now, that's x amount of people to contend with over the giants, if everyone does that then seriously, they're going to dwindle as a decent source of xp.

  6. Thank you Llamster and weiyaooli for saving me the hassle of typing all that myself. :thumbup:




    Sad thing is about them, they do sometimes drop cosmics, i'd rate it at about 1:10 chance of having some. Unfortunately it's not many (not far into double digits if it gets out of single). Moss Giants really do need lobsters though, to out-last people that are already there -




    You mention that you use lobsters as training food. They're horribly expensive




    'Nuff said?

  7. Well I'm back, I've had to take a break but nevermind that now, i'm back :) I bought myself a bgs last night, it only dropped 51k that day so I took a chance. It went up 675k today :D So now i'm down on cash, but I haven't sold my whip so I might not keep my godsword for too much longer.




    In light of my lower amounts of cash, i'm not going to bother stock-piling all my drops now cause I need the money for supplies :roll: So I'll total each task in the cash section after alching or selling it all

  8. 4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.




    That's just taking it the wrong way really. Crowd Control isn't about crowds, it's about control, correct? No, it IS NOT. Both Gun Control and Crowd Control are about controlling Guns, and controlling Crowds respectively. You can't even argue that as a valid point really ...




    Simply put, things NEED to be controlled. If you parents let you go around spitting in peoples faces, you'd end up getting lynched if you happened to spit on anyone in a group of people that don't like being spat on ... Control isn't just for controls sake, it's for sanity and to uphold the morals that people believe in.

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