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Posts posted by Yup

  1. 85 mining now :) Mining r00n r0x right now :D






    haha man you've inspired me i think i'll do that now too :) how do u deal with the waterskins? just keep cutting cactuses, or..


    Carry a bowl and run to the nearest water source in that city to the east and fill it up every 3 hours. No biggie.




    pretty sweet. I wish I had that much free time :?




    anyways... 7/10 only because everyone gets 85 these days. get 86 and you'll see a 10k rank jump at least.


    Haha theres my problem. I had only 1 week of free time. The U.S. Army is shipping me off today (in 2 hours I leave). So thats why I made it a 1 week goal so when I get back I can have fun rune mining :D

  2. Have fun with firemaking, I know 62 was a [bleep]... :roll:








    New siggy :ohnoes:




    Do you like the old one more? D:




    nice nice...i prob wont get 92 till late june or something. no biggie. ill see you there




    Good luck as always, just remember not to scream/moan when I violate you hard. :)




    Anyway, did some mining yesterday at good ol' Varrock East, I'm going to try and make this a daily log to 99.




    School is winding down, we have Wednesday through Friday left, and I have my entrance exams for Dual Credit (college/high school credit hours) coming up, and my finals the first few days of June. But I'm already turning in textbooks and all that good stuff, seems strange, feels like yesterday I was aimlessly wandering the halls on my first day of high school. My parents decided I get to stay with my dad for the 1st 6 wks of the summer, and my mom for the rest of it. :? My dad is renting a beach house on Galveston, but I don't think I can stay, because their divorce decree says we (my sis and I) can't stay with a parent and a member of the opposite sex between 8pm-10am... nice going :P.




    I'm also going to try and get back into the wonderful world of Boy Scouts. I became less active last august, as I got cheated out of a First Aid merit badge, even though I'm Red Cross certified in... Babysitting, Lifeguarding, CPR, AED, Wilderness Survival, and First Aid... they still won't sign a blue slip of paper saying I can have a patch for BSA.




    I have 6 merit badges 'til Eagle Rank, so hopefully y'all will help me out and give me encouragement along this long lonely trail.








    What about Emergency Oxygen? I needed that to work as a Lifeguard. But meh this is South Florida, we got tons of foreigners coming here just to drown lol.


    Anyways, yeah good luck on your duel enrollment exams, I always found college a lot easier then high school, at least in duel enrollment. Good luck at becoming an Eagle Scout, its something you won't regret once you get. Also good luck on mining, I'm mining myself.

  3. isn't your old account "A"? goodluck with your blog!! \'


    Yes it is :) He is currently banned with 11.2 blackmarks. I'm praying he'll get unbanned one day, somehow 'X' got unbanned >.> I'm sure I can, hes banned for rule 1.


    hah thats weird 'cause I saw you post on Ashley's blue partyhat thread which I was looking at for some reason and saw you say that yesterday. anyway I bet you can just appeal again or something. :mrgreen:


    Hah I hope somehow I can appeal again, I wish there was a way.

  4. im thinking of cancelling membership lol selling my 3rd getting phat set back, and retiring for good I have the worst headache from just an hour of killing dust devils :wall: saved 32 crimsons dont know if I want to do this for 100 more hours


    Ever think you grew out of rs? It happens to the best of us.. Seriously.. Look at Zezima. Your just trying to get the satisfaction that you used to get in rs, which is why you are semi-retired.

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