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Posts posted by AlexRose

  1. You're pretty much limited to the Primal Battle-axe until you get your third bind (and even then, it's really only marginally useful if you're keying), at which point a primal rapier is a viable tertiary bind. Actually, if you don't have your hood yet, it might be worth toying with a secondary melee weapon rather than a plate.

  2. am I allowed to join sweepers with my combat stats?

    Depends, and it would be helpful if you said what they were or posted a picture. I don't think may people here want to open the high scores and look you up manually.


    Honestly, we don't care THAT much about stats. However, if you try to go with one of our pro teams and you are <120 combat, chances are you won't get great exp because you will die frequently.


    Well, you'll have roughly the same defense if you're all wearing hoods, so the only defensive disadvantage you'll be at is less prayer before the altar and a little less hitpoints, perhaps no SS either. You'll have those situations where you'll be wishing you had 10 more prayer or 100 more hp, but if you pay attention and execute a little common sense (i.e not going into boss rooms alone/lagging) you should be alright.

  3. I have not done it the c1-c2 method, but I do not think that will earn 100k fish xp/hr. While you are fishing your fish xp rate will be above 100k/hr, but since you are not constantly fishing the overall xp/hr will be lower.


    xpx already ran some tests, it's 100-120k Fishing exp an hour. The rate of experience while fishing is upwards of 200k+.

  4. As cynical as I normally am about Jagex's ability to create updates that improve the game, I never have to force the cynicism. But I have to ask: has there actually been an update that Lep hasn't ranted about to the point where he implies Jagex punts newborn puppies down the sidewalk as they stroll to the ATM machine to cash in your stolen wallet and credit cards? What aspect of this game do you enjoy, or at least tolerate, Lep?

  5. The amount of obvious /b/tards on these forums is like, unsettling. Glad I stopped going there, elsewise I would spew constant overused memes like a fountain does water.




    I've always assumed the 4chan browsers here used the slightly milder boards like /v/ or /tg/. That, or people on /b/ can control themselves better than I thought they could. I still cringe at most overused memes though.





    Had a guy beg for his money back after he lost it all. I think he lost about 116M total. He told me was quitting after that and logged out.


    I don't understand people...


    Why would you take your bank and go risk it like that?


    I can't speak for him, but personally, the thrill of transferring huge amounts of money on each bet is far more satisfying than spending/investing cautiously with sound decision making so I can.... spend/invest cautiously with sound decision making. I've lost approximately 25 million both hosting and betting (guess where I lost most of my money) and really have enjoyed it more than, say, clicking potions for a few hours.


    (Although if you ever feel guilty about him, yet can't find where he is, I would be more than happy to hold on to his assets until such a time when he reclaims it).


    Thats incorrect. If the floor is a lower floor than what you have open (ie. you have 45-47 open, but do 44 three times) then you get the experience for the floor you're doing, but the open floor gets checked. (you'd get floor 44 base experience 3 times)


    But it doesn't work the other way. If you do 47 three times and have 44-46 open you'd get 44,45 then 46 base experience even though you're doing floor 47.



    Alright, that makes more sense. It'll be a little annoying when people pick higher floors than you need for the "base", but it's not a huge deal compared to the benefits.





    go figure it out


    You're the designated efficiency freak, you figure it out!


    and i don't have very high mining or fishing *grumble* *grumble*

  7. Ore mining is now 3 game ticks per attempt (be it crushed ore or successful)

    that puts prom ore mining at about 150k mining xp/hour whilst mining a rock, in solos.


    fishing xp has also been increased so cave moray fishing is well over 200k fishing xp/hour for a fishing spot now.


    What's the frequency of these spots (or in other words, what's the practical xp/hour)?



    Also, what determines the floor used for the dungeon, and how does that affect boss selection? Could a party just select 36 for each Occult Floor and only face bosses on F36? Or is it based on what floor the leader is "on"?

  8. Doubling money is a trust trade, which is against the rules. I report it every time I see it, and so should everyone.


    so's dicing though, as well as lending money to a friend. [bleep] that. you should be allowed to trust trade, but doubling has no advantage whatsoever for the doubler so it's not even a trust trade it's just a dumb as fook trade.


    Somewhat off tangent, but I'd like to note that while Dicing and Flowering are trust trades, there's far less incentive to betray the trust of a customer, because the dealer wins (in the long run) either way. With Doublers, they have to scam to make a profit.

  9. I was really bored today, so I decided to go host dice game again. I quickly went up to 25m from 10m, peaking at around 56m with a new highest bet of 14m (epic stuff :D). But the same crap happened again.


    Hah hah hah, I think that was me! I got from 26 million from 16 million out of sheer boredom (I kept winning against some guy, it was incredible) then lost 20 million to a 3. Got 9 million back, then just basically just thought "all or nothing" and placed it on you... and lost. I'm now dead broke (well, 1 million in reserves), so enjoy that 14 million. :P I think another large customer base is "well aware of the risks, but frankly just does not give a damn about his money".


    Anyway, I've seen a quite few PMods hosting this game, which implies that Jagex's stance on this is at worst passive disapproval. I also find it odd that you've only been muted by Player Moderators, whereas the only rule you could really be breaking is scamming (which entails at least a temporary ban at this point). Were there any Player Moderators hosting when you were muted either times?


    EDIT: Don't rock-paper-scissors with Donkey Kong. He's beast at it.

  10. The profit of the dice game comes largely from obscuring the odds. Most players are simply stupid enough that it doesn't really occur to them to do math and find whether they'll win or lose money on average. They just see that they might double OR triple their money and that's all they need to hear.


    Putting it into a middle man situation like that does a very poor job of obscuring the odds. Anyone can look at that and go, hey, why the hell should we pay that guy 10% when we could just bet against each other directly and win more?


    Additionally, you have to find TWO suckers instead of one, and you have to do more trades.


    @Helm_Larder... wat?



    Anyone can also do trivial arithmetic with the dice game, yet that 40% chance of winning big is damn tempting. I think you underestimate the ability for a host to obscure the odds; a host is not going to advertise "Your expected loss from this venture will come out to 10% in the long run, have fun!". Customers may be more attracted to superficial statistics of the game, such as a 50% chance to win rather than 40% (even though less is gained with each win). It sounds quite silly when stated, but the "feel" of the game is more fair than the dice game (and indeed is, at a 90% expected loss rather than 80%).


    The whole point of the middle man is a fair medium of exchange to gamble with; what's to prevent me from withholding my money if I lose a big round with a partner? With a trusted middle man taking a small portion (and believe me, people tend to marginalize small numbers) from each of our piles, we can now gamble in confidence.


    If nothing else, the idea is unique and will stand out from the clamors of "60x2", and the income is more guaranteed and constant. I'd like to test this with someone sometime.

  11. im having a bit of trouble making money on this? can anyone give me some tips. my rates are 60x2 95x3 100x4. did about 200 bets today, lowest at 50k biggest at 5m. ended up 1m down. would have been 1m but paid the jwrong person 2m!!


    but shud i just remove the 100x completely, or the 3x?? also when should i start raising the min. like at the moment the mins 150k, like i get regular 1m tho.. serious respect to the original poster! was he like one of the founders of this game? im well interested in how someone realized these kind of game can be done in rs. its like a massive fully player made feature now!


    but yeah advise would be great! :thumbsup:

    and if anyone wants to bet me 1-10m im by a tree north eastish from the bank w1.


    Well first , your theoretical gain is 14%, as opposed to the standard 20% of 60 x2ing; you could make almost 50% more if you did 60 x2. But either payout, just keep playing. The casino will always win in the long run; any big loss will almost certainly be compensated by a big gain at some point.


    To the veterans: What would you suggest outfit wise? I've been using a Chaotic Rapier with a "fencing" outfit that looks pretty nice (and is mildly expensive); should I be more focused on putting more expensive armour on, or should I keep a more asthetic look?

  12. I'm glad to see someone is addressing this problem. Dungeoneering parties have become almost painfully one-dimensional in their selection, now that people have experimented with each weapon choice.


    While I do like most of the effects on the Melee weapons, I've always preferred a more minimalistic approach to balancing (i.e changing stats rather than adding effects/special abilities) solely because Jagex is far more likely to implement a change if it only requires manipulations of numbers. I personally think the main problem with the other melee weapons is that their benefits (and weaknesses), over the standard 2h/battleaxe aren't empathized enough. You address through special effects and abilities, but I think a readjustments of stats could produce the desired effect (with a lot less effort from Jagex).


    For example, the Rapier is suppose to have very high DPS against weaker monsters while failing somewhat against tougher creatures. However, the baseline DPS is only 15% above the 2hs, which is suppose to be a somewhat slow, heavy hitting weapon, and rapidly falls off against the tougher monsters. Instead of making the rapier better against tougher creatures, and effectively blending the roles of the two weapons together, my suggestion would be to make the extremes, well, extreme. Something like a 35% advantage on baseline damage over the 2h, yet become even more inaccurate against tougher creatures (although in the case of the rapier, the baseline for "tougher creatures" might need to be raised somewhat). Not that your ability suggestions couldn't be implemented regardless (the extra attack effect would complement this rapier design very well), but I feel more comformable with "normal" strengths and weaknesses.


    I would be interested to see your suggestions for Summoning Familiars. Currently, only one is used with any frequency, and even then only for the special effect. I personally feel they should be powerful enough to be considered as a bind--with Jagex allowing the binding of Summoning Pouches, of course (and possible T11 versions for 99 Summoners?). The more options for binds, the more dynamic Dungeoneering becomes.

  13. The "hurr ignore this" was because it was a double post. :P Sorry about that.

    The inquisitive side of me, would like to ask, whether you may divulge, the reason for the change in our lovely home... cc?


    In a nutshell, Low_C owned the cc account and it was a pain having to ask him to fiddle with it all the time, as he's quit Runescape. Much easier now that the account belongs to me.


    Huh, I always thought you had control of the CC account. That's.... rather interesting.


    I'm presuming the banlist from the previous CC will be carrying over to this one?

  14. I haven't counted how many revenants I killed but so far I've gotten an ancient statuette, corrupt dragon scimitar, and corrupt dragon square.


    Jagex really messed up by making the area multicombat. This is an area clearly intended to attract people not interested in pvp and even now clans still rush in even in off peak times to cause greif to monster hunters.


    Well, the PvP component is a risk to counterbalance the potential rewards; how crowded do you think the dungeon would be if it was in a safe area? I think single combat would make it a fair bit too easy to survive. I would prefer increasing the rewards (and not necessarily more PvP drops, but a sharp increase in more normal drops would be very nice) rather than downplaying the risk.




    I haven't tried the forinthry bracelet in there but based on the description i probably won't find it very usefull (1 minute of no rev damage and 1 hour of non aggressiveness). With my setup it is very unlikely for revs to use anything but magic and any damage they do i can heal up with bunyip, flashing soul split and turmoil, and if necessary EEE. Perhaps if the forinthry bracelet allowed you to bypass teleblock while inside the forinthry dungeon I would find it usefull.



    It's nice having only to deal with one reverent at a time, even if the lower leveled ones will rarely hit you. They're not exactly expensive (1k a charge) or anything.

  15. I've killed around 500 reverents in full-risk gear (Full void, defender, rapier, etc.) and received 10 or so PvP drops. The minor (500k-) drops easily covered general expenses, and a single 5 million+ drop more than compensates for the trouble. Pretty much everything sold for 200% or more of the Grand Exchange price (I personally sold 35 Morrigan's Javelins for 12 million, when the G.E offered price was 3.5 million). It's very, very good money if you're careful and remain vigilant.



    I've heard Jennica's ring increases the chance of getting a drop, just what I've have heard, every time I go to try I get piled by a team


    From my personal experience, I think Jennica's Ring increases the chances of "normal" drops (Dragon Scimitars, Rune Longs, Glory Amulets, etc.). I received 1 of these drops before using the ring (about 200 kills), and 3-4 after using it. I didn't notice any increase in PvP drops, but that's obviously not statisically conclusive.


    Just some random notes/observations.




    Haven't really noticed a trend with higher level revs dropping more frequently. My drop spread was pretty consistent level-wise. I have, however, received a good portion of my "normal" drops from the Dragon and Dark Beast.


    Salve (e) is amazing. Even if 3 iteming, there's no reason not to use one; they can be mass produced using the drop trick at the Haunted mine. Still bring a glory.


    The walls block range and magic attacks, which can buy more than enough time to put on your glory and tele. Try to position yourself behind walls whenever possible.


    Fornithy Brace is a must. Very useful if you need to heal up while fighting a rev (and HP should be above 700 at all times) Bring two if you want to kill the Rev Dragon/Knight/Dark Beast. One charge is almost always enough to bring down one.


    Clans/Rushers generally come in from the west entrance. The East side also has better access to escape routes, better wall positioning, and better log out sites. For this reason, I prefer killing on the East Side. However, the West side has more Reverents, which tend to be lower leveled than the ones on the east side. Matter of personal choice.


    Void with Mage Protect makes Teleblock splash a lot, though no one seems to use Teleblock anyway. Black D-Hide would work even better.


    Reverents use a special magic attack against Familiars, where they charge up for a few seconds then use many (4-6?) magic attacks against the familiar. Familiars can actually die this way on longer trips.


    Reverents seem to prefer Magic attacks over other styles.


    Rocktails+Brews heal ~350 health a turn. I like to bring 2 brews and 4 rocktails for Pkers.


    It's pretty much never worth facing a PKer. Those that you can kill (1-iteming DDS rushers) don't drop much and can still kill you if they get lucky, and you probably will not be able to win against a better prepared pker.


    At 88-88-81 Melee, in Full void/risk, with a Tort, and with no disruptions from PKers, I can generally kill about 50 reverents a trip on the East Side. I average about a PvP drop a full trip.





    *shurg* Hope that was useful to someone.

  16. I really need to find some time to DG to pone n00bs with dat rushing, and to bring some multiculturalism to the american skype gangbang


    I like how the word "multiculturalism" is hilariously out of tone with the rest of that sentence.




    I've actually heard a lot of negative things about the Blood Necklace. In the few hours you've had it Obt, how do you feel about it so far as opposed to a platebody?

  17. Because someone on the internet has an opinion that is different from ours. We sure in hell can't have that, damn it.


    On an off-tangent, I've been practicing the usage of two accounts at once when Dungeoneering. It's completely and utterly useless except for c1s, seeing that I only have one account with an actual dungeoneering level (not to mention it breaks Jagex's rules), but it makes c1s a lot less tedious and rote.

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