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Posts posted by Dereksmith3

  1. my fave was the 2nd one, The first was old news to me, and im not into the stories, I have to agree that my character is like its own person, my name isn't "Derek Smith" at all, (the truth had to come out, so there)


    although its still has a three, the way it sounds like a name is good, even if people ask if they know me, its good


    Derek because I used to think it was a cool name, (i forget why)


    and Smith cause its a common name here(four pages of the phonebook are smiths)


    as for the first article, i find that the community is a big part of runescape, especially with friends i know IRL, we always talk about it

  2. 1). i guess id like an agility skill cape (ill be one of the few people in the world that saves up to buy a skill cape, as I only have 10k right now, and that will most likely go into food)


    2). i also hope to make my combat level ranged based.


    note: as of Jan. 1st my agility is 67, i haven't done monkey madness, and my ranged is 63, needing 75.


    3). I'd also like to be better than all of my best friends at any new skills.and not miss any holiday events (i missed Halloween 2008)




    (this is in order of priority)

  3. a few times runescape has, probably been useful in real life:


    - one of my best friends in rs lives in malaysia, half the world away from me, and thanks to him, i easily passed a school assignment about malaysia


    - runescape has also reminded me not to be too serious. I remember 1 day my friend told me that construction was the worst skill in runescape because it doesnt make any money, I reminded him that house parties are fun, runescape IS a game after all. #-o

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