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Posts posted by Reded

  1. I always thought the thing that made Rock Lobsters even remotely worth it for charms was the fact that you're killing 9 of them at once. Wouldn't Dharoking them take that advantage away...?


    I'd go back to Waterfiends if I were you! Unless you fancy Barraging :D

  2. Range and cannon them in Taverly if you really want to get the task done... Will get the task done VERY Fast considering when you safe-spot them your cannon will hit plenty of other hounds as well :)




    Bit expensive, but considering how much faster the task gets done, I'd say it's worth it, although I blocked Hellhounds long ago :D

  3. Well, I've had 88+ Summoning for quite a while, and used the skill as much as possible during my bash to 99 Slayer :P




    I have to say, for most tasks that I didn't use a combat beast, I used Bunyips. Yes, it's true that Unicorns heal a lot more per hour, and yes it's true that their healing is much more controllable and yes they do last longer... But, and I don't know if I'm the only nerd to have noticed this, but when I use Summoning Scrolls a decent amount, it slows down my weapon Special Attack Bar refilling rate. So if I can get away with only using Bunyips on a task, I will, purely so I can have more DDS Specials :D




    There are only three tasks I can think of off the top of my head that I chose Unicorns for over Bunyips. These are Skeletal Wyverns, Mithril Dragons and Waterfiends. I think the first two are obvious if you've ever tried them, and Waterfiends... I dunno, their hits are a bit too erratic for me to trust Bunyip's very stable, constant healing to. I hardly ever did Wyvern tasks before I got Unicorns, but now I always do them and I'm glad of it :D




    For other things besides Slayer... I don't really have an opinion, as I always use a Titan or a Yak for bosses and PvP :P

  4. If they're a real-life partner and you are a 'genuine couple' it's fine. Even if you actually met online, and have gained each other's love and trust... Sure why not. But if you've got a girl-character in front of you doing some dodgy bending-over emote while you cheer, that's when it gets taken too far :P But a real-life girlfriend who just HAPPENS To also play RuneScape and you ask her to join you for RuneScape activities, that's fine :P

  5. The only G.E ability I think the whole map needs (In my opinion) Is Set-Boxing. I'm not massively fussed if I can't put the items IN Boxes. But OH MY GOD! Is it annoying when I put an offer in to be left overnight for a set (Say, a Barrows set), go to a faraway place to have some fun with some friends, wake up the next day to find I've got a new Barrows set but have to trek back to the G.E Just to unpack it :(




    In short, make G.E Set-Boxes openable! Or at least openable by all bankers... Proselyte box-sets (The ones you buy off ol' Tiffy) Are openable by a simple click. Why not the rest?

  6. Low cost doesnt equal efficiency :) This method gives 140K + Magic XP An hour (Yes, I have managed this and I wasn't even trying to get the fastest XP Possible :P) That is faster XP Than ice barraging (Again, yes I've tested) So I'd say String Amulet is indeed pretty efficient. The only downside is that unstrung jewellry isn't easy to get hold of in huge numbers :(

  7. Good to know the scariest thing you lost is the keychain!




    You'll have to trek back to Shillo Village and speak to the antiques dealer. I think he charges a few K for it back and you'll have to re-add your keys :|

  8. I play on my other Account just for a break. Being maxed melees is so boring. I can kill monsters all day long and I know I'll never have 99 strength to aim for, I'm never going to look forward to getting that last few XP in Slayer before I can kill Abyssal Demons.




    I also play that account in a totally different way to how I play my main. My main is strictly anti-PKer (I've made various posts and rants on the RuneScape forums in my time that many PKers took genuine offence to :P) Yet on my other account, I'm training it to PK successfully, something I never managed to do on my main.




    I also sometimes just randomly make new accounts purely for a bit of a challenge, like getting 60 strength without any attack levels, getting 40 defence without any offensive skill.




    But at the end of the day I always find myself logging back into Acou just so I can kill a few more Waterfiends to get me closer to my all-time goal of 99 Summoning :)





    However, from the tests I've done (And I did quite alot of them) I have to say AGS Hits better than Claws vs. people with high defence and Barrows armour.


    That's simply not true. D claws are far more accurate then AGS; AGS misses around 60% of the time on a tank, d claws less then 20.




    Well it seemed true for me, maybe I was just incredibly unlucky with my Claws and incredibly lucky with my AGS, but of course people will see a few YouTube videos of someone hitting 120 with a Dragon Claws special and assume it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

  10. I'd most probably ask a friend to be kind enough to lend me a rune axe for a few days, and chop some trees down.




    I'd use that money, to buy a Dragon Scimitar and a Rune set, and a few bunyip pouches, and head to Abyssal Demons and get some drops :)




    So I guess slowly recovering is what I'm trying to hint at here :P








    Or I'd take it as a hint to quit my Main and concentrate on a noob for a while (Starting again :P)

  11. Hey all :)




    I think my title speaks for itself, but I'll elaborate.




    Recently, I took members off my main for a while, I'm waiting until I get a new computer. In the meantime I've managed to recover the password of a long-lost account that is older than the main, and I've been playing on that in freeplay worlds, mostly because I didn't do any 'careful planning' such as leaving a bank-slot with things in it that I could collect during my time in freeplay (Such as logs and ores :P)




    So, I'm having a bit of fun with this account, and I sort of want to turn it into a PKer, as my main-stats have always been far too evened out to PK very well. It's too late to turn the noob into a 1-def hybrid (I did DragonSlayer :P) So I looked around, and found the two options for 'PKers with defence' seem to be either a ranger, or a Zerker. I've looked into it pretty intensely and I COULD Turn it into a fully-functioning Zerker-PKer and land on 45 defence nicely after the huge amount of questing.




    Now, the two are both very good choices of PvPer, from what I've picked up, and both seem like lots of fun to train. I'm an avid quester, and I'd absolutely love to do the boss of Recipe For Disaster again, which I believe is a must for a successful Zerker. However, I love to range just as much as I do melee, so the ranger is a good choice in that department.




    So what do you all think? Zerker or Ranger? What shall I do with my newly-discovered account? :)




    Thanks for any posts!

  12. It entirely depends on your opponents. If you're mostly killing people with 1-45 defence and wearing nothing better than Rune, I'd get Claws.




    However, from the tests I've done (And I did quite alot of them) I have to say AGS Hits better than Claws vs. people with high defence and Barrows armour.




    So I guess if you're killing high level Dharok/Torag-wearers, get an AGS. If you're killing anyone else, get Claws. of course wait a while until they stop dropping though :)




    The fact that AGS Isn't normally considered a 'PJing' Weapon is a fair point aswell though. If you walk around wearing Dragon Claws everyone will pile you, thinking you're only there to PJ people. But if they're staying in your inventory until the crucial moment, then I guess that doesn't matter :)

  13. I'm back after a few days' absence :)




    All great suggestions guys, thanks alot!




    I have to say, I'm REALLY Not interested in Wireless ones, unless they charge up easier than having to hunt down batteries :)




    And yeah, £1000 is a bit too much for a keyboard. Thanks for all replies though!








    Doesn't the newegg website deliver to the UK? :| That's never good!

  14. Well I trained all my melee skills with Slayer (At least for the biggest part of them :P) And I don't regret a second of it.




    To say that Slayer is 50k xp an hour is a bit unfair. And to say it's bad for ranged is also a bit unfair.




    To train Slayer efficiently (And to train your combats efficiently with Slayer) You're not supposed to 'choose to train with ranged' Or 'Choose to train strength for a bit' You're supposed to keep your Whip on controlled for the entire duration, and only range tasks that are... Well, good to range :P




    Black demons are an EASY 100K Ranged XP An hour if you choose to Range/Cannon them at Taverly. Fire giants aren't as fast but the same method in the Waterfall ensures fast XP In both Slayer and Ranged.




    If you use a Black Mask on Melee tasks (Which is the majority of them) You're going to get an easy 80k XP An hour. Again probably not quite as much (50k an hour is the absolute minimum) When your task is something like Iron Dragons. But even these aren't a particularly slow task with Piety.




    So I fail to see how Slayer is only 50k combat xp an hour, when even on the slowest tasks I ever do (Iron Dragons) I get AT LEAST 50k xp in my melees an hour. Yes I do Mith Dragons too but those tasks are short enough that I don't really mind the slow xp they give. If anything I see them as a fun diversion from Slayer when I get bored.




    So to say that 'Slayer Sucks' Just because you can get faster XP Somewhere else is nothing but pointless. I'd much rather have the variety of Slayer, and I really don't mind clicking much more often on a task. Camping at an aggressive monster with protect prayers on is quite simply too boring for me. I maxed my combat with Slayer and it didn't take THAT Long. And I got plenty of cash along the way.




    Plus Slayer got me to 96 Summoning, without any of the horrific boredom of camping Rock Lobsters and Waterfiends (Although I did do tasks of these, it's not as though I got them often :P) And I only really started Summoning when they released batch 2. I don't see any of your 'fast melee methods' Allowing me to gather so many charms without putting out millions of GP An hour.

  15. Like I said I've had this Laptop for about 3 years and I don't have a Desktop, so really the Lappy is all I use :D




    At School and College we used Desktops more but I didn't use them much... So yeah, I guess it's grown on me! I seem to type quite a bit faster on a Laptop than I do on a Desktop keyboard with it's super-high keys :P




    And I've looked at Logitech, there seems to be quite a lot of choices. I'll see if there's any 'laptop-feel' ones :D

  16. Hey all :D




    After around three years I've finally decided to scrap my old not-so-faithful Laptop and replace it with a new Desktop that, for the first time in my household, should be able to open more than one application without setting on fire! An exciting prospect I'm sure you'll agree.




    But one thing I've grown very fond of about my laptop is the keyboard. I REALLY Like the feel of the keys! And the little mouse touch-pad thing at the bottom, while it doesn't completely replace my mouse is quite useful...


    So I'm just wondering, are there any keyboards out there that are as soft and nice to type on as my laptop one, that aren't attached to a laptop? My friend told me to find out about 'zero force' Keyboards, and that term does sound nice, but I've only found one that matches that description and it's... A bit out of my price range :thumbdown:




    I guess I really don't know what I'm looking for. A keyboard that's completely flat and requires nothing more than a light tap from my fingers sounds great, but I'll settle for anything that's as soft as a laptop keyboard :) If anyone could give me any advice on keyboards that match either of those then I'll be very grateful!




    Thanks for any replies :D








    Just so you all know, I'm in the UK So sites that don't deliver there aren't too good!




    I'm also not a fan of wireless, but if there's something SERIOUSLY Cool that only comes in Wireless I'll take a look :P

  17. I think this is the first guide that's ever really helped me with this! Much thanks! :thumbsup:




    Most other guides on this I've read have simply made no sense (Doesn't help that I've never even seen a rock lobster I guess)




    I think you've persuaded me to give bursting a go for my charms... I want my 99 as fast as possible :D

  18. It definately works out faster...




    Think about it, if you use controlled you're effectively training all 3 melees with a whip, THE Best weapon for melee training, bar none (Except against Waterfiends :P)




    If you train them all seperately, you basically have to train attack and defence with a whip, and strength with, at best, a Saradomin Sword, which as much as the stats and the speed and the everything else people notice straight away, is actually slower melee training than a Whip.




    So what I'm trying to say here is... Three melees at max speed, or two at max speed with one at slightly reduced speed? :)








    Reading through the thread more, it's become obvious that it REALLY Depends what you're training on. I trained my melees through Slayer mostly, and let me tell you using a Dragon Scimitar vs. monsters that you need a shield on (Dragons, Wyverns) Is NOT A nice experience :|




    But if you're going to be camping at, for example, Yaks, with their low defence and low hits, you might benefit more from training strength/attack first, so your defence XP Would shoot up much faster thanks to your much better hits.




    If I had to max combat again I'd do it with Controlled, purely for the fact that I wouldn't even think about training it outside of Slayer, and Dragons and Wyverns aren't cool with a Scimitar :)

  19. I'd choose SGS Out of the 4, it's definately the most useful that I've used (And I've used all 4 a fair bit) HOWEVER! I Found the special to be far too unreliable for Slayer (Which is what most people seem to think it's 'best' for...) And too slow to train with.




    Basically, I'd say SGS is nice to have, but I could (And do :P) Definately live without any Godswords at all.

  20. Well I started slayer at a fairly low combat (About 50, I couldn't even afford a Rune set :D) And although it'd be a lie to say I've trained everything since on Slayer, I really can't say I've used any other methods for very long.




    High levels seem to just train Slayer for 'Free Whips' and just end up camping Abyssal Demons to max their combats and try to make lots of profit from it... I always found this strange, as Demons never seem to drop whips for me :P




    So yeah, maybe the high levels you're seeing at all the spots are the sort that have been at Slayer since they were too, a lower combat level. Or maybe they're just bored of camping Dagganoths and want to try Abyssal Demons :P Who knows?

  21. I permanently blocked Warped Terrorbirds, Hellhounds, Steel Dragons and Black Dragons, so obviously I hate those 4 :D




    Kalphites are definately one of those tasks I get far too often :|




    I cannon them but I still find they're really slow unless you're in a world with 1900+ People, which of course are ALWAYS Taken up already :P

  22. Well one person is willingly disadvantaging themselves. it's not liek the person using the protection prayer is the only one who can(in most cases). So if one person adds a handicap to themselvs, should it not be common courtesy for the other person to do the same? Watching a fight with two people using melee protection prayer is long, and boring as hell.




    I just think that it makes sense to level the playing field. Also, smite won't completely drain their prayer before they die in most cases, and people don't turn prayer off because piety is awesome.




    I don't think it makes any sense whatsoever to 'level the playing field'... If someone willingly disadvantages themselves, I'm not going to do it just because they did? If you're in a PvP World, in the deep wilderness, skulled, full ahrim's and whip equipped... And someone comes to you, they happen to have the exact same stats as you, but they're wearing a Splitbark/Mystic combination, along with a Dragon Scimitar, are you going to run to the bank and pull on your Splitbark/Mystic, with Dragon Scimitar?




    NO. You're going to kill them, because you CAN. Thanks to your better gear and (Hopefully, judging by how much more you're willing to risk :P) Better PKing skill.




    That's what I think anyway... It's just like, for example, trying to get 99 strength at a lower combat than someone who's a similar sort of character to you (1-defence hybrid, zerker, barrows pure?). Would you allow your opponent to super-pot up, and you to only use a regular strength pot to make your stats roughly even? Something makes me doubt it...

  23. It's true that I made a LOT More friends as a 'noob' :P Now all I get when I'm training slayer is 'slay lvl?' or 'why u still train slayer past 99'... They don't seem to hate me, they just don't seem to want to be friendly, almost like a business partnership :P




    I try not to type in 1-word answers that are so typical of those people who are more concerned about killing Abyssal Demons than socialising, and I'll always try to help random people in a bank, I don't disrespect lower levels than myself, as long as they speak maturely and aren't just trying to annoy people or get free money :D




    What's been said about lower levels in expensive gear is definately true too. I always slay with the good old setup of Whip and Guthans, yet the guy 20 combats below me with a Godsword seems to get followed and gawped at by the low levels :P




    Of course a high-level familiar seems to earn you respect, despite the ongoing 'omg summons nubb ruins ur combat' thing that is STILL Going round the game...

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