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Posts posted by MyWorld77

  1. 2009 year updates- I think people take this game a bit too seriously sometimes. $6 is nothing for entertainment for a whole month, and I believe for that small amount of money the game is progressing just fine. Be happy that they even update stuff, or even try to make it better. Lol. That being said, I take every update with a grain of salt. Some updates make some happy, while making others mad. That's the good thing about RS. You can be a skiller, quester, pker, or combination of each. Keep doing the updates jagex.... eventually one will come out to please each and every one of us. :) -If not, atleast you are trying.-




    WOW- Let's be honest if we can. WOW is probably the best game out on the market currently. Period. Graphics, content, support, and popularity. I myself played for 6 months, and really enjoyed it. $15 a month doesn't seem too bad if you have a job. :) Problem is, you have to have a fairly decent computer (2g+ memory min.) to actually somewhat enjoy the graphics and fluidity of the game. Though to me, after trying every class and race, and skill... it gets extremely boring. Also, if you want to be a competent player, you basically have to play it hours on end constantly. (Enjoy sunlight much?)


    On the other hand, RS is a little slower paced, and to be honest, I rather enjoy the more laid back approach. Guess that's why after 3 years of playing, I still enjoy logging on.

  2. Haha, poll made me laugh. Summoning familiar poll didn't go over too well, eh?










    LOL I was thinking the same. :)




    I said Resource Gathering if anyone cared.




    I have mine on private friends, because Zezima keeps trying to PM me.

  3. Master_smither wrote:




    "The reason 26king boomed is due to the introduction of statues which made pvp trick a steady 1m+/hr for most high level players. Sure summer helped increase 26kers but before statues it was around 500k/hr and that was if you got lucky."








    500k-1m an hour regardless is really unfair. Not too many skills that I know of, that a person can make that amount on a regular basis at any combat level. Currently with the trick, any level "so called" pker, can make huge amounts with little fear if done right. I understand your point though. Let's agree to atleast say that the trick is unfair and should be removed from the game, or atleast modified in a way that is more balanced to money gained vs. worn/lost?

  4. -Inflation post-




    I agree that everything has gone up in prices in the past few weeks. I wholeheartly agree it is the 26k trick that is behind most of it. (Not all though) Let me explain. This trick has been around for quite some time, and I believe was on a small scale up to about a month ago. Why? School is out. Notice that at any given time like 130k+ plus are playing? Few months ago I didn't see more than 80k or so playing on average. Before the break it was mainly high-levelers tricking for easy cash to train said skills. Now it seems it has caught on like wild fire. Go to any GE and you will see so-called "pkers" standing around alching etc. Greedy little level 50's with 40-50m in their pockets snorting with glee at how good they are at pking. Hogwosh. Most kill a friend or 2 over and over again, while being protected by a clan or group of friends on a pvp world. (Many have admitted this to me, and you can just go to most pvp worlds and witness this.) It's a shame really, and I think Jagex should fix this problem immediately. That is not pking in the least bit. That is borderline bug abuse if you ask me, and the majority I know say the same. Getting more drop value than risked value just seems lame, and is really unfair to the other aspects of the game. Yes skillers' items may be going up due to this fact, but is it truly fair and balanced? Why spend months raising a skill to make money, when one can go trick for a few weeks and get 100m? Lame. I pray they fix this sooner than later. Before I get hammered, I am not saying all pkers do this, and that all the school kids that are on break are doing this. Some inflation may be do to them wanting to buy and train their own skills as well, causing more demand in the end. But, at this current time, I believe this tricking is the main villian in my opinion.




    *Let the flaming begin*

  5. -Anti-hack key-




    I agree with the post. I don't usually get on RS forums, but I sure did to let them know I didn't agree with them thinking about offering bank space for the key. If they were so worried about security, they would sell it just above cost and leave it at that.




    The only ones who will buy it anyway, are the ones who are paranoid about losing their accounts. The ones who truly need it, (the pw sharers, macro users, and those who couldn't update a virus protection program if their life depended on it) would never use it.




    Besides like stated, most RS users are younger and either don't pay for their accounts, or barely have enough to cover costs on members. (Or don't understand how security works anyways.)




    Sadly, Rs is becoming kidscape, and Jagex is really trying to tailor the game to them. Look at the past year or so of updates. You can't even die in the game anymore from randoms, and if you die at all you got an eternity to recover your stuff. (I feel like my hand is being held at every corner) Sad really. RS used to feel so free, where you could do all kinds of things. Now it feels boxed in and very restricted. Full of safe-guards and my mommy standing over me with a hankie for my nose. :/


    World of Warcraft is becoming more and more appealing every update. A shame though, for I got 3 years invested in this one.




    Good fight.

  6. I'd like to mention what others have mentioned: this is propaganda, pure and simple.




    lol. I can see your point. At least they were nice enough to warn everyone what will happen if they continue cheating, or have a thought about trying it. It's just a deterent. It's a game, and even in the game there are rules that need to be followed. As far as breaking American and British laws... a big ROFL. This is their game. Period. They are technically allowed to do anything they want, you agree to the terms and agreements. Unless they are breaking laws concerning your privacy or getting into your computer... good fight. :)

    But they're based in Britain. Furthermore, there are such things as international laws.




    Mmmmhmmm so they are. But what exactly are they doing that may be considered illegal. Propaganda? Saying they can do one thing and they really can't? Maybe they can or maybe they can't. If that were the case I would sue every weight loss program commerical, and heck even the president. I am sure things are said every day that we all know is bullstuffings... but I doubt it could be grounds for legal actions or rewards. You could just quit? :)




    Meh it's just a scare tatic. If you are doing things right, then I wouldn't worry about anything.

  7. I'd like to mention what others have mentioned: this is propaganda, pure and simple.




    lol. I can see your point. At least they are nice enough to warn everyone what will happen if they continue cheating, or have a thought about trying it. It's just a deterent. It's a game, and even in the game there are rules that need to be followed. As far as breaking American and British laws... a big ROFL. This is their game. Period. They are technically allowed to do anything they want, you agree to the terms and agreements. Unless they are breaking laws concerning your privacy or getting into your computer... good fight. :)

  8. I have always been curious... is autotyping a macro? Or is that something completely different? I sure would like to find a way to make those merch clans autochating, "Make millions join blah blah" a thing of the past.




    I always wondered if I was reporting it right... under disruptive behavior or macroing? Anyone know for sure? Thanks.

  9. I played EQ (Everquest) for about 5 years before I found RS about 3 years ago. Everquest is much like Wow, which I also played for about 6 months... before deciding enough was enough. I love the fact that Rs is easy to get on, and get going. Wow/Eq seems to have endless patches and updates, sometimes taking half the night to download. Besides that, whole servers can shut down for hours, even days if there is a true problem. Rs you can just hop to another world, and the updates take only a few minutes.

  10. I really enjoyed the origin of your name article. As a veteran of many online games throughout the years, I understood the importance of using a name that was meaningful, easy to read, and didn't contain numbers when I joined RS. I don't like numbers personally, because it tells me someone else out there already has the original name you are seeking, and you should choose another. I do take exception to alt characters you may make for pking, pures, or just side projects. Because alt's are just that, alternative characters you make to try one specific aspect of the game. Pvp, skilling, etc. But your main.... is just that. Your main is the "sense of identity" in the game, the one you spend countless weeks and months, grinding, skilling, and doing those quests for the first time. It is your tie with the fabric of Runescape reality, and I believe a good name can speak volumes in mere seconds, because to be honest, that's all we usually have; mere seconds, as we chance upon another random character flashing by...

  11. I really liked this quest. It had a good balance of humor and tying up of loose ends. Always wanted to know how the king got turned into a yeti. hehe. I also like the sub-quests... the astral rune and the tablet. Added little bonuses are always a treat. :) I hope they continue to add more quests with little side rewards... good job. It seems lots of people expect flashy new weapons, or huge dungeons to open up on each new quest as they come out. I, for one, am happy that they are taking things slower. *Thumbs up*




    Rewards btw are-




    10k mage & 5k herblore. Book that has 3 charges of 5k exp. [15k total] (You choose between Att, Str, Def, Range, and Hps)




    Astral Rune reward- 2500xp lamp and tablet. (Number 5 of 5- confirmed at library.)




    Tablet of Prophecy reward-10 Kudos in Varrock library. (And I got extra xp in certain skills from the lady near the information desk, but not sure if it was from this quest or just my kudo count going up.)

  12. I don't share my account


    I have updated antivirus etc..


    I have Recoverys


    I don't visit dodgy sites


    etc etc etc etc






    my 20 character alphanumerical random string password was still cracked to gain access to my account..twice..(yes different password both times)






    I Just go on prolonged breaks until i decide i can be bothered to play again




    LOL- Well I guess it just sucked to be you. :) You are a rarity it appears. Most of the time I talk with folks that got hacked, and they would say, it was someone I knew, or knew my pw for whatever reason. I did say that I got a keylogger on the main page once, so even with all those things, it still can happen of course. But I assure you, the majority of hacks are from people they knew, or from not having a virus program, etc.




    But ya, sorry to hear it happen to you like that, because stuff like that just irks me. :/

  13. Every day I hear someone say. "Omg, I've been hacked!" Now if they are serious or not, I will never know. I am not sure how anyone can lose their stuff. Unless you are sharing your account or allowing someone to compromise your pw info, I'd think it would be pretty rare. And for God's sake, use a decent, updated virus protection program. I actually know of some folks that play RS, that don't even know if they have a virus protection program. Set a pin & recovery questions. And I am 99% sure you won't lose your money. I'll admit, I have been playing for just over 2 years, and I have seen a keylogger on the main page once. You just have to be smart about what you do. Me personally, I'd probably slowly make it back, but if it happened more then once, I'd probably just pack it up or take a long break.

  14. I used to think rune-crafting was one of the elite capes, then the Great Orb project came out. Before it was endless grinding of low xp giving runes; even having law runners, it was still slow going. But with the newer mini-game, you could easily just do 50/50's for guaranteed tokens all day with friends. Those new tablets save countless hours of grinding...




    I believe Farm and summoning are hands down the hardest capes to get... atleast quickly. You could use the highest xp giving trees, and it would still take you many months longer than most capes. The cost would be enormous... 100m easily. So I have to respect that cape... :)




    Quest cape is a great cape... and in my opinion crushes any of the noob capes. Cook, fletch, Fm, and combat capes. (Att, str, def, mage, range, hp, pray- mostly because of pest control.)




    Farm, Sum, Slay > Quest > Most other capes.

  15. I have 243 qps and 2 99's at the moment. So luckily, I see both sides of this arguement. Yes, they are the noob cook and fletch capes. I'll admit it. I bought fletch post 90, and just about all of cook. Is that wrong? If I make money doing other skills, or from drops etc, why wouldn't I want to put it toward a skill? Yes, I do believe this "downgrades" certain capes in the awe factor. But I am also just about to level 93 in farm. :) Certain capes will always be ranked differently to various people, but I think we can all agree that Con, Sum, Farm, Slay, pray will usually seem more impressive than cook, fm, fletch, and the melee capes. (PC ftw?) Anyone who has a quest cape gets my kudos for training all of their stats to meet the min requirements, and spending countless hours gathering materials and doing puzzles of the various quests. But to be honest, anyone who has tier level 3 in all the achievement diaries, has my respect over the quest cape and most of the nub capes! Just my opinion of course. :)

  16. Conerning randoms- Many a cooking fool has taken my challenge for a bet a random will appear, while cookin in the rogue's den. You steal from the gem safes long enough, you can get a random to pop while cutting your first gem. Bout 90% of the time. People always thought I was hacking... lol. I just say, those randoms aren't as random as you think.




    I also like the idea of getting xp on level x 10/100/or whatever jagex deems necessary. You can even theme the randoms. Freaky forester gives it in wood cutting. Sargeant meathead gives agility, etc. Have them appear more often, when players are doing those skills associated with their respected randoms. I mean who wouldn't be happy if a freaky forester appeared while you were wood cutting, and gave you xp in it as well. Randoms are great; little breaks to fun up the boredom of grinding skills. Lately I have noticed better rewards from certain randoms. Mith arrow heads from balloon popping. Even 20 laws! Yes, I know this isn't much, but perhaps they are already making changes we aren't aware of.

  17. I think jagex should look at what's happened to the dragon platebody and learn from it, that things that sounded good years ago may not be nowdays. There is one update, which years ago would have been great and everybody wanted much like dragon plate, which was the crystal halbard/spear. However, much as the plate, if it came out now it would be almost pointless, it would be an item for those years gone, not now, if your reading this jagex, DONT BRING OUT CRYSTAL ITEMS.




    Actually I think that if they introduced new Crystal items in a practical way, like, through a new Elf quest and crystal seeds with the whole 180k-900k recharge like the bow and shield, there is a chance that they would actually be used. Perhaps not extremely sought after/desired like many hyped up new items are at first, but perhaps at least as useful as the crystal shield and bow. I for one, really like crystal items and use the shield and bow a lot, and if new crystal items were introduced in the same way, I would use those too.




    P.S. Sorry for the off topic post, I just thought this was a good chance to input my two-cents on Crystal Items. <3:




    Imagine !! A crystal staff that casts a spell of (enter whatever here) for so many charges.


    That'd be nice.

  18. Dragon plate means little to me. They will be as common as any other melee item soon after all the high leveler's farm them a while. Surely it will still be pricey, but in terms of having an "eye" candy piece of gear, then the Dagon' hai robe set from that same quest beats it hands down. Think about it. Only available through doing the quest and you only get one set. Now unless you can drop, and pick up multiple sets like you can with ghost robes, then I assume this has to be one of the harder items in the game to get at the moment. (Anyone confirm if you can?) 265 qp is a hard requirement to get for a majority of the typical Scapers. (Thanks for the person who was nice enough to put a set up for 320k the morning after the quest in the GE. I appreciate it. 0_o ) If ya got your hands on a set... hang onto it for a bit. GE price is 800k at the moment, and in the streets... well got to watch those shady alleys. My point to all this... The stats are par on both the robes and the Dragon Plate, but it's just the prestige of having something others may not get so easily. Yay me.




    You can get the robes from the dagon'hai mages in the Chaos Tunnels.






    I do believe only Dagon'hai monks are in the Chaos Tunnels? I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure Dagon' hai robes are never a drop at all. (Since you get the set from a wardrobe in the quest?) And Elite I believe dropped from mobs in the tunnel after the quest, but they stopped that recently? Anyone know for sure... pls let me know. :)

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