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Posts posted by Xrakeo

  1. you have to define "hits through" i have:




    82 attack


    94 strength


    47 defence


    86 hp








    it seems to work fine with me in f2p.




    i would prob want to go for 90 attack 90 str if i was pking in f2p fighting full runers.




    having higher attack just means you'll be "rolling the dice" more frequently as compared to hitting 0s. I would value that more than str when im fighting full runers , especially in f2p.

  2. ^^ i goto college everyday and have a full time gf, and a job lol.... jealousy kills u know lol






    in other news.... current stats as of 11/21/08




    75 attack


    69 strength


    1 Def


    68 Hits




    63 Combat with Bandos Godsword




    you missed the sleep portion

  3. Just like someone with high strength exploits their advantage; someone with higher defence should also exploit their advantage. Wear better armor and refuse to skull, youre practiacally risking as much as them, you lose one item out of your set. decent rune pures can generally own 1 def pures with 60 attack or so. Someone in full torags that doesnt skull can take out a rune pure. Average str allows you to dagger spec 25-25 which is enough to ko.

  4. When I pked, it was all about honour.. no safing, no praying, no pjing, no teleing...




    ORLY? All about Honour?? No safin?? No praying?? No pjing???? NO TELEING??






    ROFL! Made me laugh... Wilderness awas always like that, and 2 years ago it was at it's max. Or your lieing or you never actualy pked... And honour... bah




    there were the times before pest control for those of you who dont remember, safing,pjing


    etc was at its minimum.

  5. I'm an old school pker. I left this game for around two years. While gone I was aware that the wilderness had been replaced with bh but didnt really care because I wasn't playing the game.. So it didn't matter to me. After hearing that PVP worlds had been introduced, I fired up both of my old characters and got ready to have some fun.




    Seriously, what the f**k has happened to the wilderness? When I pked, it was all about honour.. no safing, no praying, no pjing, no teleing... it's almost impossible to find a pker who doesnt do every one of those (bar perhaps praying) on my pure, in the previous 12 hours I have died NINE frickin times to pjers. Nine. It is absolutely pathetic that this generation of pkers, some of them set their strategy and purpose around pking. Blitzing ddsers/maulers... Voiding Dark bow speccers.... even just huge pain in the arse one itemers who think its.... funny? to spec you when your about to kill someone? it used to be that you let your hp to a certain amt knowing that they wudnt you hit because if they did they would die to your hitting them. Now, it's more like.. well if I let myself on that much health some [bleep]wit with a dragon bow or maul is gonna spec me out. It is UNHEARD of to get a kill, and not find yourself being butt-raped by some ranger or ddser. And it is really just tiring me out. The old wilderness had all their codes set up. This new generation of pkers seriously just pisses me off. They have no morals, no honour, basically they make pking an unentertaining experience.




    ^ I agree, im also an old school pker. the wilderness ditch was okay, but times before even the wilderness ditch were better. Just came back to rs to see how these pvp worlds are like.

  6. i have a really effective range/2h pure and i pked before the wild ditch




    i started with 51 range and 40 str,40 atk, i pked rune weps from there, and trained to 72 range and 60 str throughout pking xp, made 4.5m profit from rune weapons alone and it worked great for me, keep the 1 def.

  7. Im pking on a 51 pure in f2p currently and there are some things i would like to clear up as to how much to risk in order to acquire decent loot from other pures. I am aware of the factors, but one thing clouding the issue is how much I have to risk.




    I am a range/ 2her and I usually take rune 2h , str pot lobs , standard 1 def armor and about 70 addy arrows, i solo pk outside varrock west bank which is usually a hot spot.




    Now, judging that I dont protect the r2h and I am skulled, is it counted in the 25k risk? Or is everything after the r2h counted as risk.




    Also, am i risking enough? how much more should i risk for decent loot?

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