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Posts posted by Shakazulu

  1. Was it Plato's allegory of the cave you're suggesting with most of your points about RSD's problems? ... movies like pleasantville, truman show, and even 'the island' were movies based off the concept of Plato's ancient concept


    took a decent half hour to read and gonna re-read it as I type this out


    you took the effort to enlighten us so maybe I should take similar effort in a proper response




    1. Leaders need to work as a team like a pit crew with different people who have different skills but ultimately all need to be ready to step up at a given notice; those who carry more of these


    1.a Charismatic so that people will enjoy themselves in the company of such a leader - such leaders tend to keep a community together and draw in new people - also inspires people to step up - key characteristic


    1.b Active in the game and ready to respond at any given notice - such leaders being available help with the daily management of the clan


    1.c Common sense to identifying problems and realistic approach to solving that problem - each time there's an obstacle in the road, at least 1 leader needs to recognize what it is, and know how to maneuver through it with as few stragglers as possible... and if there are stragglers, work harder to make them catch up to speed... the gaming environment is subject to change at a given notice along with attitudes of the clan, such changes are important to recognize and respond to accordingly


    1.d Organized/Mature/Disciplined - all go along with each other - a leader who is disorganized in any respect shows a clear weakness in their maturity which can be solved through some self-discipline; it's kind of a rite of passage of growing up though - in any field of life you go into, you need to have self-discipline as it is a characteristic of maturity and being organized; in terms of rs and clan leaders - forums, irc, ts, in-game clan chat, and messenger conversations - basically whatever form of communication/interaction needs to be thoughtful and relevant to the situation (be serious when it's time to be serious, be a clown when it's time to clown around)




    With that said, I'd say you're suggesting that RSD is currently lacking in characteristics of 1.c and also later on you go into problems with 1.d




    2. Lack of desire to change is usually due to fear of changing the clan from what made it get to where it is now... that we got to where we are now being what we are so whatever we did probably is right thing to do... problem is in particular with RSD is that you had a leader like Livinlarge who set most of the past traditions to ensure that when he left, the clan would keep going - primary reason I think he shut the clan down (sometime in 2004 to i think till livin's return in 2005) in the first place is that it was his brand - and that his vision of a clan couldn't be trusted to be carried out within a few generations of leadership changes - sure those who immediately followed under his leadership would have been directly influenced enough to know the way an RSD leader should be, but after a few leadership changes, along with new outside influences - it's only a matter of time when the original direction of the founder is lost and a new direction is taken...




    With that said, it seems you're suggesting RSD lacks a leader willing to look into their situation and rethink the direction they're going... you can't be too hard on them for that... this concept is not easy to understand nor is it easy to carry out - I never knew livinlarge personally but being an outside observer of the clan community since 2002, i can suggest that he is an example of an RSD leader who was probably comfortable enough to change course if he truly believed it was in RSD's best interests




    3. Ranks need to be defined and those considered for a rank need qualities which demonstrate they'd fit the job - those promoted on a whim shows a lack of organization and order; you go into more specifics which I can't comment beyond that such examples are surprising to see coming from a clan like RSD.... this demonstrates problems in 1.c and 1.d from earlier in my response... to be specific, it goes back to defining ranks and roles needed in those positions




    4. Proper goals or a mission statement to give a sense of direction is simple enough - you do whatever it is to make the game experience more enjoyable for as many members as possible - catering to a select few while convincing everyone this is the way to go can help once in a while, but if it's the only means of going forward then it's nothing more then taking a drug without any real plan for improvement... however this goes deeper




    In Clan Jaguar a similar situation was raised in that how do we conduct checks and balances - the importance of clan members having power to counter a leader who was leading in a direction that is not in the clan's best interests... the concept has been raised and we're pretty far into exactly how we're going to implement it, but yea... from retiring from leadership in 2003 to getting it back earlier this month, I was a member long enough now to see the need for clan members having power to counter a leader they don't want... I can't comment beyond this until Clan Jaguar fully establishes our check/balance for leaders...




    5. Members who put their time into a clan deserve recognition above and beyond newer members and earned their spot as a permanent member. Clan Jaguar's view on this has opened us to a lot of criticism over the years, but it's the way we feel is right. It is not right to boot anyone who has proven their loyalty for years. We have procedures to keep people who are active and mark those who are inactive - but those who did all they could for at least 2 years, their mark in our community cannot be overlooked - should they earned their right to do as they please within the grounds of our Clan Rules...




    Our clan needs to be loyal to our members, not the other way around... this is done by ensuring a system is there that no matter who is leading, that members who put their time justly into Clan Jaguar will be respected... there are still a decent amount of problems in our current system that our leadership team is working on fixing :)




    6. Bias to support people leaders feel are more important into carrying the clan towards the direction they want is a problem in most clans... it's hard but not impossible to look at a situation as "a hypothetical" where you'd replace names of the accused with a noun - preferably a rank; that helps lower bias in making a choice and makes 1 think of the practical situation in terms of a hypothetical - which is less bias and more, dare i say, scientific :P lol




    7. Recruit and expanding the membership base to include more timezones - Dimitrix replied here earlier however I'd like to point out he brought this up while in Jaguar and took this upon himself - he recruited a lot of GMT members and expanded our GMT base by recognizing the need for more GMT members and then hosting those events himself; although he eventually left for Clan Europe, this example is extremely relevant to the problem listed in your point 7; recognizing a weakness in the member base for a timezone and not actively expanding that base... we allowed Dimitrix to expand our GMT base but ultimately I think when he left with the core of our GMT base - we never managed to recover from that




    8. Cliches - like highschool - you're part of the in-crowd or you're not in right? New blood is essential in the long run of all clans... having barriers to newer members and keeping those members is a problem for all clans who have lasted for a long time... the strongest time of Clan Jaguar was when we were a united clan and we were weakest when we were a divided clan - those who have the ability to inspire unity hold true power and others who force unity are those who simply desire power




    9. Quality over quantity was the argument Zenoic Force members would state to those of Gladiatorz during their multiple flame wars on these boards years ago (not sure if you'd recall) but that argument never worked for them as Gladiatorz beat them in every single war.




    Cherishing each member for attending events is important more then being upset when members don't attend events... when you stress the fact that you only have such and such % active and such and such % inactive - you discourage those who are active; best to focus on those who are active and inspire others to join in on the fun :)




    if you want to be #1 then you'll have to sacrifice these ideals - therefore you have to choose between being the ideal long-term clan or the clan that will do whatever it takes to be #1 - I was asked by Killa1213 if I'd ever push Jagz to be #1 again and I flat out refused - never would I put members of our clan into a position where they feel obligated to fight continuously for hours upon hours and for what? recognition by those outside of our clan that we're better or worse? no way... and I'm surprised by the amount of people who feel they have to fight fights that last all day long... .




    don't want to bash clans like Corruption or TRWF as they have taken a long time to reach the level they have though which is something I respect of them - so please don't assume I'm talking about your clans guys ;)




    longest fight I ever was apart of was on September 13th 2003 against Rs Mob which lasted 8 hours in RSC... of the 8 hours I lost my personal desire to lead my group of Jagz a little bit before 5 hours started... anyways back to present day, the need for practice is essential when it comes to choosing who to pile, piling, binding, spamming, re-organizing, stepping off from runners, and tanking... those essential skills as a group take practice and need to be individually worked at...




    10. Summarizes your points and your personal takes on the current RSD leaders...




    with that, i'd like to avoid your personal comments on the future of RSD with your critiques on their members, ranks, and comparisons to other clans








    Best of luck in what you do Hohto, I hope my response does justice to your analysis of RSD... if not I'm sorry :o





  2. The MK you forged and handed down to Raimus was a power in the wild years ago... but I think it closed down in 2003...




    According to Acid Venom, it closed and reopened a few times... in summer of 2003 or fall of 2003 - many of those were MK went to the Runescape Mob and there was a huge fight in September 2003 with Runescape Mob (with many ex-mk) a few of their allies against Gladz/TDS/BK/'the' and their allies... that fight lasted over 8 hours...


    later on at the end of 2003 or early 2004, raimus reopened MK with panzerpure (still in classic days)


    this MK survived till recently


    A number of people who were in The Darq Syde with Yamataka went to MK after TDS closed down...


    Pionex42 - I talk to him normally cause he joined Clan Jaguar a few months ago




    Acid typed this up way back on MK - led up to the mob war; also Ghaleon responded to Ronan on TDS site years ago running up to the mob war with his take




    maybe this can be of use for you:




    Acid Venom Posted: Jan 14 2004, 07:18 PM






    The One, The only, ACID






    Group: Elite Member


    Posts: 1,243


    Member No.: 9


    Joined: 20-April 03








    The Great Setup


    The Mystic Knights


    By: Acid Venom






    This has infamously been known as the great set up. This also lead to the Empire and the greatest betrayal to date the gladz have ever witnessed. Here is how it goes...




    One day a noob challenged us to war, making up a website, a fake members list, and everything needed to suck us right into accepting the war. We even expected a higher level clan to show up instead, but we didnt expect this. The Gladz Who attended Were Joe Jenninz, Acid Venom, The Rocket, Wassupp350, Yamataka, Kweef, Topdogg75, Newbedford 8, and Toming. We ventured out deep into the wilderness and found no one. Joe lead the pack of warriors east towards the demons, when Raimus(Who is also known as Phule, Ghaleon, Frodo, a once important member in gladz) and Indigo Flame showed up. The group had been somewhat scattered and Acid was leading one group who consisted of Yamataka, Newbedford 8, and Toming, while Joe had a group with Rocket, Wassup, Kweef and Topdogg. Joe was the first to run into Indigo, and out of no where, Topdogg turned on joe and Indigo ran west. Raimus stood idle, neither attacking nor helping. I was west when nearly all of this newly found Mystic Knights clan swarmed the 4 of us. This looked like the alamo with 2hers, Newbed and Yama fell quickly, and Toming and Acid fled east, only to run into Joe and Rocket being slaughtered. Wassup had already died, and Toming was low on food, tried to escape but was killed. Acid then tried to protect rocket, but failed as rocket died right in front of him. Joe and Acid were all that was left, Acid tried to fend them off as long as he could but was overun and died. By this time, Rocket was charging back into the wilderness to save joe, but was teamed beyond belief, and died a second time. Acid was back in the wild now running for Joe but arrived just a minute too late, Joe had fallen. Acid then was forced to retreat south and escape a second death. Thus ending the great set up




    That night, Rafi, Rocket, Acid, and Joe all met and discussed, and a couple things were accomplished. The Rank "Fierce Warrior" was created, and Acid found out what exactly happened. He found the Mystic Knights website and found out how Indigo Flame formed a anti-glad clan formed out of hatred against us. Topdogg75, Kweef, Raimus, and Indigo Flame were all exiled from the gladz, even though Raimus claimed not to know anything about it. The hatred between the 2 clans ultimatly lead to the war between the Gladz and the Mystic Knights. This was the most emotional, unorthadox war ever. The Mystic Knights had the Gladz outmuscled and outnumbered, but RPKers raided the war, and Raimus ordered MK and Gladz to both pull their men out. At edgeville, A couple gladz and a handful of Mystic Knights decided to peace for now and to rid the RPKers. Acid was the only glad who ventured far with MK to fight RPKers, and Raimus led everyone to the prayer alter. There, Panzer Pure attacked Acid, and the Mystic Knights shut the doors, barring Acid in and had no one to help him get out. He was killed for the 1st time at a clan war with the Gladz.




    After months of hating, MK disbanded and re-emerged again with Raimus under a new name-Phule. This time around they warred other clans, particularly KOS, and the Gladz never confronted them. Eventually, they disbanded again. They came back one more time, and Raimus, yet again, on another name Frodo, took over and made MK a strong clan yet again. They allied with the RSMob led by Greywanderer, and Exercitum, and made an alliance Known as the Empire.




    Acid, still very much into the knowledge of MK, joined MK to spy on them when he was offered a position as leader by Raimus, Acid accepted, and wanted to see how far into this clan he could penetrate. Acid tried to make an alliance between all of the clans, Gladz, BK, 'THE', TDS, RSmob, and MK. This plan failed horribly when TDS and RSMob came across a newfound hatred for one another. Acid pushed the issue for everyone to get along, upsetting some of the allies. He went with MK to a war, and was attacked by allies of the Gladiatorz. He then wrongly used his power he held in both clans and told the allies they were no longer of service to the gladz anymore. Joe, seeing this unfold, stopped it before it could get any worse, demoting Acid and Blaze(who at the time supported Acid) and made sure his allies knew the Gladz were still allied.




    After a few months of peace, it finally happened. The Alliance Went Against the Empire in an epic battle to decide who had the ultimate clan alliance in Runescape. After a hard fought war, The Alliance came out victorious, finishing off the already crippled Mystic Knights, and eliminating the RSmob. The Mystic Knights have once again appeared on the scene and are currently allied with TDS, one of The Alliance Clans. The Mystic Knights were born out of hatred from the Gladz, and for many days to come we will always remember the first night they appeared, and showed us what power they are capable of....






    The following was from Ghaleon a little bit before the Mob war from September 2003




    (Ronan XVII @ Sep 3 2003, 09:34 AM)


    I'll give you my understanding of the situation:


    Part of the initial reason this whole schmozzle began is that when the mob formed, they wanted us in - join or die kind of ultimatum. We said "no thx"


    Everything was mellow on the surface for a while, but they began harassing members including T Bop, Yama & others, until we end up at our current position.


    Although I'm sure that the typical member of the Mob is not reflected by its leadership, we do NOT want an alliance with a group so lacking in honour that they'd crash our mith-funwars wearing rune on a regular basis & thinking themselves all-powerful gods against mith people (lol, we showed that 110 Gallont tho - running from lower lvl mith ppl like a noob). Nor do we want to ally ourselves with people who would wish physical harm to our members like the moronic-immature-piece-of-[cabbage]-arseholes that they are (Grrrr, got me going there ).


    What should be specified is this - that there be a truce/cease-fire upon either outcome of the battle and that this annoying harassment will end...






    You have part of it right... There was a plan between the Mystic Knights Mob and one of the Gladiatorz leaders to form an allience with Tds Gladz Blacknights and THE clan. The leader of the Mystic Knights gave Acid Venom a task to complete having the utmost confidence he would be able to convince them. Little did he know Acid Vemon would go off and threaten people for the allience to take place so its his own fault for not trying to see to it that it is done himself. The reason the leader of the Mystic Knights didnt talk to the Tds leaders himself was because of a personal conflict between himself Yamataka and T Bop. That was the start of an even longer conflict to come.




    After that had happened the other leaders of the Gladiatorz wanted nothing to do with the Mystic Knights so they servered all ties to them. I believe the Gladiatorz told the Mystic Knights they cannot ally with a clan that was formed out of hate for the Gladiatorz.---( here I will leave a little detail about the Gladz-Mk conflict. Mk was founded by a guy named Indigo Flame. He made the name and had many former Gladz join Mk. One day Indigo Flame planned a war on the Gladz without informing all members of Mk that it was the Gladz that they where to be going to war against. Indigo Flame had the help of many former Gladz and also the backing of Bdk at that time. Indigo Flame was not leader of Mk for much longer after he proved he couldnt be trusted himself by being rash and not informing all members of plans that everyone should be aware of. Indigo Flame was relieved of command and a new leader came to Mk his name was Raimus. With a new leader Mk re-formed and started anew, but was never credited for it no one cared or even wanted to listen to the changes so things went on.)--- Many things could have been solved by exsisting clans if it hadnt been for leaders and there own personal vendetta's. Anyway the allience between the Gladz Tds 'THE' and the Blacknights remained in tact. The Mystic Knights stayed allied to Rs Mob and had a few other allies later on. They then formed an allience that didnt last long known as the Empire. The Empire declared war on the Blacknights by Briez one of the Empires high council members. From there Rsd got involved. The Empire fell due to inactivness betweeen the clans after to many high council members started fufilling there own agendas. Greywanderer has a very driven hate for Yamataka that can be traced back to the days of when Sandytrain was one of the leaders of Tds. Greywanderer never stopped his hate and kept going and going until Yamataka could take it no more. Yamataka and Grey are enemies and many have tired to stop the hate between the two, but its just not possible. Ok now anyway I wanted to say something about the quoted statement of Mob being a mix of Mob and Mk. Mk is no longer a clan the Mystic Knights wanted to join the Mob dispite the futile attempt of Raimus trying to keep the Mystic Knights together. He had stepped down far to many times and they all wanted to join the Mob so Raimus granted them there wish. He spoke with Greywanderer letting him know about Mk wanting to be in the Rs Mob. From there the members of the Mystic Knights went over to the Mob. From there the true spirit within Raimus quit and left his empty shell in rs.




    Yamataka offered a war to the Rs Mob to be fought against Gladz, Tds, Blacknights, 'THE'. it took a little and finnally Greywanderer decided to accept a war against our allience. Now there is a war against Rs Mob and from what I see it will be Tds, 'THE', Blacknights, Gladz, Clan Jaguar, Wds( Wds is now again decided to be allies with THE Blacknights and all other in this allience due again to yet another personal vendetta. Meeturpkers rs gf attacked Greywanderer the other day because he had attacked her brother. Greywanderer killed Meeturpkers gf and didnt return the armour so Meeturpker pulled Wds out of the Rs Mobs corner.) and a few other clans and un named allies. No matter how strong Rs Mob may be there is no way they will win this war against us now the odds are by far in this alliences favour now.




    Another thing I heard and I really am not trying in anyway to defend Rs Mob... I just know I heard you all talking of Rs Mon going and ruining your wars against others in this allience. Yes it is wrong and they do deserve to be punished for those deeds. I would just like to bring to light that even members of this allience have committed the same acts against other clans yet we remain to be allies with them because it best suits us. This is the way it always is and maybe can never be changed, but I know the Blacknights have also crashed war events of other clans as Rs Mob did. Now you have to remember how it feels to have your events crashed its not very nice. I just want everyone to know the facts before they decide to fight in this war.




    I feel Tds is strong and I really love it because a great lady named Yamataka believes in it so much. I to would like to be here and find out for myself first hand on how great this clan truly is So far I have met many nice people.






    Now for my thoughts... I myself believe this war is foolish and made because of many mistakes made of leaders of clans. The only ones who will be paying for it are the ones who know least about it. Those are the everyday members of both clans the level 80's and some 90's who dont stand a chance and will be picked off first. There is no truly organized warfare in rs and no one ever really listens to formation commands in a war due to the fact that they see someone lower level then themselves and would like to take there armour instead of listening to a command to keep a group together. If groups accually stuck together and focused on the task at hand and forgot about the armour for the sake of winning a war the wars would be much more of a challenge and it would also keep the higher level rpkers at bay because no matter how strong one person is they cannot take a number of people.




    Sorry for being so long winded if you have any questions I will try to the best of my Knowledge to answer your questions.




    Oh and Dias I know better then anyone about Lunar and lol about Ronfar hahaha.




    - Ghaleon














    anyways.... i honestly have no clue what is true or not... seeing how those posts were made years ago don't be mad at me if it's inaccurate :o


    i had brief access to MK as a guest through Panzer and Raimus at the end of 2003, early 2004, but I slowly left the game as rs2 became the norm :\

  3. Weren't you apart of MK years ago too?




    never knew you but knew of you :\




    Saw Raimus on these boards not too long ago and I randomly talk to Yamataka


    I havn't spoken to Panzerpure in years :o last i remember him and dj mochasin joined up in rsd like early 2004


    I use to see Dragonsaber around the end of classic days and also at the start of rs2 but lost touch with him also


    avi - havn't seen her in years lol she was my rs-sister for a bit :P she was my flame buddy when igodessi would talk [cabbage] in public :P


    bpatt22 - he joined jagz after mk members went to rs-mob; he ended up gettin boot in jagz for killing cj70 at a fun war with a rune weapon and joined up the newly reformed MK durin those days... lost touch with him around then






    Joe Jenninz - I think he's a doctor now... I last spoke to him during my first semester of med about a year ago


    Rafi - he's admin at Gladz


    The Rocket - he still hangouts on Gladz boards


    Acid Venom - he's also on Gladz boards


    Myst - stayed at Gladz after leaving BK years ago


    Lord Noah - left gladz but he's still active on their boards as part of their online community


    Obiwan - still at Gladz boards - mod at their intellectual discussion forum


    Punkbiatch - see him on gladz boards as well


    echo69x - i think he left around sametime as noah


    agassi - around 2003 when i started hanging out with gladz, i think he tried rejoining them but left cause he'd have to work his way back up the ranks... not sure if it was agassi or if that was gallont or someone else... those days agassi use to publically call me out :P no biggy i havn't seen him since early rs2 days; i think he was apart of Zeonic Force when he'd call me out


    jerico/blaze - i never got to know these 2 like joe but - jerico stepped up early on in rs2 and use to lead some of the best pk trips i've ever seen :) i havn't seen him in a long time though... blaze i only saw him years ago at a war against the rune mob (sept of 2003)... they're both registered still at the current gladz site as well


    Titan420 - he left gladz around same time as noah/echo but still posts on their boards once in a while


    Magrathea - still over on Gladz board as well


    Kricket - still on gladz board too


    death co - i think i may have him on facebook :o he's def still on gladz forum too


    nightmanjr- i think he gave away his character but he can be contacted on their forums


    lyte - i think council?


    urza285- left gladz but he's still on scape and msn


    lord nuke - joined jagz for about a year or so then stayed with gladz till... i don't know when he stopped hanging out there






    not sure if you were friends with those named above but if so, hoped that helped :)


    there was a time when half my friend's list would be filled with jagz, the other half gladz lol


    good times




    i have random pictures if you're interested

  4. Clan%20Smoke%20Jaguar.jpg




    Website / Forums / Runehead














    Clan Chat


    Jagz Chat






    /server irc.clanjaguar.com


    /join #clanjag






    Mission Statement




    Clan Jaguar has no definable orientation. We pk, we cut trees, we war, and we go swimming after crashing on trawlers. We play rs together in such a manner that it improves our gaming experience. We like to think of ourselves as a family, and hopefully you will agree.




    We are built on respect. We respect our fellow rs players and under no circumstances do we attack others unprovoked. There will always be arguments but we strive to hold ourselves in a respectful manner.




    Everyone in Clan Jaguar is equally important. When you join you become just as important as any leader, or any member regardless of how long they have been there. Treat each other with respect.




    Clan Jaguar was formed on July 12th of 2001. We are the 5th oldest clan in the game. We did not get where we are by doing whatever we want. This clan must work together for it to be successful for as the past has shown, when we become divided we fall into slumps. The greatest times in the history of Clan Jaguar have been when the clan is united. Thus we must act in a manner that would help to improve our unity. This can entail coming to events even if you don't want to or even just helping out people in need.








  5. Clan%20Smoke%20Jaguar.jpg




    Website / Forums / Runehead














    Clan Chat


    Jagz Chat






    /server irc.clanjaguar.com


    /join #clanjag






    Mission Statement




    Clan Jaguar has no definable orientation. We pk, we cut trees, we war, and we go swimming after crashing on trawlers. We play rs together in such a manner that it improves our gaming experience. We like to think of ourselves as a family, and hopefully you will agree.




    We are built on respect. We respect our fellow rs players and under no circumstances do we attack others unprovoked. There will always be arguments but we strive to hold ourselves in a respectful manner.




    Everyone in Clan Jaguar is equally important. When you join you become just as important as any leader, or any member regardless of how long they have been there. Treat each other with respect.




    Clan Jaguar was formed on July 12th of 2001. We are the 5th oldest clan in the game. We did not get where we are by doing whatever we want. This clan must work together for it to be successful for as the past has shown, when we become divided we fall into slumps. The greatest times in the history of Clan Jaguar have been when the clan is united. Thus we must act in a manner that would help to improve our unity. This can entail coming to events even if you don't want to or even just helping out people in need.








  6. So whatever happened to "Bk Ownz U" just at a curiosity?




    And many constantly remember BK vs Gladz rivalry due to the sheer size of the war, however I believe many seem to have long forgotten The Mighty Red Dragons and their rivalry with basically every clan including BK. TMRD may not have been #1, but easily considered top 10 prior to the wilderness shutting down; clan world was extremely competitive those days




    I wonder how many here would talk about their clan's rivalry with TMRD... so far non :P

  7. BK vs Gladz is a historic one, since we used to be like best friends, the rivalry probably started whilst we were still allied, interclan diplomacy issues, one thing led to another, BK wanted to break free etc, Gladz say they were backstabbed and so on and so forth. There's still some sour feelings I'm sure, but no one acts on them anymore.




    I would refrain from saying there was rivalry with the other clans in the Alliance. I would admit BK left mainly because of Gladz, as well as other reasons, and they couldn't possibly stay allied to everyone else, it would just cause more problems. Although Jagz took it hard since they blame BK for Jagz members joining Gladz to fight us. Some Jagz are still bitter.




    Hey Pixie :)




    I wasn't very active during the days when the problems happened... but I do recall being upset at reading posts by "bk ownz u"


    He use to publicly mock Jagz prior to BK leaving The Alliance... there were quite a few things that were weird; I don't like dwelling on many things, but I don't remember who "bk ownz u" was... his public posts were disrespectful and very distasteful. I don't know if he was aware of the clans who split off from Clan Jaguar those days, but as an allied leader you'd expect support.




    BK fought Gladz in a fun war shortly after you guys left; BK beat Gladz in the fun war... within that month (maybe that week, memory is weak) you guys declared war on Gladz... not including any of the arguments that happened between various leaders which members like me were not involved in, you can't blame us for looking at the overall situation and saying WTF lol




    3 times we had mass amount of members leaving for another clan:


    first: The Unforsaken - rival clan


    2nd: Clan Europe - Our european squad left to join CE - killed our GMT based members (around time Bk Ownz U use to publically mock us too)


    3rd: Genesis Dynasty - initially a squad within Jaguars they nearly all left with exception of a handful; occurred within that month before BK/Jagz fun war that's on youtube




    we had members leaving for allies over the years but those 3 incidents were truly significant. the amount we lost to allies was nothing compared to those 3...








    To contribute to this discussion, Clan Jaguar's biggest rivals were already mentioned in this thread - The Unforsaken aka TuF - clan primarily filled with ex-jagz; I can't recall who led it besides D Mac (old school jaguar leader)




    there's a video somewhere of the final mini war between Jagz and Tuf... it breaks my heart watching that video since many of TuF were extremely close to me... to each there own

  8. i think i should make a new noob


    woody247 :mrgreen:




    are you serious there's a clan named dragon wood? :lol:


    sad thing they maybe a decent clan top it off o god :lol:


    wormy enough of the solo stint, swing back home :P




    ps: The Corruption total RIPOFF of Corruption lmao




    pure knights, do what you did to anarachy with the corruption! there's only so much corruption we can take :ohnoes:

  9. aw man i don't want to leave the impression that i don't like Corruption's clan name I WAS JUST KIDDING :-#


    It's a cool name


    i just like Anarchy's name as well :P


    the way i see it, people could make fun of corruption just like anarchy... a weak attempt to get a jive outta ya :lol:




    i never really thought runescape clan names were stupid though, but then again comin from a different generation and havn't kept up with the current clans...




    anyways, "leather boys" ftw rofl




    rs classic clans > any rs2 clan


    corruption is classic rs clan


    corruption > any rs2 clan



  10. as easy as pure knights can bash the name of anarachy, others can say the same for corruption... just saying lol


    becareful you guys in corruption, word on the street is that clan cited on the first page called 'leather boys' may take pure knights! :P i don't know what boys in leather would see in pure knights #-o




    i don't think anything wrong with most clan names but yea that 1 "leather boys" was funny! =D> leather boys ftw!

  11. golden alliance greatest purpose was fulfilled upon April 1st after it shutdown rofl hi pureknights long time no see :D


    admit it, that april fools joke got everyone MAD lol




    anyways gan, I recall sending my old rsc vid where ZF participated in a steel fun war to several people... I recall late 1 night googling my name and seeing what i'd find... 1 time i came across old archived 'the' forums where i posted that i made a vid of a fun war... at that point I recalled that time years ago after posting it... when i got on msn (probably late 2003 or early 2004), random allies added me and i sent it over to them... only name I recall sending to was acid venom (was only guy already added that wanted to see) but earlier this year I got in touch with him and he also went through mad computers and lost a lot of files over the years like me :\




    i'm like 99% sure my old video is gone, but then again i don't remember who i sent it out to beyond acid venom so that leaves a slight chance

  12. i'm rather sporadic when i play




    i did make an effort to log on every night this past summer in order to host an event like around midnight eastern... when i got active during those days i noticed that we didn't have a single person in clan jaguar quit the clan for random reasons... rather our midnight insomniac crew grew :P wormy was a witness <3:




    i'm studying to take the USMLE and until i kill that, runescape can wait...


    however the days i can't study - i'll jump on scape for a few hours, then get back to work




    i wonder if i'm standing next to you talking to you in that pic :D




    only reason ZF wouldn't have been accepted into the alliance is due to formalities... after the mob war (september 13, 2003), Joe Myst and I use to talk to each other as if Jagz were in the alliance from then till like end of november... we were allied with tds/gladz/bk but not 'the' clan however i was on good terms with annasweat




    around end of november 2003 into early december 2003, joe/myst and i got into an argument with TDS - we didn't realize that Jagz were not formally members of the alliance despite everything... at that point TDS stated the rule - a new clan needed to be allied to all existing clans and then the alliance leaders would hold a formal vote (was the procedure used to allow TDS in) that eventually led to 'the' and jagz alliance december 6th 2003 and soon after Jagz were formally inducted into 'the' alliance


    after tds left, lunar wolves joined in in a similar manner


    tmrd had to go through the formalities but i wasn't involved at all during those talks

  13. Curiosity initially... I got into an argument with White Jaguar in April 2002... she was leading Clan Jaguar and we met over on the karmaja fishing docks late 1 night. It was just the 2 of us. I laughed at her when she threatened to blacklist me. But then we kept talking and I felt she started talking to me sincerely and I got hooked. You needed 60 combat to join Jagz those days but I barely got in with my 50 combat and 50 noncombat cooking skill lmao! I was scammed countless times by strangers in the game at that point and I felt I was able to trust their advice on playing the game. After that point, I started recruiting whoever I trusted personally into Jagz and before I knew it, I was leading :P




    For me at that time, it really boiled down to trust... both trusting in others and when you speak, clan members sincerely listen to you and give you constructive criticism... surround yourself with 'yes' people you know they're not being sincere :P that's what hooked me I guess




    I remember old tipit runescape site had a page with clans listed (sabres, the, gladz, bk, deathcorps, cimmeria etc...) and the last clan listed was Clan Jaguar... Always liked that and it made it easier for random people to apply to join since tipit runescape was by far the top site that offered guides... there were others but it was probably the sheer popularity of tipit... many thanks to whoever listed clan jaguar there years ago





  14. hey wormy hey gan!




    good video :)




    i have lost countless pictures over the years and i lost a rs classic video i made of a fun war where ZF participated in


    years ago before we became allied to tds/gladz/bk/the there was a period where we were having fun wars with whoever wanted to participate on 1 on 1's (steel armor with rune2hands)




    i remember we had a 1 on 1 with jagz and zf; i was considering maybe an alliance between our 2 clans but i remember how disrespectful agassi was being towards me and was like f' this lol... things could have been pretty different had Jagz sided with ZF years ago




    anyways my old bro scotaf took this screenshot years ago




    i'm pretty sure i'm talking to you, but seeing the sheer number of folks there makes me wonder if i got the message across to you so yea like 5 years later GAN THIS WAY! :lol:


    i'm a noob what can i say :thumbsup:





    omg X Dragon X! a fellow player from classic days :)


    yea king sancho took the time to collect input from all clans and even posted his initial draft and allowed others in tipit forums to post corrections on segments talking about them


    a year ago i made a post over at runescape community at clan discussions asking if anyone has king sancho's history of clans


    a senior member of their boards kept locking/deleting my topic saying and i quote:




    all i gotta say is that dude is a major tool

  16. as paying costumers of jagex, we should never had allowed them to remove characters that havn't logged in over 6 months


    honestly it was depressing when it happened because i realized that the time i spent molding my character, even the cash spent for p2p, was forever gone

  17. I just wouldn't pay... the time spent on classic prior to 2004 was simply it - classic... those days are gone as now all my friends who we chilled with back then have moved on for the most part


    we were all a lot younger and although I'll never trade away my fond memories of classic, gotta look forward




    but to answer your question... to be able to go back... and the whole gang was back together.... i'd drop 100 bucks just for 1 last run... i'd make a video with everyone... now all i got are my screenshots...

  18. Clan Jaguar consists of leaders who serve until they desire to step down and 4 council members - 2 council members voted in every 2 months by the clan to serve 4 months... every 2 months we have elections for 2 council members to step down and 2 more a chance to step up




    retired leaders have the option of staying on the council as an adviser, but they are not permitted to vote in council discussions

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