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Posts posted by Penguinisme

  1. So:What do you hope to gain from this thread? supporters? or actual solutions to your problems? at the moment it's the first...




    well this is a rants topic so he can cry out whatever he wants... :P


    for the rest i totaly agree with you(undead, comp...) that you don't have to get upsaid because u lose in PvP when u totaly ignore the fact that


    ur the only1 who doesn't want to change for the better...




    you've well explained that the melee wairs DRAGON HIDE, a RANGE armor so why the hell don't u use melee weapons??


    cuz u gotta change ur staff?? oh poor u, changing a whip 4 a dds costs as much time as changing staff into whip(or other)


    about the time u use for changing whip into staff and put in autocasting... be smart and when he puts on some less magedefencive armor u use a little ice spell and u got the time u need (anyway maging isnt realy made for autocasting so u shouldnt have to care then)




    so, as 1 of the other posters has said, if pking changes, u gotta change to or drown...


    about melee dont have to pay 4 the weapons he uses, no. but he has to train 2 or even 3 skills to be able to count as an dangerous pker


    and u said urself, time is money and ask any1 with high melee stats how much time it costed to raise those precious skills!




    You don't get it. The meleer can melee with DRAGONHIDE, which as you said, is a RANGE ARMOR. But when a mage tries to hybrid, the mage can not MAGE with MELEE ARMOR. So the mage is forced to switch to a MELEE WEAPON, so at this point the mage is NO LONGER a mage, he or she is now a MELEER. It is not fair that a meleer can hybrid, while a mage can not.

  2. I just thought i'd like to write something and i'm sure some of you have had the same thing happen before.










    This is a picture I took earlier, or last night.. As you can see i'm wearing full dragon with a party hat.. Now.. That's some great stuff.. It wasn't on a private server, and it wasn't bought with real money! The thing is, my friend had alot of money when he quit and he had played since 2001, like I did. So he quit, and gave me some money.. I bought the things in this picture with the money.. And what happened? Two days went by.. I didn't do anything but walk around runescape with my friends, train a little, and quest a little.. And then boom.. Today it hits.. I lose connection, I try to log back in.. I get this: "Your account has been disabled, check your message center for more details." So what do I do? I check my message center...




    ..Upon checking my message center I get these:








    What is this legacy punishment? I'll never know! However, I do know one thing.. I never got it. I know this for sure! But as you can see it also says rule 12 was broken. Now, we all know what rule twelve is, and if you don't i'll tell you. Rule twelve has to do with real world trading and it specifies "Exchanging RuneScape items for items or other benefits in other online games, real-life money or other real-life benefits is not allowed." Now, this is not the case here. As I said, I did none of those things. I got this money FAIR AND SQUARE.. A friend gave it to me when he quit the game, as I said earlier.. Now when he quit he handed me approximately 400 million gold. Some may assume this HAD to be bought or stolen. But it wasn't, I know and trust my friend he is a good friend in real life I had known for most of my life! He told me he had received this money from selling his blue party hat the previous day. So three days later, here I am writing this.




    Now, to get to some of things I am angry about.. The first of which is Any time you get a trade from someone for free with over fifty million gold, Jagex automatically ASSUMES that this gold was bought using real world money. So this is what I was banned for, breaking rule twelve when in reality I did no such thing. I've been playing as of this month SIX YEARS. Over these six years, I have had things similar to this happen to me. I have lost several accounts due to false accusations. Jagex needs to get it through their thick skulls that any time someone receives money, it isn't from paying real money! And if you read their rules fully, they basically say that if they think you're doing something wrong, they can do whatever they want. Specifically, in this case ban you. This is unfair, very unfair.. I am a very good member of the runescape community and may be one of their oldest players!(When I say oldest I mean long term player, not age.)




    And so jagex decides to take everything away from me and my friend. Everything my friend kept and did HARD WORK hours days weeks and months to get, they took it away! I feel this is unfair. I have appealed the ban and I highly doubt that it will be unbanned. The second thing that is wrong is their customer support does a bad job.. Complaints will do NOTHING! I've sent many complaints in, and jagex around a year or two ago had NO way to reach them. Every time I have been [bleep], there was NO way to appeal it! NO way to contact them! NOTHING. The account that was banned I made in 2003, and that's a long time ago. I worked so hard for it, every time they take it away! They took all of it away! This is a FALSE accusation and I want to be justified. And you can't sue them, I believe that they NEED to be sued because they don't do ANYTHING. Taking away your account you've have for four years because you just got one-hundred million gold from a friend without giving him anything anything is [cabbage].. And I won't stand for it, not anymore. I am quitting their game that I have played for so long. I am going to post this everywhere, I am even going to send a copy of this to postie pete. Ha, I wonder what would happen. It would NEVER be published. And btw, because they don't have an E-mail to send a message about this too, they have a 300 letter box to write in for your appeal. . . Wow, I just can't explain this in THREE HUNDRED WORDS!!! Jagex is a greedy company, their greed I have put up for too long and I won't deal with it ANY LONGER.




    My conclusion is, that all of you who are members should stop playing this game, quit funding their greed because they WILL take what you worked so hard for.. And I don't mean for this to sound so emo but it's pretty [bleep] when you play for six years and you get this. I wish you could sue them.




    ..Oh yes, and the proof I received from Jagex:






    Offence Type: Breaking Rule 12 Offence Date: 28-Apr-2007


    Evidence for this offence:


    This account has been banned because of Real World Trading.




    We have evidence to prove that you have purchased gold in-game using real-lif


    e money.




    You have been deemed to be in complete control at the time of the incident.




    I love the way they give such great evidence that I was trading cash for gold.




    How will Jagex know that you were not RWTing? They do not know you in real life. They do not know your friends. They do not know that this was not a RWT package. How will they know that?

  3. they are a easy cape to get compared to most 99's....which would put them in the same category as the cooking, fletching capes. I personally do not have one, quests are boring. Doesn't mean i couldn't finish my last 25 quests in 3 days lol. I see them all as "noob" capes, just my opinion.




    They're not easy. For one thing, you can't just do all the quests and never do any again, and still have the cape. Secondly, you need to train a range of skills, the exp needed to get all the skill reqs. for all quests > 13M. Also, you need to be good at puzzle solving, have lots of patience, etc. So no, it's not easy.

  4. Seriously, what the f**k has happened to the wilderness? When I pked, it was all about honour.. no safing, no praying, no pjing, no teleing...




    Ok well you must have been lucky because I always found people teled when near to death anyways. And lots of people prayed, and lots of people ate to full HP. There's nothing wrong with it per se, except those people unfortunately like you, that believe in not doing these things.




    it's almost impossible to find a pker who doesnt do every one of those (bar perhaps praying) on my pure, in the previous 12 hours I have died NINE frickin times to pjers.




    Bad luck, or more organised players. Fight fire with fire.




    Nine. It is absolutely pathetic that this generation of pkers, some of them set their strategy and purpose around pking. Blitzing ddsers/maulers... Voiding Dark bow speccers.... even just huge pain in the arse one itemers who think its.... funny? to spec you when your about to kill someone?




    I don't see what you're getting at, they're using a weapons' special attack. Big whoop? Or are you referring still to PJ'ing? In which case see my above comment.




    it used to be that you let your hp to a certain amt knowing that they wudnt you hit because if they did they would die to your hitting them. Now, it's more like.. well if I let myself on that much health some [bleep]wit with a dragon bow or maul is gonna spec me out.




    You can't trust other people not to kill you, it's your own fault for letting your HP drop that low.




    It is UNHEARD of to get a kill, and not find yourself being butt-raped by some ranger or ddser.




    Do you have a problem against rangers? Or players with a DDS? If you do you have a problem with RS.




    And it is really just tiring me out. The old wilderness had all their codes set up. This new generation of pkers seriously just pisses me off. They have no morals, no honour, basically they make pking an unentertaining experience.




    This may be true, but you can't just expect everything to be back the "way it was". New PK'ers use new techniques, and you have to try to overcome it. PK'ing is a challenge ; rise up to it.




    There is no "honor" or "honor code" in Player Killing. It's kill or be killed. You're obviously disillusioned about how the old style of PKing was.




    You're not supposed to have morals or honor in PKing. If you do, you're stupid and just inconveniencing yourself.

  5. First, I will clearly state what they do.




    Wealth: Increases rare drop chance.


    Archer: More range bonus.




    The main moneymaker at Aviansies is the adamant bar drop, which is NOT a rare drop. Therefore, wearing a Wealth will not affect the drop rate.




    An Archer ring costs 2M currently, and gives range bonus. To many people, risking 2M is a lot.




    In my opinion, I would rather take a Ring of Life, but I think that an Archer is better, due to the increased speed of kills, making for more adamant bar drops.

  6. Welcome to the Internet. Please leave your spelling and grammar skills, and your manners, at the door.




    What you have experienced is all over the Internet, and it's usually pretty annoying, so my advice is to throw a list of huge vocabulary words and watch the gears in their brains going as they try to figure out what you are saying. It's fun, and funny, and a great way to deal with the situation.

  7. and ur just another of of those pertetic idiots who thinks the games about skilling....


    join the other 2 go and drown urself lil boy


    if u dont agreee with me that pkin has gone to [cabbage] get off my post u swine




    Man, idiots these days :!:




    Also, you have no right to tell me to get off your post.

  8. yea i can rattle names off like bluersoe13x and blick...


    the game was desinged for u to make ur own armour or pk it.....


    or u just pked like many did.....


    skills were there to help u pk... eg make u cash for supplies




    In a poll in early 2008 or so, about 12% of people who voted said they pked. So don't tell me that skills were made to help in pking. Because I don't pk, and only a few people I've met did.

  9. @RayOxide and bobthesock




    Sorry if I wasn't clear but I have no problem with the pkers going around killing everyone throughout the game. My only problem is when the camp outside the enemy base making it near impossible for us to actually get out and do anything. They can go ahead and kill us anywhere else just not 3 spaces from our base.




    At least that way we'd have a fighting chance.




    Yeah, because it would be great for Jagex to get rid of ancient camping in SC! Because those stupid level 135s don't deserve to be able to do what they got 99 mage for! That's a brilliant idea!




    End of sarcasm.





  10. Psst. Guess what. RWT = closed in 6 months. Therefore, at this moment, RS would be dead, as in no one playing and the game offline. Instead, the game has VASTLY improved, with many great updates coming into the game.




    Yeah I have been here lurking here for a while, and I have noticed you in particular have a habit of making unsourced statements or citing "Studies" that have never ben confirmed by a third party(especially in your "Slayer Sucks" Topic).




    I have heard the rumor that there was some kind of lawsuit in the works against Jagex if they didnt get RWT under control, but that is what that is. A Rumor. Not a fact. It has never been confirmed anywhere.




    There are other ways that RWT could have been stopped. Jag decided though that they could kill two birds with one stone-stop losers like you from jamming their message centers with "OMG I gawt PK3d its s0 m34n im g0nn4 kill u" and halt RWT.




    I still play RS, and maybe saying it "died" is a little too dramatic. But a major part of Runescape was shut down that day, nobody can deny that.




    "VASTLY improved"




    In your opinion. You are not the final say on whther or not It has been improved. Im sure there are 60,000 people somewhere who would agree with me.




    You made this account just to post this topic, so I doubt you were "lurking here awhile."




    You are clearly uneducated about the impact RWT had on Runecscape. Also, if "saying that it died is a little too dramatic," then why say it?




    Sure, maybe 60,000 people would agree with you. The 60,000 who quit.

  11. My first one was before the anti-RWT updates, watching fights in the wildy while wearing monk robes and a dds. A pure anciented me with barrage, I put on protect mage and kept eating lobs. I really didn't want to die because I hate losing anything. Then a skeleton attacked the ancienter so I could escape :D . Another funny thing was that the ancienter wasted about 10k barraging the skeleton :thumbup:




    My second one was when i was fighting a sara mage, and forgetting to bank my 1.5M. I lost connection for a bit, and found myself in Fally sans 1.5M :x .

  12. There is one thing I've learned since I started playing Runescape and it's that pkers are WHINERS. It doesn't get much more blunt than that.




    They whine when they can't kill you because you take time to raise defense. They whine when they can't kill you because you take time to raise prayer and actually put it to use. They whine when you eat to stay alive. They whine when they can't kill you because you run when you weren't there to pk in the first place. They whine when you pot. They whine when you mage. They whine when you range.




    They just simply whine about ANYTHING that means they won't get a kill, or will be killed.




    Here's to all the pkers who whine out there: If you aren't going to do anything to protect yourself from damage like the people you try to kill intelligently do, then you have no room to whine when you can't kill them or are killed yourself. The wilderness is everything goes. If you can't adapt to that, then clearly you aren't a true Runescape player-killer.

    How do you adapt to some one using protect from range freezing you from half a screen away, that switches to protect melee every time you get unfrozen?.


    Then when they run out of food they teleport.


    The reason the wild is [cabbage] is becouse most people support this kind of behavior, Its the wilderness theres no rules so i can run from a dm, or kill some one who finishes a dm, theres no rules about spot stealing, arrow stealing or being an arrogant jerk on rs, some people choose not to do these things couse they arnt little prepubescent [bleep], and thats what the honour code is about, mutual respect.


    I could give a damn if i get your rune, im not mad couse im not getting a kill im mad couse you pk like a [kitty] waste my food then teleport away from the fight you initiated.


    Safing is a bs term made up by little pures, but farcasting is sad, and any time i see it done ill attack the person doing it.






    Of course they support farcasting, etc. because it's the SMART THING TO DO. It's called STRATEGY. You probably are one of the people who use the "strategy" of DDS spec'ing four times, and taking out a whip.

  13. Um...


    Noob: Selling account level 57 (blah blah)


    Me: Reported for account trading, Don't do it guys!


    Noob: (Pm) Ur such a loser for obeying the rules


    Me: You're such a loser for breaking them


    :-k :roll:






    Noob: Buy your kite


    Me: Nfs


    Noob:Str level?


    Me: 31


    Noob: Str level?


    Me: 31!!!


    Noob: Fite


    Me: Nty


    Noob: Buy your kite


    Me: Not... For... Sale!


    Noob: Buy your kite


    After that I proceeded to add her to the ignorelist and flee into my destination point: the Chef's Guild.






    Noob: Who wants free money?


    Me: Me *follows*


    Noob: Ok


    Noob: Go to sickpage.c[]m


    Me: Wait a min


    *I DON'T go to the keylogger/virus/whatever site, instead look at my inventory and pass time for half a min then say:


    Me: OMG TY! (Well I typed that, it didn't display ALL CAPS)


    Me: *happened to have 4 mil on me. Showed him*


    Me: You are a genius!


    Noob: Wtf


    Noob: It didn't give so much to me, plz 1 mill


    Me: You are reported for website advertising now. Have a good day.


    *Ignorelist then teleport to varrock*




    Actually, stickpage.com doesn't have viruses and other malicious programs. Funny though.




    Anyway, I had another noob moment.




    I am maging the blue dragon at the Heroes' guild when a guy logs in.




    Me: Hey.


    Noob: hi range lv?


    Me: 78.


    Noob: ok noob


    When the dragon respawns, I attack it before him.


    Noob: cmon i hav 2 more dragz lft for slyr


    Me: Okay.


    Noob: plz met me get 1


    Me: :|


    When it respawns, I get it again.


    Noob: omfg noob i **** ur mom


    Noob: go **** ur mum u mthr ****


    He then goes on to cuss at me. I am unfazed.


    Noob: gl with being nub


    *noob logs out*






    Another one.




    I am maging the blue dragon at the Heroes' guild again.


    Noob logs in.


    About 10 seconds later, the dragon respawns and I get it. I notice the noob is wearing a black mask.


    Noob: mage lvl?


    Me: 66.


    Noob: wow low u noob


    Me: Okay.


    Noob: give me next 53 drags plx


    Me: Uh, no.


    For the next few minutes, I attack the dragon before him.


    Noob: gl with ur quest nerd


    *noob logs out*



  14. So this happened two days ago.




    Noob: What is your level in Fishing? (used quickchat)


    Me: My Fishing level is 76. (quickchat)


    Noob: my fishing is 77 hahahahaha i pwn u




    (this noob is level 39)




    Noob:yu suxe cuz i got betr fihsing thanu!


    Me: Why does that matter?


    Noob: cuz isaid it did!


    Noob: My Agility level is 1.


    Noob: My Woodcutting level is 1.




    (both quickchat)




    Me: I reccommend training them, they're useful.


    Noob: omfg ignored




    This guy was a pure, I wasn't surprised by his attitude.

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