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Posts posted by Mensch

  1. Hi. My understanding is that cave bugs drop herbs, but more guams than anything else. I also understand that macaws don't increase your herb count, but rather improve the herbs you get. My question is: Can a macaw improve a cave bug's guams? Or are the guams a separate drop from the other herbs, that do not fall under the macaw's influence?


    Why the hell would you need a gun now anyway? Back then, it was needed for protection more, and to acquire food. Now, you don't need it for either.





    There is no less of a need now for the average citizen to be able to protect himself than there was in colonial days. With the federal government trampling our rights at every turn, the day will come where we need once again to be able to protect ourselves from an aggressive government force, as the continental army did in the 18th century.




    And the idea that human rights should wax and wane with the passing of years is as repulsive to me as pedophilia. The rights are ours, and the government that the Founders put in place with the constitution is supposed to be strictly limited in its power to abuse our rights. Over the last 2 centuries, US citizens have ceded more and more of their rights to the federal. state, and local governments, to the point that we don't even trust people or organizations that are devoted to preserving the rights we have and trying to reclaim those we have abandoned.




    One of the basic rights, not spelled out as such in the constitution but an essential tenet of common law, is the freedom of thought. Treating people as criminals because of their thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes is below us as US citizens. That's what theocracies do. We can do better than that.




    The legal line is drawn when illegal acts are committed, attempted, or actively planned. Wanting to rob a bank is not a crime. Conspiring with others to rob a bank is. Attempting to rob a bank and failing is a crime. But thinking about robbing a bank, or killing someone, or committing any other crime, is not and never should be. You have a right to your own thoughts and desires, whether you are free to act on those desires or not.




    Wandered rather far afield from my planned defense of the 2d amendment. Sorry.

  3. I wonder how old you are, OP. I'm 37, so I grew up before there was even an internet, forget online multiplayer games. I'm conditioned to play RS like a single-player game, and I prefer it that way. I avoid things like Pest Control where I'm part of a team. I'd rather stand or fall on my own. My kids, on the other hand, do all kinds of clan stuff and have completely full friend lists. My friend list has three people on it - my kids.




    Oh well, takes all kinds, I guess.


    Hmm, after drawing a little graph it seems that it's necessary that he'll reach such a point, and not more than one.


    My reasoning is: We lay a time-path graph. Day 1 is always an ascending slope (as he is climbing up and never goes back), and day 2 is always descending. Because the starting and ending points are the same (but reversed), the paths will always cross once, forming something like an 'X'-




    Same line of thinking I was using




    do you also agree that since speed can vary the intersection point could be anywhere between the beginning and the end?






    Well done. Exactly one point, position indeterminable. The way it was explained to me was by analogy to racing games. Imagine the hiker's "ghost run" from day 1 was coming up the mountain on day 2. At exactly one point, the hiker and the ghost would pass each other.




    You guys ever heard of the paradox of the unexpected hanging?





  5. A common mistake among students just learning the calculus is a confusion between a quantity being allowed to approach infinity and actual instances of infinity. For example: It is incorrect to say that 0.333... is not equal to 1/3. The common error is to assert that "as the threes go on and on, you get closer and closer to one third, but you can't actually get there since the threes would have to be infinite."




    The perpetrator of this error is assuming that the threes are not already infinite. However, the expression 0.333... indicates that an infinite number of threes already exist, as implied by the ellipsis. 0.333... does not need an observation or anyone's permission to have an infinite number of threes. It is neither necessary nor proper to speak of the value "approaching" some other value. The value of 0.333... is concrete. If one is thinking of a number that begins 0.333 that ends at some arbitrary point, and imagining adding 3s one by one, that person is not thinking of the number 0.333... at all.




    It is only proper to speak of the value of a formula, sequence, or series approaching a given value in the context of limits. "0.333..." does not require or imply that the use of a limit is appropriate. It is proper to say that 0.333... is exactly equal to 1/3. By extension, 0.666... does not have a seven "at the end", nor is 0.999... "almost but not quite equal to one." Novices to the field of epsilontics will claim that 0.999... "can be made as close to 1 as you like, but will never equal 1." They are incorrect. The value of 0.999... is well-defined, equal to 1, and not subject to change due to observation.




    Hope that helps some of you. It's a small bit of how I explain infinity to my pre-cal students.






    And my favorite paradox is not so much a paradox as an exercise in counterintuitive thought: At exactly 7 am one morning, a hiker begins to ascend a mountain trail. The hiker does not necessarily move at a constant speed, and may stop to rest, but never backtracks along the path. Sometime later, the hiker reaches the top of the mountain and sets up camp for the night. At exactly 7am the following morning, the hiker begins to descend the mountain by the exact same path. Again, the hiker may travel at any speed, even stopping, but does not backtrack.




    The question: is it impossible, possible, or necessary that there should exist one or more points along the trail that the hiker passes at exactly the same time of day coming down the mountain on day 2 as going up the mountain on day 1? If it is possible or necessary, how many points meet this requirement?




    Good luck with the reasoning.



  6. I ignore the MM part of the MMORPG. I grew up playing games with little or no multiplayer aspect at all, and it colors my playing of Runescape. I just get frustrated at things like Pest Control where you have to participate in a group. I did Shield of Arrav with one of my sons, and Hero's with the other. My two sons and my daughter are the ONLY people on my friends list.




    I know that the game and the economy would not exist without all of the other people playing, but I treat that whole thing as just an invisible hand providing things I can afford to buy and buying things I want to sell.




    Public - Friends Private - Friends Clan - Off




    The only community-oriented thing I participate in is this forum.

  7. Is the person who feels too uncomfortable from seeing a mother feed her baby not supposed to eat just because the mother doesn't feel like moving?




    That works for me. It's another person eating, it is a MOTHER FEEDING HER CHILD, that's it, that's all. You can't deal, go eat by yourself.




    Can't believe this has gone 14 pages. Watching the Goddess argue with Zero is like watching Marilyn Vos Savant argue with a blond brick wall with A.D.D.

  8. On the Skill guide for summoning, near the bottom of the page, in the "Tips and Tricks" section, you have this:




    Spirit weeds can be planted in a herb patch at level 32 farming, earn 32 xp for planting and 36 xp for harvesting. Level 40 herblorists can combine...




    Level 36 farming is required for planting spirit weed seeds.

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