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Posts posted by kehllz

  1. I don't care how much of a message they put through it if it's not done with poetry and great instrumentals. Heck, half the stuff on my i-pod I can't understand because it's from all over the world. But the way the words roll with the music and the instruments intertwine is important. Can't stand a lot of these modern bands that just use the same old repetitions of sound and rhymes. It's like some factory line of pop music. There's no originality or difference between one band and the next anymore. Heck, even genres are starting to become similar. It's scary how close country is getting to pop rock.

  2. The whole point of prison is to isolate people who would harm society and reform them. In the case of people with life sentences, it just becomes a case of isolating them from society. Death is the best means of removing them from the people they can harm.




    And in the case of mentally ill patients, perhaps a death sentence is more humane. Yes, they can't help it, so should they be isolated from everyone for the rest of their lives due to a mental defect? Put them in the rest of the prison community and they will either kill someone else or be killed. Yes, it's sad that they are like this and I don't like the idea of executing them, but it comes to a point where it's necessary.




    And for those who say it isn't a deterent, how do we know? We have no numbers on the amount of capital crimes in America without the death penalty present, so for all we know it might have detered hundreds of murderers from commiting crimes. Yes, it doesn't stop sociopaths, but they are, for lack of a better word, errors in the system that skew the outcome.


    If Israel is preventing civilian casualties as much as possible, why have they closed Gaza's north-south road between Gaza City and the south? That's clearly stopping civilians from escaping.


    Yes. Let's just let the Hamas men peacefully walk out.




    NO, let's just keep the Palestinian citizens barricaded within a very small area so they can be bombed, a warning does no good within such a small area. It's like the Omagh bombings by the IRA. One will go off on one side, they'll run the other side and bunch. Eventually the other side will be bombed where they're bunched together and they'll most likely be injured or killed.




    The Omagh bombings had warnings provided, they ran before the bomb (warnings were provided which were slightly wrong), the bomb then killed 29 people as they bunched within the area around the bomb. Warnings simply aren't enough within such a small area. Ginger will know what I'm talking about most likely.




    So that leaves two choices, bomb and kill citizens or don't bomb at all. Israel did what they thought was best and bombed to save their own citizens, which is one of a nation's primary goals; to protect their own citizens. Would it have been better for Israel to just sit there and let Hamas get trigger happy and keep bombing Israel, killing Israeli citizens? Either choice leaves people dead. Or if they sent in their soldiers instead of bombs, their would be gun fights in heavily populated areas, leaving innocents dead as well as Israeli soldiers. There was no way to avoid civilian casualties, but Israel did what it thought would create the best outcome.

  4. They're warning them to get out of houses before they bomb them.... No to get out of gaza.


    And go where? I don't believe for one minute every single shell hits a building, and that every piece of rubble lands perpendicular to the building it fell from.




    Do you honestly believe Israel has made every possible effort to avoid civilian casualties here?




    I believe they've done the best the could without compromising the operation. Give them to much time and Hamas also can get out of the way. Yes, there are civilian casualties, but the question is, how many people would have died if Israel hadn't taken the course of action that they did? Yes, we don't know for sure. Maybe Hamas was going to give up the day they bombed them which made them go back on that idea, although highly unlikely. But using the information Israel had at hand, they've done what they could do to prevent civilian casualties while achieveing their goal.

  5. I want beer volcanoes and stripper factories when I die.




    But seriously, I think that there's more to life than just, well, life. I think that the after-life is something we cannot understand or comprehend, so I say just live life to the fullest in a way that when you die people will say "That person is in heaven" whether it exists or doesn't. I'm going along the "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" train of though to achieve such an end, pretty much the basis of every religion.

  6. u can already see effects from it right now




    hurricanes in carrabean that are longer seasons and records all very often


    heat in africa making it harder for people to grow the food etc etc im sure there more examples that bring death right now




    if this is made by humans? i think we are making the natrual phenomoman worse i mean all that pollution crap gotta do something right?




    One scientist proposed that pollution is actually making global warming less drastic with pollution because we're putting a filthy umbrella over our heads to block the sun. Not saying I agree or disagree, just putting that out there. I'll search for the source.

  7. I'm not disputing if it's real or not, I'm just saying that people would believe that they'd been visited by Jesus more easily if they saw the Jesus they had been raised on, which in many cases is the white Jesus. So God would present himself in the image the person believes God would take if they he were presenting himself to them. Or, maybe I'm just not getting the point of the conversation.

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