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Posts posted by shrimpslushy

  1. What word did I make up?




    Regardless, no I didnt copy your list, I wasn't even aware that said topic existed.


    For whatever reason you seem to see some sort of connection between these lists but to tell you the truth I can't see any similarities, other than they both mention animals but my refference to animals was clearly made whilst reffering to NT's (Neuro-Typicals ie. people who don't have Aspergers).

  2. no, I have been Diagnosed Professionally, but can see why you asked so my apologies for making my first sentence confusing, I was merely stating that I agreed that alot of people self diagnosed aspergers.


    I assume you've been professionally diagnosed as a person with asperger's then? I'm asking this because a lot of people who claim themselves to be "aspies" have simply self-diagnosed themselves as such, as a way to excuse their their utterly poor social skills. It's sad yet incredibly funny.




    I don't know why you thought posting that checklist was a good idea though. Like, so if you fit 5 of those you're an aspie? It's pretty dumb, bro. This thread is pretty dumb.





    Yeah I was going to say, everyone on the internet seems to think they have Aspies. :lol:




    I have to conceed this point alot of people on the internet do think they have Asperger syndrome, but let me point out one thing (something you wouldnt notice unless you knew some actual aspies in real life), an person whom suspect they Aspergers will usually seek a professional diagnosis more because they are curious to what makes them tick and to get help on how to deal with certain situations Not to have something they can hide behind.




    I can't speak for all those with Aspergers but amoung the Aspies in New Zealand and the Netherlands (I'm dutch and have made some friends there) there is a certain disdain towards self diagnosed internet users because they use Asprgers as a shield of sorts. Also most people with aspergers have something else wrong with them usually a genetic condition of some sort (for me this is the genetic syndrome called Marfans).




    as for the checklist, its not;


    But this thread was meant to be a away for Tipit aspies (those that have been professionally diagnosed) to humourously acknowledge their differences and maybe make a few friends, so im sorry if this seems a bit exclusive.




    its a way to express situations or experience that are Humours (at times only in retrospect) that occur because of someones Aspergers ie. (this is one of my worse ones)




    ...if you're hypnotized by (some) screen savers but can't hold your attention on the face of the person talking to you for 2 minutes.






    Lastly saying that a thread like this is stupid says more about you than it does about me, I'm not going to ask you to leave though -to avoid whole freedom of speech debate-. I will however say that describing a thread about a minority group with a mental illness is pretty low, stupid and iggnorant.




    But to lift the overall mood of this post;




    ...if the results of your exams are inversely proportional to the number of people in the examination room.




    ...you don't understand why your girlfriend wants to go out, you've been to the movies last year.




    ...you instantly understand what is meant by " wrong planet ".

  4. Btw, what exactly is an aspie? Kind of sounds like a flavor of pudding or a type of pie.





    An aspie is a person with Aspergers Syndrome, this is a mental illness (currently) on the autistic spectrum (seeing as they(medical experts) have nowhere else to put it).




    But this thread was meant to be a away for Tipit aspies (those that have been professionally diagnosed) to humourously acknowledge their differences and maybe make a few friends, so im sorry if this seems a bit exclusive.




    Btw if you know any aspies and have something funny to contribute then yes IGoddessI you can join the party too.




    and to get the ball rolling again I've got some more.




    you Might be an Aspie if...




    ...since living on your own, you haven't dusted in over four years, vacuumed in six months, but your books are ordered and spic and span...




    ...You can identify an emergency vehicle by siren alone and be able to give a running monologue of what streets it's taking, even though it may be 1/2 a mile away.




    ...You learned grammar by reading the "What's Wrong With This Sentence" context menu option on the little green squiggly lines generated by Microsoft Word 2000's Spell Checker, every single time.




    ... if all you want to do on a Friday Night is to be alone.

  5. I'm an Aspie in New Zealand it it interests me to see how many aspies there are who use tipit or even play runescape for that matter.




    To do this I thought why not make a list of... You know your an aspie if...




    I'll start




    You know your an aspie if...




    ...you put music in alphabetical order but the rest of your room is in disarray.




    ...you can carry on a conversation by using nothing but movie quotes or song lyrics.




    ...You gave up on ever convincing people that you are not odd ages ago. You now just live your life and to hell with anyone who thinks it strange.




    ...you're known for a large number of unusual pets. 10 additional points if these pets are creatures that make NTs squeamish like rats, snakes, ferrets, or lizards. 20 additional points if you have more than 5.




    ...you take apart computers or other electronics for fun. 10 additional points if you started doing this before you were five years old.




    ...you read through the entire website, and couldn't stop until you reached the end.




    ...You ate the same thing for lunch everyday for 11 years and then, when your school banned nuts (and you always ate a peanut butter sandwich), you simply ceased eating lunch.

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