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Posts posted by ipoder101

  1. Well, i would slowly gain it back i only have around 30M i could just skill to get it, maybe mine ess and make nats or do the great orb project or something, wouldnt take long. on another note my real life friend was hacked about a month ago, lost 40-60M. Nothing he could do, he got his acc hacked lost stuff but still has acc. Someone he met a month before that wanted to go to gwd with him, so he said to go to a website and sign up for his team, so my friend went and it was "re-directed" to the rs forums, so he went to sign in, it was key logged, bad ending. the minute it happened he said he quit. day later i see him on, he somehow had gotten 2M so far. now he has well over 20M if not 30M now and he has not no-lifed just worked hard. btw i was at his house when it happened, i went on my account after that and the kid on my friend account wanted me to do the same thing, i didnt fall for it obviously but he actually got some people of my friends friend list. so if you ever get re-directed to runescape, dont sign on, also never go to any website ending in [LikelyScam] almost any site hacks your acc believe me ive seen many.

  2. I have a quest acape and im very proud of it. it was very hard and one of my greatest accomplishments.. i dont have any 99's and dont plan on it. i have calculated the lowest amount of possible xp needed to get a quest cape. its 10.8M xp. not to mention higher skills help. also think about the reward of xp given and the time it takes. it is much harder for a quest cape than repetitive clicking although some skills are harder and do deserve respect.

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