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Posts posted by Diego

  1. it amazes me to see what short memory so many people have...




    just hit the 180 days button on the purple phat graph in the g.e., look at the lowest and if you had made this same topic on that date then everyone's response would have been so much different from the ones that are right now...




    in 6 months they went from useless to doubling in price and still being "undervalued" and all this bla bla of rarity concepts and inflation and chicken little saying that the graph of the G.e. doesnt have a big enough roof for how much phats are going to explode in value.




    i dont speculate, but from my point of view phats are at their G.E. and market prices for a reason, and that reason is definetively not because they are rare or because of RS inflation, sure it has something to do with it, but I think that peoples subjective feelings on phats is pretty much what been determinining their price for a while now, and I wouldnt be surprised if in 6 months from now everyone goes back to thinking that phats are just junk and its better to spend money on the new item(s) that merchers are hoarding

  2. I don't remember where i read this from, but it said that if your pee comes out yellow then your dehydrated, if it comes out slightly yellow or more whitish than yellow then it means ur good




    so I try to drink like a L a day at least.. although buying bottled gets expensive after a while I should start using tap

  3. I don't get how putting the offer right after g.e. updates thing works, there has to be someone selling for the new max in order for someone to buy for the new max right?




    So that means that whoever is selling puts out their offer right when the g.e. updates, but that doesn't really accomplish anything.. they might as well put it up at any other time during the day and get the same result




    helpz someone elaborate please

  4. haha I remember trading a dragon baxe for a santa hat, and when red phats were 2.4 m i counted all the things I owned and figured I could get one but i told myself it wouldnt go up much and id be better off just saving




    rs2 beta was so sick too, it pretty much made me come back to the game.. there would be drop partys with phats and crackers and just about everything (when they copied the items over) and i remember my friends leveling their runecraft and bragging about it, although it was pointless cuz they were just gonna get wiped

  5. Mine gold ores or sell bars or raw fish, though whatever it is that you do dont just take that money and go buy something cause in the long run your gonna work just as hard for every item you want to buy. Just spend at least 75% of whatever you make in merchanting and g.e. trading for a couple months and if your smart about it you will get that income in addition to anything you do.




    If you seriously just can't get around to making a profit with merchanting then try growing your skills real high to mine rune ore and sharks like people were saying, you really won't escape the loophole that is being poor (working, buying 1 item, working even more, buying another) until you find something with really high returns

  6. nice ratio of hits to combat




    if i were you i would level mage to 59 just for the fun of it, and maybe get a little bit hp xp along the way




    why 41 attack tho? haha still good tho 10/10

  7. yeah this is has just become [developmentally delayed]ed...




    Jagex probably used about $.00001 out of one of your payments to give the forums to f2p, which, to you, is of course outrageous because it does not encourage more f2pers to become p2p




    so im sorry about your one millionth penny going down the drain for you, sometimes life just gives you ridiculously hard cases like these where the only thing you can do is suck it up and make what could've been a nice thread a nightmare of ridiculousness and failure




    Im done with posting here...

  8. You (compfreak) stated when replying to my post that it was -obvious- that Jagex needs to maintain a positive image to both the p2p and f2p communities to be able to maintain a strong flow of new memberships


    But then you go on about how you hate Jagex using your money to provide supposed "freeloaders" with benefits




    So pretend, at least for once, to look at things this way, all the money that Jagex uses from p2p memberships to pay for f2p marginal updates and maintenance are really just required investments by a company that wishes to maintain its game running.


    If jagex were to stop giving little updates to f2p and actually just went ahead and removed f2p servers then Runescape will see drastically less new memberships and unless every single current member stays a member forever then I'm pretty sure Runescape will cease to exist.


    So yeah, your supposed golden and incredibly valuable cash is actually being used fully to your benefit, even if its not in the form of updates its in the form of maintaining the very foundations that keep the game running and made it grow at the rate it has and would stop to exist without them.




    and great one.. I dont know you but you seem like the biggest lamest suck up ever


    If f2pers see that Jagex is kind enough to give them an amazing game and a nice little update every so often they may really see potential in getting great updates when and if they decide to become p2p.




    If Jagex treats f2p like garbage and just spams all of f2p with gnomecopter style things then they might be more skeptical to give money to a company that cares about nothing but the cash..



    Like I said, giving you a warm fuzzy feeling isn't going to make people sign up for PTP. "Look, what a nice company they are! I don't like the game but since they are so kind, I'll give the my money!".





    like I said, its a public relations thing. no, they wont give money because they beleive jagex is a kind, giving company (although isnt that the concept behind ur famous "charity"?), instead, they give their money because they know that if they do, they will have access to great updates, and that has been proved to them through small additions to f2p and the f2p game as a whole




    and you can really never expect people to buy your service if they feel threatened or if they are not happy with the way you conduct business, slamming the BUY P2P OR DIE banner in their face will only scare people away




    besides, there are probably very few cases of f2p players who have been going on for more than a year playing the game without getting members at some point or another








    Dont forget that Runescape was created as a fun thing for Andrew and his friends, it became an incredibly nice community and now its pretty much capitalized into failure but there is still a small part of runescape that is true to its origins and just about all of that is left on few runescape players and some of those are probably f2p


    It was capitalized the day it became a business, just like every other business on the planet :roll:






    But still, 7% is a lot out of millions. Surely F2P can pay it off? Do you know the exact numbers? Runescape was run for a very long time just on f2p.


    Your forgetting that they are already way in the negative from the bandwidth\maintnance cost; storage isn't the only factor.





    Plus you are disregarding the hidden benefits of f2p. Many f2p accounts are secondaries, and many of the main owners are none other than members themselves. Also, nearly all of the current p2p population was f2p for a while. You wouldn't buy something without trying it out first, so f2p serves a critical role.


    Like I said, making people buy PTP was the sole point of FTP. Any update not designed to specifically do that is a waste of members money.




    If f2pers see that Jagex is kind enough to give them an amazing game and a nice little update every so often they may really see potential in getting great updates when and if they decide to become p2p.




    If Jagex treats f2p like garbage and just spams all of f2p with gnomecopter style things then they might be more skeptical to give money to a company that cares about nothing but the cash..




    Dont forget that Runescape was created as a fun thing for Andrew and his friends, it became an incredibly nice community and now its pretty much capitalized into failure but there is still a small part of runescape that is true to its origins and just about all of that is left on few runescape players and some of those are probably f2p

  11. 1. I once bought a plane ticket for 490$ to go see a girl I loved, made it to the front of her house and she wouldn't go out of her room and walk 5 steps to at least say goodbye to me...


    What a waste of money, why didn't she come out of her room?




    wish I had an answer for that.. after I knew it was impossible to have anything else with her I just wanted to at least see her and just say goodbye, but she just threw me out like an old rag and made me into nothing

  12. 1. I once bought a plane ticket for 490$ to go see a girl I loved, made it to the front of her house and she wouldn't go out of her room and walk 5 steps to at least say goodbye to me...


    2. I once almost asphyxiated cause me and my friends were playing with a fire extinguisher while drunk.


    3. I've passed out in the street, twice.


    4. I've made out with 6 different girls in a single night.


    5. I live and breath Trance, House, and Reggeaton 8-)

  13. Sorry, but half the girls in my class are stuck up [puncture]s...




    Can't be bothered to waste my time, besides, I have not even kissed a girl yet...A three way...Well...Lol


    Nah, my friend went straight to sex before she kissed a guy.




    well I guess since we're in the confession forums, I had sex 1 year before my first kiss, which now that I think about it its actually pretty strange o.O

  14. even if you do complete everything on the list jagex will keep on adding a new quest or a new minigame and the list will just keep going and going




    so yeahh I guess you never really complete the game until its no longer updated or whatever (but still being run, kinda like rsc)

  15. Some of you guys have wayyy to many accounts




    anyway, my first account had numbers, then I made Duke Diego :D


    also have Shredhead and a friend of mine gave me Bloodwhip but then I forgot the pass and I dont know the security questions.. oopz

  16. It could be a future update where we can cease activity and regenerate energy at a faster rate.
    RSC Throwback, more like.


    Those sleeping bag words always annoyed me... would be interesting to see them add a rest option though it kind of kills the purpose of the achievement ring and some summoning monsters. maybe as an extra way for f2p to recover energy

  17. I agree with how rune armor look worse now, I like the way dmeds looked in either game but in classic dmeds and the 2 weapons had insane graphics when they were in ur inventory. The weapons looked sick when they were worn in rsc not because it was really anything special (they were same as all the other weapons but just blood red) but cause they were rare and of course the best weapons at the time...




    Overall jagex has done a pretty good job with all the new armor that they have released so I guess that covers the lame look that rune has nowadays

  18. Mwuahahahahahahaha when I go back to my school Im gonna laugh at all the texmex




    The next match for Argentina is a biggy, in 86 we stole the cup from the germans and then in 90 they stole it from us :P, I guess its our turn now.




    I do hope that Argentina does well in this cup (they are already in the 8 best) but next round will be twice as better, with Messi and Tevez getting four more years on their back they are gonna be next Maradonas, yes, they are that good. And besides, Maradonna won a cup and got to a semifinal with 10 dogs and himself, but for the next world cup, its gonna be 2 Maradonas, Riquelme, and 8 more geniuses.




    More into the argentina vs Mexico, even though argentina won it wasnt the same team or gameplay as in argentina vs serbia and montenegro or holland, Mexico was dominating, but even then they are too bad to win. Oh and Maxis goal was godlike, maybe out of 50 passes like that, your probably only going to score one.

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