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Posts posted by osutampa

  1. Thanks for the help so far everybody....The only thing is when you say you make 650k+ an hr at Aviansies, that's probably because you have 99 range whereas I only have 78. So that defintley plays a part in that.




    And what is Superglass make, I've never even heard of that.

  2. Hey everybody, I've been reading tons of topics lately in Help & Advice that say "you could do it that way, but if you make 600k+ an hr than do it "x" way, it's faster in the long run."




    How exactly is this possible, and if it is, is it possible with my stats? I'll list off some of my best money makers.




    Farming ranarrs, not necesarilly a per hr amount, but made about 400k today in a relativley short period of time.


    Aviansies, can't be more than 250k an hr.


    Barrows, 300k an hr, much more if I get a item drop.


    Slayer, varies but I'd say 100k an hr on average.


    Runecrafting, 300k an hr tops, more like 200k.






    So as you can see, I'm nowhere near 500k an hr. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody wants to share their secrets, but a hint in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

  3. This may not exactly be helpful advice...but have you ever looked at porno? Not male on male, but normal porn? Because one of my best friends in the entire world told me he thought he was gay in 9th grade, and the only thing I could think of was to tell him to watch porn just to make sure. Turns out his "problem," if you want to call it that, was that he just was completley unattracted to 9th grade girls. He only liked girls that were 22+. So I really doubt this is a common thing, but I'd say its worth a shot personally, if it really does bother you that much.

  4. By the way, when she said she'd date you if you were older, she might have just been play-flirting and not have actually meant it. Maybe once you guys are older, you can be together, but if it doesn't work out now, don't hold your breath, there's other girls out there.


    But I cant like any other girl, shes always on my mind.


    Well how do you know there isn't someone even more awesome, even smarter, funnier, and possibly your age too? Maybe there's a girl you know that you'd go perfectly with, if you only payed attention to her.




    I remember 13, that was a terrible time to be a guy. Every girl you liked was "the one" and you couldn't realize that, in reality, she was just the best looking girl you talk to. If I'm you, I'd tell her and if it happens, cool. If not, move on and don't waste time thinking about it, even though thats hypocritical because I know I did the same thing when I was younger, as did most people.

  5. Well, for starters, I can say that Borrows equipment has probably more than doubled in value in your absence, making it very much still worth doing.


    Barrows items have rebounded a bit lately, but nowhere near what they were worth 3 years ago. I just checked and a Guthans set costs 4.5M today, but three years ago a warspear would have run 8M all by itself.




    Not to say that Barrows isn't worth doing, but there are certainly better options available today. For example, Avianses are a great way to make money and also get XP.




    Yeah I was gonna say, after I read those posts I checked the prices and they are nowhere near back in the day, spears used to be 8-9 mil easily.




    What is Avianses, all I know is you range them and they drop addy bars, could I kill them with my stats?

  6. That's insanity. If you didn't know a thing about track, you'd think Bolt destroyed Gay. But Gay ran a hell of a race and still got annihilated.




    Their names make talking about this race funny as hell.

  7. Hello to anybody that will read this, and hopefully answer a few of my questions. I've been playing Runescape on and off (mostly off the past 3 yrs) for about 6 years now, which is a long time now that I think about it...But I've caught the bug again and have the urge to play and could appreciate some help.




    1) I have about 11 mil in my bank and no worthwhile items, seeing as I sold them all to avoid price changes after I quit.


    2) I really have no idea what to do in the game other than play. You can see my stats in my sig.




    So knowing these 2 things, it'd be helpful if you could try to answer these questions:




    1) I have no real goal other than raising my skill total and making money. So, what would be a good way to go about getting 70 or 75+ in all skills?


    2) I cannot stand losing money while skilling, with very few exceptions (prayer, construction, unavoidable losses like that). This has led me to do some weird things, such as crafting bowstrings from lvl 15 all the way to 81. So, what is the best way to train skills such as herblore and farming, keeping in mind I do herb runs as much as possible?


    3) Is barrows still worth doing?


    4) Any new mini games or any quests worth doing in the past 4-5 months?






    Thank you for reading, and hopefully helping me out.

  8. I love football, especially NCAA football. O-H-I-O!!! As an Ohio State student, I have no idea how I couldn't be obsessed with football. Not that big on the NFL though, but being a Brown's fan probably has something to do with that.

  9. To the above guy:




    If I'm you, I would be pretty happy with that situation. That's really about the best you could hope for. But, at the same time, If i were you I wouldn't count on it. Move on with your life, find a new girl. If it was "meant to be" with that girl, then it'll happen. Don't sit around for 5 years just thinking about some girl you haven't seen for years. Find new girls, have some fun. Don't plan your life on a chance.

  10. If any of you have a facebook, I recommend you go on there and search for a group titled "Man Law." It is like every Man Law you've ever thought of written down. It is hilarious, and at the same time totally true.

  11. I like a lot of different characteristics, not necessarily all in the same person though.












    -Fun to be with


    -And this one is really important, someone that will be straight with me, meaning cut the BS and just tell me whats on your mind, what you think, etc. I hate it when girls won't tell me what's wrong or whatever and it turns into a huge deal when in reality it wasn't anything important and they just wouldn't speak up for whatever reason.




    I'm sure there are a lot more, but those were the first few that came into my head.

  12. The military is actually something that I considered very seriously. Since I'm a senior in high school right now, at the beginning of the year I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. So I went and talked to the Army, Marines, and Air Force. The Air Force said I couldn't fly because of my vision and height (I'm 6' 4"). The Marines and Army both wanted me and asked if I had taken the ASVAB. I took that my sophmore year in high school just to get out of class for a few hours. So the next day I come back to talk to them. The Marine recruiter, Army recruiter, my friend who had already signed with the Army, and me are all sitting in this room. I pull this paper out of my pocket and set it on the table and all 3 of them just went nuts. I had no idea what the hell was going on. Turns out I had gotten a 98 on the ASVAB as a 15 yr old sophmore, meaning I could literally do anything I wanted to in the armed forces (or that's what they told me at least).




    What followed were a few of the most annoying weeks of my life. That particular test score had actually expired literally 4 days before I went to talk to the recruiters. So they wanted to take me out to MEPS to retake the test. I did it, mostly just because they got me out of school for the whole day. I re-took the test and got 100% in all of the academic sections (i.e. math, english, science) and a 99 overall. So on the half hour drive back to school these two recruiters and my friend were up my [wagon] about joining the armed forces. The Marine recruiter offered me 10 grand to join straight up or full college tuition to go to college for four years then come out as an officer. The Army basically did the same thing, except 15 grand. I said I needed to think about it. So for the next two weeks they called me basically every day, until I decided I didn't want to do it. Even now they still call me every now and then though, its actually really annoying. I still might join after college, depending on the economy and stuff like that.

  13. -That kid in my English class who just sniffs constantly instead of getting off his [wagon] to blow his nose.


    -Kids at my work who don't do [cabbage] and [bleep] all the time.


    -People who act like they are 100 years old and can't do anything when in reality they are 45 and too lazy to do anything.

  14. I think gasoline might be able to explode, but oil will just burn. Either way just having it in a drum barrel with a fuse leading to it won't cause a big explosion. It has to be under pressure of some sort I think.






    Well, I mean it isn't just like a big tub of it sitting there. It is connected to a generator, which can power the whole house/barn/shed thingy. My thinking before was that hopefully all three of those would simultaneously explode, but now that I'm thinking about it that isn't really all that realistic.

  15. Have any of you ever read a book named Cell by (I believe) Stephen King? Good zombie book, especially at the beginning when everybody gets transformed via their cell phones.




    But personally my view of the zombie takeovers is as follows: 75% of the human population gets immediately turned into a zombie (within 1-2 days) 22% gets killed in the immediate aftermath when all communication goes down and there is the, naturally, amazingly epic battle. Final tally: 50% of humans are zombies, 5% are left alive to try and make it out.




    I kind of see this going as a movie script in some ways. I'm envisioning the classic three guys two girl thing going on. I'm seeing me, two of my best friends, and my two best girl friends all chilling in my buddies basement on a Saturday night. Next thing you know BOOM MOTHER [bleep]!!! Me and my boys are kicking [wagon] & taking names, the girls got our backs. We grab any potential weapons at my friends' houses (they leave right next door to each other) and pile in my car (why my car? it has sub woofers and who the hell wouldn't want to bump while they're running like crazy?) and make a break through my town in the early dawn Monday morning to my house to get all of my (dead) dad's guns and stuff. So now, armed to the gills, we ditch out of our city (50,000+) and drive like crazy for about a half hour to get out to my grandparent's house. This would naturally follow a stop off at my work, which is a grocery store, to get all the food, water, and supplies we can get. And we would get as much gasoline as we could. So anyways we would get to my grandparents house which is kind of in the middle of nowhere, and plan our defense.




    They have a ~100 gallon tank of gasoline/oil (not sure which) which would prove to be vital, for running the house and blowing up when we have to make our escape when the zombies show up. My grandpa also has a [cabbage]-ton of guns and ammo that would re-arm us after our escape from my town. I figure we would have at least 5-10 days to lay low here and make our plans, which, naturally, I already have planned out and would just have to convince my friends of. Eventually the zombies would find us and we would kick some [wagon] until we blew off the oil drum and piled out. At this point we would drive east for 2-3 hrs until we got to Pennsylvania and a few hours later the place where my grandparents family is from, which, coincidentally, is in the middle of f'in nowhere. At this point I fully expect one of my two guy friends to be dead. One of the girls (preferably the brunette, both they are both pretty cool and hot so whatever) would be in love with me and the other girl would love my other dude friend. So basically there would be the final show-down out here, resulting in me kicking an enormous amount of [wagon].




    Then we would set up a farm or something and set up a mini-haven for other humans to come with and help rebuild our world after the natural demise of the zombies.






    In case you can't tell, this is something that I have seriously considered. Especially since I read that Stephen King book.








    Write a [bleep] novel? That's all I can really say, you appear to have considered this alot.




    I'll take that as a compliment.

  16. I've been doing too many illegal things in the past year or so.


    I ALWAYS go for the "forbidden" girl.


    I really, truly do regret secretly going out with my friend's neighbor. He is convinced that he loves her, she doesn't feel the same way and naturally had to like me. And of course being the "forbidden" girl (and a rather nice, fun, pretty girl) I went for her. Mostly I just regret being her 1st.


    I HATE jay-z with a passion. And I love rap.


    -------------Eminem can't rap anymore.---------------


    I'm really lazy and a procrastinator.


    LIES. Quoted for lying-ness.




    You're talking about the Eminem part right? Because I really love all of his old stuff, but seriously. Have you heard Crack a Bottle? That was GARBAGE! I'm reserving my final judgment until I see the results of this CD, assuming it ever comes out.

  17. Have any of you ever read a book named Cell by (I believe) Stephen King? Good zombie book, especially at the beginning when everybody gets transformed via their cell phones.




    But personally my view of the zombie takeovers is as follows: 75% of the human population gets immediately turned into a zombie (within 1-2 days) 22% gets killed in the immediate aftermath when all communication goes down and there is the, naturally, amazingly epic battle. Final tally: 50% of humans are zombies, 5% are left alive to try and make it out.




    I kind of see this going as a movie script in some ways. I'm envisioning the classic three guys two girl thing going on. I'm seeing me, two of my best friends, and my two best girl friends all chilling in my buddies basement on a Saturday night. Next thing you know BOOM MOTHER [bleep]ER!!! Me and my boys are kicking [wagon] & taking names, the girls got our backs. We grab any potential weapons at my friends' houses (they leave right next door to each other) and pile in my car (why my car? it has sub woofers and who the hell wouldn't want to bump while they're running like crazy?) and make a break through my town in the early dawn Monday morning to my house to get all of my (dead) dad's guns and stuff. So now, armed to the gills, we ditch out of our city (50,000+) and drive like crazy for about a half hour to get out to my grandparent's house. This would naturally follow a stop off at my work, which is a grocery store, to get all the food, water, and supplies we can get. And we would get as much gasoline as we could. So anyways we would get to my grandparents house which is kind of in the middle of nowhere, and plan our defense.




    They have a ~100 gallon tank of gasoline/oil (not sure which) which would prove to be vital, for running the house and blowing up when we have to make our escape when the zombies show up. My grandpa also has a [cabbage]-ton of guns and ammo that would re-arm us after our escape from my town. I figure we would have at least 5-10 days to lay low here and make our plans, which, naturally, I already have planned out and would just have to convince my friends of. Eventually the zombies would find us and we would kick some [wagon] until we blew off the oil drum and piled out. At this point we would drive east for 2-3 hrs until we got to Pennsylvania and a few hours later the place where my grandparents family is from, which, coincidentally, is in the middle of f'in nowhere. At this point I fully expect one of my two guy friends to be dead. One of the girls (preferably the brunette, both they are both pretty cool and hot so whatever) would be in love with me and the other girl would love my other dude friend. So basically there would be the final show-down out here, resulting in me kicking an enormous amount of [wagon].




    Then we would set up a farm or something and set up a mini-haven for other humans to come with and help rebuild our world after the natural demise of the zombies.






    In case you can't tell, this is something that I have seriously considered. Especially since I read that Stephen King book.







  18. I've been doing too many illegal things in the past year or so.


    I ALWAYS go for the "forbidden" girl.


    I really, truly do regret secretly going out with my friend's neighbor. He is convinced that he loves her, she doesn't feel the same way and naturally had to like me. And of course being the "forbidden" girl (and a rather nice, fun, pretty girl) I went for her. Mostly I just regret being her 1st.


    I HATE jay-z with a passion. And I love rap.


    Eminem can't rap anymore.


    I'm really lazy and a procrastinator.

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