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Posts posted by k1masato

  1. 2nvdoqu.jpg




    Your journal for posting commentaries and stories about your day-to-day RuneScape adventures."




    This here is the story of my side character ( who also happens to be on my main character ), Percey. Percey is a fellow who is on a mission to win every girls ( or as he likes to say, gurls ) heart. The unfortunate problem with Percey is that he mistakes men as women and women as men. Thus the horrible dilemma that Percey is on a mission that is bound to fail. So Without further ado, I present to you.. YA BOY PERCEY BABY!!! ( These aren't staged acts. All real. )






    Season 1 covers the start of Percey's quest. Like any other quest, bumps along the road are bound to occure. Unfortunately for our boy Percey, it seems like he may not be able to overcome these obstacles.






    A playah is born. Along with our playah comes horrible + cheesy catch lines. Oh Percey!! Can't you see that you are hitting on men!! #-o






    Percey finds a room filled with men ( but in Percey's eyes they are women ). Percey does not appreciate there being another "man" in the room. He fears competition.






    Your boy Percey doesn't give up easily.






    Percey seeks help from a Player-Mod. However, the Mod chooses to ignore Percey.






    Percey just wont give up.






    After many attempts.. Our boy Percey decides to seek help from another man -Despite possible competition. But why did Percey had to receive such harsh treatment ? Oh Percey...






    This ends season 1. If I receive some positive feedback I might attempt to make a season 2. Well.. We shall see.. Its YA BOY PERCEY BABY.




    Don't take it too seriously. Have some fun. Runescape is about having fun you know. I'm personally having fun playing our boy Percey :lol:.




    Edit: I used to do these kind of silly adventures back in 2004 as well. Posted threads up here on tip it (with another username) where I walked around the wildy skulled with a redphat. Mods didnt lock the thread so nothing wrong here.. unless 5 years later the rules changed ? :lol:

  2. Hey all,




    I'm trying to figure out the exact time the G.E price page updates ( should update the same time in-game prices too ). This is somewhat important since the G.E works by: First come - First serve ( if you put max price in your offer ).




    Much thanks if you happen to know!




    (Edit: I bet Carl Dublin might know since he did it when Dragon Claws came out, lols) ~~hmm





  3. I posted about this in the RSOF (God forbid!) and actually, quite swiftly, got some responses from J-mods:




    No appeal, eh? Nice little virtual Guantanamo Bay you set up.
    What about false positives? What about people whom had their account hijacked for prolonged periods of time and had their hackers operate a macro? Seeing there's no option to appeal, what will you do in those situations? Force the players (assuming they won't get IP banned) to recreate a character to 12.5M xp to justify themselves?
    And what of programs that are "robotic" in nature but still require player input? Mousekeys pops to mind. What if you're adept with it (or, as it was intended, rely on it if you have RSI, artritis or similar) and use it for long periods of time (because, let's face it, skilling=grinding)? What will the infallible Macro-detection system tell you?
    With kind (and worried) regards,
    If you are playing the game within the rules, no action will be taken against you. If you are found to have broken the rules by using a macro program, then action will be taken. We don't take action based on suspicion alone: all instances will be fully investigated.
    I still view that as a vague response.
    * What would you do if you DID make a mistake? How will investigation go if you suspect they are, in fact, using a macro?
    * And, for my personal benefit, what is the stance towards Mousekeys and sorts?
    Please, don't beat around the bush on these two (three).
    Thanks in advance,
    Due to our rather strong policy against macroing, any macroing offences is checked and double checked by a human member of staff. If we issue somebody with a ban for macroing, we are 100% confident that the player was breaking the rules.
    If somebody is *genuinely* and *absolutely* certain that there has been a mistake, they will find a number of ways to contact us are still available.
    ~ MMH ~
    Thanks for the swift response. I'm pleased to know it's not a dead-end road in case of severe mistakes.
    If it's not too much trouble:
    * And, for my personal benefit, what is the stance towards Mousekeys and sorts?
    Thanks heaps,
    Mouse keys are fine, they are designed as an accessibility feature built into many OS as standard.
    ~ MMH ~




    QFC: 15-16-854-58962123




    The thread is still going well, with intelligent response (God forbid!). I find it quite interesting.




    TYVM for getting an answer on mouse keys =D> =D> !! I replied in that thread stating that ill be using mouse keys from now on. <-This is a back-up plan in case their macro detecting system failed and saw me as a macroer :lol:.

  4. Why, just why?




    A 99 is a 99, so what if its now easier pretty much all the game is.




    Same as saying why don't they give 2 of every obtainable item from a monster as it was harder to gain then before x update.


    Hell you'd need 3 or 4 different types as there's been at least 3 noticeable updates for all skills since the originals.




    If you want the pride of having a RSC cape go play RSC otherwise just live with it.




    Woah, easy man.. it was merely a suggestion. Essentially its all just pixels and It barely bothers me in-game at all ( just look at my stats now compared to when I was unbanned - u don't see me 24/7 power clicking ). Almost everyone whos achieved a 99 got it with at least a small intention of showing it off. So, for those of us who worked for it back in RSC - I don't see the harm in giving us a little bit more credit for that. Take for example the people who are suggesting an rsc cape.. its just smthing us peeps from the original want..




    Edit: someone else whos achived a 99 from rsc come back me up, lol :oops:

  5. Hey all,




    while writing about my journey on runescape ( posted on the blogspace section /http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=797519 ).. A statement made by Zezima sparked an idea. To keep it short and straight to the point, ill start off by pasting what Zezima said;




    I have stopped playing RuneScape competitively because it's getting progressively easier over time. With it getting easier to train skills and gain exp, I've lost a sense of accomplishment in what I've worked hard to achieve since I started in 2001. If things will continue to get easier, it ruins the game for those of us who have been here since the beginning.




    I'm pretty sure a lot of the players who trained certain skills to 99 in rsc, feel the exact same way. I already explained my feelings towards firemaking in my blogscape, so I won't repeat it again here. Smithing is another example.. with the introduction of smith X amount option, the sacred clay allowing you to gain x2 experience, etc etc; the skill has been made way easier then it was back in RSC. And the list goes on..




    My suggestion is that for those of us who achieved level 99's in RSC be given different types of Cape of Accomplishments. An example would be the image of the skill on the Skill Cape..










    Yes, I know it doesnt look all that great.. but you all get the idea im trying to pass along. Suggestions ( if you support ) on how to improve the capes appearance would be nice!

  6. I didn't log on runescape at all today so can someone fill me in on some of the major bugs? Apparently if you lended an item you won't get it back ? So does that mean the person you lent the item to gets to keep it :shock: ? Kind of sad but just yesterday I saw a guy lend out his phat for about a day so I hope nothing serious happened to him :?

  7. [Please find the time to read the entire story and not just skim through it. For those of you who've been around since RSC, I guarantee nostalgic feelings to arise ::']




    Hey all,




    My runescape name is God of End. I started playing runescape in 2001 ( Can't remember the exact month -but yes, the very year it was released ). My first serious goal was 99 Firemaking. I achieved this on August 2002 (or) 2003 ( Can't remember again, lol ). I was the #Fifteenth (or) #Seventeenth person to achieve 99 Firemaking ( I can't remember exactly which one was it ). Back then it was a BIG thing to have a level 99 in almost any skill.






    left to rigth: Philipj, Zotherax, God of End, Jamie2002, John2496. - All 99 Firemaking. There was around 19 People at that time who had 99 Firemaking.




    Firemaking was no exception. Comparing Firemaking in RSC to Firemaking in RS2 is like comparing apples with oranges. I'm not trying to show-off about it, but back then it was waaay harder compared to how easy its been made today. We only had one type of log to light, and later on Jagex made things even harder by introducing a lovely sleeping bag. Make no mistake, achieving a 99 in any skill is an accomplishment to be proud of ( you worked hard for it! ) - But almost every skill in RSC was way harder to achieve then it is now. I guess, Zezima himself summed it up well when he said,




    I have stopped playing RuneScape competitively because it's getting progressively easier over time. With it getting easier to train skills and gain exp, I've lost a sense of accomplishment in what I've worked hard to achieve since I started in 2001. If things will continue to get easier, it ruins the game for those of us who have been here since the beginning.






    Shortly after I received 99 Firemaking, I purchased members and set my sights for a new 99. After exploring some of the members skills, I turned to the f2p skill, woodcutting. However, I trained my way to 99 by chopping willows and maple trees. I achieved 99 Woodcutting shortly after the final release of RS2 (2004). I continued to train woodcutting to around 20 million exp to maintain top 5 position on the hiscores ( back then Scarletstar was ranked one ). I also maintained top 5 or 7 (can't remember) position in Firemaking. Firemaking exp was around 19,7million exp which I did in RSC.




    I always liked RSC more than RS2, and slowly later on I started to get bored of the game. After couple of minor goals such as 80 smithing and 80 magic ( I achieved them by selling tons of easter eggs that I got from the Duped Party Hat day ) -Ironic, isn't it :lol: ? Yeah, I was lucky enough to get cracked with an xmas cracker that day and received a red phat. Anyways, back on topic (lol)... So, I decided to retire somewhere around 2004. After I retired, ( I honestly do not know how.. must have had a keylogger ) my character got stolen and abused. Result ? Permanent Ban.




    Thanks to the new offence system, my old permanent ban ( which I did not commit ) got quashed, and I'm back on the game!










    Ever since my 1641 day ban was removed, I've been trying to find a new goal. I trained a bit of combat ( couple Attack levels and Defence levels) as well as 80 magic -> 81 magic and 80 smithing -> 83 smithing. Tbh, I'm not really enjoying it like I did back in rsc.. (Yes, Enjoy! Who would have thought thats possible in rs, hehe). So I decided to throw in one last final goal. Ill be killing green drags to raise about 10 million GP ( I already have about ~3mil GP ), in order to buy a blue halloween mask. Yes, slowly but surely 8-).




    Retire happily with my account from 2001 with pieces of rsc history ( both tradeable and untradeable ).




    Current bank picture: 09.June.2009








    Thanks for reading! Heres a list of some old RSC facts you probably did not know!


    -The Purple Party Hat was originally ( before the duplication of party hats & rares incident ) the most expensive party hat.


    -Bankers would shortly respawn back if killed ( same guys who did the duped phats hack -also found a way to kill bankers ).


    -We had sleeping bags in RSC in order to reduce fatigue gained from training skills.


    -There used to be two types of Magic.


    -There was a skill called Carpentry.


    -Port Sarim Jail used to be a very popular spot to train ranged.


    -It was possible to create a female character with a beard ( this involved a platebody trick that wouldn't get you banned ).


    -There used to be level 3 players with rune platebodies. After Jagex cleared the stats of tons of macroers, some still had rune plaebodies equipped despite having level 1 defence.


    -You CAN have more than one bunny ear & one scytche ( see bank pic ^^ ) - I'm sure someone here still knows the bug that allowed this. Jagex actually emailed me on my RS Inbox asking me HOW did I get more than one bunny ears & scytche.


    -I wrote the Tip.It RSC Firemaking guide. http://www.tip.it/rsc/index.php?page=fire_guide.htm - Please ignore the horrible spelling. That article is way old. I was a kid back then, lols.


    -More to be added later on...!




    -Pics from RSC and early RS2 will be added later on as well.. I need to find the CD where I saved the pics.

  8. Uhm I personally think its kind of lame to celebrate ( well not exactly in a positive sense ) a certain anniversary in a game. I agree with Lordjake that fally massacre is a bit over exagerated. However, if there is an event worthy of remembering then it would have to be the Phat Duping event back in RSC. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people from the old times would agree with me on that.




    The Phat Duping had a MAJOR ( x10 ) effect on the economy back then. Nobody expected items worth millions to all of a sudden drop to 0 gp to 100k. Not only did it change the economy, but also exposed Jagex silly lies; "If you have a duped phat, drop it and do not keep it or you may experience harsh consequences". <-Yea right jagex, :lol:. Varrock was packed with people screaming: CRACK ME, CRACK ME, CRACK ME (reference to xmas cracker). Oh, I was one of them.. I was lucky enough to get a red phat too :thumbsup:




    Good times.




    grrr no fair! I was following them in varrock but never got cracked =(. It happened in the middle of varrock on world 1 or 2... i don't remember which it was, but it was a crrrrowded world. There were so many people in varrock i was lagging like a mofo. You could see so many people trying to unload their p hats. The pink had made it up to around 15 mill which at the time was a pretty hefty chunk of change, it took the p hat market quite awhile to recover from the dupe.




    Found some pics!









  9. I don't know why this event gets talked about so much... it isn't anywhere near the same scale as the p hat dupe was. If anything was the 911 of runescape it was the p hat dupe. It forever changed the game... making the pink (now purple) p hat the least expensive and most common and making the blue p hat the most expensive and most rare.




    Oh snap, you beat me to it ::'. Exactly! Not many people know that the Pink Party Hat was once the most expensive/ most rare.

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