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Posts posted by 2bad4u25

  1. MyBannerMaker_Banner-19.jpg





    Today October 21st at 5:10 PM est time we mass up to fight against Demiros. We agreed on 2 wars a 30 min CWRI and a Matched war after.









    We were outmassed but with our spirts high and ready for action we took the lead strong. There was about 1 min war we had 28 kills.



    But we were so pumped up we set out for out next few kills knowing there wasnt much time left!



    We ended up have 30 kills! to there 18. They outmassed us but we were DL strong!




    This was a matched war, making the odds a lil better we thought. They had to drop 2 thanks for dropping guys.




    This war took about 35 mins was long due to the low pull from both sides, We had some good tanks but slacked on the binds. Demiros then started to go WTH? When we started center tatics good job guys you learned this tactic very fast caught us back up after we fell behind but we were just to low on food when we started it. But by far i believe we had the most fun in this war everybody in ts stayed because we were laughing up a storm in TS3. You all rock.


    Sadly i dont have an ending i had to run right after the war. But they won having 2 people left over.

  2. So do you really want to make this public?


    1. We have declared on you twice already and you turned us down.


    So this is so obvious you are just trying to start a flame fest here and its not going to work out to ur advantage yea it looks the same at least sukh changed up the colors and and what not if you really want to fight over a fourm thats sad take it on the battle field where we tried to 2 times now. SO i will accept this lets sup a match how bout it?





    Session Start: Mon Sep 20 12:23:46 2010

    Session Ident: T_Power5

    01[12:23] <[2bad4u25]> Hey

    [12:23] <T_Power5> haii

    01[12:24] <[2bad4u25]> You can set up wars?

    [12:24] <T_Power5> mhm

    01[12:24] <[2bad4u25]> want to set one up?

    [12:24] <T_Power5> you guys would oupull + outnumber us :/

    01[12:24] <[2bad4u25]> matched ops +3?

    [12:24] <T_Power5> hmm

    [12:25] <T_Power5> when?

    01[12:25] <[2bad4u25]> Saturday 12pm est?

    01[12:25] <[2bad4u25]> or 1pm est

    [12:25] <T_Power5> wht gmt is tht?

    01[12:25] <[2bad4u25]> 5pm gmt

    01[12:25] <[2bad4u25]> or 6pm gmt

    [12:25] <T_Power5> can we do it 2est?:l

    01[12:26] <[2bad4u25]> what about 1:30 EST? Cuz i work at 3pm est and i have to leave by 2:30 est

    01[12:26] <[2bad4u25]> that gives me at least an hour

    [12:26] <T_Power5> okay

    [12:27] <T_Power5> saturday 25 sept?

    01[12:27] <[2bad4u25]> Matched, Melle/Binds/Range Rings ON, Corr OFF, Dung OFF, ML only Classic map center bounds sniper cap 2

    01[12:27] <[2bad4u25]> yes

    01[12:27] <[2bad4u25]> the 25th

    [12:28] <T_Power5> okay

    [12:28] <T_Power5> gl ;)

    [12:28] <T_Power5> im afraid there will be flames, but ill try my best to keep it flame free

    01[12:29] <[2bad4u25]> ok, I'll tell them also not to flame

    01[12:29] <[2bad4u25]> but only reason im warring is because people say FD made DL, so one fight ending the fighting between both clans

    [12:30] <T_Power5> well fd didnt made DL but if you see ml,forums and homeworld its a copy

    [12:30] <T_Power5> ;P

    01[12:30] <[2bad4u25]> yea, im in middle of changing it

    01[12:30] <[2bad4u25]> ML i made and didnt know it was same....

    [12:30] <T_Power5> :)

    [12:30] <T_Power5> np

    01[12:30] <[2bad4u25]> i just like those colors

    01[12:31] <[2bad4u25]> i used them 6 years ago

    01[12:31] <[2bad4u25]> so you stole them =P

    [12:31] <T_Power5> nu

    01[12:31] <[2bad4u25]> lol

    [12:31] <T_Power5> you are clanning for such a long time

    [12:31] <T_Power5> gawd

    01[12:31] <[2bad4u25]> lol yea i know

    [12:31] <T_Power5> (18:30:31) <T_Power5> 1:30est

    [12:31] <T_Power5> (18:31:15) <cd_is_here> thats too early

    [12:31] <T_Power5> :/

    01[12:32] <[2bad4u25]> on a weekend...

    [12:32] <T_Power5> oh wow

    [12:32] <T_Power5> 2

    01[12:32] <[2bad4u25]> 30 mins is nothing...

    [12:32] <T_Power5> (18:31:41) <cd_is_here> from now on let me get the wars

    [12:32] <T_Power5> hes mad

    01[12:32] <[2bad4u25]> wow

    [12:32] <T_Power5> oh sorry cody

    [12:32] <T_Power5> -.-

    01[12:32] <[2bad4u25]> Dont beat urself up

    01[12:32] <[2bad4u25]> tbh mid day is best for wars

    01[12:32] <[2bad4u25]> cuz we have GMT +8

    [12:33] <T_Power5> (18:32:36) <T_Power5> fine talk to 2bad

    [12:33] <T_Power5> (18:32:44) <cd_is_here> you got it

    [12:33] <T_Power5> (18:32:48) <cd_is_here> you finish it

    [12:33] <T_Power5> sry 2bad

    [12:33] <T_Power5> but no war frmo now

    [12:33] <T_Power5> maybe later

    01[12:33] <[2bad4u25]> ok

    [12:34] <T_Power5> im rlly sry

    [12:34] <T_Power5> -.-

    01[12:34] <[2bad4u25]> its ok

  3. Lol @ the first pic, a cmb 114 as red??

    Guess someone doesnt know what bandits are

    I own. Thats why. /end sarcasm.


    As for this fude that is going on between us it really needs to stop its annoying and childish please find something better to do with your time.

    Then tell your dumb ass 12 year old leader Sukh to use his own site work instead of stealing MINE. Maybe if you actually DID what we ASKED you to DO for the past 20 times, YOU WOULD COME TO REALIZE THAT THE BEEF WILL STOP! Never steal my website format ever again. You got that?






    There is no need for foul language. You prove to me your true age doing so. As for it being 20 times iv only herd indirectly 1 time from a friend in FD that the site was taken. I was not informed of this and had no idea as i never looked at FD fourms once in my life. Secondly for you to even try and raise your voice at me is a shame after being in the same clan and respecting you for "trying" to help i have TOTALLY lost respect for you. I will change the site once i get the time to do so i have made many sites myself but for you to come at me like this is rediculous.


    PS: Brian show a good example for your team doing what you have done is not good.




    Thank you for the help i will make sure to inform all Dark Legacy members about this and any info will be pasted on to you. The same thing goes for your members if any DL members flame please inform me on IRC [2bad4u25] or join #rs-dl and find me. Thanks again.


    And i hope this all comes to an end with the fude.

  4. Good Job.


    Yes we did have quite a few sign up and alot of people said they wernt going to be able to make it because they had there OFFICAL clan to attend to first.

    As for this fude that is going on between us it really needs to stop its annoying and childish please find something better to do with your time.


    We have 55 ppl on ML before the war. 19 sign ups. 12 maybe ( offical clan stuff to do) and around 8 or more NO's as work or it wasnt in there time zone so that is 30 sign ups.


    Again good job.

  5. lgzbanner2.png


    Link to Declaration: http://forum.tip.it/topic/273212-legendz-declares-on-the-dark-daemons/


    Legendz memberlist : http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=legendz

    the Dark Daemons memberlist : http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tomm92h


    Today after a solid 26 mass We versed The Dark Daemons. They pulled 13 so we had to drop. They piled some good tanks but we were able to have the first kill giving us the lead. Bounds were broke from there side but we still contiuned the war good job TDD in the war hope to have another match later down the road.



    Legendz Starting :



    Legendz ending :


    War pictures










  6. bannerrh.gif


    Sign-up topic : http://s1.zetaboards.com/True_Ownage/topic/3674499/1/

    Legendz memberlist : http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=legendz

    Team Redemption memberlist: http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=soldiersmfd





    War recap


    After a quick discussion with the rules, we agreed on a 30 minutes CWRI Full-out. We quick rushed them when Karma called a pile. It lead to a quick KO and a 1 man advantage for us. They decided to piled Kevin L89 that beast tanked for us and got us 10 kills. With some other good tanking on our side, and good and quick calling we started taking alot of advantage. Quick binds lead to stationary tanks. They had 1 man not on their memberlist, but meh, who cares. Goodjob pals.


    War starting




    War ending




    War pictures













  7. Was a fun war none-the-less...and remember it's just a game..you win some you lose some..its nothing serious..good luck in all of your future wars LGZ <3: Great job DF :thumbsup:


    Agreed its just a game.


    Good war, As the other officals of LGZ have stated we were in a slump still coming out of it we had a good pull like eskomo said we doubled our pull from last week which is a great improvment!


    Downfall came in did there best and won the war, We stepped up accepted the challenge even in the slump we knew we were in 2 weeks ago.


    Shame to see alot of flammers/trolls going on glad to see the TWR mods cleaning things up Thanks =), Hope people can get past the hate and hostility and just have fun cuz thats whats its all about!

  8. The main reason to join a team is to get extra practice in. Normally offical clans dont war everyday and if your on runescape alot and want extra practice i say join a big team clan that can help you learn to tank better and become better in every other area in warring.


    But like you im not totally into teams i join 1 if i do not 5 or 10 like some people which in my opinion are the no lifers.

  9. Gj Eternity, what excuse now infinitone?



    Why try and start something? kinda immature...



    lmao your the one to talk, asking for irl fights online is mature?



    Still go on about the same thing you never change that is why you will always be immature =) but sorry ur "ploy" didnt work but good try :thumbsup: hope ur not to upset


    But again was fun =D> good job E

  10. Gj Eternity, what excuse now infinitone?



    Why try and start something? kinda immature...


    Was a good fight we did have some ppl cabbage port out (2) they did have 2 k0es so that (4) or (5) person right there kinda went downhill for us good war tho :thumbsup:

  11. Was a fun war...


    But just an FYI to everybody reading all ths TPR didnt just pull there ML they had randoms there as well. And they did go out of bounds we have proof of it all but we decided o its just a fun war w/e so we wont post nothing like that up...


    Secondly when the war started the FIRST time they all left we outpulled them then they had more ppl show up so left the portal and tried to say "blast were on" they wernt but ok...w/e u say..


    This isnt a flame its just lil facts that were left out GF tho maybe we can do a RM sometime ML VS ML

  12. Ex leader of Tempted Killers Children, And your right i dont know who any of you are that posted but skinny lol. But good luck to you all the reason for this post is just to strike a little fear into you all.



    Happy Hunting

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