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Posts posted by OmgFearless

  1. The only improvement here I see ehre is that their not giving people second chances anymore.




    Otherwise they really cant beat the people who design these bots. I mean there are whole communities of incredibely smart nerds with nothing better to do than make these bots that get around Jageax's Ban Hammer :ohnoes: .


    The ability to program doesn't make someone a nerd. Infact the inability to do basic programs would you make you little short of an idiot (that isn't to say that if you never tried to program your an idiot, of course).




    In defence of bot-creators, making these sorts of things is extremely good practice at coding. Downloading someones program and running it (people often like to call themselves "hackers" when they run someone elses code, quite sad TBH) is quite another story.




    Didn't mean it in a harsh way :wall: .

  2. Ive found (and i have numerous friends who played this game) that the younger ones are nicer, than say the ones that are 15 years old.




    Just me. Its the fact that there is internet anonymity, and people feel power when they can just be a [developmentally delayed] without any repercussions.


    Given the (until recent) 13 year old age limitation, 15 years is very, VERY young. Anyone under 25 has an underdeveloped brain, and they generally aren't mature (and never fully mature). It's simple science.





    Actually your brain is at it's most active stage during your adolescance :D .




    I'de also like to point out it's not the age you are that shows your maturity it's your personality. I was 12 when i started playing Ruenscape and now i'm 16 :P and I'de like to say i've met a lot of mature higher level player who've taught me to write properly, be nice and respectful and you'll enjoy your time on runescape :mrgreen: .




    Well that my 2 cents on this topic :thumbsup: .

  3. You have 3 choices.




    1)Either become mellee barrows pure with 90+ str and 80+ attack.


    2)Or become a 71 defeance range tanker with 90+ range and 80+ hp


    3) or becoem a maxed out tank with 99 def and 90+ range :ohnoes: .




    Your summoning doesn't really help for pvp -.- and otherwise to options there aren't really many more types of pkers you could become apart from all round hybrid (85+ mage, 71 def, 80+ atatck,90+ strength, 85+ range and 80+ hp. )




    Hope you found my tips helpful :mrgreen: .

  4. The current censor is fine!!!




    I hate it how people say they should increase it! I mean what do you say when you get pjed?!! By a Dragon Clawer! :ohnoes:




    Personally i feel liek throwing the whole book of swear words at them and i whish they'de let you swear ;) .

  5. I can so badly relate to this entire topic.




    It gets even worse when your a tank ranger în a no arm fighting a pure/rune pure and their like wtf ur defence?!! After hitting constantly low hits. Then when i say 60 ( Only 87 cb :mrgreen: ) they nearly always call me defence noob and run.




    If you can't hit on Monk Robes dont PK!!!! :wall:

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