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Posts posted by Huigkt

  1. Being mummified alive, seing a big mushroom cloud (ATOM BOMB) surviving the blast and slowly dying from radiation skin slowly rotting away, have your stomach sliced open and all your intestines and guts pouring out while still alive, being chained to a pole and put on a fire ant hill and putting jelly in your mouth and the ants start eating you alive. :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:

  2. I nuked megaton when i really started playing fallout 3. :twisted: I went back there and the lady from wasteland survival guide was the only one alive but she was a ghoul. :lol: Then after that i let all the ghouls out of the metro tunnel to raid tenpenny tower. :twisted: And then i explored the wastelands and i met the friendly super muntant named leo. :ohnoes: So thats how i messed up severly and had to restart game because i destroyed megaton which had information about dad. -.-

  3. I also play this game called oblivion xbox360 the combat system is great and the graphics and the main storyline but it cant compare to runescape you can hang out with your friends, you get updates, cool minigames, alot more stuff to do but if they made rs3 they should have horseback riding and a controlled combat system.

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