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Posts posted by Aliath

  1. Marijuana should be legalized, all other drugs should be tightly controlled, with anyone caught selling to people under 18 should be severely punished.


    Why should marijuana be legalized? :)

  2. Should drugs such as heroin, marijuana and cocaine be legalized?


    Feel free to do some research before you post. It can change your perspective or help you make a point.

  3. But if you legalize drug consumption, companies will try to profit from it and sell drugs, thus hooking more people.

    Don't care. That's the price of a free society.


    Prohibition doesn't work. It didn't work with alcohol, and it doesn't work with illegal drugs.


    And it's not like Big Pharma isn't finding ways to hook millions on legal drugs anyway.


    There's a reason more kids smoke cigarettes, here in Québec, than they do drugs. Ease of access.


    Sorry. We're straying off-topic. xD

  4. Can't beat planet destroying.


    That link isn't working but I am assuming you posted a Death Star.


    The Death Star is the most powerful weapon in the Universe! It has no flaws. None. Except for... uh, I mean, yeah, it's like virtually indestructible. Like, 99.999%. I mean, there's this little hole. It was kind of an aesthetic choice by the architect. And if you shoot a lazer in the hole... It... Uh, blows up. I mean, it's not big. It's just like two meters across. And to even get to it you have to skim along this whole trench-- it's not a big deal.


    I mean, can't we like put some carboard over it or something? :thumbsup:


    Yeah, but that would looks terrible! You've gotta think about the resale value.

  5. And the sad truth is that many suicides fail. 1 million people succesfully commit suicide in a year, while about 20 to even 30 million people fail at commiting suicide (worldwide). Thing is, most of the people that fail at committing suicide will have some kind of handicap after. This just ends up making it harder for both the victim and those that need to take care of the victim, so like taking drugs, it'll influence other people too.


    That's not the reason suiciding is illegal though...


    Probably not. But I was demonstrating how suicide isn't just something you do to your own body, it goes further than that.


    I still find drug-consumption, suiciding, and abortion as acts that should be perfectly legal.


    I agree with the two latter. If you attempt to commit suicide, you shouldn't be prosecuted. And providing safe, legal abortions is a good way to prevent unsafe ones. But if you legalize drug consumption, companies will try to profit from it and sell drugs, thus hooking more people.

  6. What I find odd is that people believe that teens aren't responsible for the child, if ever they get pregnant, just because they used protection. They believe pregnancy is a "side-effect" of sex, and that you can't blame them for doing it. Right.


    As for "a few who should have been aborted", that's just wrong. You'd rather kill a murderer at birth rather than change the events in his life which shaped him to be who he is?

  7. Who are you to choose who can live and who can't live? I believe the right to life is an inalienable right, seeing as how I'm sure you're all aware of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". It is not only listed amongst the three things that is part of the most well known document of US history but it is the first. Furthermore US law is very inconsistent, because if you were to abort a child because you wanted to it is a medical procedure. If a driver were to hit a pregnant woman and kill both her and her child that would be two counts of manslaughter. Consistency would be nice, is it a human life or not?


    As I've said in another thread, let war and disease trim down the excess populace, not our own choosing, against our own set of code. And for the argument that the poor will have horrible lives, I scoff your generalizations. Oprah Winfrey, Sotomayor (although I do not like her, I must admit, she is well accomplished), Mozart, Vivaldi, Vincent Van Gogh, Ella Fitzgerald, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman to name a few of the poor who strove to be great, and their names are now household words.And for those who say adopted kids lives are horrible think about Babe Ruth, Steve Jobs, John Hancock and John Lennon.


    YOU'RE choosing who lives and dies when you buy lunch instead of donating the money. It's part of every day life, if you can't accept that then you're in for some real disappointment.

    What about killing someone in defense? What about someone planning on killing being killed? What about 20 people starving people killing another so they can live?


    People deserving life is not black and white as you make it out to be. We don't live in a disney movie.


    War and disease are controllable things. They aren't some sinless population control that aren't influenced by people. Don't pretend there is any real difference.


    It doesn't matter whether people in foster homes turn out to be successful or not. Foster homes can't be sustained forever, and the earths resources can't currently be sustained forever. Adopt a child yourself, open your own foster home or kindly stop pushing your hypocritical views.


    As I said earlier, it's easy to tell people to put a kid up for adoption. It's something else to actually give these kids a home.


    Really, is it? So you know for a fact that everyone who says its best to put your child up for adoption as opposed to killing him/her is a hypocrite and will never adopt a child, ever? You're straying from the debate, you know. This isn't a question of 'if they're going to adopted or not.' It's a question of 'Are they going to have the right to live or not.'


    Who are you to say a kid is better off dead than not being adopted?

  8. Because its her own child. But that's her choice, I guess.


    Your opinion doesn't matter unless you're a woman.


    Are you a woman? Do you know any more than I do what pregnancy is like? What makes your opinion any better than mine?


    This is demonstrably false. A fully born baby isn't even self-conscious or self-aware. A fetus is less of a person than most fully born mammals.


    So if its not self-aware its okay to kill it. Applying that logic, killing babies because they could potentially be unhappy or an inconvenience to the mother is okay.

  9. This is not about life or death, it is about a woman having control over her body. Why does a non-sentient being, who is not self-aware or self-conscious, have rights to her body?


    Because he/she is her responsibility. Because she had sex.


    Pregnancy isn't a "side-effect" of sex that you can just get rid of. When you have sex, you accept that you might get pregnant.


    And a fetus is just about as "sentient" as a born baby.


    When you kill a pregnant woman, you get charged with her murder and that of her unborn child, as fakeitormakeit mentioned.


    In my opinion, abortion is a last resort. It should never be your first option.

  10. Abortion is a perfectly moral decision, and its legality affects every single woman's equal rights as persons under the law. It should never be illegal, and there shouldn't be any restrictions about when a woman can get an abortion, or why they want it; there should be no forcing of a woman to go to counselling; no delaying the procedure like many states in the US do.


    Access to abortion is a civil right, and to be against a woman's rights, in my opinion, is being against women.


    Rawr. I agree.


    Now I'm leaving.

  11. I added a story to that other post of mine.


    It was nice debating with you all. You've broadened my views, as these kind of debates normally do. I hope you feel the same. :)




    edit: BACKUP!! I NEED BACKUP!!


    In late-term abortion, the fetus is viable. You poison the baby, and then extract it. Sometimes it survives.

    someone seems to have been scare-mongered by a radical example again -.-' Media really does know how to manipulate people: It's more likely to be struck by lightning multiple times than to survive a lethal injection of any kind. A fetus does not, will not and cannot survive a medically sound procedure of this kind.


    my assertion stands, scientifically speaking.


    It can survive.


    Gianna Jessen

    On April 6, 1977, Gianna's 17 year old birthmother (named Tina) sought a saline abortion at seven months pregnant. Saline abortions involve injecting a caustic saline solution into the amniotic fluid, which (normally) causes the fetus to be scalded to death and then delivered dead. In this case, however, things didn't go according to plan. In the early hours of April 7th, Tina went into labor and gave birth to a living baby girl, Gianna. Fortunately for Gianna, she was born before the abortionist had arrived at the clinic for the day. As a result, instead of being killed at birth by the abortionist, she was transported to a hospital. She was severely injured by the abortion attempt, requiring a three month stay in the hospital, but she survived to be placed in a foster family specializing in high risk babies.


    As a result of injuries from the abortion, Gianna was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Doctors believed she would never be able to sit up, let alone walk. She surpassed all expectations. Today she is able to run, dance, and walk...and has even taken up rock climbing. She has also become a tireless advocate for the pro-life cause.


    Many would expect Gianna to be bitter or angry about the fact her birthmother tried to abort her, especially at such a late point in the pregnancy. However, Gianna does not have any hatred towards her birthmother. She has forgiven her mother for the traumatic circumstances of her birth and treats the post-abortion women who hear her speak with compassion.


    On April 22, 1996, Gianna testified before the Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on the issue of abortion. Sadly, out of 13 members of the subcommittee, only 2 were willing to listen to her testimony; abortion supporters boycotted the meeting.

  13. If people insist on telling people to put kids up for adoption, then they can adopt kids themselves. Once you put the baby up for adoption, it doesn't disappear. It lives in a foster home without parents. This 'out of sight out of mind' policy doesn't work.


    And they're so unhappy it's best we put an end to a child's life before he ever is. Life is tough for pretty much everyone.


    Yes, life is tough for a lot of people, but parents still want the best for their kids, which is why not everyone has an abortion because their kid will be unhappy; they want their kid to be happy. If you're putting it up for adoption, odds are the kid won't be very happy, so you might as well just have an abortion to prevent that life from happening, however cruel that may sound.


    I don't live in ideal conditions. My mother is supporting us on her own (because her boyfriend has his own kids to deal with). It's tough for us financially and emotionally. I have a lot of bad days. I consider myself relatively unhappy, but it doesn't mean I wish I was never born. I love life, and I appreciate it for what it is. I don't know what its like to live in a foster home, so I can't say for a fact that a child would be unhappy or happy. That applies to you, too.


    I hope none of you are antagonizing me. I'm just trying to widen your view on things, because a lot of you seem to be obstinately pro-choice. To summarize my views, I think abortions should be taken as a case-by-case thing. But I understand that the mother goes first, and she has the legal right to have an abortion, even if its not because she's in any kind of physical or emotional danger. And yes, I make a distinction between late-term abortion and abortions performed before the fetus is viable.


    Anyways, I'm having a little trouble debating with five people at a time, so I'm going to take a little break.


    Skipping lunch and donating the money to save a family in africa? Naaahh. Telling people how to live their lives to feel morally superior? Oh of course.


    You seem to be ignoring what I'm saying. I'm just saying to weigh your options, because a child in a foster care system isn't necessarily going to be so unhappy its best we kill him out of mercy. He can have a long, fulfilling life.

  14. If people insist on telling people to put kids up for adoption, then they can adopt kids themselves. Once you put the baby up for adoption, it doesn't disappear. It lives in a foster home without parents. This 'out of sight out of mind' policy doesn't work.


    And they're so unhappy it's best we put an end to a child's life before he ever is unhappy. Life is tough for pretty much everyone.


    where you personally distingish late abortion and other abortion.


    In late-term abortion, the fetus is viable. You poison the baby, and then extract it. Sometimes it survives.

  15. What are these "chances" that I keep reading about? >.> I had no idea that this was all random <.<


    So what are you saying; that it isn't random? That it's somehow predestined?

    lol religion


    This isn't a 'diss-religion' topic. People have the right to believe in whatever the hell they want without being mocked.

  16. tortilliachp, in my opinion the mother's mental and physical health comes first. But if there's no issue, she should have the child.


    I don't judge people who have abortions. It's their choice. Who am I to say that they shouldn't? I just believe late-term abortion is wrong, and that any kind of abortion shouldn't be your first option. Weigh your options, and make an informed decision. I'm not 'pro-choice' or 'pro-life.' I'm pro-common-sense.


    Iamdam, it's not their responsibility to give those kids a home.

  17. That's why adoption exists. Sorry, but if you're going to have underage sex or otherwise sex when you're unprepared to raise a child you should accept the risks that come with it.


    Telling young people to not have sex is like asking the fat kid to guard the pie. Don't kid yourself.


    Sorry, but once they're educated on the subject they think twice before having sex. At least, unprotected sex. In any case, I'm not saying teens shouldn't have sex, I'm just saying they need to accept the risks that go with it.

  18. What are these "chances" that I keep reading about? >.> I had no idea that this was all random <.<


    This isn't a debate, at least I think. As far as I know, we're all just throwing around random speculations and gazing outside our windows in wonder. :)

  19. My parents were using condoms and my mother was on the pill.


    With all due respect I'm surprised you aren't messed up. Most condoms have spermicide that even if it doesn't kill the sperm seriously messes it up, thus messed up kids. Also I'm not sure exactly how birth control pills work but I'm sure it couldn't have helped. That's another reason, it sounds cruel but why force another burden on society, and the parents?


    I'm perfectly fine. And I doubt that's all true. Could you present a source? I don't know anything about it myself.


    We shouldn't be allowed to raise a child. She shouldn't be allowed to actually put that child on the earth.


    Who says underage parents are automatically irresponsible? And as I said countless times, adoption exists. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion, but you should consider that option.


    As for that bolded statement, that somewhat disturbs me.

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