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Posts posted by LiesInLife

  1. Mark Gerhard's Answers


    by Mod Mmg 06-Aug-2009


    1) Melt The Ice asks;


    MMG has mentioned F2P will be updated a lot more frequently, stating that F2P is NOT A DEMO.




    We are working hard on a new skill, which will be available to free-to-play and members and which shows our continued commitment to the free game. We are also looking to improve some of the free quests as well as early graphics. The free-to-play game is epic - there are tens of thousands of hours of gameplay and we are working on a number of updates at the moment.








    Yea these future updates have me jumping up and down in excitement... -.-

  2. I think we should have them as it takes a lot more effort to get them.




    However we shall not get them: (Taken from live Q/A) -.-






    06-Aug-2009 22:01:05


    Q) Mage Dark39


    will there be f2p skillcapes?




    A) No having looked into this more I'm not so sure it's the good idea I first thought it was, the big reason is there is not so much variety for free players at the really high levels and as a result I don't think its the best possible experience for our players to grind away repetitively at the same content for weeks on end.


    Naturally members have far more granular progression at high levels so I think this offers the best possible player experience and most importantly its more fun due to all the choice at the high levels.




    We are looking at other ways of recognizing our RuneScape Hero's both Free and Members alike, I expect this will be far more popular but its still in the early stages of development at the moment

  3. You could do The Knight sword quest to get your smithign level to 27-29 I think... it gives a nice hefty amount of exp. Just brign food and Run past all the Monsters and aggreisve things...




    It gives 12750 xp (which is level 29), yea i've done it myself, which should just get you to level 30 if you take into account your current level atm.




    Feel free to add in game, Lies In Life.

  4. Sorry if this has already been posted but this new skill is appreantly so 'big' that it could of been made into its own game. I don't think that horsemanship, along with sailing, is diverse enough to be created into its own game.




    However, Im not saying for certian that this will never be a skill along with sailing but for now it's not likely to happen.




    Lies In Life.

  5. I don't know if this has been mentioned already but after finishing 'Rocking Out' you are able to use a bank deposit in rimmington. This is useful on P2P worlds as there 4 yew trees near rimmington (and atleast 7 (i think 10) willows for anybody intrested) near that bank and are usually empty.




    Also for any F2P, this area is again useful as those willows are usually empty meaning quick xp. As there is no bank near by on F2P you can simply drop, burn or sell. However the yews are usually crowed on f2p worlds.




    But good guide none the less ::'

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