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Posts posted by Mixedeath

  1. God, people fail. I'm asking if for a 45 defence zerker pure torso is worth it. Considering that it has +5 slash defence compared to rune plate and +4 strength bonus. The answer is obvious...


    And to the person that says time doesn't matter in pking..the fact is it doesn't. It doesnt matter how much or how little time/money you put into your gear if the other person koes you. lmao, using your argument it wouldn't make sense to train say a obby mauler pure because they take so much more time than a dscim pure.

  2. First of all, that's this thread. Secondly, compfreaks calculations were based on efficiency in training, while I am talking about pking. His argument was that in the time it takes to get a torso, you could have gained a ton of exp using a simple addy chain. But thats PvM in PvP the defense bonus of the torso vs rune plate is negligible, it gives 1 less slash defense, which is most warriors attack with, and 4 more strength bonus? Thats completely worth it, imo, and in almost every other zerker pures opinion. just look up zerker pure on youtube, almost every one is wearing torso + rune defender+ barrows gloves, these things are what bring our strength almost to the 1 defence pure range. But whatever, the pro-pkers on tip don't think so.




    EDIT: it has better slash defence than rune plate. Its obviously superior to Rune Plate in PVP.

  3. Torso is worth it if I'm pking, right compfreak? I'm a zerker pure so torso offers best strength bonus for chest. I'm level 71 and mostly fighting pures so accuracy isn't a concern. I think in general for a rune pure or even a barrows pure, a torso is worth it. It also only takes me 3-4 hours to get one, so idk about this talk about 8 hours. If you are good you get like 50 points a game a game is 15 min TOPS. You need 1400 points for torso, so thats 28 games and like... a little over 5 hours if each game takes you 15 minutes, which i don't it should. Plus...the games are fun anyway.

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