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Posts posted by Fwut

  1. Ah, it's moments like this when I like Ameri-bashers.




    Let's take a look at two people. Person A and Person B.




    Person A earns over $100k a year, and can afford great health care, and can afford to pay that extra dollar for that bandage. Person A is a complete arse in real life, and he's been charged with assault and hooliganism at football games.




    Person B earns less than $30k a year, she's in debt, and she can barely afford to feed her family, never mind pay for healthcare. And also, this person does charitable work for countless charities. She does sponsered runs, etc.




    This is the result of capitalism, which I despise, but let's move on.




    If we have a free healthcare system, (the NHS where I live for example), then shouldn't private practices be allowed to live on for the people who can afford them, whereas there'll be these free healthcare systems for those who don't?




    sorry about this poor argument. I'm slightly drunk and at a party while thumbing this on my iPhone.

  2. 1. Reinstall java.




    NO! NO! NO! NO!!!




    If you do this you can get into a whole world of pain. Try installing JDK, which just slots itself into Java, and actually helped me at one point with a problem like this.




    Incase you're wondering what pain you'll get into, I had to reconfigure all of my Java related PATHs, which is a pain in the hole. :wall: :wall: :wall:




    JDK can be found here:




    https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.en ... _Developer




    Or you could try and see if your JRE is outdated. The latest version can be found here




    https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.en ... _Developer




    Hope it stops. Good luck.




    If this doesn't work, you'll have to wait until the next Java update or just uninstall and look up a bajillion guide online if it goes horribly wrong.

  3. I chaegnd my WPA-PSK Key so he doesn't has access now right?




    Hopefully. He may just be a scriptkiddie who just uses brute force software.




    Make sure you have a very secure password. If he's smart, he'll let go. If he's not, complain. You may even be able to take it to a small claims court. \'

  4. http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-fry.gif[/img]":feqrlne9]
    NUKE ME[/url]":feqrlne9]^ Love that one.





    Oh man, other people are going to get here and think, "Were they high?"

  5. But why would you even want to be independent from UK? It's not the unfair empire it was 300 years ago, modern day UK is a hell of alot better than most other countries.




    Becase most Irish folk like the idea of independence. It gives the idea that we're free. It gives the idea that we are a nation of our own free will.




    Plus, is a good currency. Pound is falling quicker than a plane with no engine.




    Also, I always get the idea that the Brtish government is very paranoid of its people. The ones it should trust the most. Well, that's why I want a free Ireland anyways.

  6. The religious reasons are such crap. It's not exactly religious to kill people.


    That's because there are none religion based. It's Irish people wanting their independance. It's the killers and bombers and IRA who are holding us back from a peaceful negociation and a peaceful Ireland.

  7. Yesterday, when I got caught up in the riots and heard a bomb went off very nearby to a close and dear friend of mine. Luckily she was ok.




    Everyday, I fear and loathe the inevitable days of my parents' deaths. After seeing my dad after his mother died, well. It's enough to make anyone fear it. Every day I think about it I just can't get it out of my head, and having frightening dreams of finding their bodies. Those dreams i also rate as fairly scary. You never wake up, you sit there, crying, distresseed until you hear them call you for school. The most releaving part as you lie down in bed with a bucket of sweat on you.

  8. Horray for the British deciding to have their Orange parade despite all of the tension!




    As a result, in my home county a bomb has gone off by the ring road where one of my best friend's house is, and riots and fires have broken out.




    Not knowing that Drumarg was I riot zone (I usually go through there to go to my other friend's house) I got caught up in the riot breifly and escaped with a broken nose and a punched stomach.




    For those of you not knowing why these riots are happening, please refer to here and there is a annual parade hosted by these guys.




    So, yeah. This being my first real taste of the Troubles, I'm f***ing terified.

  9. Besides, the Bible's maybe a tad slightly out of date, now. Maybe 2000 years ago population was a problem, but now it isn't.






    Population (if you mean world population) has never been a bigger problem.




    If that's the case then why was the Bible against it... #-o




    Maybe in the area the people wrote the Bible in, population was a problem.


    No, no, I meant it is now, what with urban sprawl taking over the world. Back then it was probably a problem in cities, but theoretically 90% of the world was uninhabited.




    Ah, I see what you mean now.




    What I meant was that there was probably very few people in the world back then and since then our numbers have soared.




    But yes, it was come to the point where overpopulation is a problem in a way.

  10. Besides, the Bible's maybe a tad slightly out of date, now. Maybe 2000 years ago population was a problem, but now it isn't.






    Population (if you mean world population) has never been a bigger problem.




    If that's the case then why was the Bible against it... #-o




    Maybe in the area the people wrote the Bible in, population was a problem.

  11. Uh, pretty much the whole baby-making thing...








    same. I had a vague idea, but...hmmm...how to keep this "g" rated...




    I understood the action, but I thought it had to do with urine.




    thank god for sex ed :uhh:




    I go to a Catholic school, so I didn't learn about sex until I went onto the interwebs... :shock:

  12. Seems like there was something about it in the bible....




    And? The Bible does not under any circumstances have to dictate every single aspect of your life, whether it be major, such as your view on brutally killing homosexuals or minuscule ones. Make your own opinions, you do not have to be part of the flock. "Sheep" of the bible.




    Besides, the Bible's maybe a tad slightly out of date, now. Maybe 2000 years ago population was a problem, but now it isn't.

  13. Did I kill the topic?


    No, you won the topic with a flawless victory.






    Best post on this thread!






    Wait was that just 31 post!???!




    Also stuff like showing skin wasn't acceptable, until recently (though I don't always agree with the lack of shorts people wear...)!




    Y' see? Post counts are meaningless. Suggestions such as this:


    I think there needs to be a requirement of at least 100 posts on TIF before entering this thread.




    Too many








    Are meaningless, and you could be alienating out people with a genuinely good post or point to make.

  14. grammar, heh, even today i still have some trouble with it.




    Capital G, plx.




    Anyways, I could never comprehend computers, and how they worked. Pretty much anything technology based was mysterious and out of this world, so I always got fascinated. I would take apart pretty much any old junk about the house in an effort to find out how it works, and to this very day I still do it. Which may explain why I'm such a technophile.

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