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Posts posted by Rockgabriel9

  1. Wow, lots of really old men on chatroulette. It's frightening. D:


    What's even more disturbing is the amount of people with undersized [bleep]s masturbating... WHY IS THERE NOT ENOUGH GIRLS KISSING!?

  2. I had this real weird dream last night where I had a stick and I was fighting lots of ninjas in red, and one of them dropped a red phat. I went to the GE and checked the price of it, and it was 100k... I dyed my phat blue, and for some odd reason, it worked!Blue Phat was 625k! By the way, all this was in real life, not in a game. So somehow I was my charater... Runescape looks good in realistic 3D I must say.


    You reckon i've been corrupted by Runescape?


    No, it happens.


    I had a dream way back in RSC that I pked a r2h when they were 300k. Which maybe now would be 3 mil? Very huge thing for me.


    Then a week later my dream came true on my pure, haha.


    AHA! It's a sign! I'm going to get a red phat which then turns into a blue phat! I love this sign...

  3. I had this real weird dream last night where I had a stick and I was fighting lots of ninjas in red, and one of them dropped a red phat. I went to the GE and checked the price of it, and it was 100k... I dyed my phat blue, and for some odd reason, it worked!Blue Phat was 625k! By the way, all this was in real life, not in a game. So somehow I was my charater... Runescape looks good in realistic 3D I must say.


    You reckon i've been corrupted by Runescape?

  4. I've recently changed my username to TehStalker in RS. I usually meow at people being rude to me, thenI follow them around saying creepy stuff like "I like to watch you sleep..." This dosn't serve any purpose, but its funny as hell for me. Sometimes it does work and people leave.



  5. I have pretty much blessed skin... Just a couple of pimples on my forehead, but thats because I have fairly long hair. Also, I row on the sea most mornings, sea air helps.

  6. I hate it when people I don't like (which consists of people I don't know, and anybody that is NOT my friend), standing too close to me.

    It's really annoying when people with bad breath stand right in front of you, and talk to your face. Oh the stench! The stench! Get a freaking toothbrush!

    My main pet peeve is dumb people talking. Take MSN for example;

    Him: Hi

    Me: Yo

    Him: Sup

    Me: Ehh, nothing... Just on facebook and Runescape, wbu

    Him: k nm

    Me: That's all you got to say!?

    Him: yea

    Me: Go talk to someone else that can put up with your boring [cabbage].

    Him: no

    Me: Please... It's bad for my intelligence having people like you talking to me.

    Him: fuk u


    "I block him"


    The words Lol and K are such convo stoppers...

  7. I don't think there would be a wall for skills. If Jagex wanted to improve skills, they can always remove the 99 cap, and allow people to go up to 199 in any skills, giving more potential for new updates for all the skills, as there is 100 more levels to update. You can keep the skillcape for 99, but at lvl199, you can maybe get an upper skillcape, or a "ultimate" object/ability for that skill. E.g. Cooking, having the skills to never burn anything, when cooking on your hands.


    parents are indeed often annoying.And the crappy thing is that they are often right.in my case that is very true!I should play less and study more! =(


    What kind of kid are you? You actually think your parent are right? Teenagers should rebel more often!


    Ah, the joy of living on my own. However, you should have listened to your father. If you look at it from his point of view, you disobeyed him and he is well within his right to do something like that.


    What's this? A Nazi dictatorship? "So my son is a few second over the 2 min limit. Of course he's not going to give me an exact time he would finish, but I know he would finish around the 2m mark. Oh stuff this, let's piss him off"

  8. I use the Tip It quest guides to help speed up quests.... Because I hate running around getting items, yada yada. And it still takes me ages to finish a quest even with the guide.

  9. I hate people who thinks that since I am lvl 92, I should be rich. Just because i'm lvl 92 should NOT mean that I have more cash than a lvl 30 or whatever. Also I hate people who think that if I have low str, then I must be a noob. I like attack allright?! And theres the people who think that I should have a couple of 99's for being past the lvl80 milestone.

  10. Stupid people.


    This time, I was on my pure at the Duel Arena. Some guy who is like 10 level higher than me challenges me to a staked duel. I won, as I was maging his melee acc. He then proceeded to follow me around calling me noob, and telling me that I was a bad noob. It was irratating that people can't accept their defeat.


    Thank god for Ignore list... :D

  11. Some noob PMd me pretending to be a Jagex Mod. I can't rememeber what was the convo exactly, but apparntly half the Jagex Mods were pissed off at me for some reason or other, and shes trying to help me out of it. But first I had to give her my Pin backwards. She didn't even have a crown. Because apparntly crowns don't show if you're talking to a person from a private Runescape server?

  12. I feel loved now :), now I can carry on fighting.


    *Fires a bullet point-blank into silvers head*

    *punches gabriel*


    Gabriel, are you going to join falador library, its a great fun thing for new acounts to try out AND you get to RP.


    Honey, I have more posts than I look. Curse this game forum, doesn't give me any posts otherwise i'd have over 200.


    Whats RP?

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