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Posts posted by 22pepsi22

  1. It's one thing to kill animals for food or to end suffering. It's another to starve them, mistreat them, pump them with steroids, and pit them together in a fight to the death. Then kill the loser in horrible ways for "entertainment." Not so much to just put it out of its misery, but just for [cabbage]s and giggles.






    However, Vick did his time in accordance with the law. Think he didn't serve enough time? Then start a petition for stiffer punishments for crimes like that. Otherwise, just leave him alone.

  2. CareBearsMovieSpellBook.jpg








    The talking spell book from the very first Care Bears movie. Oh God, when it went all psycho. Don't even get me started.




    And the scene with the Jack Nicholson air conditioner exploding was a little freaky as well. Only after re-watching the movie as an adult made me realize how horrifying that show really is.

  3. I was only in the scouts for the Pinewood Derby races. (Well, me and my dad both were hehe. Always won best-in-show. :lol: )




    In general my troop was crap. Never did anything.




    But, only you can decide if you've gotten anything out of it. Or if it's worth it to continue. Did it make you a better person? Are you having fun doing it?




    Ranks are cool, I guess. But in all honesty the ranks mean nothing (like you've proven with the Eagle Scouts in 27 months). The Scouts aren't there for ranks. It's just like school. Sure, you're a senior. Doesn't mean you're smarter than a freshman.

  4. Worst way to die for me would probably be in a way that wouldn't get me remembered for it. And that is my serious answer.




    Like, I would wanna go out in a bang, if you catch my meaning. ;)

  5. Answers in Underline.




    Maybe humans and God have different views on what "love" is? Love could be considered opinionated, couldn't it?




    Humans claim that God is all-loving, and they don't mean by his standards. What you're doing is explaining away the problem with a cop out.




    Thst was actually a joke. I didn't really mean for you to take it seriously. Hence the " :roll: "




    And, maybe we go back to that whole free will thing. Satan had a choice to do what he did. He had a choice because God let him have a choice. Thus, sin. And God didn't damn anyone. If He damned us then there would be no Heaven. We'd just live in an imperfect world forever. We don't. God didn't just go and scrap the idea of us. He fixed it. Now there's Heaven. We all get a clean slate in the end. We just have to ask for it.




    As for the whole Ebola Virus, pestilence and what not. They are there for a reason. Whether it's just another form of "predator" or what-have-you. Viruses have proven useful in the advancement of medicines and such. It's not necessarily bad. It's just... life.




    Whether or not Satan had free will is beside the point. I'm saying that God made Satan knowing he would tempt Adam and Eve and God put the tree in the garden, so he set us up knowing we would fail when he could have bypassed the test all together. As I said:


    I would argue that an all-loving, all-powerful being would spare the tests and suffering of life (tough love, as you call it) and send everyone straight to heaven. Sure, we wouldn't be able to learn from mistakes or really appreciate what we have in human terms, but God could impart us with knowledge and appreciation as well. But he didn't. Why?
    Added, he seemed to be shocked when Adam and Eve ate the fruit. Why would an all-knowing being be shocked by anything? Why would a supposedly perfect being even need to create anything, let alone need your worship every Sunday? That's really beside the point, though.




    That whole Sunday Mass thing was developed by humans. Some like to say we do it because God rested after creating the world on a Sunday. Some like to say because it's the first day of the week we give it to God. And I said this before, but, some people believe some Bible stories merely explain the "why" everything is as it is rather than "how." Not to say the Bible is lying, but, we really can't know how the world was created.




    God also created humans because He loved us. Simple as that. Did He need to? Probably not. Did He want to? I guess.




    As for the point on viruses, so I take it you feel Ebola, let's say as a means of population control, is perfectly congruent with an all-loving being? Why would an all-loving being afflict his children in such a way? Why would an all-loving being even need population control? That concept doesn't make sense, not to mention how sick and twisted it is.




    So you're saying life is sick and twisted? A cat eats a bird. Does that make the cat sick or twisted? It's just another "creature" out there trying to do what it does best. Does it do it with malice or hate? No. It just does it to survive.




    Let's say his motives for creating such a virus were so that we could figure out how to combat the virus... hold on a minute, how does that make it better at all? If that were the case, it's like giving people guns to kill each other, but justifying it by saying they have the ability to dismantle the guns to stop the killing. I'm not really against the idea of a God in general, I just think there are a lot of things about Christian theology that make no sense.




    The Ebola Virus has the ability to be the median in delivering medicine to humans. I'm not sure if it is still in testing or not, but, that's what I read. Viruses can have more use than just defending people from the more harmful aspects of itself.



    And, to me it seems this whole thing has gone from "existence" to "fairness." We're just questioning the different ideals of a God. Maybe that's the only thing we humans are capable of finding out.




    Yes, and it doesn't look like you addressed the other point I made either:


    I question the morals of a god who damns the decendants of people who commit a crime. I would expect nothing less than a clean slate for everyone from a moral, loving being.


    Is that really fair? Would it be fair for your children to pay for your crimes?





    And, maybe we go back to that whole free will thing. Satan had a choice to do what he did. He had a choice because God let him have a choice. Thus, sin. And God didn't damn anyone. If He damned us then there would be no Heaven. We'd just live in an imperfect world forever. We don't. God didn't just go and scrap the idea of us. He fixed it. Now there's Heaven. We all get a clean slate in the end. We just have to ask for it.





    Don't know if that was the type of answer you were looking for, but, that kind of was my answer.







    As for the "skip life" and everyone just goes to Heaven. God is still giving us help, which shows He is benevolent. Was it ever said that the help would be instant? Maybe we just need to have a little patience. God made us, and He knew everything would happen as it did. He let it happen because it was our choices that made it happen. Sending us to Heaven would be the same as if He "modified" our "blueprints" and made us perfect "robots."

  6. There is a famous quote/argument that goes a little something like this....




    God is omnipotent and all loving. If so, why does suffering exist?




    Either, he is willing to remove it, but cannot, so he is not omnipotent.


    He can, but will not, so he is not all loving.


    He neither is willing or has the power to do so, so he is not God.






    There is such a thing as tough love, you know. You can't learn from mistakes if you are not allowed to make them.




    We are all given choices. Choices to do the right thing, choices to do the wrong thing. Sometimes we don't make a choice at all and it seems to either help or hurts us. Our decisions may only seem to affect us in the present, but, they will certainly add up in the end.




    Life has suffering because of sin. This life is merely the tarnished remnant of a world that was once perfect.




    I would argue that an all-loving, all-powerful being would spare the tests and suffering of life (tough love, as you call it) and send everyone straight to heaven. Sure, we wouldn't be able to learn from mistakes or really appreciate what we have in human terms, but God could impart us with knowledge and appreciation as well. But he didn't. Why?




    Why test humanity with a piece of fruit? Why make a snake he knew would tempt humans into eating the fruit and why be surprised when the inevitable, already-known result happened? Added, I question the morals of a god who damns the decendants of people who commit a crime. I would expect nothing less than a clean slate for everyone from a moral, loving being.




    Of course, a possible answer to some of these questions is that God isn't really all-loving. Maybe he just doesn't care that much? Maybe he was just mad on the day he made the Ebola virus?




    Maybe humans and God have different views on what "love" is? Love could be considered opinionated, couldn't it? :roll:




    And, maybe we go back to that whole free will thing. Satan had a choice to do what he did. He had a choice because God let him have a choice. Thus, sin. And God didn't damn anyone. If He damned us then there would be no Heaven. We'd just live in an imperfect world forever. We don't. God didn't just go and scrap the idea of us. He fixed it. Now there's Heaven. We all get a clean slate in the end. We just have to ask for it.




    As for the whole Ebola Virus, pestilence and what not. They are there for a reason. Whether it's just another form of "predator" or what-have-you. Viruses have proven useful in the advancement of medicines and such. It's not necessarily bad. It's just... life.




    And, to me it seems this whole thing has gone from "existence" to "fairness." We're just questioning the different ideals of a God. Maybe that's the only thing we humans are capable of finding out.




    Yes, this. VVVV

  7. There is a famous quote/argument that goes a little something like this....




    God is omnipotent and all loving. If so, why does suffering exist?




    Either, he is willing to remove it, but cannot, so he is not omnipotent.


    He can, but will not, so he is not all loving.


    He neither is willing or has the power to do so, so he is not God.






    There is such a thing as tough love, you know. You can't learn from mistakes if you are not allowed to make them.




    We are all given choices. Choices to do the right thing, choices to do the wrong thing. Sometimes we don't make a choice at all and it seems to either help or hurts us. Our decisions may only seem to affect us in the present, but, they will certainly add up in the end.




    Life has suffering because of sin. This life is merely the tarnished remnant of a world that was once perfect.





    We have tough love because it's the only way to do things sometimes, this isn't the case with an omniscient and benevolent god. If god was truly omniscient and all good then there would be no suffering at all. He wouldn't have to "use evil to fulfill his wishes, he could just do it.




    Also the full quote:


    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?





    Saying this or this because of omni-anything probably wouldn't work. Given God could just say this IS the right way of doing it. God is omnipotent, so, He could do two things that "supposedly" conflict with each other, but, do not. Why? Because He is omni-potent.




    Paradox? Maybe. Does it prevent God from doing anything? No. God can do whatever.

  8. Hiccuping is merely the result of some sort of disorder of the nerves or breathing etc.




    Hiccuping is nature's way of making life entertaining.




    Life has suffering because of sin. This life is merely the tarnished remnant of a world that was once perfect.




    Want to justify why god decided to punish the entire human species because of one bad action?




    I don't see God punishing anyone on earth. I see him creating a new perfect place in an attempt to rectify the issue man has created.

  9. ^ What he said. Also:







    And, as for me, I'd. Well. Move to the Vatican City. Lol. ;)




    Surely that would be one of the first targets for every religion to attack?






    The only immediate threat I see would be Africa across the Mediterranean. Of course this is assuming that various sects of Christianity aren't fighting with each other.




    At least I would be among friends if worse came to worse. ::'

  10. There's alot of terrorism attached to Muslims, so they seem to have the edge when it comes to attacking.




    ...Me though - i'm sticking to Jedi.




    Lightsabers against Bibles? I'll let you decide.




    Jedi's are few and far between but with their awesome jedi mind tricks i think they could trick the world's population into colonizing into the middle of the desert. Non violence, just a lifetime of suffering ahead.




    After all i think we're gonna need as many people as possible when the Martians attack so it would be no good if the Jedi's killed everybody







    Yodeling kills martians. All it takes is one man with a record of Franzl Lang and a megaphone.




    And, as for me, I'd. Well. Move to the Vatican City. Lol. ;)

  11. Well, yeah. I guess you're right. But I also doubt that the U.S.A. would ever become a religious nation. After all, we were founded to be a nation of religious freedom.




    Most of the people who proclaim religious freedom in the US really mean "freedom to follow my religion, and screw all the others".




    And you base this on...?


    Off Topic: I had a dream where the squirrell in your siggy killed me with that yo-yo.




    On Topic: Well, I don't believe we've ever had a non-Christian president... but I've been wron before.




    A lot of them were protestant I believe.




    I think some of the founding fathers were Diests. Most notably Jefferson.

  12. If the world keeps spinning, why do you care if people/the media "blow it out of proportion"?




    If fans want to mourn and celebrate his life, who are you to say it's wrong or stupid? It in no way affects you.










    If people want to celebrate his life and all it's fine. As a matter of fact, this wasn't even directed at fans. It's when news stations and entertainment shows try to milk this thing for all its worth.




    And it does affect me. The very thought of people using a deceased person as a money and ratings machine is terrible. It sickens the hell out of me sometimes.




    I'm just saying this whole thing wouldn't have been nearly as big as it is if the media hadn't rode his casket and hyped the hell out of it.




    EDIT- I find it weird how the very people who were dragging his image through the mud on their stations are now lifting him up on a pedestal.

  13. Umm... When a commercial is played back to back two or more times in a row.




    Playing it 3 times won't make me want to buy your product. If anything it'll just make me want to kill you... slowly. :twisted:




    Also... I hate when people use "..." but, I do it all the time... So... I annoy the hell out of myself?...

  14. There is a famous quote/argument that goes a little something like this....




    God is omnipotent and all loving. If so, why does suffering exist?




    Either, he is willing to remove it, but cannot, so he is not omnipotent.


    He can, but will not, so he is not all loving.


    He neither is willing or has the power to do so, so he is not God.






    There is such a thing as tough love, you know. You can't learn from mistakes if you are not allowed to make them.




    We are all given choices. Choices to do the right thing, choices to do the wrong thing. Sometimes we don't make a choice at all and it seems to either help or hurts us. Our decisions may only seem to affect us in the present, but, they will certainly add up in the end.




    Life has suffering because of sin. This life is merely the tarnished remnant of a world that was once perfect.




    Well was God high when he designed humans to hiccup? And gave them appendices?




    Humans are not some supremely evolved creatures, they are actually quite pathetic creatures in the great scheme of things. We have no innate defence/attack or escape abilities, no really hard skin/hide, no posionous fangs, super-strength, wings to fly away from danger, super-vision, super-smell, super hearing, super-speed. Hell, human offspring take around a year to even walk, most Savannah animals take a few minutes!




    The only advantage that humans have is prediction often (and originally) from experience. Now I say prediction and not intelligence, because one precedes the other. Humans are masters at spotting patterns, and deducing the next most likely outcome. If there was a particular dry valley that flooded with fresh water 17 days after the equinox one year and then 19 days the next year, most people would place a very good bet that the same would happen *around* 18 days after the next equinox. No other creature has this predictive or forward planning ability. Once we start noticing these patterns, we can learn from them and plan for them. Slowly building intelligence.




    Humans do have intelligence. Humans use tools. We lack claws, so we pick up a spear. We cannot burrow, so we dig with a shovel. We cannot break a cocnut with our jaw, so we smash it with a rock. Humans survived because we can adapt by making our own shelter, rather than finding one. Or, bring water to us, rather than seeking it out.




    The list goes on. Our intelligence is our bread and butter.




    Oh, and the appendix has functions in less than sanitary cultures in quickly replenishing intestinal bacteria after an illness etc. Hiccuping is merely the result of some sort of disorder of the nerves or breathing etc.

  15. In any event... If you're going to make a terrible show, at least make it a cartoon. Or, change the channel name, because it's not "Cartoon Network" anymore.




    You may be content with watching recycled reality t.v. shows copied from pre-existing shows on other channels, but, I expect more from them. I expect them to show something new (that is a cartoon) like they had been able to do for years and years before this new "teen-age."




    Hah, I made a pun. ::'

  16. Everyone get ready for... Scooby-Doo: The Mystery Begins!




    It's the LIVE-ACTION version of the Scooby-Doo cartoons. How could this go wrong? Well, except for the fact that the other live-action Scooby-Doo movies were bleheh and I doubt the new t.v. series would have enough funding to even match the amount of bleheh-ness those produced.




    It's coming in fall by the way.




    Even if we are comparing today's Cartoon Network to yesterday's, there's one thing you cannot deny about yesterday's. It was Cartoon Network. Only cartoons. That's what made it so popular. It wasn't like Nick or Disney Channel with their variation of cartoons and live-action. It was 100% animated. Now it's turning into a 75% live-action and 25% cartoon channel. How is that "Cartoon Network?" There's less animation than there is acting.





  17. wait, what? That show was mature?


    OP said it was more mature than cartoons like Spongebob. Doesn't necessarily mean it's mature. :P






    It did seem to involve a lot of violence/insanity that I could see some children not being able to handle.

  18. Well, I was just notified of this article by one of my friends.




    http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/sports ... rtoon.html




    Apparently PGA wants to "educate" kids about golf... by using Cartoon Network as a median... I'm just hoping it stays to "cartoon network/golf t-shirts and such and doesn't involve into a "golf cartoon" or, Heaven-forbid, golf actually showing up on cartoon network.








    Honestly, I don't think "growing up" has anything to do with the way shows are interpreted on Cartoon Network. I still get a kick out of some of the shows on now, because I believe that's what a cartoon should be. Wild and crazy antics with good plot line. If you want to watch teenagers all day (kind of creepy) go to the mall yourself.

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