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Posts posted by hazza143

  1. A thread on the runescape forums has just maxed on the "f2p skill cape" issue of which I posted about 100 times, that being said Ive heard every argument from "no" to "yes" (to f2p already have skill capes, yes he was a noob and he got flamed for 3 or 4 pages).




    So here are my opinoins: (brace yourself!).




    You deserve things by earning them, you earn a promotion ... you dont then pay your boss cos he offerd you a promotion.




    Jagex wont lose money. Say 1,000 pathetic members quit cos f2p get members content they will lose £3,500 but how many members accounts are there (to round it) a million members thats £3,500,000+ then you got f2p adverts so a lose of £3,500 isnt going to make them worry is it?




    Of course not caring about people quitting isnt a great idea but people always over-react or flame jagex staff for every update, who would have thought being able to run for longer and more often was a bad thing? So no matter what jagex do people are going to be angry at them.




    Fact of the game unfortunately.




    Were not talking about new weapons, skills or area's just 15 skill capes. (This might only apply to runescape forums, as I doubt people are bringing up this argument of "if they get capes why not give them godswords" cos its a silly argument and a pet hate of mine)




    Npc's being in the wrong place .... they can be moved or new 1's made and put in f2p area's.




    Skill capes arnt the only reason people become members, thats just a stupid thing to say. On the same note they arnt the most sought after item ... spirit shields (as an example) are much, MUCH more sought after.




    They should not have less of a cape, they work longer than us so why should we have a better cape with a stupid emote that you only use when your really bored.




    We dont work the same just take prayer for example (this is the quickest method, not the cheapest. I also put a comparison between f2p and p2p using the same bones).




    868,963 big bones buried for zero to 99.




    93,104 ourg bones buried zero to 99.




    Thats what I think any-hoo ::'




    My argument exactly ::'





  2. I never take my socks off unless I'm in the shower or other wet environment. No other times.








    Yeah, but if you keep them on for too long this mouldy, crusty layer forms.




    Not saying it's bad - actually it's strangely satisfying to rub in between your toes and "roll" it out. Just saying. Starts to smell after a while.


    That's just gross. Could you not?




    Oh and that's never happened to me.




    Stop lying. Everyone has enjoyed doing that at one point. Everyone.




    I could go on in articulate and infinite detail about certain bodily functions and people's reactions to them - that I find either enjoyable, disturbing or entertaining.




    Your choice !


    Ooooo, carry on? :D i wanna here more of this conversation ;), more importantly, I want to hear "articulate and infinite detail about certain bodily functions and people's reactions to them" :D




    should make a new topic :lol:




    So - above or below the belt ?







    Both? :D









  3. The poll results are pretty interesting. I mean, nearly 60% of TIF is atheist (or at least doesn't believe in eternal life or anything else).




    Now that you mention it, it would also be pretty interesting to have a poll for religion specifically. :)




    It would be actually. I've always assumed that at least a decent portion of TIF was atheist, but I never realized it was 60%. Then again I wonder what the results of this poll would be if it were posted in the runescape section.


    I say we try it? :ohnoes: ::'





  4. Hey, don't dis the robe, yo!!










    *ehem*, 'scuse I...


    It's my favourite outfit :(


    By the way, robe is leet, just the trim is stuffed :|

  5. Having a trimmed item is another way of saying.




    Me: Trade me.




    Random: Ok.




    Me: Puts up all his awesum moneys.




    Random (preferred response): WOW DATS LOTS OF MONEYS




    Random (real response): Yea... ok (goes off thinking your an [wagon])


    I know but what else is a skiller supposed to wear?

  6. chances are there will just be nothing, i hope my immortality potion works


    Did you buy it off ebay?


    nah, I've seen them on amazon for $39.99




    I also heard that they taste like chicken :D




    -Hazz ::'


    trust me, the imortality potions work. i drank it and jumped off a bridge into oncoming trafic. 6 broken ribs, a cracked skull, broken femur, sternum, 2 fingers and my left radius, but i lived!


    SWEET!!! I'll pre-order mine tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:




    -Hazz ::'

  7. I never take my socks off unless I'm in the shower or other wet environment. No other times.








    Yeah, but if you keep them on for too long this mouldy, crusty layer forms.




    Not saying it's bad - actually it's strangely satisfying to rub in between your toes and "roll" it out. Just saying. Starts to smell after a while.


    That's just gross. Could you not?




    Oh and that's never happened to me.




    Stop lying. Everyone has enjoyed doing that at one point. Everyone.




    I could go on in articulate and infinite detail about certain bodily functions and people's reactions to them - that I find either enjoyable, disturbing or entertaining.




    Your choice !


    Ooooo, carry on? :D i wanna here more of this conversation ;), more importantly, I want to hear "articulate and infinite detail about certain bodily functions and people's reactions to them" :D




    should make a new topic :lol:

  8. chances are there will just be nothing, i hope my immortality potion works


    Did you buy it off ebay?


    nah, I've seen them on amazon for $39.99




    I also heard that they taste like chicken :D




    -Hazz ::'

  9. I would like to believe that you get reincarnated ::' , though in reality it's probably just nothingness :wall:




    Though I cannot quite grasp the idea of there being nothing :shock:




    i hope reincarnation ::'




    - Hazz

  10. the ipods are old 1ns that i stole from my brothers and step brothers and same with the psp's and the potassium nitrate wellllll :anxious:








    "1" is half a [bleep] keyboard away from "o". How the hell did you manage that ?!


    Unless it was intentional - :shame:




    rofl, sorry :oops: was playin rs at the time so i was in rs speak mode :oops:

  11. No, you fail at English in general.




    I give you 10 seconds to live in the Zombie Apocolypse.




    But it will be funny as hell seeing some idiot shouting "Ice Barrage" then wondering why it won't work.




    Do you have your little runes drawn on paper?




    yes :cry:




    although I am pretty good at nazi zombies on Call of Duty World at War :D

  12. i would grab a gun and fight my way to the top of a hill, there ill cash ice barrage on all the zombies and pwn their rear ends back to hell A.K.A lumbridge W 107 (theres that many noobs its the equivalent of hell) ::'






    The cash would be better used to bribe people....




    Your plan sucks and is beyond possibility, I'll leave it at that.




    just coz i fail at grammar... y u make me look like a fool -.-

  13. Wearing a new pair of socks, seriously they feel so nice on your feet ::'


    I know what you're saying, I love new socks too.


    aye :thumbsup: new socks are sswweeeeeeeett




    New socks are great, until you're walking across a wooden floor and you realise the inevitable face plant is about to happen, or is that just me?


    could be just you, although ive done it 1nce or twice before ::'





  14. not the weirdest dream ive ever had cause i can never remember my dreams although:




    has any1 ever been trying to get to sleep and ur on the verge and then you feel like ur falling and then you flinch and you wake up?


    i get it sometimes feels real weird, kinda trippy :|




    does that happen to any1 else or am i just weird?




    - Hazz

  15. list of things i also love:




    def pures




    cod4/cod waw on xbox live


    sugar in general


    screamo music, but not emo screamo eg: the fall of troy


    although enter shikari is pretty madd






    jumping off bridges




    SOCKS!!!!! ::'


    "my names Hazz and i like to party"


    home recipie for hot drinks eg: milo + caramel sauce + coffee + LOTS of sugar + milk + mocha + more, heated for 2 mins in microwave (try it its leet)


    trampoline (my step bro makes trampoline vids)


    chillin with mates


    early morning, or late mornings


    late night or sometimes early nights are leet


    music from ministry of sound


    Smilies :thumbsup:






    hot beverages


    Chuck Norris jokes


    Sasha Baren Cohen, the man is a genius


    comedians in general, most are good


    PSP's ::'


    Leonardo Da Vinci, without him we would not have most "things that make life just that little bit easier" ::'




    and more that i cant think of at this moment in time and space




    -Hazz ::'

  16. a jar of lollies that is at least 4 years old in my car




    potassium nitrate :^o




    about 6 ipod nano's, same color, same style




    3 psp's




    and thats about it :thumbsup:


    Did you steal all of that? :?


    no :roll:




    welllllll.... not really :anxious:


    Yeah you bought one of the lolies right?


    errrrmmmm :anxious:




    Well...? Are you going to confess or are you gonna just sit there with your mouth open collecting moss? Thievin' punks nowadays... :notalk:




    OKAY!!! i confess bought everything but the lollies..... the lollies i cant even remember how i came by them they just "appeared" in my car one day


    the ipods are old 1ns that i stole from my brothers and step brothers and same with the psp's and the potassium nitrate wellllll :anxious:

  17. i would grab a gun and fight my way to the top of a hill, there ill cast ice barrage on all the zombies and pwn their rear ends back to hell A.K.A lumbridge W 107 (theres that many noobs its the equivalent of hell) ::'





  18. I always get caught for being on sites other then what we are doing in the class :oops:




    I got internet kicked off my account at school for two weeks for being on Affliction site :oops:




    Any dirty sites? lol




    No :x Just like random sites and Email. Theres a huge siteblocker at our school. Even blocks google images.




    use a proxy? :thumbsup:




    Generally schools that block everthing (including google images like mine) block proxies as well.


    our school blocks most things although there is always at least 1 proxy site they miss FTW :twss:

  19. I thought I was the only one crazy about socks. I like them when they come out of the dryer. They are so white and fresh. Nothing like a good old pair of socks in the morning.




    I love the feeling you get when you wear your socks to bed and take them off during the middle of the night




    Take them off? I hate that. It makes me feel vulnerable to spiders.




    Roflmao :lol: :lol: :lol:

  20. I always get caught for being on sites other then what we are doing in the class :oops:




    I got internet kicked off my account at school for two weeks for being on Affliction site :oops:




    Any dirty sites? lol




    No :x Just like random sites and Email. Theres a huge siteblocker at our school. Even blocks google images.




    use a proxy? :thumbsup:

  21. any1 noticed that wizzy robe (t) doesnt have the trim around the neck or the bottom of it, its really startin to bug me, i dont wear wizzy t anymore because of this :evil:

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