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Posts posted by Virusboy3

  1. If you are registering an appeal about the result, then pm clan staff with the evidence, mulitquoting and going round the same arguments endless times wont be tolerated, this is a warning.


    ps... Range fights are quite difficult to judge by pictures as rangers can be away from the pile, if you wish clan staff to watch a video and to then lodge an appeal then do so.

    Any particular mod?



    Heres a picture of 15-16 when they began heavily mass sniping (4-5 on us 80%+ of the time). This is when they snipers kicked in and kept our binds on lockdown.




    WOW Wth Rofl. Now your getting beyond a joke.

    The only joke is your excuse.


  2. Be a shame if DW take the win, no flame intended but most likely the 'lesser' clan would be forwarded, not exactly how tournaments work. You can't blame two idiotic AS's on a 15v0 win in this war.


    Great fight Dragonwood, I enjoyed it. Your range unit almost ko'd me at one point but managed to lap you and make up :)

    The reason you could "lap" us is because we have 5 snipers hitting our binders. You expect us to be able to keep perfect binds when you have 5 snipers hitting our hybrids?


    LOL your screenshots are all skeptical - PROVE we had 5 Snipers CAMPING your binders rofl.



    I have binds in my inventory :P


    Stewie all you are trying to is discredit my evidence where you have not provided any. Before trying to discredit mine try posting some of your own.

    Is that just me... or do I see 5 people attacking a pile? Don't crop the map. Plus, why would we have screenshots proving something we didn't permit?


    Honestly DW, we apolagize for appearing we had 5-6 snipers - we didn't. It was simply lousy AS's (which are being punished). Now please, stop crying about this and posting the same picture every reply. You're beginning to not make sense. Your argument would be much more valid if the ending was close like 4-0, however 15-0? I'm not using that as an excuse to surposedly mass sniping, simply pointing out you're trying to win a debate with very low structure of your opinion.


    It was a good fight, good luck in future fights.

  3. Be a shame if DW take the win, no flame intended but most likely the 'lesser' clan would be forwarded, not exactly how tournaments work. You can't blame two idiotic AS's on a 15v0 win in this war.


    Great fight Dragonwood, I enjoyed it. Your range unit almost ko'd me at one point but managed to lap you and make up :)

    The reason you could "lap" us is because we have 5 snipers hitting our binders. You expect us to be able to keep perfect binds when you have 5 snipers hitting our hybrids?

    Honestly, I considered your view on the amount of people we had near/hitting yours. But I was piled 2nd my friend (or 3rd) and I know for a fact that there was ONE sniper on you that time (Joe) and I know LND don't send out all our snipers at once. So don't persuade yourself that's the excuse for every reason why we out performed you - buddy.

  4. Be a shame if DW take the win, no flame intended but most likely the 'lesser' clan would be forwarded, not exactly how tournaments work. You can't blame two idiotic AS's on a 15v0 win in this war.


    Great fight Dragonwood, I enjoyed it. Your range unit almost ko'd me at one point but managed to lap you and make up :)

  5. The DC at the start didn't help, our tanking wasn't up to scratch and neither was binding, not helped by the fact you had 5 snipers. Unless your antisnipers don't know when to get off and leave (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/3255/100208171218.png) since your pile is clearly near the jail and we are all the way west, thats convincingly 5 snipers. Not the only picture either. The bounds at the very start when it was close hugging off all our binders and rangers preventing us from hitting and maybe KOing didn't help either.

    For the fight, we only assighned 3 snipers. To be fair, it does look like we did mass snipe. However, you transitioned pile about 4 times trying to get a KO, so that may have been one of the time. Also, it does seem some of our anti snipes followed a sniper. (Whether this was simply switching from range to melee and following, I don't know). I can only see 3 snipers and two more white dots in that picture. But even so, we apoligise if it seemed we broke the cap.


    And I can +1 Stewie saying don't hug ANY trees unless DW do it first.


    It still was an enjoyable war, could've had the decency to grats but oh well. GF DW.


    The W3 GOT TEA idiot was probly just a misclick :)

  6. Good fight DW. Got piled second and started LND's 2 kill gap, got extended from there. No flame intended, but your binds weren't that great today.


    Contary to mass sniping, we have a strong/specific snipe and anti snipe unit. Just because a couple of our anti snipers hit your snipers when your pile was close, doesn't mean they were sniping you. I'm sure they got off as soon as they realised that person stopped (As it was ranging probably) snipings ours.

  7. grats on your +2 advantage at the first round, those dc hurt tko bad. Round 2 shows it all tbh, grats both :rolleyes:

    Should be smarter with who they drop, not just levels. Nah, all styles doesn't show a lot. We dropped all high levels and weren't that experienced.


    Not saying we're better, just we've improved a lot. Each dog has his day


    Dropped by wars by choice, was fun watching though. Gj.


    We didn't drop, we had Dc's.


    All styles shows a lot, you have to be smart quick and have solid tanks. Rather dumb to snipe in all styles and I think you had snipers not sure.


    Thanks for kicking the guy out of cc when he camped single in round 2, atleast I think you kicked him.

    Like I said, you should have dropped anyone lagging or with high ping. As i'm pretty sure you did drop a couple low levels (atleast I saw some with your cape in the observation bit). And not just keep high levels.


    True that, but we didn't put our all into it. And we probably did - like I said - we're not that experienced.


    No problem, it was his last war so not sure what he was doing. (We did kick him).

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