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Posts posted by xmisspker

  1. This is my 6th official video and it is simply no frills, hard-hitting f2p pking. It's me doing what I do best - cracking skulls in f2p. Below are the download and youtube links, and below that are some screenies from the vid.


    Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/320377159/Xmisspiggyx_King_Of_F2p_vid.wmv


    FileFront: http://www.filefront.com/15127285/Xmisspiggyx%20King%20Of%20F2p%20vid.wmv


    And for those of you that prefer it streaming, youtube:







    That's just a taste of what you get in the video. I always appreciate your comments, and I hope that you enjoy it!




  2. An update for everyone, here's several new kills from the past few days followed by a slew of old ones that I discovered I still had.




    (Two plates..can't complain about that)




    (This guy was one of those drain-your-food-all-day rangers, but I surprised him with a heavy 2h hit)




    (I didn't have to eat a single lob..k0'd him before he could do any damage)


    Now for some more oldies ------------------------------------




















    (Good old Bp Nigg from world 3)




    Most of these were from my days in world 3, I want to say 2006-ish/early 2007-ish. I hope you enjoyed this little update, more new pics will be added as I pk (excuse me, PvP, *rolls eyes*).



  3. Xmisspiggyx's Pking Diary






    About me


    Hello and welcome to my pking diary. Many of you may remember me from some time ago, I was one of the most popular F2p pkers of 2007, possibly the most. After reaching 99 strength in 06', I released a series of four official pking videos the following year, many of which are still available now on my official site and on youtube. In addition I defeated Kids Ranqe in a series of five DM's, which are also still available.


    There's also a new video that I put together of my pking journey called "The journey of runescape pker Xmisspiggyx" that you can find here:


    Recently I started an official petition to bring back the old runescape wilderness fighting system, you can find a link to it in my sig. The following is the reason why I started the petition:




    This guy was skulled with a green d-hide body, a rune full helm, a rune skirt, and a 2h. But my drop was what you see above, how lame.


    For those of you that would like to try to bring the old system back, please sign.


    Now I will share some really old photos with you, these are from when I was training to 99 strength and it shows me at different combat levels.





    That was me in the blue mask at 70 combat, I wanted to be a black pure because of I Mahatma I.





    Training my strength to 75 at the rock crabs with a d-long.




    Reached 85 str at another rock crab location that a friend told me about, at this time both me and X Nhylo X had hopes of getting into the mayhem makers. He eventually got into MM, I applied but was denied because of my lack of 85 ranged or magic. I remember 85 str as a milestone.




    This was a shot of my stats in the highscores, I was really happy to have reached 90 strength. I remember pking a whip with these stats.




    95 str wahoo!




    And finally, after all the work, 99 strength! This was a really fun bronze war, I was one of the last ones standing, haha. Showing you all of these photos brings back some memories...sometimes I wish that things hadn't changed.



    What is the gallery about?


    While I was away there were many changes made to the game, which I now find a little bit annoying and strange. Over the last few days now I have pked (or I guess the new word is "PvP"), and have noticed some things about the new system and the way that things are arranged. On several occasions I have killed other players that, in the old wild, would have given me full rune. Now all I get is some addy arrows and green dhide...sometimes.


    I always appreciate comments and feedback, and I hope that you enjoy viewing some of my recent kills.




    I've been spending more time at the lesser demons, working my way to 90+ attack. Being totally f2p and training with a rune scim gets a bit repetitive, but I can handle it. Since the last update I've gained 89 attack and 88 hitpoints, and am getting very close to 90 attack.


    I also released my 5th official video, which you can find on my official site (signature) or the slightly shorter version on YouTube. People who enjoy old style, straight-up pking with no frills or gimmicks will like the video. Below are some level pics:









    (Just one more before 90!)






    (This guy was 95 ranged, 78 strength.)





    (Another ranger)




    (I was just about to k0 a guy with low hp with the 2h when this pjer jumped on me, then starts repeating "off off". I didn't get off and they payed the ultimate price, haha.)





    (This guy was my target, I k0'd him here in a no arm fight after he pjed me)




    (I think she/he was 99 ranged, K0'd 25 with scim followed by a swift 18 with 2h)





    (Some decent rune loot, this guy was my bh target)




    (He was sitting at a dangerously low 22 hp when my scim finished him off. Dropped a guthix skirt)




    (Not much by way of loot...haha...but this was actually my first kill in 1 year and a half..so I had to screenie it.)




    (Hey, atleast theres some rune! lol)




    (Again not the type of heavy loot that I'm used to, but a kill is a kill)




    (Didn't even have to eat on this one, K0'ed him very fast)




    (Another quick fight, wasn't much of a challenge)




    (Finally some rune!)




    (I've been running into a LOT of rangers, this is just another one)




    (Didn't eat once, dropped full addy)



    Several people have asked if it is the real me, and I am here to say yes it is! lol


    Thank you for looking, and it is fun to be pking again, even if it isn't exactly the same as it used to be. If you want to check out more of me, see my sig.



  4. Excellent PKing guide! It was very detailed, and I think your guide is one of the only ones that mention other weapons. I have to say, you're right, people always overlook weapons other than the Rune Scimitar. It's just not right, and as you said, other weapons like Rune Longsword is effective as well.




    And I know this is obvious, but you should also mention what equipment you should use, what you should use in your inventory, which prayers to use, etc. That way, people will know which things they should use, and become an even more effective melee PKer.




    You should also include strategies for dealing with other styles of combat, like range and magic.




    And sorry for the (sorta) lackluster suggestions. I've never really PKed before. :oops:




    Thank you for your good suggestions, I'll think about a way to add some of that in. :D

  5. I understood the first time around, you seemed to have missed my point though.




    Why would I sign a petition to something I DISAGREE? You asked us to sign even if we disagree, I don't see the common sense with that.




    So far though, you have not suggested reasons as to why Jagex should do this, except to catter to old school pkers. You blindly rejects the reasons why these changes were introduced in the first place. You even go as low as to suggest only intelligent game makers would have kept the old school pking while making sure RWT was impossible. So far, I have seem no valid suggestions from you, only some kid's wishful thinking that "the past will come back if we wish it very hard!".




    My prediction is that your petition will fail like the hundreds we have witnessed in the last 20 months.




    I didn't mean that if you strongly disagree then you have to sign it anyway, it means even if you don't think it will change anyone's mind but you agree with it, sign it anyway because it only takes a few seconds.




    I'm not the only one who believes that if they put a little more thought into it, they could pull it off. It's not a dig at them, it's actually sort of a compliment to their ability to innovate. But Jgx has a long history of ignoring what their players want, and I know that I'm not the only one that knows that.




    They did not survive for years without going bankrupt.




    They survived for years with a few autoers here and there and the odd bit of rwt.




    It was when rs got fairly big and mainstream about 2 years ago that the chinses gold farmers and big rwt companies that target games such as WoW hit rs and they started getting slammed and would of gone bankrupt if they did not act.






    You clearly have no idea about these concepts as you compeltely dismissed the Diary from Jagex that fully explains the problem. If you truely understand it you can see there is absolutely NO way to do 100% old style wildy and block rwters. The minute you make people drop what they are wearing and holding it means rwters can transfer money as they know if they go into wildy in steel with and 3mil gp and hide in a quiet corner where they meet their customer and let said customer kill them that the customer will get 3mil coins.




    Yes, they did survive for a long time without going bankrupt. There ARE ways to do away with autoers and rwters without affecting their legitimate players. The odd player doing rwt, as you said, is not going to bring down the game, and if they only thwarted autoing and left the wilderness alone then where do all the rwters get their goods?




    Because logically if it's not autoers providing the items and gp then it's most likely a normal human player, and the odd human player doing it is not the end of RS.




    the old wildy was broken, they fixed it now we are all happy <3:




    No it was not broken, it was actually pefect. And no, we are not all happy, do you have any idea how many pkers quit after those updates?

  6. JaGEx, in my mind, has recently set a new record for lousy stuff and a "go to [CENSORED]" approach to customer relations. Recently, JaGEx has set a pattern of ignoring glaring issues, fixing non-problems (and introducing a raft of new headaches in the process), and talking down to us like the KGB to a Russian peasant ("You are NOT allowed to question moderator descisions! Even though we didn't really tell you why we locked your thread.")




    Let's start with the the PKing update. No, I'm not some no-life nerd shouting "we pay 2 pk!@!!!!@!!@@!@!!@oneoneeleventyone!" But you have to admit the PvP system is seriously weak. I've seen several RSOF threads complaining about the idiotically infantile drop tables. And I bet I know why they made the drop tables dumb, and why they won't fix them. Too much wealth was changing hands in old-school PK. JaGEx wanted to make PKing unprofitable to slow the gain of wealth and shift the focus of the game from combat to skill-grinding (more on that later). They did this by replacing old-school PKing (where you get everything the opponent was carrying) with new-school PvP (where you kill someone twice as strong as you in a heroic fight and get... some mith platelegs and shrimp. And it's not PKing, it's PvP.). And now, the focus isn't on combat or skill grinding, because from what I've heard JGX's overzealous bot detectors kill anyone who trains for... how long?




    Sometimes they overfix a problem. Take trade limits for example. A someone with 0 quest points can gain or lose 5K per 15 minutes, far below the volumes usually traded by gold farmers. The trade limit could easily go much higher without a significant increase in gold farming. And people just bypass the limit anyway by junk trading. This all comes together to form the conclusion that THE TRADE LIMIT WAS A SHORT SIGHTED, BADLY THOUGHT OUT, AND HUGELY OVERDONE UPDATE.




    Now, what about fixing non-problems? Besides the raft of useless updates you find in the patch notes, this problem is highlighted by the ban on draw games. JaGEx has done some less-than-intelligent stuff lately, but this just takes the cake. Who says cooperation is not in the spirit of RS? There was absolutely no problem here, and the time it took to decide on it and go around locking threads could have been used to do something far more useful. Like fix the PKing (oops, PvP) drop tables.




    Then there's the KGB attitude. They act just like the Cheka, the KGB, or whatever else the Russian secret police might have been called at some point. "Do, say, and think what we tell you and don't [CENSORED] ask why." The only reason I can think of for them giving you lousy reasons and refusing to give you a detailed answer is that there is no real reason behind what they do. At least they don't have mute/ban quotas. Yet.




    Also, the offence handling is extremely spotty. When it comes to spam (and encouraging spam) in Castle Wars waiting rooms, I'm not exactly innocent. I actually got hit once for that, overzealously taking center stage and outspamming everyone else with "G_O_S_A_R_A_D_O_M_I_N_A_T_O_R_S" and "L_U_C_K_Y_1_3" (that may not have been exactly what I siad but you get the point) in an attempt to motivate the team. (No, I wasn't using autotypers, but I was being an idiot by spamming when there wasn't much spam going on at the time. That was the only way I could outspam everyone with chats that long.) Then, several months ago, some guy private chatted me saying he'd reported me for encouraging spam in the same waiting room. To this day they have done NOTHING on that report.




    Finally, I'm not all that sure they aren't lying through their teeth at us about the RWT issue. If it was such a pressing issue, they would have devoted some thought to the issue rather than hastily implementing [CENSORED] like the original/current trade limits. Of course, this being JaGEx, I wouldn't be so sure. If they really thought about it, the draconian trade limits sure don't show it.




    Excellent post =D>




    You are absolutely correct in that this is not an isolated incident, this is a pattern of behavior. I think that Jgx are intelligent enough to devise a system that utilizes the old fighting system and at the same time prevents rwt-ers, WITHOUT degrading quality for the legitimate players...of course that would actually require putting thought into it.




    I get hammered on bigtime here for starting a petition to bring back the old wilderness, and everyone is eating up what jgx tells them with a spoon. The game thrived for years and years without these changes, and they certainly did not go bankrupt because of rwt-ers then, so what is so pressing about it now?




    Makes absolutely no sense.

  7. A lot of posts so I'll take one at a time...




    The Wilderness was removed because of Real World Item trading. Without the removal, Jagex would have gone down under due to credit card fines from botters using stolen credit cards to pay for bot memberships.




    I'd suggest you'd read Jagex's official opinion on the matter.




    Read it through fully and understand the impact that RWT had on RuneScape.








    I'm totally aware of their opinions on the matter, and the reasons for making the changes. However, it is possible for them to do away with the autoing and rwt-ers without making the game less productive for their legitimate players. I suppose that they are intelligent ( I hope ) so they have the ability to find a solution other than what they have implemented thus far.




    You could have the old wildy back...




    But then you get to watch all the RWTer swarm back to rs.




    When they swarm back it means Jagex has to pay banks and stuff loads of cash for accepting payments from stolen cards (Stolen cards being how RWTers pay for membership)


    This in itself could pretty much bankrupt them.




    But then banks will say no we won;t let you use card payments, which means a payment method vanishes causing Jagex to lose thousands of legit members.


    If they weren't bankrupt before this, they will be now.




    So with no money left and bankrupt Jagex will close it doors and Runescape won't exist, as servers can't be run with no money.






    But I'm sure you won;t care that you can't pk at all because rs doesn't exist any more, because you had to have you're couple of months of "old wildy" pking. Clearly it would be soooo much better than growing up, adapting and enjoying many more years of the new style of pking.




    That's good fortune telling, but the game thrived for many years without these changes and they did not go "bankrupt".




    Why would I put my signature to something I disagree to?




    I suggest you read my post a little more clearly, I said "leave a signature" as in "sign the petition". Not put it IN your signature :lol:




    We don't NEED the old wildy back, none of us do. You're just another whining PKer that can't get over the old days.




    On a side note though, I do want the old wilderness areas back. I miss the Bone Yard. :(




    Someone please close this thread, we don't need a petition.




    I agree, it's not a necessity but it sure would be nice, and a petition is not going to hurt anything win or lose.

  8. I actually prefer the consistencies of f2p, what would others interpret as "boring" or redundant. I think that f2p is a more pure form of gameplay, especially in the area of pking and combat.

  9. Introductions




    Note: The following guide is also available from my official site, which you will find in my signature. Many people have drastically improved their pking abilities after reading this guide, scoring armor on AND off k0s in f2p using these techniques, so I thought I'd go ahead and post it here too.




    Hello and welcome to my ultimate melee fighting guide. This guide is long overdue, as I should have written it years ago, but now is better than never. If your reading this then you probably already know who I am, so I'll save the personal introductions. This guide will teach you the xmisspiggyx fighting style, the details and tricks of f2p fighting from the most dangerous f2p pker ever. I will go over things such as:




    Knowing when to eat


    The scim/2h switch


    Using Alternative Weapons


    Effectively using your prayer


    Respecting your opponent




    ...and more. When writing this guide I will be drawing from pking experience that dates back to 2005, and thousands of my own fights with other players. Lets get started!






    The Role of Stats and Assessing Yourself as A Pker




    It doesn't matter what your stats are when it comes down to it, you don't need 99 strength to win in the wilderness. The real role of stats are as an aid to you, and not a necessity. Many skilled pkers have been successful with their flat melee stats (example: 77 77 77 80). When I first achieved 99 strength, I was cocky and died several times because I was relying completely on my stats to be successful. This made me discouraged at first, I thought "I worked all this time to get this unbelievable level and look at what it gets me!". It took some time and practice before I realized that my stats were only an aid, and when I realized this and acted on it, I began to get many many kills. High stats are NOT a good reason to let your guard down.




    Generally speaking in f2p it is best to focus on strength, this is because you are going to hit a lot of 0s, but when you do land a hit you want it to be as damaging as possible. I'm not going to dictate what stats you need to get because you know what levels you are capable of reaching.






    Knowing When to Eat




    If you are fighting another player you are undoubtably going to see the phrase "Safer!". You see it all the time if you step into the wilderness, but what is a "safer" really? More often than not this phrase really translates to "Stop eating and let me kill you!"




    A great rule-of-thumb to go by with eating is to always stay at half of your hp, or slightly below half. This allows your opponent to have a chance to K0 without leaving yourself dangerously low. If you eat more than this, your opponent will most likely eat more which hurts your chances of getting a kill. In other words, by eating too much you could be hurting your own chances of winning.








    On the other hand I have seen pkers say "I never eat above 27 hp." This is just plain stupid and is pretty much pking suicide. It leaves you within one 2h hit or one scim/2h combo from death, and your opponent is most likely never going to eat at this low of an hp level.




    There are situations where your opponent will eat a ridiculously high amount, for example staying at 60 hp for the duration of the fight, in which situation they are giving you almost no opportunity for a k0. In these situations it's best to continue your normal eating pattern despite the annoying habbits of your opponent.






    Knowing When to Run




    It's easy to think that you are invincible and that you can win every fight, but the truth is you are going to lose some fights and when that happens you need to know what to do. All fights have atleast 3 outcomes:




    1. Either you or your opponent get k0'ed before you run out of food


    2. You or your opponent runs out of food and escapes


    3. You or your opponent runs out of food and dies on the way out of the wild




    The first two are sometimes beyond your ability to control, but the 3rd option IS within your ability to control. If you are in a fight with another player and you know that you are going to run out of food before they do, begin to think about how much food you will need on the way out. An example is, if you are fighting at the castle and you need to get through 10 levels of wilderness, begin to run with 5 lobs to sustain yourself on the way out. Do not wait until you are completely out of food, this usually means death.




    The bottom line is, think about how many levels of wilderness you will need to go through with your opponent striking you in the back, and pre-determine how much food you will need before running. If you run however, be prepared to hear "Noob!" the entire journey home...which brings me to my next subject.






    Respecting Your Opponent




    While it is true, this is just a game, the person who you are fighting is also a real person on the other end. Avoid calling them names or being disrespectful. It is a real eyesore to walk into the wild and see 20 people fighting with half of them spamming "u suck noob" - "No ur mom does". Not to mention it is simply immature, and it doesn't have to be that way.








    This also goes for "player jumpers" and "pile jumpers", if someone has earned a kill it's not very respectful to jump on them and attempt to cheaply steal their items. Most attempts like this never work. I mean, when was the last time you saw a pile jumper that really profited from it?




    Treat them the same way that you would if you were interacting with them in real life, because after all they are real people.






    The Scim/2h Switch




    This is a very old, very well-known form of fighting in f2p. You beat your opponent down with the scimitar until their hp is low enough to k0 them with the rune 2h. However this method is not used to it's fullest potential by most pkers.




    Most pkers will fight 90% of their fight with the scimitar and only for the other 10% bring out the 2h and attempt to 1-hit k0 their opponent. I, on the other hand, have found that the 2h is far more effective if left out for several hits after the initial k0 attempt. The following is an example:




    Your opponent is at 37 hp->you strike a 15 with the scim leaving them with 22 hp->you attempt to k0 with the 2h hitting a 19 leaving them with only 3 hp->Now this is where most pkers will bring out the scim again. Instead you leave the 2h out. They eat two lobsters putting them at 27 hp.->You hit a 25 with the 2h putting them at 2 hp->They eat two more lobsters putting them at 26 hp.->Bang. You hit a 26 and they are k0'ed.




    This is only an example and you can plug the numbers any way that you want, but here you can see this method demonstrated.




    Using the rune 2h switch quickly and effectively can take practice, and there are some things that you can do to get better at it. For example you can find a friend who is willing to go with you to the f2p duel arena with food and try to k0 him before he runs out. Or You could simply practice on npc monsters, maybe even on other players in the actual wild. These are all ideas to consider.






    Effectively Using Your Prayer




    Using your prayer effectively in a pking situation is very important, prayer can greatly increase your ability to get a k0 so it is best to use it wisely. I have found that the best time to use prayer is beginning when your opponent is half hp, then leave it on for the duration of the fight. There is no point to beginning a fight with your opponent at full hp, your prayer draining, and no chance of a k0.




    There are exceptions to this, however. In no armor fighting it is advised to begin the fight with prayer on.






    Using Alternative Weapons




    In my Castle Bloodbath video, I demonstrated the outright power of the rune longsword, and the deadly effectiveness of it in combination with a rune 2h. Probably 99% of pkers out there are using rune scimitars, partly because they are popular and partly because they are fast and effective.








    (The above is me maxing a 26 with the rune longsword)




    What most people overlook is that there are a myriad of other weapons that can be just as effective, if not more than a rune scim. One big advantage to using a rune longsword (or another alternative weapon) is that your opponent will most likely let their guard down. Most pkers don't take these weapons very seriously and may even eat less than normal fighting someone weilding these weapons. Another thing to take into consideration is that some alternative weapons, such as a rune long, have harder hitting bonuses than a rune scim.










    I hope that the ideas and techniques in this guide have helped you in some way, feel free to share it with your friends/clan/fellow pkers.

  10. Interestingly enough I am glad that F2P has not changed very much. One of the big reasons why I am f2p and why I always pked in f2p, is because I felt that the fighting was simpler and much more pure. If changes do happen to f2p I hope that the combat area is not affected too much.




    It's good to have some consistency sometimes instead of waking up one day and finding out that your current weapons and armor are totally obsolete because of some new weapon that hits 60s with 85 strength. :)

  11. Hello everyone,




    In case you don't know me, I am Xmisspiggyx the f2p pker, and I have started a petition to bring back the old runescape wilderness fighting system. A system where when you killed another player you got what was in their inventory instead of randomly generated junk. Do you miss getting a kill and seeing the pile of rune there, with the knowledge that what they had on them was what you were going to get?




    I am aware that "Jagex has said that they won't bring it back..." etc. but I think that it is something worth doing anyway, and it only takes 30 seconds to sign and you can be anonymous. I think that even if you disagree and don't think that this will change anything, how will it hurt you to take a moment and leave a signature?




    Below is the link to the petition:








    If you believe in the cause, don't be afraid to do something about it.

  12. Hello everyone,




    In case you don't know me, I am Xmisspiggyx the f2p pker, and I have started a petition to bring back the old runescape wilderness fighting system. A system where when you killed another player you got what was in their inventory instead of randomly generated junk. Do you miss getting a kill and seeing the pile of rune there, with the knowledge that what they had on them was what you were going to get?




    I am aware that "Jagex has said that they won't bring it back..." etc. but I don't care. I think that it is something worth doing anyway, and it only takes 30 seconds to sign and you can be anonymous. I think that even if you disagree and don't think that this will change anything, how will it hurt you to take a moment and leave a signature?




    Below is the link to the petition:








    I know that there are probably a lot of threads created about old wild vs new wild, so I would like to also make this the "official" thread of old wild/new wild discussion here.




    If you believe in the cause, don't be afraid to do something about it.

  13. Xmisspiggyx - Licking The Flames





    This is my first video since October of 2007..almost 2 years! If you don't already know who I am, here is a little bit about me.




    Many of you may remember me from a long time ago, I was one of the most popular F2p pkers of 2007, possibly the most. After reaching 99 strength in 06', I released a series of four official pking videos the following year, many of which are still available now on my official site and on youtube. In addition I defeated Kids Ranqe in a series of five DM's, which are also still available.




    This is my new video, "Licking The Flames". I'm 99 strength, 87 attack, 40 defence and 97 combat.




    Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/253960988/Xmisspiggyx_Volume_5.wmv




    FileFront: http://www.filefront.com/14006799/Xmisspiggyx-Volume-5.wmv/











    I would also like to say that I have started an official petition to bring back the old runescape wilderness fighting system, which you can find on my official site (see my sig), along with my new ultimate f2p melee fighting guide.




    Keep on rocking in the free worlds.



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