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Posts posted by mughinn

  1. Okay, i want to ask something in the Ruby language, i've just started around a month ago and this is my first language, so you could say i'm new to this.

    I wanted to get a program to take time to do something, i came up with this code:


    *random loop*

    *random iteration*

    time1 = Time.new + 2

    until (time2 = Time.new) == time1




    so, this works, the iteration gets done every 2 seconds, BUT, the code just stops working at a random time, and i just can't get why. can anybody help?

  2. I didn't find any other thread about this so i though i'd make one, and it doesn't really fit in the videogame board.


    So, you can discuss any programming language, code or program you want here. I, for example, just started learning a month ago, and started with Ruby, which seems like an easy language to start and get with the logic but not with the grammatic building of other languages, i'm barely starting to make text based games lkie growing a pet and that stuff, i think i could do a lot more without school and sports :P


    And i already have a question if someboy can answer :) I'm trying to make a program take time to do stuff, my code right now is:


    *Random loop*

    *Random iteration*

    time1 = Time.new + 2

    until (time2 = Time.new) == time1




    (note that this code is in Ruby)


    So, anything you want to say, say it.

  3. magic: alching i believe.or else afk spiders with fire blast + max negative magic defence bonus?

    Super heating Iron is much faster I believe, although must more click intensive.

    doubt it, pretty sure you alch at the same rate as you super heat. and as alching is more xp...



    you don't alch at vthe same rate you superheat, you can try, it's around 1.8 secs per superheat, with 3 secs every alch.

    i've heard it's possible to get 100k xp per hour with superheat(without counting smith xp) and alching has a max of 65k per hours

  4. (sorry if my answer is like other answers, i read the first post but not other peoples postss)


    It seems very likely to be like that, but there is one part where you're wrong(i think). It can't be a static ID for each player, if that was the case, some people then would NEVER get a specific drop, and that doesn't seem right, it surely has to change at some point.

  5. I'm know what i think about this, but it's too complicated for me to translate it to english, i'll give it a try.


    Even though what we perceive isn't the exact reality of objects, they still have common attributes between what we see and what exists. It's not that whatever we perceive it's completely false, it is in part, and for example, that's what visual illusions are based of, the brain trying to stereotype an object and confusing itself.

    I'm probably not being clear. My point is that even though what we see is partly false, some things like the size, etc, are true. Colour, for example, doesn't exist, it's just the reflection of light and what part of the light the object reflects, so colour is not a "true" attribute.


    EDIT: conclusion, most of the attributes are completely caused by our perception, the rest, is reality.

  6. In my opinion things do exist, but what you feel is your perception of them. They are not like you see , it's just the way the brain tries to discover what's happening in reality.

    The thing you proposed with the sun, and humans making it big and hot, it's just like the proposal of the tree falling in a forest with no one to listen to it.

  7. i think the thing that makes it difficult to rush in f2p is not having a shadow silk hood and not having armor that stops the high lvl monster to eat you're food very fast. also not a lot of people (at least in w7) make runes, so you have to run a lot to guide people through the dungeon, and if you have a lot of monsters you lose a lot of food and lastly, if you dungeoneer with skillers that actually do something, it makes it very difficult for them to navigate and make stuff.

  8. i won't get in the argument here, but i just want to add what i think.

    in my opinion, USA uses this wars and small things to get into big scale things and show it's power, not to help other countries.

    I just think they have an incredible army, and want to stay in control, so they show it off once in a while to maintain other countries in the line(the line USA draws though).

    In this case, i just think they're seeing how China is transforming into a very important economic country, so probably they just want to stop it from growing.

    Of course, this is an opinion from a 16 year old with not a lot of information and very confused with what he thinks, take it as you want.

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