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Posts posted by Mmangler

  1. The fairy rings make my travels around RS faster. However, once I filled my log. I was essentially barred from making any changes and a lot of my earlier wandering lead to places that I do not frequently go. So my question is: Is there any way to change the stored fairy ring codes or am I stuck with the existing codes, which is what I suspect. Incidentally, I found that I could enter the codes and a short one word description of destinations in my ignore list. The locations are alphabetical by how I think of the location. For example, the fairy ring by Canifis has a mushroom patch, which I describe as Mushroom CKS. However, I would love to be able to clear my log. Any help will be appreciated.

  2. Thanks for asking the question and those who responded. I never understood how it worked either. However, say you have a 1,000 unstrung oak bows worth essentially nothing. Can't you just sell them at the store for something other than zero but at much less than the GE price? Or is the point to just get the GE price to "balance" the trade?

  3. OMG, a santa hat. I expect the price to climb, climb, climb especially because I want one and do not have the cash to buy one. Now, if they should go down in price then I am there but like any other rare the price just seem to go higher (sigh). Oh well, I can always dream.

  4. Do like some of the IRL stock traders do. Sell some of them and you will get some cash. If prices go up and you will likely know soon then you can agonized whether to profit or level prayer. If prices drop, it is in the cards for you to level. In any case, good luck.

  5. I have to admit it. I am not very good at quests though I do try to solve the puzzles on my own before screaming and trying to get help. The first time I needed help I logically went to RS but the help menu said that it would cost one quest point for help. Not having a lot of quest points, I canceled and I was luck enough to get help from a friend. Later, it occurred to me that if I had used the RS help that it would have cost me a quest point and that I would never be able to regain the point, which is my question. Has anyone used the RS quest help and if yes, did you permanently lose a quest point?

  6. In the distant past, I saw a RS post where someone asked if they could use the area as a gathering place for skillers. It seemed kinda far from a bank for that and I have never seen anyone there though I have explored the ruins and my guess is it will be in a future quest.

  7. The situation with whips is ridiculous. Whips were being merched and people were camping the whip source. So then RS reduces the drops. Boom prices go sky high and all those who sold are walking around trying to buy one. Now drops are still down and if that is your slayer assignment--good luck. If you have a whip hang on to it. If not hope prices drop.

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