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Posts posted by oXMutilateXo

  1. i wouldnt complain, im not overly pissed off, although it was unavoidable except for not breaking rules that i was gnna lose money, lol at rule bummers, LOLLL at the ppl saying im 10, ive got a [bleep]ing picture of me as my profile pic and avatar:/ , and ily to the comic genius that is gideon, and omali is a copying nab ( @ the post where he lists things that hes written down from the pervious poster and puts check to make it seem like hes clever , hes not ) we have all see that method before and u made me throw my brother down the stairs in rage for making me imagining you smiling while u were writing it, probably thinking '' ha, im so kooool, the tipiters are going to leave me comments saying how funny i am! :D '' WRONG , and ill say gay however i want, its not a blocked word on these forums so lol, if its banned i wont use it KAY?


    You may not be ten, but you're certainly no more mature than a ten year old, and even worse at trolling.


    whys everyone a troll? because i dont choose to proof read something i write in under a minute means im 10? lol your the kind of kid that got his briefcase thrown down the spitpit at school and then 50 kids huddled around the '' pit of happy thoughts '' and spat on you till you collected your piece of designer storage and emerged as a horrible gooey monster, you dont have a dp of yourself but instead of a [developmentally delayed]ed seal, which makes me think that your also one of those people that puts posters up of kittys hanging on washing lines with moral boosting slogans like '' hang in there! '' u know full well your a reject of society and then decide to grammer police people that couldnt give a [cabbage]. [bleep] OFF

  2. ive read every reply and frankly its just '' lool why would they get involved, waste of police time'' and '' jagex are right to do this, WHAT IF IT WOZ U !''


    they BOTH make good points, only way to resolve this is they should read the past 5 mins of chat log and the 5 mins after they say it, and then make a rational decsion , which they probably dont, what happens now is probably '' HE SAID SUICIDE, SEND IN THE PIGZ!''

  3. lool bought ags for 117m and now its 112m with no chance to sell it coz i was banned, how gay



    I don't care much at all, but there are a couple proper ways to make me care a couple percentiles more:

    1. Proper English-While you may be an internet troll or maybe even a ten year old, you could still display a semblance of grammatical skills.

    2. Gay-Yay! Let's use this word as a derogatory term!


    And now it's time for a lesson in getting a point across:

    It's usually not in your best interest to use cussing and name calling when trying to get a point across. It is an improper way of getting your point across used only when you can't back up your point with facts.


    Not much else can be said about this little nugget of gold.


    didnt ask if u cared

    If you didn't care you wouldn't have posted this on the rants forum for people to comment on.


    yeh im not disputing my ban

    Though it is logical that your ban was for a point and maybe this loss was a sign from the Runescape gods!


    whats that all got to do with my rant?

    1. How people care about your rant means a lot about the rant. It shows how negative your rant is, how well constructed it is not, and that you aren't going to get any sympathy. It's mostly constructive criticism sir. We here at the rants prefer proper English and good grammatical skills over bogged down "Troll language". You are trying to persuade us to give you some empathy and it seriously doesn't work when you aren't even showing that you care by taking the time to write out your rant properly.

    2. The ban has a lot to do with the whole rant.


    in short [bleep] YOU

    When you can't back up your opinion with facts, what do you do? You name call. Which means you ran out of ideas to back up your opinion. Which means you should quit while your ahead.


    Thank you sir, and please try again when you have read and understood how to properly rant without coming off as a troll or child.

    1 word



  4. i wouldnt complain, im not overly pissed off, although it was unavoidable except for not breaking rules that i was gnna lose money, lol at rule bummers, LOLLL at the ppl saying im 10, ive got a [bleep]ing picture of me as my profile pic and avatar:/ , and ily to the comic genius that is gideon, and omali is a copying nab ( @ the post where he lists things that hes written down from the pervious poster and puts check to make it seem like hes clever , hes not ) we have all see that method before and u made me throw my brother down the stairs in rage for making me imagining you smiling while u were writing it, probably thinking '' ha, im so kooool, the tipiters are going to leave me comments saying how funny i am! :D '' WRONG , and ill say gay however i want, its not a blocked word on these forums so lol, if its banned i wont use it KAY?

  5. WoW's just as unbalanced, i was a 2800 in all 3 teams shaman and uve got no idea how amazingly fast id get raped ( resto aswell, not even ele ) im talking in under 1 second, that doesnt happen with rs unless its 5v1 and u dont use protection prayers or just get rnged down, i can last vs 5 player spam eating for at least 10-15 secs, in wow 2 players in 3 seasons worse gear can ruin u in seconds because ur not a pala


    Agreed. And just as an aside, I think the RS combat system is a lot more "realistic" (if you can call any combat system truly realistic). In WoW you rarely ever miss unless you're like, really, really lower level than your opponent. In RS you miss a lot. Which is a bit more realistic, because in swordfights you aren't damaging your opponent with every swing of your sword unless you're a lot better than them. And even then they may still manage to block some of it. Sure it can be a bit frustrating when you 0-0-0-0-0-0 etc, but it evens out.


    To the OP, I agree with the originator of this particular quote chain; I wouldn't quit RS for WoW entirely based on the community. If you don't find the game fun, fine. That's different. But out of all the games I've ever played the people didn't ever really change, with only one exception, "A Tale in the Desert" which had mostly mature players. But there was a reason for that. There is no combat in that game, and it can be very mind numbingly boring. Thus why it attracted a more mature crowd. I imagine if it ever adopted some kind of combat system the floodgates would open to a myriad of immature players just like you find in both RS, WoW, etc.


    WoW was based totally around have a team of healers, damage was about 8k every 1.5 secs and u could combo up to 20k, bareing in mind ppl had 23-24k hp thats what [bleep]ed it up for me, community is better because of one simple thing tho




    with people actively using this it creates closeness between players that cant be achived by simple typing.


    RS combat system is flawed in the fact that is RNG , meaning u can go from 0 0 0 0 67 61 with little to no warning, however that can be also seen as more exciting, skill cap is low in rs but to change that would TOTALLY redesign the game in nearly every aspect, something that would be looked upon skeptically ( and rightly so ) at the end of the day simple ui changes could increase skill cap rather than just '' the battle of the dextrous'' that it is now.

  6. gtfo kid


    god u annoy me so much, sunday dm me, if u lose u have to be nice forever! and if i lose ill never post here again ?


    why would I dm if i could just look for you and rush your [wagon]?


    lool challenged to a legit fight and [kitty]ed out - well done you;ve just become the sterotype of all rushers :D



    So I might quit fully and go play WoW, Apparently they have a better community. Or I might start a private server on RS classic.



    I don't know how much you've played WoW, but I will say that IMO its vastly superior of a game in most terms. The combat system is made to actually facilitate player interaction, as well as being oriented much more heavily towards skill than luck (I'm looking at YOU 0,0,0,0,0,0,28,4,0,0,0 damage sequence!). There is a immense amount of different weapons and armor to get, which is expanded on a much more consistent basis, on top of the fact that you don't lose armor or weapons when you die.


    That being said the "community" is not better than RS. In fact the "community" of any game is going to be about the same across the board. There will be elitist jerks (no pun intended towards the best theorycrafting website out there on class mechanics), there will be ignorant douche bags, there will be scrubs who suck, and there will be nice people who vary in skill levels. If anything because WoW is based so much more on skill it ends up actually fostering the elitist attitude of people (unfortunately I am one of the elitist jerks in WoW...). The trick with WoW and just about every other game that you interact with other people in is to find a group of people that are of a similar mindset as you and limit your interaction with everyone else as much as possible.


    What I'm saying is don't switch games because you think one may have a better community, because the community is only going to be as good as the people you choose to interact with. Choose based on what game is more fun to waste your time playing (because really playing games is a waste of time unless you're in the top 1% of people like Ensidia that gets sponsored to play). If repeating mindnumbingly boring tasks over and over again in an effort to grind out 13 million exp to max out just one skill, and a combat system based primarily on repeating the number zero is fun for you, then play RS.


    If you want a game that takes a large amount of skill, and a lot of time to research and learn how to play your class with skill, as well as having multidimensional outlets for what you spend your time doing (such as 5 man dungeons, raids, achievements, skills, questing, making gold, having a legitimate guild system, and to top it off 10 classes each with 3 different talent tree's leading to several different playstyles) then play WoW.






    I personally switch on and off between the two games cuz sometimes I enjoy how relaxing RS can be.


    Also if you play WoW you damn well better be Horde on the server illidan. \:D/


    And I am sorry about your friend being a douche bag and you getting banned. I have "quit" RS several times cuz of dealing with idiots. You can live life drawing pleasure from the fact that while they are celebrating their pixels and pumping gas to make a living, you're going to have a high paying job and your integrity.


    WoW's just as unbalanced, i was a 2800 in all 3 teams shaman and uve got no idea how amazingly fast id get raped ( resto aswell, not even ele ) im talking in under 1 second, that doesnt happen with rs unless its 5v1 and u dont use protection prayers or just get rnged down, i can last vs 5 player spam eating for at least 10-15 secs, in wow 2 players in 3 seasons worse gear can ruin u in seconds because ur not a pala

  8. Anything goes in PvP.


    I find it really ironic that when the wilderness was removed, people exploded and flamed Jagex for removing their "freedom" (note this) and creating too much restrictions and what-not.


    Now when Jagex gives PvPers a less-restricted kind of bounty hunter, i.e the PvP worlds now, people are complaining about rushers and PJers and all that crap. Did PJers and rushers not exist in the old wilderness? Freedom comes at a price, so quit whining about it.




    And anyway, I don't like your suggestion. It's like a 75hp food that cannot be consumed during combat. It gives a HUGE advantage to those with high enough magic, or those rich enough to buy the tablets or whatever. And sooner or later everyone's going to have the 75 hp food so it doesn't really make a difference in legitimate battles, and rushing someone with 99hp is just like engaging in normal combat with a sort-of element of surprise...


    Also, it doesn't solve the problem of PJing. Most PJers stay close to their target, and when their target kills his opponent, they jump in immediately (or as soon as possible) and try to kill their target. Most of the time you'd be PJed before you can consume the tablet (or rub it or whatever).


    My suggestion is a low-level spell that extends the "in-combat" time to 20 or so seconds so you get a chance to eat up and get your drops (and run if you're out of food or pots or whatever) before getting PJed.



    it does solve pjing, if u go out of combat u can shield up again, effectivly stopping the pjers that try and kill u in the mid of a fight (i personally hate these ppl above all else) , but yeh longer incombat times would stop them just as well, but i think there should be some form of defensive spell preparation for fight that would benefit vs rushers too, maybe lower tha 75 to 50 or even 30, it would be enough to put and end to LOL IM SUPER POTTED AND IN 350M GEAR AND UR IN RUNE AND HAVENT BEEN ASKED TO POT YET, GG NAB


    Are you blind or what? When you finish a fight, and you're trying to get the drops (especially so for mages and rangers), you'd get PJed before you can "shield-up". And what's the point of shield-upping other than to just block the first few shots of PJers or rushers? For normal battles, everyone would be taking shields, and all it does is just to lengthen battles.

    click shield as soon as u kill the other person? i didnt say it was idiot proof

  9. would it kill u to ask to fight, both pot at same time, flick ur piety and maybe smite on ( protection prayers drain all fun from 1v1 fights) and fight and give them a chance to win if they give u the same courtesy or just safe if they do


    geez that was hard! i cant wait till some of u try pvp in harder games and realize this is the easiest form of pvp in the world

  10. Quite frankly, I don't care :)


    You obviously broke rules to get banned, Jagex don't ban for no reason... In the future, try obiding by the rules? :o


    didnt ask if u cared

    yeh im not disputing my ban

    whats that all got to do with my rant?


    in short [bleep] YOU

  11. lool bought ags for 117m and now its 112m with no chance to sell it coz i was banned, how gay

  12. i forgot the name but i saw a 75 def 95 summon tank, id aim for that if i was you, its pretty impossible to lose a fight , they got charms thro SW i think, not 100 percent exactly how tho as i just tlked to them for a bit in the wildy, get an expensive ring too, onyx ring maybe ( not ring of stone)


    id say 10 atk 1 str would be better because u just need to poisen them with a bone dagger and the rest is dfs/familliar

  13. That's why there is a CONFIRMATION SCREEN

    Honestly, what does a confirmation screen have to do with buying/selling back items?

    With the buy/sell feature there is no need for a confirmation screen as you can sell back the item for 1/4 of the points/tokens.


    @oXMutilateXo: I disagree with that idea. It's like saying that you can only buy 1 item from the GE every 15 minutes. That just won't work. :huh:

    I think he meant that you should only be able to sell back your void armor 10-15 minutes after you bought it. That way, if you click the wrong item you can get the one that you wanted if you notice right away, but you aren't able to effectively have all the items for the price of one.


    wtf what did my idea have to do with the g.e? i didnt realize a simple line of text would be misinterpreted THAT much, i meant armour thats untradeable obv not tradeable stuff :/

  14. Anything goes in PvP.


    I find it really ironic that when the wilderness was removed, people exploded and flamed Jagex for removing their "freedom" (note this) and creating too much restrictions and what-not.


    Now when Jagex gives PvPers a less-restricted kind of bounty hunter, i.e the PvP worlds now, people are complaining about rushers and PJers and all that crap. Did PJers and rushers not exist in the old wilderness? Freedom comes at a price, so quit whining about it.




    And anyway, I don't like your suggestion. It's like a 75hp food that cannot be consumed during combat. It gives a HUGE advantage to those with high enough magic, or those rich enough to buy the tablets or whatever. And sooner or later everyone's going to have the 75 hp food so it doesn't really make a difference in legitimate battles, and rushing someone with 99hp is just like engaging in normal combat with a sort-of element of surprise...


    Also, it doesn't solve the problem of PJing. Most PJers stay close to their target, and when their target kills his opponent, they jump in immediately (or as soon as possible) and try to kill their target. Most of the time you'd be PJed before you can consume the tablet (or rub it or whatever).


    My suggestion is a low-level spell that extends the "in-combat" time to 20 or so seconds so you get a chance to eat up and get your drops (and run if you're out of food or pots or whatever) before getting PJed.



    it does solve pjing, if u go out of combat u can shield up again, effectivly stopping the pjers that try and kill u in the mid of a fight (i personally hate these ppl above all else) , but yeh longer incombat times would stop them just as well, but i think there should be some form of defensive spell preparation for fight that would benefit vs rushers too, maybe lower tha 75 to 50 or even 30, it would be enough to put and end to LOL IM SUPER POTTED AND IN 350M GEAR AND UR IN RUNE AND HAVENT BEEN ASKED TO POT YET, GG NAB

  15. For those who are condoning giving things like dmeds and KBD, theres posts like this with some supporting skillcapes and surge spells. So these 'drop in the ocean' comments about giving these items just snowball because F2P wants this, that and the other. I suppose you all agree those items should be given to F2P too? How about SGS while you're at it and Bandos too? :roll:


    I'm just glad Jagex are in charge. Looking at some of your ideas and reasoning the lunatics would well and truly be in charge of the asylum.

    Exactly the point i was tryin to make...after a while p2p wouldnt exist


    what do you know? sorry to launch a personal assault but [bleep]ing hell your such a lowbie and u have no idea how GOOD it would be for members, d med skyrockets in price meaning more profit for when YOU get the drops, maybe just allow the d spear and d med into nonmems but not kbd to help the rare drop chance of it reflect the price

  16. I've fallen victim to claws many times, but I actually think they are fine. Looking at them overall, sure the spec is good, and it really is the victim's fault if they get killed (it's really easy to watch your back, only times I've ever died was when I wasn't paying attention), but after that, it's absolute trash. Combined with the high price, it seems fine to me. Other weapons have powerful specials (AGS) and are a great weapon afterwards.

    i dont think that it should be justified because its bad after its super powerful specs, if anything improve it allround

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