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Posts posted by snowboarder

  1. 75676.png



    Alright well my stats and amount of charms are in the picture. I figured it be easier to show them than say them. Anyway i've been playing since summoning has come out and never once touched it. I decided it's time to try this skill out since everyone says how helpful it is. If someone could tell me whats the best thing to do with my charms I have currently and what are some good monsters I could train on to get more charms. If anyone knows a calculator or something of that sort that can calculate the summoning level you can get with the amount of charms you have that would be very welcomed.


    O and if you guys could point out the major summoning monsters that can help me do things such as skilling and training combat. Thank you.

  2. hey everyone, i'm currently creating a rune pure/berserker depending upon the xp i get from quests. I currently have rune gloves from rfd and im 34 deffence. I'm going to get barrows at 35 deffence and now i was wondering if someone with experience with the new ancient curse quest could tell me if any part of that quest gets me deffence xp (prequests included) I researched it myself and couldn't find an area that said i would gain xp in deffence but I just want to double check. And also if anyone has a list of quests that a rune pure should do besides the pre quests for rfd and lunar I'd really appreciate. Sorry if this all was stated poorly lol.

  3. all im saying is the main bot site "<link removed>.org" didn't wanna say name incase it offends anyone but its down for a while because of the new setup page so it's gonna take a while to fix. go to the website yourself and see.


    Removed link leading to a botting site ~ Jimmy_Jim

  4. Alright im 94 mage and really want to get 99 mage. I have about 2m now... yeah im poor and I would like to know what would be the best way to get 99 mage during the double xp weeked. I have acces too all spell books and i just want the best xp i can get. And ANother question. What are some good money makers with 99 range. IM 60 def and 46 prayer if that means anything.

  5. hey ive gotten a bunch of zammy and sara arrows and havent sold them yet. can anyone tell me if their worth selling now or waiting for them to rise. i also heard they have street value but i dont believe it. is it true they do?

  6. alright im just pissed off as hell because i need freaking 68 fishing to get in the stupid fihsing guild so i can get my stupid clue reward that i waisted almsot 2 hours on because i had 3 consecutive puzzles to do and im just pissed. stupid ass fihsing guild curse my 49 fishing. MOTHER FLIPPING PANCAKES!

  7. OKay so Im a noob when it comes to making money. I'd prefer to do something involving combat. My stats are 70 att and strenght. 60 Def. 99 range. 89 hp. 46 prayer.86 magic. I have barrow gloves and about 2m in bank atm. My skills all suck so i don't really wany to do anything with that. So is there anything i can do with 99 range that can make me good cash? cause im baffled.

  8. hey i got a starved ancient effigy and i have no levels over 91 so thats out of the question for use. I was wondering how i get the dragonkin lamp from the effigy. can anyone give me any information on this?

  9. I had to reply to this one more time before im finally done with everything related to runescape. First off im not looking for pity and i was not blaming the game. I felt that writing this would somehow help me quit and it has. I actually quit a couple days ago and my entire life has turned around. For the first time in a while i've gotten a good night sleep. Im alert in class and no longer doze off about mindless things. This doesnt really relate to my issue, but i ran one of my fastest times today in track. i ran a 51.04 for a 400 meter and my best time before that was a 53.7. I don't know if it's because i quit but things are starting to become alot better for me. For anyone who says im a cry baby, enjoy mindlessley clicking for the rest of your lives, ill be out there getting laid :). peace tip.it and goodluck to anyone else whose trying to quit.

  10. How my life was ruined.

    When I was growing up I was never really an outgoing kid. In pre-school I was very isolated and didn’t socialize with a lot of kids. Even at a young age I felt like I was different from everyone else. I didn’t really fit in at all. I remember in kindergarten I was great friends with Michael Burton, the most popular, strongest, and most athletic kid in my school right now. We were friends for a while, but soon we became distant. We stopped talking about first grade and I think he has said like 2 words to me since. I managed to get through elementary school without any major problems. I had a couple friends who were considered the nerds but I really didn’t care. My real problems started about 4th grade. I became really good friends with a kid name Zach Hayman. We were best friends. We used to have sleepovers all the time and play video games with each other. We fantasized about becoming famous baseball players. We were obsessed with Lord of the rings and would pretend that we were fighting orcs and goblins in his backyard. My real problems really started about fifth grade.


    Zach introduced me to this game called Runescape. At the time I thought it was something stupid and didn’t bother with it. I didn’t have internet at the time too so it didn’t matter. Zach sadly moved to a neighboring town and our friendship dwindled. I have not spoken to him since 7th grade. There was one occasion where we hung out and all he did was insult me to look cool in front of his new friends. I really didn’t have any friends now and I turned to runescape. I started playing in 6th grade and became addicted. I played for hours and hours and never did my homework. But because it was middle school I managed to pass. But when 7th grade came around I truly had problems. I had become so addicted to runescape that I didn’t even care about school. I would sit in class thinking about runescape. My social life sucked.


    I did have a girlfriend but it wasn’t really anything special. We kissed I think and that’s about it. I somehow magically became friends with a new kid named tom. He was new and was from a town called Leonia. He didn’t have a lot of friends so I reached an arm out to him and we became friends. I also gradually became friends with a kid named Ben and Jason. We all lived closely together and would hangout all the time. I had quit runescape for a while and was living a great life. Tom, Ben, Jason, and I would hangout all the time. We’d go take bike rides to the general store, and we started rollerblading and skateboarding. I was happy for once in my life. But things turned to the worse. I started playing warcraft 3 and became addicted. I was playing it so much and made so many excuses not to be with my friends. I would lie and tell them I was sick or doing something else. My mom took the disk away from me because I had really become addicted to the game. Without a game to play… I turned to runescape. It was the 3rd marking period of 7th grade and I was actually failing a class. All because I had become addicted to runescape again. I lied to my mom and told her I was doing amazing and had all a’s but when report cards came she became infuriated. She punished me and forbid me to play runescape. But that didn’t stop me. I continued to play.


    I managed to keep my grades up in 8th grade and continued playing runescape. But my life all went downhill when high school came. I started the year out horribly wrong. I never studied for a test and I never did my homework. As soon as school was over I’d rush home and log onto the computer. I’d play runescape from 4-11. I literally wasted my life away. Both my mom and dad were working so they couldn’t stop me from playing the game. I was failing two classes by the end of the marking period. I lied to my mom again and told her I was doing great. I hid my report card for as long as I could so that I could continue to play runescape. My mom eventually called the school for my grades and that’s the exact point where my life was ruined. My mom freaked out on me and could not trust me. She told me how she hated me. Yes. Hated me because of me lieng to her about my grades and hiding my report card. She took my account off the computer and I wasn’t allowed to play runescape. I went through 2 weeks of withdrawl from rs and I felt like I was going to die. Runescape was like a drug and without it my life became nothing. I didn’t care about life and I became very depressed. I manged to sneek my sisters password and used her computer account to play runescape. I would play when no one was home and the feeling was great. I managed to hide that I was playing runescape even though I wasn’t supposed to for the entire year. My grades sucked and I was addicted to runescape.


    Sophmore year went by and I still played runescape. I had similar problems with grades that I had years before. Things never got better. I wanted to quit runescape so badley so that I could somehow live a better life but I just couldn’t. Junior year I met a girl named gabbi. We started dating in decemeber of 2008 and are still dating to this very day. I still played runescape, and this really affected our relationship because I would make up excuses not to be with her. I wish I could take back those years and give up runescape and be with her. W


    ell now its senior year and my life has somewhat improved. I have a beautiful girlfriend, im running well in track, and I had a great snowboarding season. I’m ready to quit runescape once and for all. I know many of you probably don’t care about this but I felt that this letter/note would help me get away from this game. Im going to drop all of my items and get rid of my laptop and computer. I never want to come back to this game. For those of you who are having similar problems with this game, quit if you can. If this game really ruins your life then it’s nto worth it. Look at me, ive been playing runescape for 6 years and I have nothing to show for it. Im 18, horrible gpa, horrible social life, and Im not going to college. Thanks if you read all this way. Well yeah good fight runescape. It was a pleasure. . Yeahhhh


    And no im not looking for pity or sympathy, I know its my fault and im not blaming the game. Sorry for my crappy punctuation.


    Rainy_Day edit: I had to add spaces, the wall of text was impossible to read! Sorry.

  11. hey im currently an obby mauler with 1 att 78 str lvl 41. im going to be f2p for a while and really wanted to try out rc staff pking. I'd like to get 50 rc while im member because it probably would be easier. I dont mind doing quests and i got 16m cash to spend. I don't are about the price. I just want the fastest method.

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