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Posts posted by Serenes

  1. Ever since the last update I haven't been able to load past 'Core Fonts 50%' I've tried deleting the cache after reading that it works for some people, not only does it not help it makes it so that I cant load pass 'Core Fonts 0%' ...does anyone know how I can fix this problem?

  2. :wall: I choose not to argue with you.


    Edit: I will question you this though. What other money making methods? Boss hunting? This thread turned from that into a slayer-based thing. Skilling? He needs levels more than money. Merchanting? It's good money but are we seriously going go from boss to slayer to merchanting?


    Not trying to start a flame war, I have nothing against you.


    Edit2: K It's late and I don't really think straight. I do acknowledge that slayer is not really a money making skill, I know that slayer allows you to unlock the monsters than make the money. I'm just saying that I've made a lot of money via the slayer skill.

  3. Skimmed over the replies


    Stats > Gear, sure you may have the best gear but it doesn't do crap with your stats, it also won't get you into any good teams. You're better off selling the gear for herb/pray.


    Defender > Dfs for slayer.

  4. You would make 30k more than w/ hand cannon if you use broads. It really isn't a lot, if hand cannon cannons can boost your # of kills by like even 5 per trip I would say it's worth it even if you make less.


    @your edit - I really don't think anyone knows what the break rate is. Better off just using it and not to worry about it breaking haha, in the end you make money off claws anyways.

  5. So you made 190k~ less if you used extreme att/str, how long and how many kills do you do per trip?


    Edit: Rather than finding what the break rate is I suggest you to do a trip w/ broads or rune/whatever, calcing how much you lose on ammo/pots and see if you make more with cannon.

  6. If you look at it that way then someone would have to go calc how fast it takes to kill one w/ a cannon and w/ broads. Then calc how much money you're wasting on hand cannons. Or you can just kill them with broads, get a drop, buy hand cannons for fun and getting "totally OP kill rates" till you're out of them and repeat.

  7. Can I list all the bosses and give opinions on them instead? If so-


    Corp - Obvious reasons.


    Bandos - Soloing is probably the only way I'll do it, teams gets so boring and I become brain dead after a while.


    Zammy - Used to do it a bit, but I got tired of it cause it's easy if you're not tanking but no one wants to tank.


    Sara - So easy, but does feel like Bandos after 3 hour trips w/o any drops.


    Arma - Probably the most profitable GWD boss but it sucks if you don't get a drop cause you do spend quite a bit on supplies.


    DKs - Very enjoyable, easy to kill and the drop rates are the best.


    TDs - Easy and fast. Don't need a lot of kill these however the drop rates aren't that great.


    Kalphite/CE/Mole/KBD/ Whatever is left - Kill em when you're bored.

  8. Fruit bats would be better for you as it heals the same + you get other fruits.


    Tele tab, I would bring 2~ish brews just in case, you need super restores for summoning anyways so might as well. 3-4 sets of super/extreme pots, a few more pouches(2-3) and rest filled with prayer pots.

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