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Posts posted by 1337z0r3

  1. I'm not sure what name gertjaars changed his name to, but I couldn't find any players that were close to Aasiwat (2B+) and Zarfot (1.8B+).


    Also, Aasiwat as of now at 2,012,591,061 is very close to a "magical" limit of 2,147,483,648. We shall have to see if this is indeed a limitation in the runscaping engine. (This is indeed a limit in Java, though there are ways around it. Getting around it is a big hit on math processing though and is unlikely they would use it for their game servers. However their score-keeping module might have been written to handle it.)

  2. Yes, I can verify that the time in the dungeon is not a factor. (Other than XP/hour as has been mentioned) I can repeatedly get the same base XP by doing the same dungeon over again.


    Some factors that I KNOW factor into base XP. (and yes, I know many of these are double counted in % modifiers):


    % Monsters killed


    EDIT - The following info may be incorrect, as it seems that combat level is a factor

    Number of people dungeon was designed for

    Number of people who started/finished the dungeon (it's at least one of these, I do not know what combination of them)


    Some factors that DO NOT factor into base XP:


    Guide Mode


    I have recorded stats for hundreds of raids, and will publish my findings soon. I still have several hundred level combinations to test. (I'm in the top 4% of dungeoneers to date)

  3. $5 is really cheap for a members account. It's well worth the price of the subscription in my opinion. Though, that's the old members rate. I think new players and other methods besides CC have to pay more, but it's still really cheap compared to other games (and items).

  4. No, contrary to information I've seen elsewhere (can't remember where), repeating a level does not drive your prestige to 0 (except for that level). I think it's been explained well, but to put it another way. The only way to unlock a level is for the game to automatically take you there. This obviously requires the appropriate level. For example, if you have 36 dungeoneering, and completing floor 18 puts you to 37, then you will unlock and start floor 19.

  5. I agree that the Dungeoneering bestiary is a huge undertaking! We've only recently released a few of the bosses, and we have many many more to go.


    We'd be glad to credit you for any information you can gather that we don't have. Bosses, as always, are a priority here.


    Feel free to post them here as well, since the other topic does say "items".




    EDIT: Something to keep on the watch for is the hint that the smuggler gives for each boss monster. That can be useful info. Cheers!


    I'll track down the hints as I go. I'll post a bunch later tonight, but here is what I'm collecting so far. Regular monsters collect the minimum normal xp (ie 4/10 of hitpoints in combat skill and 4/30 hitpoints in constitution skill) Still ascertaining xp rate for boss kills.

    On regular monsters I'm collecting or will be collecting: name, level, hitpoints, item drops

    On boss drops I'm collecting or will be collecting: name, level, hitpoints, hint


    If there's any other info you want, let me know.

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