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Posts posted by Shadowslajer

  1. Clan Europe vs Dutch Generation


    So we approached DG for a couple rounds of matched ops since they always give us a clean, challenging and respectable fight.


    First Round


    Melee, Binds & Ranged

    We massed up similar numbers and DG dropped a few members to make it matched. Thanks to those who dropped. CE attacked first round and we rushed in and got a first quick kill. I was then piled and CE took it strongly from there and didn't look back. DG kept it even for a while but we slowly started to gain the advantage with some solid tanking from a few of our members. The first round ended 19-0 to CE.






    Second Round

    Melee & binds


    For the second round we dropped our range styles and everyone got binds. Both clans kept similar numbers and DG kindly dropped 2-3 members very quickly so we could start. This time CE defended and we were rushed by DG from the east. We both got our first few piles down quickly but CE started to pull ahead slowly. CE managed to get a 4 man lead to make it 25-21 at one point, but DG got some k0s and we had one disconnect to make it 22-21. We kept our heads down and managed to keep our lead and claimed the second round 16-0.





    Thank you for the fights Dutch Generation, we look forward to more wars in the future with you.



  2. Have PH had a war where there's not been a complte ruckus in the aftermath topic yet?


    Looking at the evidence and all that's been posted I'mma say that AK deserve the win here. Multiple bound breaks and stalling aren't the end of the world, but people who're multi-clanning / not on the memberlist is a pretty bad rule break tbh.


    As for your claims that "PH is a team, exer is a clan" well, TWR doesn't look at it that way, every single warring team/clan on TWR is counted as a CLAN, therefore you broke the no multi-clanners rule, simples.


    rematch plawks.



    You sir are an idiot as they brought members on the memberlist

    And ph won this fight fair

    THey only started crying here after being smacked around 2 rounds


    Then if TWR doesnt look at this like that it should be stated in the rules like that end of story


    PH = A TEAM so it's not even multiclanning


    you tried but


    No,... Just NO


    ....... well let's see. If you had bothered to even read my post then you would know that you are entirely wrong. let me show you how you're entirely wrong:


    i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


    taken directly from TWR Rules. What YOU fail to see is everyone has a different point of view, yes?


    The people who set up the TWR have decided that multiclanning is defined as having someone on multiple memberlists on TWR. I can see where you're coming from, PH is a team, some people will go as far as to argue that it's not multiclanning if you're in two clans, one cwa based, the other pvp based. But the world doesn't revolve around you, does it?


    Unless of course, I have misinterpretaed what you've said because you meant to write "they brought people not on the memberlist". Well, an eye for an eye makes everyone blind so we wont go down this road in arguing because that was wrong. But you broke two rules, they broke one.


    As for you winning two rounds- from what I've read I understand that their pull fell quite a bit while yours increased. In no way does that keep the war "fair", it puts you at an advantage. The second round wasn't even a legit TWR war either, so I fail to see any substantial argument of your victory being upheld over this point.


    So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.



    AND again you sir are a complete IDIOT


    (21:04:47) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Shadowslajer is in 4 clans. | Clans: All tkoblitz ever, Exercitum Militus of Honorum, Pest Control Nation List 1, Waffle Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Shadowslajer


    Do you see PH in there? then What moron are you saying I'm in Ph and that I broke rules.


    What their rules say is


    QUoted from the Rules


    d.A multi-clanner is defined as someone who is on more than one memberlist of participating TWR clans. Clans will lose 100 points for every person that is on multiple TWR lists and participated in a TWR war.


    PH IS NOT A CLAN PH IS A TEAM their you have your LOOPHOLE!

    also fyi kiddo as you say I wouldn't understand but seems like you have the lack of reading and understanding what this topic is all about, THey only posted the first win it's AK who nagged on about ALL the rest


    and ty for prooving me right that you just got out of your diapers with your childish behaviour


    So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.


    And for taking your quote WITH the loophole STILL in it


    i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


    PH is NOT a clan

    As far as your diaper insults go..... that's just childish dude, if you're going to attempt to mock me please be a little more creative.


    Now onto the topic at hand: you clearly skipped the bit in my post where it says that every memberlist on TWR is treated as a clan. You don't get people claiming they're a team, therefore they'll be uniquely accomodated for, that's not how things work. You're just being stubborn, so I suggest you sit down before you're further embarrassed by the complete lack of an argument you have going. You're screaming TEAMS AND CLANS ARE DIFFERENT. Well, that's open to debate tbh, but in TWR it doesn't matter. Team TKO Blitz are, as the name suggests a team, but on TWR they are treated like a clan, why should PH be any different? The rules are not open to interpritation by any one other than the clan-moderators. Teams and clans will be treated as one on TWR and the term clan is a branch term which includes both, therefore PH is indeed in breach of the rule "no multiclanners" as defined by the TWR rules.



    And again you think your smart but nowhere is it saying a TEAM will be treated as a Clan so keep on failing to see how it actually is, now I won't any more time to your pittyfull attempts to even try something cause you'll just never figure it out


    Bye kid hope one day you'll have the capacity to READ all thoroughly

  3. ok now where to start?


    well firstly call me a [cabbage] if you want cos i thought ph had turned into a clan lol :wall:


    secondly ak looked like it was getting dominated even though it was a restart. mind if you guys from ph show us a pic of that being agreed by a ph official on irc or something please? just wana see if its fully true or not as i am either blind or cant see any.


    thirdly its just rs its no bigy, at least ph arnt complaining about points, this kinda proves there here for wars not points.


    gz ph blnt ak shame about the beef :(



    well it's easy to know they agreed upon it as if they didn't they could've easy made a topic and say Ph walked out after they did for the restart


    fair play, still woulda been nice to seen it though.


    True but just saying it could be seen with that but for that proof don't need to ask me :)

    hi mark :)



    ik what ur saying, its some of the few parts that makes sense on this topic, with the whole beef thing its nice to have a independent view on it :)

    hi shadow :)



    true :P this boosts my poscount tho :P LOL after being reading topics only for years :P

  4. ok now where to start?


    well firstly call me a [cabbage] if you want cos i thought ph had turned into a clan lol :wall:


    secondly ak looked like it was getting dominated even though it was a restart. mind if you guys from ph show us a pic of that being agreed by a ph official on irc or something please? just wana see if its fully true or not as i am either blind or cant see any.


    thirdly its just rs its no bigy, at least ph arnt complaining about points, this kinda proves there here for wars not points.


    gz ph blnt ak shame about the beef :(



    well it's easy to know they agreed upon it as if they didn't they could've easy made a topic and say Ph walked out after they did for the restart


    fair play, still woulda been nice to seen it though.


    True but just saying it could be seen with that but for that proof don't need to ask me :)

    hi mark :)

  5. ok now where to start?


    well firstly call me a [cabbage] if you want cos i thought ph had turned into a clan lol :wall:


    secondly ak looked like it was getting dominated even though it was a restart. mind if you guys from ph show us a pic of that being agreed by a ph official on irc or something please? just wana see if its fully true or not as i am either blind or cant see any.


    thirdly its just rs its no bigy, at least ph arnt complaining about points, this kinda proves there here for wars not points.


    gz ph blnt ak shame about the beef :(



    well it's easy to know they agreed upon it as if they didn't they could've easy made a topic and say Ph walked out after they did for the restart

  6. Have PH had a war where there's not been a complte ruckus in the aftermath topic yet?


    Looking at the evidence and all that's been posted I'mma say that AK deserve the win here. Multiple bound breaks and stalling aren't the end of the world, but people who're multi-clanning / not on the memberlist is a pretty bad rule break tbh.


    As for your claims that "PH is a team, exer is a clan" well, TWR doesn't look at it that way, every single warring team/clan on TWR is counted as a CLAN, therefore you broke the no multi-clanners rule, simples.


    rematch plawks.



    You sir are an idiot as they brought members on the memberlist

    And ph won this fight fair

    THey only started crying here after being smacked around 2 rounds


    Then if TWR doesnt look at this like that it should be stated in the rules like that end of story


    PH = A TEAM so it's not even multiclanning


    you tried but


    No,... Just NO


    ....... well let's see. If you had bothered to even read my post then you would know that you are entirely wrong. let me show you how you're entirely wrong:


    i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


    taken directly from TWR Rules. What YOU fail to see is everyone has a different point of view, yes?


    The people who set up the TWR have decided that multiclanning is defined as having someone on multiple memberlists on TWR. I can see where you're coming from, PH is a team, some people will go as far as to argue that it's not multiclanning if you're in two clans, one cwa based, the other pvp based. But the world doesn't revolve around you, does it?


    Unless of course, I have misinterpretaed what you've said because you meant to write "they brought people not on the memberlist". Well, an eye for an eye makes everyone blind so we wont go down this road in arguing because that was wrong. But you broke two rules, they broke one.


    As for you winning two rounds- from what I've read I understand that their pull fell quite a bit while yours increased. In no way does that keep the war "fair", it puts you at an advantage. The second round wasn't even a legit TWR war either, so I fail to see any substantial argument of your victory being upheld over this point.


    So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.



    AND again you sir are a complete IDIOT


    (21:04:47) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Shadowslajer is in 4 clans. | Clans: All tkoblitz ever, Exercitum Militus of Honorum, Pest Control Nation List 1, Waffle Unit | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Shadowslajer


    Do you see PH in there? then What moron are you saying I'm in Ph and that I broke rules.


    What their rules say is


    QUoted from the Rules


    d.A multi-clanner is defined as someone who is on more than one memberlist of participating TWR clans. Clans will lose 100 points for every person that is on multiple TWR lists and participated in a TWR war.


    PH IS NOT A CLAN PH IS A TEAM their you have your LOOPHOLE!

    also fyi kiddo as you say I wouldn't understand but seems like you have the lack of reading and understanding what this topic is all about, THey only posted the first win it's AK who nagged on about ALL the rest


    and ty for prooving me right that you just got out of your diapers with your childish behaviour


    So please do try and get it into that thick little skull of yours that you BROKE THE RULES. And please don't call me stupid, I find it quite insulting coming from someone with such a narrow perspective of the clan world- at least when Dan-the-man trolls me I can admire and appreciate how it works on several levels..... sometimes. As for you, "MEMEME" orly? NO.


    And for taking your quote WITH the loophole STILL in it


    i.A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.


    PH is NOT a clan

  7. @Wee_Man_1311> yeah considering we're a team

    <Shadowslajer> you can only fight for ONE CLAN/TEAM

    <+Smoked365> Yea I understand their reasoning behind it

    <+Smoked365> I dont understand why other ppl make such a fuss about it, when we know the deductions will happen and dont care


    Thats the last thing i got to say about this fight.


    We probably would of lost more points but smoked missed the portal by 2 seconds. :shock:


    What I say there is that's how the rule should be stated then. but for now it isn't soooo no rulebreaking happened

  8. Lol ak has never being good accepting a bad result in their fights, maybe thats the reason for walking out of the arena.

    Anyways, neither the flamme nor the center bounds or ml´s broken rules would affect the result of that war. It´s clear that ak was loosing for a big difference.

    Besides if they had any problems with the PH members, the delay or the +/-2 rule they should have discuss it before starting the war and not once they realised they have lost it.

    Gratz PH


    Respect for seeing the truth and showing them the obvious of checking things straight when they should do it :) :twss: :wub:

  9. Have PH had a war where there's not been a complte ruckus in the aftermath topic yet?


    Looking at the evidence and all that's been posted I'mma say that AK deserve the win here. Multiple bound breaks and stalling aren't the end of the world, but people who're multi-clanning / not on the memberlist is a pretty bad rule break tbh.


    As for your claims that "PH is a team, exer is a clan" well, TWR doesn't look at it that way, every single warring team/clan on TWR is counted as a CLAN, therefore you broke the no multi-clanners rule, simples.


    rematch plawks.



    You sir are an idiot as they brought members on the memberlist

    And ph won this fight fair

    THey only started crying here after being smacked around 2 rounds


    Then if TWR doesnt look at this like that it should be stated in the rules like that end of story


    PH = A TEAM so it's not even multiclanning


    you tried but


    No,... Just NO

  10. since Exer and Ph both on twr i guess both lose 100 points?


    anyways gratz on the win ph sorry to hear your ts ddosed


    Funny, Feared of Exer members so much that you lot are missing the fact that



    PH = A TEAM


    Rules don't mention about being in A CLAN and A TEAM but only on ONE CLAN ml

  11. Good Day Tip.It.


    I've read this forum and as you Wanted to pull Exer in to it then SO BE IT.


    Let's see:


    Point 1: Flames


    According to me AK Latin you guys aren't saints, you have flamed others numberous of times. basically Including Exer right now saying we allow Multiclanning while we don't as PH = A TEAM, EXER = A CLAN (Basically this is a current Loophole (no offence but it is as it is) in the rules) It states ONE Clan and not One Clan/Team.

    As stated and being said there will be changes in the Nearby Future.


    Ak Latin as YOU screened the flames yes you got more proof but people are SO used about you flamming that they don't even bother screening/posting it anymore. I recon you guys Flamming PH when you killed Hellboysjd2 (with his new name) when he was just watching the fight VR vs RSD. That is when I heared THEY came after you.

    Ow and mostly it happens that after a war some spamming happens all the way from cwa to Bh bank cause SOME beef must've occured during the war so your flamming is Blantly NO excuse whatsoever for your loss.


    Point 2: Teamspeak Being DDOSed


    You are claiming they left to stall but why would they in a matched fight?

    You are just saying they Lied about it yet they DID post a screenshot as proof about it SHOWING the war recently had been challenged:



    This screen says it all, you can check the Chatbox where you can clearly see the "Your clan has been challenged..."

    If your Ts was/would've been Ddosed wouldn't you ask to get it fixed first? Don't Say no because I know you would as long as you both haven't run in on eachother yet.



    Point 3: Boundaries


    Now tell me, 1 person went out of bounds a bit yet you failed to call the pile off and look for another? To me this looks like negligance of your part to me? In EVERY fight (well almost every fight) atleast 1 person goes out of bounds or a bit or a lot. You should be smarter then and stay in the battlefield and not follow him. If he did any affect it's you to blame.


    They even kicked him from th CC for it, most people see this as SORRY for that, or some would even type it while tanking. SO that 1 person out of bounds wouldn't and Shouldn't have done much affect to the fight as you shouldn't have kept following him then cause looking to it you already had no run




    This screen proofs nothing of more then one person going out of bounds as it could be 1 and the Same screenshotted from a different angle and location and looking at the score of bounds leaving the 2 screens showing it on the forums proof it's 1 and the same and proofs you could've dropped the pile A LONG time in staid of waisting your time taking more screenshots.


    Point 4: Higher Pulling after being allowed to rechallenge due to Teamspeak being Ddosed


    If you didn't want to restart then you shouldn't have allowed it right. but you did so don't cry about it.

    It often happens that some people were just to late on the edge of joining in the portal. YOU gave them the chance of joining in, YOU re-challenged so there is no excuse on this.

    And you're crying about this +/-2 rule. Tbh You had pulled 32 people so it's You who could keep 2 more people. this rule indicates it's going to be a 2 difference so that you have 2 more and the opponent has 2 less IN case one outpulls the other. If this fact is not the case you should've been clearer about it when setting up the rules. Now if you both have pulled 26 than it's yours to blame that you had 6 members not DEDICATED enough to stay and watch the fight as there was (so it seems) a second round agreed.

    You not telling your members in time is your fault not Ph's fault. Also to let you know it happens to many clans that some members are later, be happy they even posted the REAL reason LOL they could've easy lied and said they were all lagging out LOL.


    and now



    Point 5: 5 minutes late?


    Come on now tell me WHICH clan EVER starts on time LOL tell me seriously every clan/team duckling whatsoever is a lil later, lil earlier. A fight NEVER EVER starts exactly on the second that it should so what is the use of even posting this?

    After the spring kicking in some use the Timezone how it always was and some are using the one where UK = +1 gmt and Belgium +2 while mostly UK = GMT and Belgium = +1 Gmt, Due to that mistakes are happening also. if you have to cry over this then LMFAO \:D/


    If you're mistaking about the time of fight like this example I showed it's your duty to make shure you've both been clear enough about it.


    Now as it looks Ph won this fight Fair and square.


    - YOu allowed a restart due to their Ts beind DDOSED with clear proof

    - The person out of bounds was at 19 vs 13 in the favor of PH so it wouldn't have made much difference unless you would've koed him which you clearly didn't since he dragged you guys off (where as you guys should've quicker gotten of that pile and find another)

    - Flames probably happened at both sides so no excuse and last time I knew Flames don't WIN or LOSE a war?

    - No fights start at the supposed time so 5 min late lol? and also 5 min late means you could've prepared 5 min longer...

    - Learn to be clear on rules. You pulled 32 so it's you who should've kept your members at bay to stick around and not leave.

    - Exer = CLAN, Ph = TEAM, so far their is still a loophole in the rules of this matter.


    (YOU fellas dragged EXER in to this Topic now here is how the statements are and are legit)


    also THese were the rules correct?


    hi ph


    Your clan (name + initials): ak latin

    Your clan's member-list (link + copy-pasted list):

    Ml http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=ak_twr_list




    Opposing clan (name + initials): Pure Hatred

    Opposing clan's member-list (link + copy-pasted list) http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=ph_chat_ftw



    Your forum/contact details:


    IRC: irc.allianceirc.net #ak-latin

    CC: jeison39


    Specific declarations (capped/ particular time):


    Saturday 8th May, 4pm EST/9pm GMT Start

    only mele binds


    rings on

    corrupt off

    mached 25 cap

    4 snipers cap

    world 94



    Your memberlist in it.


    Your screenshot of your pull




    What is this?:


    (11:46:17) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Zack Belica is in 3 clans. | Clans: Argentinos, Condemned Army, King Of Wild Ending List | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Zack%A0Belica


    (11:53:58) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Oo Ii is in clan: clan la hermandad latina ( URL: http://www.lahermandadlatina[LikelyScam] )


    I checked for name changes and yes these 2 had their name changed from

    (11:59:05) <@Shadowslajer> !clan samiz999

    (11:59:05) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Samiz999 is in 3 clans. | Clans: ak latin, ak latin, Runescape Argentina | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Samiz999

    (11:59:26) <@Shadowslajer> !clan sscatmann

    (11:59:26) -[uK]RuneScript- *** [ CLAN ]: Sscatmann is in 2 clans. | Clans: ak latin, ak latin | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Sscatmann


    Yet not changed on the Ml so as they claimed towards PH before he wasn't on the ml Ph could do the same to?


    Also someone was crying saying "We are not Forens" but Forens isn't even a flame have you tried googling it?


    Forens = A process of travelling to and from the town you live in to another town where you work.


    Also if you're latin people you probably can also speak latin where Forens has the meaning of Forens being in the latin mascular part Forenses with the meaning of Forum so basically that guy didn't even know what he's talking about lol.


    Good day to you all and again


    Gratz on the fair victory Ph and better luck next time AK LATIN.





    "Get real please?" ~ Vannaka if you wouldn't had those multiclanners as in TWR terms AND the people not just randomly added before the war then it'd be even almost matched.




    To prove the fact PH is really multiclanning;


    - They have their OWN LEADER (Hellboysjd2, current RSN is 'Ph_Ph_Ph_Phh') and OWN HIGH COUNCIL (Ultimair) multiclanning in Exer, I didn't even had to look that long before I recognized these two.















    everyone know ph is a team and exer is a official clan.


    but this is one of the twr rules: A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.



    you say it correctly and I made it bigger and Bold for you


    Exer = CLAN


    Ph = TEAM



    thank you





    "Get real please?" ~ Vannaka if you wouldn't had those multiclanners as in TWR terms AND the people not just randomly added before the war then it'd be even almost matched.




    To prove the fact PH is really multiclanning;


    - They have their OWN LEADER (Hellboysjd2, current RSN is 'Ph_Ph_Ph_Phh') and OWN HIGH COUNCIL (Ultimair) multiclanning in Exer, I didn't even had to look that long before I recognized these two.















    everyone know ph is a team and exer is a official clan.


    but this is one of the twr rules: A member may only be listed on the memberlist of one clan participating in the TWR.



    you say it correctly and I made it bigger and Bold for you


    Exer = CLAN


    Ph = TEAM

  14. http://img695.imageshack.us/i/20100510154916.png/


    Note, at the guy at the bottom and how many of u ready to pile us, that's a clear sign of rushing. Also the person who was hitting lgz rangerr is at least 5 spaces away from ur pile which is about 1 sec + the amount of hits on our first fi lead. I would say that we have to get a pile going quick enough to react to this. which is explain by only 2 people rushing u from our pile, because we weren't ready for our clicks.


    Anyway... time for me to show my other proves. (once again i have so many pics... you won't believe it)



    ^ Irc shows ml from the day before war.



    ^ ml, the day we war, 39 min before war.



    ^ml less then 15 min before war starts, I mean... who would update their ml 15 ml before war starts ? Abit fishy... And without updating their leaders name?? Like click n fail ?



    ^ml, a day after the war.



    ^ml, today (11/05/2010)


    Quite a few changes



    ^ abit more warring pics (still got a handful)


    That's alot of ml update within short days. That's still abit werid to me... Unless u decided to have a ml clean and kick only 2 or 3 people...


    Oh and the guy who went out of our pile i believe he was switching his style or setting something that's why he is rushing to fall back in. Dude... don't question it... even u said that there was at least 4 to 5 people not in ml... and mutil clanners as well, so make that 6 or 7 ? And as i said before, look how many of ur member rushed us ? and only 2 "about" to hit u back... i can tell u that's more then 1 sec... that's at least 5 sec.



    Ever heared of people joining,people leaving, people retiring? euh....?


    "Get real please?" ~ Vannaka if you wouldn't had those multiclanners as in TWR terms AND the people not just randomly added before the war then it'd be even almost matched.




    To prove the fact PH is really multiclanning;


    - They have their OWN LEADER (Hellboysjd2, current RSN is 'Ph_Ph_Ph_Phh') and OWN HIGH COUNCIL (Ultimair) multiclanning in Exer, I didn't even had to look that long before I recognized these two.













  16. 1) ML wasnt updated with name changes when you rage !clan'ed everyone.

    2) Your leader ran at us and a bind was sent out from your fall in - signifying you were atking. Im sorry that your fall in leader got binded and was unable to move when you rushed, but thats part of the tactic.

    3) There was no sniper cap, sir tried to set one up like 30 minutes before, i told them it was too late to set one up, so yeah.


    Basically all i see is that LGZ talked a bunch of garbage, and then got dominated instead, and are now whining over it. Take the loss, you should be having more losses coming up as it is so just get used to it.


    You lost because you failed to use anything other than meele. You got dragged, you got tanked, you got 1 shotted. Raging all over this topic will get you no where, and i suggest you go focus on bettering your clan.


    Could you tell the members who got a name change to take a screen shot of the page "Change Display name", to see when they can change their name, and then take away 1 month.


    And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a bind an attack? That's not a tactic that's cheating, why do you think we don't do it.. So, you just proved that you did attack first, because we ran at you BUT we did NOT attack you. Sir dricula :thumbsup: has also posted a screenshot of you attacking first, so I suggest you reply to his post before any one else's to explain all these Rule-breaks.



    Running towards is provoking a charge isi making it look like you charge and any other clan/team would've clicked to attack to ;)


    This is from page 3 from my post... All ph member have avoided this post so far. Sorry vann, but it clearly shows u attacked first, and i can tell u it is not just one or 2 people. I have pics before u update ur ml, i have pics after u update ur ml, i have more pics about your ml after the wars... So what do u have to say about that? Btw i m not bluffing... i have so many pics, i can easily turn this topic into a wonderful 15 page + which i really don't want to do. And from them, even if there is name change i can easily say there is at least 5 + people that you just randomly added... btw, name change before the wars + without changing ur fi lead names is kind of werid. What infinitone said is truth.



    I replied to your post on page 3, and I prooved you provoked the charge,.


    btw, name change before the wars + without changing ur fi lead names is kind of werid.


    what you on about lol? let's see where may, exams comming closer, you guys nagging bout name changes they try to do as many as possible and then use it against them? sorry no balls lol

  18. Correct me if Iam wrong.... but dosen't it state that in TWR a member from a clan can ONLY be on 1 TWR ML?


    Aside from TK members fighting for PH because he/she could have thought it was a play off, look at how many EXERs are in PH !


    Don't get me wrong PH, youall did great with that big numbers advantage and great ending....


    But that dosn't solve the fact that you had muilty clanners NOT just in RSC but also on TWR.


    But hey the oldest trick in the book...: "we forgot to take an ending or a starting pic of OUR members thay were fighting for us... sorry."


    PH can still take the win non-the less.... but if TWR can't support their own MUILTY Clanning rules than I wonder what's gona happen next...



    Better luck next time LGZ.



    How many people will forget that being in Ph and an other clan is NOT multiclanning since PH = A TEAM




    ^ you attacked first.



    ^ more then 3 sniper btw i know that wasn't ur main pile because ur video at 0:25 shows that u were piling someone else. unless u have 2 seperate piles...



    ^ adding [cabbage] loads of people on ml



    ^ someone from ph just said "Just joined"



    ^ Pics of some of them in war.



    Nope don't think you follow them.


    Got some explaining to do and Expected.


    Should have done what Hp did... not to accept this war or declare


    edit: Looks like i just accidentally started a 10 page topic... bummer



    ok sir I'll please you


    TO answer to your first picture


    to what I see here it is your member who caused the REACTION of charging by running towards them and making them attack you:

    Note the circled guy running back to the fall in while his fall in leader didn't even have a move towards Their pile, knowing this by looking at your minimap as it's always indicating where you'll be going when following the person (90% of the time that is)





    Answering your second picture:


    Fact you were there with so many people on you = that either you wanted to snipe/where sniping or thought you were a pro tank and went to stand next to their pile as looking to the vid they drop the pile but looking to the environment you weren't that far from them.


    Answering to your 3rd pic:


    Name changes have to be adjusted on the ml and as I recon they kept to their word and also immediatly answering to your 4th picture: You did not agree to close memberlists so basically a pending application was still allowed to be approved even if it's they day before the war or several hours before the war.


    answering your 5th picture:


    your point being? you got a pic of few names? well what?


    and that yoooo000oooo well ye this pic says it all :)




    posted for the lulz since I like to debate and point proofs back where they belong

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