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Posts posted by gamersean1

  1. #-oFirst off, why are you collecting that junk....just buy it.


    Secondly and most importantly....if you don't bot you have nothing to worry about. Oh but you're throwing a fit about it so obviously you're guilty of something. Cry moar pl0x? It's like a bank gets robbed and a guys sitting around going "Oh God what if they think it's me, Oh God I'm caught...but im innocent"....yea.

    The thing is that people have been banned for autoing, even though they didn't. Jagex's macro detection is far from perfect, contrary to popular belief. Cry moar pl0x?



    Show the proof and I'll believe that. By proof I don't mean a bunch of botters getting banned and then rage quitting on forums claiming they didn't. You show me real proof that these players weren't botting, or else it's just hearsay.

    Has anyone ever told you that you are so cute? And I think you should prove to me that Jagex is 100% accurate with their bans, or else it's just hearsay.


    Good job.


    Ah, I see you all like to believe in fairy tales. You have no proof that the person didn't auto, jagex however has to have sufficient proof that they did use a macro system of some sort on their rs account. It's been discussed quite a few times in past rs forums about the "unfair bans". Jagex as a company has members pay for accounts, if they didn't have proof and "wrongfully banned" players they'd suffer lawsuits, as childish as that sounds. You're all going to say "well they don't show proof we autoed"...guess what they don't have to. Autoing is a immediate perm ban. Oh by the way to the guy saying by my theory global warming, gravity, and physics are not real. First off gravity has been proven, so has physics in general. However as for globall warming, their is Al Gore on one side, and scientists with proof the earth goes through cycles on the other. Anyway back on the subject of RS. Jagex owns your souls, it's like your God. They'll do as they see fit. :thumbsup:

    hurray for having our souls be owned by a video game :D LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  2. I'm the opposite of what could be considered a high level, but what hes doing is perfectly acceptable, if a little [bleep]y.


    Maybe he doesnt want to change worlds? If its so easy, why dont you change worlds? Just because you got there first doesnt mean the spot is yours.

    yeah he can hop worlds but there were several workers and the higher level attacks everyone he tries to attack

  3. OMG i went to the abyss for the first time ever just before i went in i had all my best gear 1 sec before i get teled in a rev knocks out half my health then i get hammered with about a hundred abbysal monsters i try to run and cut down the tentacle things i fail and die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

  4. This weekend, coming to Tip.It!


    Are you tired of writing long winded rants that go nowhere? Are you sick of posters taking inane thoughts and stringing them out in a manner that just takes too long to read? Do you hate punctuation? Want to learn new ways to molest the English language that should be punishable by death? Well sign up for gamersean1's new seminar: Dress For Something Or Other!


    Learn about the good old days without actually reading anything! gamersean will teach you how to say nothing, while saying nothing! There is an intricate art in making vague statements that reference back to vague time periods, where vague events vaguely occurred in a vague sense, and gamersean1 is willing to share those secrets with you!


    Just send some kind of money to gamersean1 in an addressed envelope to that building, and in a time frame you will receive something that has to do with this.


    Warning: gamersean1's Dress To Something Or Other is not for everyone, including people prone to aneurisms, high blood pressure, graduation, or anyone with a mild to severe case of rage. Symptoms of light bullheadedness, drowsiness, rage, and an inexplicable paranoia that you're taking lessons from an idiot may occur, but should subside shortly afterward, and should be discontinued if prolonged for more than twenty minutes. Do not take Dress To Something Or Other in combination with a dictionary, thesaurus, or in the presence of any professional English or logic teachers.


    Side effects of Dress To Something Or Other may include, but are not limited to, rage, an unexplainable attraction of trolls, having yourself featured in a parody drug commercial, and a feeling of nostalgia for something that has never happened.


    So order Gamersean's Dress To Something Or Other today! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Gamersean's Dress To Something or Other is not intended to cure, treat, or stamp out any disease, although it may cause several. Order today and get your free pair of rose tinted glasses.

    wtf is wrong with you all i want is runescape to go back a bit like to 2007

  5. 1. Pay money for a subscription.

    2. Click


    There you go, one classic game.

    omg freaking god it wont let me in im member i have played for years whats wrong

  6. this stinks i wish runescape would go back before the ge where ppl worked together to acomplish things like pay someone to make something right there i loved how runescape was a few years ago

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