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Posts posted by playerkila

  1. Good post, I too remember the good ol days of RSC Pking, I opened my first account in 8th grade (2000) which was the year runescape first came out. I think one thing that is missing from this post that I will add for the sake of it being complete, was the Plate Pure, this was someone who made a Pure account when you had the option to buy I believe the thing you need from the hobgoblin to complete the dragon slayer quest instead of having to telegrab it. I actually have an account on RSC that is a Plate Pure, it was was fun to Pk with these characters because most rune pures would assume when seeing someone who is wearing a rune plate that they had atleast the magic level required to telegrab the thing you need and if this was so being pure they would be a superior fighter combat level for combat level. So having a plate pure you would get attacked alot =) Also I remember Pking before there was a Rune 2hander because when the game first came out the only way to obtain a Rune 2hander was for it to be player made and of course the game being new there was no one with the required smithing level to make them. I wish I could remember her name but I recall the first person to beable to make a Rune 2hander, it was a rather celebrated event and everyone could not wait to get there hands on one. When the Rune 2hander first hit the market it was not uncommon to have to pay upwards of 1M Gp this was back when 1M Gp was alot of loot! Pking around this time was not only very fun but very profitable. With all of the changes they have made to PvP on RS2 you can find yourself hard pressed to actually turn a profit as a Pker. I guess one of the things I miss most about pking on RSC was that pking was something different to many it was an additional skill, you could be a fisher, a miner, a smither, a crafter, etc. but apart from the skills you would find listed you could be a pker! The ability to choose pking as a runescape career path is something you just don't see anymore. I think because of this many have lost the dedication it takes to be a pker and thus you don't see the same caliber of pking specialists you did in RSC. That said the new runescape is deffinatly a great game, however, it could use a little bigger taste of RSC on its PvP worlds =)

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