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Posts posted by DaveZZilla

  1. I'm inclined to agree with Kimberly. A possibility that I just thought of is that Jagex is continually locking the accounts for botters, rwters, and the like and then just doing a mass ban and removal from hiscores in one fell swoop so that we'll notice it more.


    Great (and yet sad) to see that a lot of high levels are getting banned though.


    Could be. I think it's also likely that people are setting up shop with thousands of bots running at a time and when Jagex sniffs out enough of them they're able to determine what other accounts are part of the operation and throw them out all at once.

  2. Could someone please objectively define terminology like 'mid-level', 'end-game', 'moderate competition', 'high competitiveness', etc. in non arbitrary/vague terms?


    Sure, that's a good place for me to start. Generally, what I think of as mid-level content is in the 40-80 range, and 80+ is what I consider high level. I'm not suggesting that these should be the standard definitions, but at the very least you'll know what I'm thinking when I use the terms. Now let's get down to business.


    In my opinion Jagex has been pretty so-so in the past about making any update worthwhile, and only in the last year or two have they begun to get their act together with high level content that is truly rewarding.


    Tradeable potions at any level don't benefit players who gain the ability to mix them, as they can be bought and used for less money without bothering to get the required herblore level. The only reason you would train the skill was for bragging rights and maybe the odd quest requirement. Then extremes came out, and all of a sudden training herblore to those high levels was worth doing. Prayer and summoning are inherently rewarding for the same reason the new potions were a hit: you have to gain the required level to get the benefits of the skill. Smithing is an example to the contrary. Sure, you get to make new armor, but in reality rune armor is a reward for training defence, not smithing. All you're getting is another way to spend money.


    Resource gathering is going to be trickier to balance out, because mid level resources benefit high level players far more than mid level players. But there are instances where it is done well because of artificial limits. Red sandstone is a good example of this. The mining and crafting exp you get there is not bad at all, nor is the finished product. If you could camp there all day, what would potion flasks be worth? Likewise, dailies like mtk are worthwhile because you can only do them once a day.


    The same principles that made these high level updates successful can be applied to mid level content too. Mid level resources that are limited like red sandstone would prevent high levels from monopolizing them and so everyone could benefit. Mid level Untradeable items could be really great if they were done well. For instance, they could come out with a new slayer monster where the required weapon/item to defeat it was untradeable and had to be made with the smithing/fletching/crafting skill. If it had a nice drop (especially an untradeable drop) or the exp was pretty good at those levels, it would be worth the extra effort to gain levels in those other skills.

  3. I have my own list of things to do, and I'm glad to see I didn't miss too much from your list.


    As someone else mentioned, Lumbridge is a good place to make some money. I visit the fishing shop for feathers, the culinaromancer's chest for almost everything there, and then go into the caves and follow the goblin to the mines where I can buy some bone bolts and make another 10k.


    I buy the broad arrow heads when I visit the slayer master for bolts. That's another item you have to watch because the price is up and down.


    There's another rune shop in the deep-wilderness Mage Arena. It takes a minute to get to, but the rune shops are some of the best money.


    I think it's worth mentioning that anyone who can't get to the Shilo Village slayer master can still get the same deal from any other slayer master.

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