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Posts posted by Ian1

  1. Fun fact:



    For over 20,000 years the Swastika was a symbol of good luck, peace, prosperity, good will, and kindness. Thats why Hitler made dirty love to it and robbed it of its innocence.


    In just 20 years (give or take >.>) threw away over 20,000 years (or more)


    What kind of world is this




    the swastika is an inverted/reversed indian/aryan (people from the steppes in western europe) symbol, it is visible by many on many indian statues. hitler actually took many things from these people called the aryans. they were exculsivly white from the indian steppe area. how ever hitler did taint the symbol and anyone to rep the symbol is now view as a anti semtic racsist

  2. Personally, I'd like to see f2p get wilderness capes also. I'm not a clan person, but some friends are. And they always mention how it would be so much better having battles in f2p with other clans, if they had the capes also.


    They have team capes already. . .

  3. RuneScape "insurance" would sort of ruin the pking experience for many people. If your willing to risk something like a Godsword into such worlds, knowing that you could lose them, then it can only be the fault of the player. Also, wouldn't this sort of drive down prices in the Grand Exchange? that'd be good for one group of people, but bad for another.


    I see your point, however, what do you mean ruining the PvP experience? it would not drive the price down because it lessening the demand for it, it is just refunding the money, the money they paid to the insurance "givers" would be part of that of course, it may cause the value of the GP to decrease because if you keep losing it more and more gp is being pumped into however , the policies rate would skyrocket which would increase the value of a GP, and it would be very expensive as it is anyway, it would just be an option for those wanting to Pvp however to scared to lose their prized possession and also it doesn't have to be about pking, it could be fighting a boss on a level or a boss anywhere not necessarily on a pvp world


    I stated PvP/BH because this 'policy' who be mainly attractive to the people who roam those worlds. Yes, this could come in handy when you go boss fighting or such, but again, it all comes down to player responsibility. If they are willing to risk such valuables, then it can only be their fault. Such a policy would suspend the idea of user responsibility, and that in turn, could effect the whole game.


    this is true, however i figure that for the people that are willing to risk such expensive items are well aware that their "user responsibility' is much less of that of a player who does not pvp thus not affecting anything. really with this people are not losing or gaining anything because eventually they will pay out the equivalent to that of the insured item, it just gives piece of mind to those who risk their items in turn making PVP more fun for everyone because there will be much less saving and running because with the insurance there is incentive to not be a cheater or bad player and follow the invisible pvp rules. it would increase loot values and would effect the game for the better

  4. Generally speaking, the idea isn't that good, but I think if this idea were to be implemented, it only work in either PvP worlds, or BH. Otherwise it's a bad idea. Not trying to be mean, I'm only saying what I'm thinking.


    why would it only work there? and also its not that big a change its not a giant deal just would make PvP more efficient because it can come down to seconds sometimes.


    I say that because, when I'm walking around RuneScape, I don't really want my first option to be the attack option. Especially if I'm wondering through an area with high-leveled players or monsters.


    ok, but for that it is just as easy to press the right click button or click on your mini map or don't click near that monster. it would just make certain things easier like eat and attack rather than right click, scroll, eat right click, scroll, attack, also it could be an option you pick personally on your in-game settings, you can toggle it if you dont like it or your are running though a place making all attacking options teh second option and the not left click option


    Now having the option to toggle that is completely different. With that in mind, only then could this idea possibly shed some light. ;)


    lol, well cool, so you support it as long as there is a toggle feature?

  5. Generally speaking, the idea isn't that good, but I think if this idea were to be implemented, it only work in either PvP worlds, or BH. Otherwise it's a bad idea. Not trying to be mean, I'm only saying what I'm thinking.


    why would it only work there? and also its not that big a change its not a giant deal just would make PvP more efficient because it can come down to seconds sometimes.


    I say that because, when I'm walking around RuneScape, I don't really want my first option to be the attack option. Especially if I'm wondering through an area with high-leveled players or monsters.


    ok, but for that it is just as easy to press the right click button or click on your mini map or don't click near that monster. it would just make certain things easier like eat and attack rather than right click, scroll, eat right click, scroll, attack, also it could be an option you pick personally on your in-game settings, you can toggle it if you dont like it or your are running though a place making all attacking options teh second option and the not left click option

  6. RuneScape "insurance" would sort of ruin the pking experience for many people. If your willing to risk something like a Godsword into such worlds, knowing that you could lose them, then it can only be the fault of the player. Also, wouldn't this sort of drive down prices in the Grand Exchange? that'd be good for one group of people, but bad for another.


    I see your point, however, what do you mean ruining the PvP experience? it would not drive the price down because it lessening the demand for it, it is just refunding the money, the money they paid to the insurance "givers" would be part of that of course, it may cause the value of the GP to decrease because if you keep losing it more and more gp is being pumped into however , the policies rate would skyrocket which would increase the value of a GP, and it would be very expensive as it is anyway, it would just be an option for those wanting to Pvp however to scared to lose their prized possession and also it doesn't have to be about pking, it could be fighting a boss on a level or a boss anywhere not necessarily on a pvp world

  7. Generally speaking, the idea isn't that good, but I think if this idea were to be implemented, it only work in either PvP worlds, or BH. Otherwise it's a bad idea. Not trying to be mean, I'm only saying what I'm thinking.


    why would it only work there? and also its not that big a change its not a giant deal just would make PvP more efficient because it can come down to seconds sometimes.

  8. ok, so ill be out pking and I'm attacking a high level then me. i need to right click scroll down one option and select attack. instead why not just make the first option for all monsters/people regardless of the level be attack. I've lost valuable time on that right click shuffle and it has slipped me up many times i even attack the wrong person sometimes. when i'm risking so much, id rather be precise. this isnt very complex, would make life simpler. i understand why its there to not attack people you dont mean to when your the underdog, but when im in that fight id rather just left click n attack, you know?


    Any comments welcome



  9. hey my suggestion is an insurance policy for runescape -


    for example you just bought a Godsword. - you are super happy now its time to go pk with it. you die. you lose weeks of hard work and hard earned money now what? you prolly be sad and possibly even quit.


    my idea is to implement an insurance policy to people willing to pay a monthly rate to the grand exchange officials. this could be like 100k per week for a ags and a sevre spike as soon as you lose it. so there is no insurance scams going on.



    this would be dificult and slightly hard to understand for many people but it could really help people and if people want insurance over their super hard earned item let them have one. . .


    i havent had to much itme to think about it, any ideas contributing to this idea is welcomed and encouraged

  10. a way to do this however it would become way to technical is to include insurance, for example, you buy a car but you put a mortgage on it, you total the car u receive a payout. if you lose the item that you bought on loan, and you an insurance policy on it, you can pay for it and be settled. however this insurance policy can be bought for any item in runescape

  11. Its way to complicated, also for things like the mage arena, how hard is using it 100 times. also get ALL requirements for certain things is part of the game. if you get to 99 and you would be able to do anything there would be nothing fun in the game except for training, which is boring anyway. i would say ;eave req for stuff the same b/c its part of teh game to unlock all req to use a spell or prayer or armor

  12. If they were to increase the power and cost of magic spells, then the rich would be able to own everyone, magic would be unstoppable Runescape was founded on hidden runes, and rune essence however the human race was founded on rocks and sticks. now we use nuclear bombs. see my connection?

  13. I love that idea actually, i think its great, however i wuldnt call them awards i call them, a form of congradulations or something along those lines. idk how to phrase is lol, anyway i like updates such as uve been a member for a year or youve made your first 10m.

  14. But then again, kicking someone in rune armor probably isn't very effective.


    Yes for the idea. No for practicality/realism.


    Perhaps a confined fighting arena where armor/weapons aren't allowed?


    But heck, RS supposedly is just an imaginary game. You can always have ridiculously powerful martial arts moves. *thinks of Chinese kungfu movies/TV series*



    to the thing about runescape being imaginary and making a ridiculous move, i think that would make the game sort of cheap in a way you know? i think your idea of a martial arts arena is a great idea however i would love that jsut i cant see my self enjoying being killed wearing a bandos chestplate or tassets by some froob who only trains the martial art skill and just that.

  15. back when i was maybe level 40 i had just became a member and i was telling a friend of mine about it. so this guy comes over and says hey! check out my shield, cool huh, the shield being one of the lame elemental shield that are invisible with a blue ring. . . and i thought it was the coolest thing, so i immediately blew my 30k cash (i had full rune) but i still thought 40k was a ton of money. . . so I now have this awesome looking but terrible shield in my inventory, try to equip it. and it tells me i need to do elemental workshop. . . so i got sooooooo angry and dropped it. not having the bright idea to do the quest lol which was easy of course. however a few weeks later ive got my pretty sheild and never used it agian.



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