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Posts posted by DivineShine

  1. Hey Lordxtrm, I'm the leader of a clan named Final Terms. We're a community clan, for both F2P and P2P, with no requirements. All we ask is that you remain active on our forums.

    Infact we have a fair few F2P members :)


    PM me in game " iFratellis " or " Fratellis " on IRC if you have any questions.

    I'll post our recruitment topic below so you can read more about us.




    #finalterms |

    Forums | Runehead | Clan Chat: Final Terms









    Final Terms is a community clan, built around the idea of everyone on RuneScape has to start somewhere, and were here to help guide people to what they want to achieve in RS,

    as well as make some friends and have some fun along the way.


    As you have probably read from our topic title, we have no requirements. This is to reinforce the fact that this clan is for everyone and anyone,

    from a level 3 skiller learning the ropes, to a level 138 looking to add those final levels to achieve maxed total.


    All we ask of our members is that they are active on our forums, as this is needed for the Clan House structure (explained further on),

    and also helps keep a sense of community in the clan. Our rules are simple, basic and easy to follow to prevent members feeling like they are being held by our leaders.









    We have 3 leaders in Final Terms, 1 for each house. These are:

    - iFratellis (Nick)

    - ElmoIsGinger (Kieran)

    - Furrykins (Furry)


    2 of our leaders are related and know the 3rd outside of RuneScape, so good leader communication can be found here at Final Terms. Although all 3 leaders are GMT, all timezones are welcome.


    Future staff positions will be available as the clan grows.









    Aswell as a clan, our members here at Final Terms are split into 3 houses. Those houses are:


    - MiD (Men In Dresses) - led by ElmoIsGinger

    - Rikku - led by iFratellis

    - Frankenstein - led by Furrykins



    Once you apply to Final Terms you will be placed into a house. These houses are kept equal in members/levels to the best of our abilities.


    While this may seem strange to split up the clan, it is for a good reason. All members are encouraged to act as a clan despite their house, but also there is a competitive element.


    Competitions are held between each house, usually a skill race over a set period of time to see which house can gain the most XP across all their members.

    Members also find their place better in the clan as they are immediately introduced to members of the clan,

    much like mentoring programs you may have seen in other clans.


    As well as the official house events created by the leaders, houses may challenge each other to competitions outside

    of these events, such as skill races, wars, whatever you may please.


    However, before suggesting a challenge to your House Leader, please consider the different levels of the members.

    We welcome all players of Runescape, so not every member will be able to compete in a Nex drop competition for example.

    This doesn't mean that you can't suggest this, but remember it may be very limited to those who are able to compete.









    To apply for Final Terms, please register an account at our forums (found at top of post) and post an application in the appropriate section.

    If youd like to contact a leader to find out more about the clan, dont hesitate to PM here on the forums, in game, or on IRC. Or you can join our Clan Chat "Final Terms" as a guest and speak to use there.




    RSN - iFratellis

    IRC - Fratellis

    RSC - ATurmoiiZerk





    RSN - ElmoIsGinger




    RSN - Furrykins

    IRC - Furrykins


    Thanks for viewing our clan, and hope to see you soon!

  2. Hey there, I'm the leader of a clan named Final Terms. We are a community clan with no requirements, all that we ask is that you remain active on our forums.

    PM me in game " iFratellis " or Fratellis on IRC if you have any questions. I'll post our recruitment topic below so you can read more about us.




    #finalterms |

    Forums | Runehead | Clan Chat: Final Terms









    Final Terms is a community clan, built around the idea of everyone on RuneScape has to start somewhere, and were here to help guide people to what they want to achieve in RS,

    as well as make some friends and have some fun along the way.


    As you have probably read from our topic title, we have no requirements. This is to reinforce the fact that this clan is for everyone and anyone,

    from a level 3 skiller learning the ropes, to a level 138 looking to add those final levels to achieve maxed total.


    All we ask of our members is that they are active on our forums, as this is needed for the Clan House structure (explained further on),

    and also helps keep a sense of community in the clan. Our rules are simple, basic and easy to follow to prevent members feeling like they are being held by our leaders.









    We have 3 leaders in Final Terms, 1 for each house. These are:

    - iFratellis (Nick)

    - ElmoIsGinger (Kieran)

    - Furrykins (Furry)


    2 of our leaders are related and know the 3rd outside of RuneScape, so good leader communication can be found here at Final Terms. Although all 3 leaders are GMT, all timezones are welcome.


    Future staff positions will be available as the clan grows.









    Aswell as a clan, our members here at Final Terms are split into 3 houses. Those houses are:


    - MiD (Men In Dresses) - led by ElmoIsGinger

    - Rikku - led by iFratellis

    - Frankenstein - led by Furrykins



    Once you apply to Final Terms you will be placed into a house. These houses are kept equal in members/levels to the best of our abilities.


    While this may seem strange to split up the clan, it is for a good reason. All members are encouraged to act as a clan despite their house, but also there is a competitive element.


    Competitions are held between each house, usually a skill race over a set period of time to see which house can gain the most XP across all their members.

    Members also find their place better in the clan as they are immediately introduced to members of the clan,

    much like mentoring programs you may have seen in other clans.


    As well as the official house events created by the leaders, houses may challenge each other to competitions outside

    of these events, such as skill races, wars, whatever you may please.


    However, before suggesting a challenge to your House Leader, please consider the different levels of the members.

    We welcome all players of Runescape, so not every member will be able to compete in a Nex drop competition for example.

    This doesn't mean that you can't suggest this, but remember it may be very limited to those who are able to compete.









    To apply for Final Terms, please register an account at our forums (found at top of post) and post an application in the appropriate section.

    If youd like to contact a leader to find out more about the clan, dont hesitate to PM here on the forums, in game, or on IRC. Or you can join our Clan Chat "Final Terms" as a guest and speak to use there.




    RSN - iFratellis

    IRC - Fratellis

    RSC - ATurmoiiZerk





    RSN - ElmoIsGinger




    RSN - Furrykins

    IRC - Furrykins


    Thanks for viewing our clan, and hope to see you soon!

  3. Hey, I opened a clan recently called Final Terms. We're a community/skilling clan that are slowly growing in numbers. We have a house system in which you will be assigned to 1 of 3 houses, which have competitions between them and help you to get to know the clan better.

    I'll post our recuritment topic below so you can read more about us, hope to see you soon :)




    #finalterms |

    Forums | Runehead | Clan Chat: Final Terms









    Final Terms is a community clan, built around the idea of everyone on RuneScape has to start somewhere, and were here to help guide people to what they want to achieve in RS,

    as well as make some friends and have some fun along the way.


    As you have probably read from our topic title, we have no requirements. This is to reinforce the fact that this clan is for everyone and anyone,

    from a level 3 skiller learning the ropes, to a level 138 looking to add those final levels to achieve maxed total.


    All we ask of our members is that they are active on our forums, as this is needed for the Clan House structure (explained further on),

    and also helps keep a sense of community in the clan. Our rules are simple, basic and easy to follow to prevent members feeling like they are being held by our leaders.









    We have 3 leaders in Final Terms, 1 for each house. These are:

    - iFratellis (Nick)

    - ElmoIsGinger (Kieran)

    - Furrykins (Furry)


    2 of our leaders are related and know the 3rd outside of RuneScape, so good leader communication can be found here at Final Terms. Although all 3 leaders are GMT, all timezones are welcome.


    Future staff positions will be available as the clan grows.









    Aswell as a clan, our members here at Final Terms are split into 3 houses. Those houses are:


    - MiD (Men In Dresses) - led by ElmoIsGinger

    - Rikku - led by iFratellis

    - Frankenstein - led by Furrykins



    Once you apply to Final Terms you will be placed into a house. These houses are kept equal in members/levels to the best of our abilities.


    While this may seem strange to split up the clan, it is for a good reason. All members are encouraged to act as a clan despite their house, but also there is a competitive element.


    Competitions are held between each house, usually a skill race over a set period of time to see which house can gain the most XP across all their members.

    Members also find their place better in the clan as they are immediately introduced to members of the clan,

    much like mentoring programs you may have seen in other clans.


    As well as the official house events created by the leaders, houses may challenge each other to competitions outside

    of these events, such as skill races, wars, whatever you may please.


    However, before suggesting a challenge to your House Leader, please consider the different levels of the members.

    We welcome all players of Runescape, so not every member will be able to compete in a Nex drop competition for example.

    This doesn't mean that you can't suggest this, but remember it may be very limited to those who are able to compete.









    To apply for Final Terms, please register an account at our forums (found at top of post) and post an application in the appropriate section.

    If youd like to contact a leader to find out more about the clan, dont hesitate to PM here on the forums, in game, or on IRC. Or you can join our Clan Chat "Final Terms" as a guest and speak to use there.




    RSN - iFratellis

    IRC - Fratellis

    RSC - ATurmoiiZerk





    RSN - ElmoIsGinger




    RSN - Furrykins

    IRC - Furrykins


    Thanks for viewing our clan, and hope to see you soon!

  4. Hey Triforceelf, I am the leader of a clan named Final Terms. We are a community clan with no requrements that has opened recently and are growing in numbers. We have an unique house system in which you will be placed into, and each house has competitions etc between them.

    I will post our reqruitment topic below so you can read more about us :)




    #finalterms |

    Forums | Runehead | Clan Chat: Final Terms









    Final Terms is a community clan, built around the idea of everyone on RuneScape has to start somewhere, and were here to help guide people to what they want to achieve in RS,

    as well as make some friends and have some fun along the way.


    As you have probably read from our topic title, we have no requirements. This is to reinforce the fact that this clan is for everyone and anyone,

    from a level 3 skiller learning the ropes, to a level 138 looking to add those final levels to achieve maxed total.


    All we ask of our members is that they are active on our forums, as this is needed for the Clan House structure (explained further on),

    and also helps keep a sense of community in the clan. Our rules are simple, basic and easy to follow to prevent members feeling like they are being held by our leaders.









    We have 3 leaders in Final Terms, 1 for each house. These are:

    - iFratellis (Nick)

    - ElmoIsGinger (Kieran)

    - Furrykins (Furry)


    2 of our leaders are related and know the 3rd outside of RuneScape, so good leader communication can be found here at Final Terms. Although all 3 leaders are GMT, all timezones are welcome.


    Future staff positions will be available as the clan grows.









    Aswell as a clan, our members here at Final Terms are split into 3 houses. Those houses are:


    - MiD (Men In Dresses) - led by ElmoIsGinger

    - Rikku - led by iFratellis

    - Frankenstein - led by Furrykins



    Once you apply to Final Terms you will be placed into a house. These houses are kept equal in members/levels to the best of our abilities.


    While this may seem strange to split up the clan, it is for a good reason. All members are encouraged to act as a clan despite their house, but also there is a competitive element.


    Competitions are held between each house, usually a skill race over a set period of time to see which house can gain the most XP across all their members.

    Members also find their place better in the clan as they are immediately introduced to members of the clan,

    much like mentoring programs you may have seen in other clans.


    As well as the official house events created by the leaders, houses may challenge each other to competitions outside

    of these events, such as skill races, wars, whatever you may please.


    However, before suggesting a challenge to your House Leader, please consider the different levels of the members.

    We welcome all players of Runescape, so not every member will be able to compete in a Nex drop competition for example.

    This doesn't mean that you can't suggest this, but remember it may be very limited to those who are able to compete.









    To apply for Final Terms, please register an account at our forums (found at top of post) and post an application in the appropriate section.

    If youd like to contact a leader to find out more about the clan, dont hesitate to PM here on the forums, in game, or on IRC. Or you can join our Clan Chat "Final Terms" as a guest and speak to use there.




    RSN - iFratellis

    IRC - Fratellis

    RSC - ATurmoiiZerk





    RSN - ElmoIsGinger




    RSN - Furrykins

    IRC - Furrykins


    Thanks for viewing our clan, and hope to see you soon!

  5. Hi Dracion1, I am the leader of the clan Final Terms. We are a community clan that has opened recently and are growing in numbers. We have a unique clan house system, in which you will be placed into, and each house has competitions etc between them.

    I'll post our recruitment below so you can read more about us :)




    #finalterms |

    Forums | Runehead | Clan Chat: Final Terms









    Final Terms is a community clan, built around the idea of everyone on RuneScape has to start somewhere, and were here to help guide people to what they want to achieve in RS,

    as well as make some friends and have some fun along the way.


    As you have probably read from our topic title, we have no requirements. This is to reinforce the fact that this clan is for everyone and anyone,

    from a level 3 skiller learning the ropes, to a level 138 looking to add those final levels to achieve maxed total.


    All we ask of our members is that they are active on our forums, as this is needed for the Clan House structure (explained further on),

    and also helps keep a sense of community in the clan. Our rules are simple, basic and easy to follow to prevent members feeling like they are being held by our leaders.









    We have 3 leaders in Final Terms, 1 for each house. These are:

    - iFratellis (Nick)

    - ElmoIsGinger (Kieran)

    - Furrykins (Furry)


    2 of our leaders are related and know the 3rd outside of RuneScape, so good leader communication can be found here at Final Terms. Although all 3 leaders are GMT, all timezones are welcome.


    Future staff positions will be available as the clan grows.









    Aswell as a clan, our members here at Final Terms are split into 3 houses. Those houses are:


    - MiD (Men In Dresses) - led by ElmoIsGinger

    - Rikku - led by iFratellis

    - Frankenstein - led by Furrykins



    Once you apply to Final Terms you will be placed into a house. These houses are kept equal in members/levels to the best of our abilities.


    While this may seem strange to split up the clan, it is for a good reason. All members are encouraged to act as a clan despite their house, but also there is a competitive element.


    Competitions are held between each house, usually a skill race over a set period of time to see which house can gain the most XP across all their members.

    Members also find their place better in the clan as they are immediately introduced to members of the clan,

    much like mentoring programs you may have seen in other clans.


    As well as the official house events created by the leaders, houses may challenge each other to competitions outside

    of these events, such as skill races, wars, whatever you may please.


    However, before suggesting a challenge to your House Leader, please consider the different levels of the members.

    We welcome all players of Runescape, so not every member will be able to compete in a Nex drop competition for example.

    This doesn't mean that you can't suggest this, but remember it may be very limited to those who are able to compete.









    To apply for Final Terms, please register an account at our forums (found at top of post) and post an application in the appropriate section.

    If youd like to contact a leader to find out more about the clan, dont hesitate to PM here on the forums, in game, or on IRC. Or you can join our Clan Chat "Final Terms" as a guest and speak to use there.




    RSN - iFratellis

    IRC - Fratellis

    RSC - ATurmoiiZerk





    RSN - ElmoIsGinger




    RSN - Furrykins

    IRC - Furrykins


    Thanks for viewing our clan, and hope to see you soon!

  6. mainlozrz.png


    #finalterms |

    Forums | Runehead | Clan Chat: Final Terms









    Final Terms is a community clan, built around the idea of everyone on RuneScape has to start somewhere, and we’re here to help guide people to what they want to achieve in RS,

    as well as make some friends and have some fun along the way.


    Our requirements may seem quite low, but this is simply to keep the clan more focused on community, whilst still be high enough to show you are active on RS and therefore active in the clan. If you havn't read our description, our requirements are:


    Free To Play


    - 500+ Total or 50+ Combat


    Pay To Play


    - 1000+ Total or 75+ Combat


    We ask of our members is that they are active on our forums, as this is needed for the Clan House structure (explained further on),

    and also helps keep a sense of community in the clan. Our rules are simple, basic and easy to follow to prevent members feeling like they are being held by our leaders.









    We have 4 leaders in Final Terms, these are:

    - FurtyFiveDef (Nick)

    - ElmoIsGinger (Kieran)

    - Furrykins (Furry)

    - iRendezvous


    2 of our leaders are related and know the 3rd outside of RuneScape, so good leader communication can be found here at Final Terms. Although all 3 leaders are GMT, all timezones are welcome.


    Future staff positions will be available as the clan grows.









    Aswell as a clan, our members here at Final Terms are split into 3 houses. Those houses are:


    - MiD (Men In Dresses) - led by ElmoIsGinger and iRendezvous

    - Rikku - led by FurtyFiveDef

    - Frankenstein - led by Furrykins



    Once you apply to Final Terms you will be placed into a house. These houses are kept equal in members/levels to the best of our abilities.


    While this may seem strange to split up the clan, it is for a good reason. All members are encouraged to act as a clan despite their house, but also there is a competitive element.


    Competitions are held between each house, usually a skill race over a set period of time to see which house can gain the most XP across all their members.

    Members also find their place better in the clan as they are immediately introduced to members of the clan,

    much like mentoring programs you may have seen in other clans.


    As well as the official house events created by the leaders, houses may challenge each other to competitions outside

    of these events, such as skill races, wars, whatever you may please.


    However, before suggesting a challenge to your House Leader, please consider the different levels of the members.

    We welcome all players of Runescape, so not every member will be able to compete in a Nex drop competition for example.

    This doesn't mean that you can't suggest this, but remember it may be very limited to those who are able to compete.









    To apply for Final Terms, please register an account at our forums (found at top of post) and post an application in the appropriate section.

    If you’d like to contact a leader to find out more about the clan, don’t hesitate to PM here on the forums, in game, or on IRC. Or you can join our Clan Chat "Final Terms" as a guest and speak to use there.




    RSN - FurtyFiveDef and DivineShine

    IRC - Fratellis

    RSC - ATurmoiiZerk





    RSN - ElmoIsGinger




    RSN - Furrykins

    IRC - Furrykins




    RSN - iRendezvous


    Thanks for viewing our clan, and hope to see you soon!

  7. kiban.png


    IRC Channel: #Killers_Instinct


    Forum: http://http://s4.zetaboards.com/KillersInstinct/index


    Clan Chat: Killers Instincts







    Killers Instinct is an elite PvM clan run by DivineShine and Rawr Elysian, both of which have had past experience of responsibilities from previous clans. The clan itself was started by friends of ours, people who we've known for a long time and who we know have good experience in boss hunting.

    Our members have been killing bosses for years, from the Kalphite Queen for the (at the time) most desired Dragon Chainbody, to the old World 6 masses when God Wars Dungeon was introduced, now to the newest addition - Nex.


    Our clan chat and IRC channel (found above) are always open, so feel free to come in and see what we are like before making a decision whether to join or not. Of course you're welcome to join the channels regardless of whether you wish to join the clan!


    Events are not currently held as we are low numbers and have only been open a few days, but a wide variety of events will be available as we gain members including:

    - Clan Boss Trips

    - Clan PK Events

    - Fun Gear Boss Hunts


    All members are welcome to create their own events (ensuring they don't conflict with the official clan event), allowing for a community feel to be created instead of a couple of leaders telling their members what to do and when to do it.


    Below you will find our requirements.







    Our requirements may seem quite low compared to other PvM clans. We've made them this way as we know what it's like when everyone bossing expects only the best gear and you're struggling to get it.

    Although, we do have 2 lists of requirements, Minimum and Preferred. If you apply with the minimum requirements, you will be expected to complete the list of preferred requirements within 2 months to stay in the clan


    Minimum Requirements


    - 135+ Combat

    - 99 Melees

    - 95+ Range

    - 94+ Mage

    - 95+ Prayer

    - 92+ Herblore

    - 88+ Summoning

    - 70+ Agility


    - Karils

    - Verac

    - Void (Range+Melee)

    - Fury

    - Dragon Claws

    - Warriors/Archers/Seers/Berserker Ring

    - Firecape and/or Ardougne 3 Cape

    - Zamorakian Spear

    - Barrows Gloves

    One of:

    - Chaotic Rapier/Maul/Long/Crossbow/Staff


    - 300 Saradomin Brew (4)

    - 150 Super Restore (4)

    - 50 Overload (4)

    - Access to Tormented Demons

    - Access to Corporeal Beast


    Preferred Requirements


    - All of minimum requirements - excluding verac

    - Bandos

    - Armadyl

    - One melee Chaotic and crossbow

    - Imbued Seers/Berserker/Archers/Onyx Ring


    To join our clan, please sign to our forum (at top of post) and post an application in the application section. Someone will then approve/deny your application and add you to the clan

    Happy Hunting!

  8. There's been a few replies already but I'll take a stab at answering it incase you're still a bit confused.


    Prestige is just a fancy name for the number of floors you did before you last reset, called "Previous Progress" on the ring interface.

    The higher this number is the better, which is why you should do all floors you can do and then reset your progress. This will move the number in your "Current Progress" on the ring to "Previous Progress".


    The ending screen will then take an average of the xp you gain from the floor and the xp you gain with your prestige. Then all of the modifiers such as deaths, level mod etc are calculated to a single percentage and that percentage is taken of the average xp previously to give you your xp for the floor.


    Hope that helps :)

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