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Posts posted by Alaz


    The more we learn about how 'effective' the edicts were the more I doubt Guthix.


    His edicts that 'banished' gods from the world:

    Zaros already left to save his spirit and managed to directly commune prior to guthix's demise.

    Zamorak wandered down to Daemonheim and secluded himself just outside the world - seems like he had time to do this rather than an immediate booting out.

    Armadyl had already left at the sorrow of his aviansies being dead.

    Seren chose to explode herself instead of leave

    Tumeken went to sleep rather than leaving.

    Demi-gods and 'Factions of gods' were never blocked at all.

    So basically he kicked out Sara and Bandos and that's about it. Everyone else left on their own or just stayed put.

    The Edicts were more of a "don't mess with stuff" than a "go away." There was an alarm system built in. If gods returned and tipped the balance, then the Guardians were to reawaken Guthix who would "erase" Gielinor.


    Although tbh it seems they've done away with the whole punishment for violating the Edicts. I can't believe someone that planned to wiped the world clear if gods interfered would let himself die, knowing it would cause gods to return.


    Let's all be honest. Jagex wanted to get rid of the Edicts as soon as they could. They were preventing prime content. :razz:





    From all the lore we have the Edicts were two things:

    1) An active banishment of the gods

    2) A barrier that forcefully kept them out.


    The concept of an alarm system, guardians set to reawaken guthix and guthix erasing the world are all things you have made up. We don't even know if Guthix CAN erase the world since Elder Gods made it and they far exceed him. The Alarm system seen in TWW is an alarm on his resting place, nothing to do with the edicts. Also the idea the Guardians would awaken him seem stretched in that even in the heat of battle in TWW they were doing everything they could to STOP him being woken.




    You find me a confirmed source that proves what that article says, then I'll understandable accept that I was wrong. Until then, I have no reason to discredit the article based on my 5+ years of questing and lore interests.


    The Edicts were always initially perceived as a barrier - but it's also possible it was a threat. And yes, Guthix could have erased Gielinor. He had the sword and the Stone of Jas at his disposal. That changed when the SoJ was stolen, but it was still available to Guthix when he went to sleep. The Guardians knew where Guthix was resting, and they could wake him up if the situation became so dire that the only option available was for Guthix to return.

  2. The more we learn about how 'effective' the edicts were the more I doubt Guthix.


    His edicts that 'banished' gods from the world:

    Zaros already left to save his spirit and managed to directly commune prior to guthix's demise.

    Zamorak wandered down to Daemonheim and secluded himself just outside the world - seems like he had time to do this rather than an immediate booting out.

    Armadyl had already left at the sorrow of his aviansies being dead.

    Seren chose to explode herself instead of leave

    Tumeken went to sleep rather than leaving.

    Demi-gods and 'Factions of gods' were never blocked at all.

    So basically he kicked out Sara and Bandos and that's about it. Everyone else left on their own or just stayed put.

    The Edicts were more of a "don't mess with stuff" than a "go away." There was an alarm system built in. If gods returned and tipped the balance, then the Guardians were to reawaken Guthix who would "erase" Gielinor.


    Although tbh it seems they've done away with the whole punishment for violating the Edicts. I can't believe someone that planned to wiped the world clear if gods interfered would let himself die, knowing it would cause gods to return.


    Let's all be honest. Jagex wanted to get rid of the Edicts as soon as they could. They were preventing prime content. :razz:

    • Like 4
  3. If Jagex wants to mute for that kind of thing, I'm glad. It is kind for the betterment of humanity if using words in such context can be curbed as a habit in people.

    You mean, when they have no clue why they were muted, because you don't get evidence, so the entire point is lost in the fact that the player is confused why they were muted? Yep, that'll curb the habit! Because you don't need to know what habit it is, to curb it.

    • Like 2
  4. That's just banter and fun... Sure it's offensive to someone outside the clan/old EoE/friends group, or to someone who misconstrues this as an offensive attack on Draz... But why should we be scared of swearing at or with friends? Just turn your filter back on if this is that much of a problem.

    Is it really ever appropriate to pass off homophobic language as "fun", even with friends? Doesn't that just encourage and reinforce discrimination and oppressive behaviour against homosexuals at a personal level?

    I believe it's appropriate on rare occasions - when you know everyone around you is comfortable with the joke and knows that it is a joke, nothing more. I've witness gay individuals make such gestures themselves. There's a difference between being in jest in an appropriate atmosphere and being in jest in a rude and derogatory manner.


    That said, even though I agree with you overall, I would say that muting for the behavior isn't going to do the most good - it's only going to serve as a way to enrage players and leave them to find other means to communicate. IRC anyone?

  5. The automute system for offensive language has now been disabled.


    I guess it's because of the number of people complaining of "false" mutes... of course everyone is going to say they are falsely muted if the mute is labeled incorrectly and with no visible evidence. Someone didn't really think this one through...


    Meaning we can swear in our PMs again? If so, is there any J Mod confirmation? Or am I misunderstanding your post?

    Yes - can we get a source on that?







    1. A change in policy (and yes, it is a change in policy since it's never been enforced) should be communicated before it is enforced. Otherwise, people are going to be upset and the purpose of the mute in the first place will be forgotten.


    2. Jagex needs to stop focusing on after-the-fact reactions and create some modern-day intervention programs. Mutes only serve to enrage most people that either a.) don't believe their mute is warranted (especially if they receive no evidence or message from Jagex) or b.) don't give a flying flip in the first place. Perhaps if they did a better job of WARNING before muting, we would see better results. How about instead of using ChatWatch just to mute, it also popped up warnings IN GAME giving the player feedback that their language is bit over the top or is likely to offend others? Maybe mute after 3 warnings or such. I believe this feedback would do far more good to curb the actions than a flat out mute.


    3. We have no idea what this system actually catches. Jagex is so secretive. They just say 'trust us, we know it works.' Then when it fails, everyone knows they messed up, but of course they would never admit it (okay, maybe 2% of the time). Again, communication. Jagex acts like it's perfect so the smallest of imperfections stick out like a sore thumb, serving as a beacon for ranters and griefers to latch onto.


    TL;DR Jagex really needs to work on how they communicate their policies and CHANGES to players.

    • Like 2
  6. We’ve added a new feature to the old chat filter, now renamed as the profanity filter. Its default function is still to be turned on to filter out all the words (and URLs) on our blacklist, but we’ve added the option for you to turn the filter off. We recognise that RuneScape has a maturing player base and, as such, wish to give you the freedom to choose for yourselves, while also still keeping the filter for those players who do not wish to see swear words and the like.





    In the end, this probably isn't a big deal. However, I have seen countless threads lately on the RS forums asking why they were muted for no reason with no evidence and no message. These people have no idea why they've been muted, and that's a problem on Jagex's side a good portion of the time. Once again Jagex suffering in the realm of communicating what they're thinking to players.


    I don't like potty mouths as much as the next person, but I'm a grown person and can deal with it. I have an ignore list and a profanity filter if I want to use it. That should be plenty, bar only the MOST offensive of language. And even then, I can't see a time when private chat between longstanding friends should be moderated. If someone PMs me something I don't like, I add them to ignore. Their messages disappear. End of story.

    • Like 3
  7. Perhaps this is just how I interpreted it, but I believe Mod Hew merely meant that the key rewards would be the only possible way to get either a dragon pickaxe or a dragon hatchet. As in, you have a chance of either/or from the same reward. I don't believe he meant that the drops would be removed from their current monsters, merely that chaos monsters don't drop hatchets and the DKs don't drop pickaxes.


    We'll find out next week.

    • Like 1
  8. -snip picture-


    Snazzy, and they're awesome.

    How much were they? I was going to get some, but the RSOF is retarded when trying to gauge prices. :). Also, do they degrade?

    They degrade the same as dygore - lasting 10 hours of combat. Repaired by Bob or on an Armour Stand. Dunno anything about prices personally.

  9. Ha, never thought about just how much Smithing does need an update. I'd be hesitant of connecting the levels to the items as opposed to the ores, though, as that means at level 1, you could create both the weakest dagger and the strongest dagger. I think there'd be some balancing issues there. In the end, I think it might just end up being that all the levels need lowered, with Runite occurring in the 60s.


    For Mining, the same drop might be best with new ores filling the gaps up to 95 again. These ores could have special purposes. Perhaps they are needed to repair armor, and you need higher ore for the better armor?

  10. Keys should be tradeable - I remember a comment made by Mod Jack that if they weren't, we'd never see a full crossbow.

    Maybe I'm totally off, but I read it as you will always get one of the signets required for the crossbow for each of the bosses you fight. In this way, you would get 1/6 of the necessary components for the crossbow per boss fight.


    But I might be wrong.

  11. Since that whole list thing is unusual, I'm suspicious that it's because a specific update had to be delayed. Is it possible they planned to release Divination this month, but had to postpone it? Or better yet, they still will release it, they just wanted to make it a surprise. :eek:


    I fear that's giving too much credit to Jagex, though..


    I'm looking forward to the Ranged Slayer dungeon, but primarily for the lore-side of things. It'll be exciting to see just exactly how the Order of Ascension was/is planning to bestow godship, and if that method is being used/will be used by someone else. (Sliske :?) Woohoo level 90 Ranged weapon, but I'll probably never use it, so I'm not too worried about it. :P


    In an ideal gaming situation, there should not be the need for PMods, and while we are speaking of that ideal game, hypothetically of course, there would be adequate manning of different chats with the appropriate ranks in them to remove people who are disruptive. But there isn't enough, and again I can use one of the examples of the penguin chat which is a chat open for all members of RS, now granted it is only a FC and not a CC, so I would not expect the structure to be as solid because of what it was created for, and there are many such chats in RS, I think it is safe to say that because of the changes on RS they no longer apply to the same value as they were originally intended to. The amount of people playing for a start factor into this along with the introduction of the Clan chat over a friends chat. So we have a player, who takes time to put up on the forums locations, who has an open chat and it cannot be closed off or muted to general talk, who has taken time out to provide a service that is used by the community and appreciated and there is no guarantee of the player creating this FC having it monitored with ranks as strictly as it would in the current clan chats, and yet, we start using the examples from the past, of a large PCE clan, which I also was a member/ Like the current reporting standards etc., this does not apply to the current Runescape. You are speaking of a time when there was probably 100x the amount of players in game at any one time. We can all look back and go.... remember when..... but unfortunately, it no longer applies to current day.


    PMods should not be removed, not at present anyway, Jagex does need to work on the in game reporting system. I don't know how many times I have seen bots in the usual places, (just an example) I do report them and they are still there weeks later in fact to counter this, what I see that works is that Jagex should really just keep updating their game, so far that is the most successful way to remove them from in game if only until their makers can adjust their code work. we all know that. I also know how many times I have sat in game and typed "I wish there was a mod around...." again something most of us have done because of different situations, and why do we say that? We say it because the current reporting system is inadequate. Now before I get the usual flame out of... Do I need someone in game to protect me etc., etc., well don't bother, all that is showing me is a very narrow view point as to who is playing this game, we have all ages, some play on a parental consent basis and part of that consent is that there is some in game monitoring. Jagex does not only have Runescape as we know, they wont employ more staff just to sit back and play a game 24/7, that would be ideal but will never happen. We cannot remove the report abuse button from in game, because.... I don't know why we cant, mine does not seem to be working, and yet PMods can actually do something in the real time that we cant. Again I will say, I use commonsense when I report someone and it only happens in extreme cases and I have already said what those reasons are.


    They do not need to be removed. They need to be improved. They have been in game for as long as I have played, some people value them, some don't, but until all forms of chat are removed from the game, you do need something. And this forum is just a small cross section of that community, and I do see the same people posting over and over again on different forum posts, so we are again set in the frame work that happens in most forums of just a small representation of the Runescape community contributing. Until something that works is replaced and I am not holding my breath with that. I do not want to see them removed. You may liken them to a police officer as much as you want, but the police in my community, do work to aid the community and hopefully act as a deterrent but then again that is being said in an ideal situation, and yes I am not naive enough to say that there is no level of corruption there either.


    I respect that there are vulnerable players out there. However, there comes a time when those players need to see that the internet has scary things on it. Trying to hide that ... it's only going to lead to a worse situation later on. At least this is only a game; what happens when they move into more "important" (loosely used) things? I'd rather they experience these facets of the internet here, where there's little potential for harm, rather than the "real world" side of the internet.


    I'll include this tid bit here, quoted directly from the RuneScape Terms & Conditions.


    6. Safety and abuse


    Before using any Jagex Product you should read Heath and Safety information and Safety and Security information. Parents of those under 18 should also review this information.


    We are under no obligation to (and do not) monitor User Content. You should be aware of the potential risks of using a service which includes extensive User Content. User Content may be inaccurate, out of date or otherwise inappropriate. We cannot guarantee that users will comply with our terms and conditions, rules or otherwise behave appropriately. You should not assume that a person is who he or she claims to be. In your own interests, you should not attempt to contact any other user outside a Jagex Product.


    If you are the victim of offensive or inappropriate behaviour or receive any other unwanted communications, you should use the built-in blocking facilities (as detailed in the Chatting and staying safe online section) to block the messages. You should report all inappropriate behaviour to us via the in game "Report abuse" button as well as seeking appropriate external help, for example from parents or law enforcement authorities. If you continue to suffer problems, or are not satisfied, then you must stop using the relevant Jagex Product(s).


    Jagex knows their PMods aren't a suitable guarantee of a safe gaming experience; that's why you agree when playing to use their built in functions (ignore list, report abuse) when faced with a dangerous or potentially harmful situation.


    Also, I'll just add that I used to be a kicking rank within one of the penguin FCs that you mentioned. At no time were we crippled due to a lack of in-game muting abilities among the chat. We took full responsibility of protecting the chat, often communicating between ourselves as ranks to make sure there was someone (if only idling) in the chat at all times. In my opinion, it is the group coordinating the service, who holds the responsibility of keeping that chat safe. If they don't, everyone is free to find another service. There is no applicable need for PMods to use that service for the purpose of serving as a moderator. If anything, their ability would usurp those serving as leaders in the chat, oftentimes causing more confusion. (I was accidentally muted by a PMod while kicking mass-spammers from a penguin chat. But that's a story for a different day. :? )


    All in all, we players have the ability to protect ourselves from harmful content, and we are expected to do so (as per reading the T&Cs). There is no need for PMods, they are merely a sour convenience.

    • Like 1
  13. I'd be careful with using that map to make conclusions. It was uploaded/created in 2011 per the revision history. I would expect that it might not truly represent the current status of those lands. Some of them seem a little far-fetched. I would be especially hesitant in making too many conclusions for those areas such as the desert that don't have one of the 8 factions that Jagex has decided to go with for future content.

    The map includes the new Wizards' Tower (though not the updated Duel Arena) so it's more recent than 2011.

    The most recent update was by Mod Michelle in January 2012, which is still a while back.


    Pertinent to the map is some discussion on the RS forums between Mod Michelle and a player with a question:






    Hey Voya100,


    Anything I put into the wiki concerning story or lore comes from in game or from developer documentation. Such things are checked by several people to ensure that they match our past stories and what we have planned for the future. Anything concerning the main storylines is checked over by Mod Osborne for consistency and accuracy.


    I tend to copy content verbatim from the documentation to ensure accuracy and avoid misinterpretation. Very rarely will I have to change anything I don't make things up on the fly or add creative interpretations of the story.


    I can tell you things that are definitely not canon though: the RuneScape novels, Armies of Gielinor, Postbag from the Hedge or God Letters.


    As for marking whether things are canon or not... well, that's difficult to do with a wiki. Pages are always open for editing (unless they're customer support related or heavily and frequently vandalised) so anything we do to mark said content could always be removed or edited later. If you have any ideas on that, do let me know.




    A good concern was raised - can the map account for Guthixians now? After all, he's died since the map was most recently updated. :P


    We can still use it, but it comes with a side of caution.

  14. Sure the ignore list is there. Sure we should use it. But should we have to? Don't take this as a personal attack, simply using it as an example you can relate to, but weren't (aren't) you not allowed to curse in Team Walmart because people shouldn't have to use their chat filters? Just because the option is there, I don't want to have to fill up my ignore list if it can be solved for everyone at the click of a PMod's button. I don't want to go to DG to sell floors and get so annoyed by the spam that I have to use my ignore list. PMods are (sometimes) good at muting spam bots in popular places, such as DG worlds, and as such still have a role.


    I have zero people on my ignore list and, thanks to PMods, it'll hopefully remain that way. :).


    You don't have to use it. It is there for your convenience. If you want to limit the tools available to you (in not wanting to use your ignore list), then you choose to suffer from spammers that choose to disrupt your game experience.


    PMods shouldn't be needed as a police force. If Jagex got their act together, refined their auto-mute system, streamlined their muting/reporting system, then the moderation side of PMods would become obsolete. But they probably wont do that, because they have PMods. But they have PMods, because they don't have an adequate muting/reporting system. It's a cycle that can only be escaped when Jagex finally puts the appropriate development time and talent to it.


    I do believe there is potential for the PMods, but time has only shown that Jagex is not willing to put the time and effort into the team to develop it appropriately. When I say "time has only shown," I am referring to the past 5+ years. At some point, you have to realize it's not going anywhere. I'd rather have no PMods than a PMod program that is defunct.

  15. I'd be careful with using that map to make conclusions. It was uploaded/created in 2011 per the revision history. I would expect that it might not truly represent the current status of those lands. Some of them seem a little far-fetched. I would be especially hesitant in making too many conclusions for those areas such as the desert that don't have one of the 8 factions that Jagex has decided to go with for future content.

  16. It's hard for me to provide feedback to the Player Moderators directly, when I know the fundamental problems with PMods cannot be solved by anyone other than the Jagex Moderators that manage the PMods. I see little point in providing thoughts to the desk workers when I know they'll only follow the orders of their bosses who are not listening to my concerns. At that, all of the PMods act of their own accord. Your providing feedback to them from the community may influence a few, but not the vast majority.


    Each of the pieces of feedback I've seen mentioned in this thread I have viewed time and time again through the RuneScape forums. If Jagex and/or the moderators will not heed the feedback left for them on the official forums of the game they "moderate," then I can't imagine this situation being any different. I try to avoid being pessimistic (it's unhealthy), but there are times when I lack sound optimism. When it comes to moderators and Jagex, I found that I am more and more often leaning to the pessimistic side.


    (I keep trying to type a lot more, but I can't make it say what I'm wanting to say. :P)


    In the end, my conclusion is this: I have little faith in giving feedback on the small things when I know there are much, much bigger problems. I respect the effort, but I also recognize the effort is futile until Jagex steps in and gets their act together. Until then, I remain optimistically pessimistic.


    And to add, I don't think the notion of removing Player Moderators is a far-fetched or sloppy idea. I'd rather have no PMods than PMods who even themselves don't know what their true purpose in the game is. The latter almost sounds more dangerous than some messages typed onto the screen that every player has the ability and tools to ignore.

  17. I enjoyed all of the articles, though I did think the last two articles were better than the first - but that's just me.


    Signature Heroes: I do think they were overhyped, projects canceled early on, and then given a much more minor role. Taking a look at the BTS video, the signature heroes will be involved in the Clue Fest in some way, though they're only shown standing in line. I think Jagex should have followed through or not made as big a deal of them as they did.


    RuneSpan: Nice look on the progression of the training methods. I do think that new methods of training devalue a skill cape, but likewise it is an unavoidable byproduct of updating the game and advancing it. If you make a slower method, no one is going to use it. I can accept that RuneSpan is more enjoyable and social of an activity, which in my mind can make up for any ill feelings from players that feel cheated by the easy training methods. At least others should be able to make money from regular rune crafting, if anyone so desires.


    A Game Worth Fighting for: I actually really agreed with this article. I have never been a fan of rioting nor canceling membership. These are angry confrontational methods and to be honest they will retaliate desperately to find a solution. I am upset with the notion of them having an agenda that we cannot ultimately control. A rigged vote does not work well for your credibility, regardless of whether you make it look community-driven. I hope eventually Jagex can understand they have damaged their appearance very much so by using distasteful methods, and my opinion is that this will be the cause of any dooms day scenario than a lack of money or investors. Reputation is important.


    Maybe I can get my troll to eat these instead of baby penguins :D

    The woman has fingers as well. Not the first promotional image they've released recently with those either. Would not be surprised if they bring in a bunch of graphics updates with the combat rework, because a character in another image sported an updated low level crossbow.

    Most new people after Papa Mambo/Herblore Habitat have fingers now! Hints of evolution in RS - people sprouting fingers...


    I'm just hoping that player characters get that kind of update :pray:

    I think it was Mod GFX that gave an ominous message that seemed to imply we would be getting fingers in the update that accompanies the combat overhaul.



    idk if this was posted but i found this on r/runescape:

    Accident or Teaser? 109/104 Summoning found in the first Behind the Scenes RuneScape video. http://imgur.com/a/yjGML#0



    The Stone of Jas boost from both the While Guthix Sleeps and Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest give a boost to your summoning points, making it possible for the number next to the minimap to go above 99.


    You also have the Clan Battlefield which boosts summoning by 10. This can't be taken out of the battlefield, but then that could be a Jagex account with boosted stats to show off.




    Besides that, I wouldn't mind higher summoning levels as long as exp gain is increased exponentially together with the level.


    Love the teasers as well. Looking forward to the QBD release next week. |^_^|


    It could be related to some boost in the future that tops your Summoning over 99. You know, like the bonfires put your Lifepoints over the max. It wouldn't necessarily have to be anything extraordinary...

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