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Posts posted by M21112

  1. F2p must not again access to forums and the reason is that any one can create an account and go to the forum and keep trolling when he doesnt have anything to do so i dont support letting f2p gain access to the runescape forums

  2. Just heard that one of the big bot websites, rsbot.org, has been taken over by jagex. Good news.


    It was just the site that got taken down, by now they'll have a new site and I doubt the bot program was affected by the site being taken down.


    i dont think so they will just make another site and update the bots there

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  4. If I understood that right, I'll just respond by saying that nothing is black and white, especially regarding crime.


    yup but i just feel sad to see how usa caused our nation not to be safe for me its just safe for americans to be here but its ok that's how the life is there is a weak person like me and there is the a person who can do what he wants in our nation while he is in the safe zone

  5. best way to ban them go to a CC u know and tell them to report that player for botting, many players reporting will ban the bot


    Wait. So if I went to them and claimed that you where botting they would report you?

    happens if its real and after the report jagex will keep an eye on me and when they see that am a bot they will bann me

  6. USA created many racist people that hates the usa =racist people cause terror = and terror isnt a war between countries its a war againt humanity

    u dont need to know where i am from but here the crimes number is increasing and when our nation tried to recruit more people to police and army to atleast not stop just reduce the number of crimes attempt ( badly most killeres and rapers are indians with an usa passport ) usa stopped them and the reason is .... america's national security ...

    america's national security is to let people die so why other people wont hate you or think the world will be worse without you...

  7. if jagex could create a new random event or eventes everytime and change the random event scripts ( etc ... ) so it will disable of using bots

    (sorry if my grammar is bad )

    they only have to make the scripts one time and keep it so they always know what random is what, so thats outa the question,jagex would have to keep updating so the guys have to keep writing scripts for the bots till they finaly give up or jagex gives up


    they wont give up in one way :

    ( and i dont think it would happen) is to donate more money for them so they wont give up changing these scripts...........


    and it could happen after years bots will be over90% of humans so every one would quit and Guinness would announce that runescape is the 1st game that is made for bots to play

    as a result jagex wont be able to do anything so they will just close the servers and byebye runescape hello to real life

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