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Posts posted by AnthemKo

  1. Since I've read about the illuminati, I basically have a trained eye for spotting any of the symbols they use.

    I found the eye blatantly placed on the Gamestop website.







    I basically laughed at how easily I'm able to spot these things.

  2. I noticed that these paintings are both the same in different places :D





    Warriors Guild:



    See if you can find these same pictures in other places in Runescape :)


    Also see if you can find different pictures that have been used more than once then post them.

  3. Mhm, it was implemented with the Castle wars update a few months ago.


    I'm surprised that Jagex didn't make a bigger deal about it. Instead it was just a small little footnote at the bottom of the page. Because of that, I'm sure few people know about it.


    I talked to Lanthus because I was bored and found it. Luck me =)

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