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Posts posted by Water_Faerie

  1. like pmg a girl on a runescape fan-forum!! :shock:


    hmmmmmmmmmm...... =P Wonder if he means Demented, (who I thought is a guy?) :oops:




    edit: oh, see! I knew I was right lol




    Eep =x I still drop by sometimes. Actually, lol I think today's the first day since I left. Just finished my exams =) So school is done for a little while




    Lol I like your fancy easel ^_^

  2. Why do people like anime so much? Alot of people can draw anime. And I have nothing againts that. But when someone draws anime they don't seem to take it to the level they should be able to. Seeing as this is digital art it would be very difficult to make a good non-anime style. But still, pokemon is anime... I don't have anything againts pokemon, I loved playing it when I was younger. But anime just seems to much of a obsession rather than an art. This rant is just my opinion. Some people find anime very fasinating. But why?








    Good bye water faerie.




    =\ Bleh, I thought I replied to this yesterday, but I guess it didn't go through :( I guess I'll just summarize it








    Sure, a lot of people can draw anime, but even more can just draw.. in general.. other things.. So I don't get the point in this argument.








    People don't take drawing anime to the level they should be able to..? I'm not trying to sound rude, but how would I take that drawing to the next level? =x








    "Seeing as this is digital art it would be very difficult to make a good non-anime style." -- Ooook.. This just annoys me =\ Just what are you saying? Everything non-anime is very difficult, but anime is easy? You draw, you ink, and you CG..








    "But anime just seems to much of a obsession rather than an art." -- It's because anime isn't art.. It's what you do with it that makes it art. Just like cartooning isn't art, it's the cartoon itself that's art (the process, and the storyline and everything that goes along with it). On another level, you can have all the drawing talent in the world, but still not be able to make something that people find interesting. And it's that aspect that makes art what it is.

  3. =O Someone else left / is leaving?








    I'm just too busy with rl things to keep this up anymore =P Lol that picture took me a looong time (off and on). Like a few weeks :shock: edit: oh yeah, I use Adobe Illustrator to outline








    There will be others though :wink: 1000000x better than me ^_^ But I'm glad you enjoyed mine

  4. NICE~!








    Lol personally, I woulda gone for some kind of a hazey / foggy (like, thick, clumpy fog, not mist) look instead of the big spotlight thing =P








    Kinda makes it look like the first scene of a prisonbreak the way you have it <- Not that that's a bad thing lol, prisonbreaks are awesome @_@

  5. Well, it's been fun lol =) This is the last drawing I'm posting up here. It's not done or anything, but I probably wont be playing RS much by the time I finish coloring all of it, so I won't have the time to upload it here.








    Anyway, here it is (click image full view):
















    This is what I came up with from the last couple requests I got that I combined together (well, not last.. I had to turn down a lot of em because I don't have the time =( sorry) For the most part, I like how it turned out, except for the proportions in the guy =x








    I know I didn't finish it lol.. Ya, the staff kinda cuts off / looks bad since I got the perspective wrong >.<








    Here's a little of me making progress drawing it lol:
















    See ya around everyone! =) I hope everyone enjoyed me here as much I enjoyed being here








    Haha, that sounded really lame ^_^'' byee

  6. huuge lucky streak =x?








    If you're anything like me, you bring some food (about 5) and you fall like one out of every 10 laps...... And once every 4 or so at the wilderness course lol. Sometimes up to 8 times in a row on the same obstacle (I have yet to pass my record of 8, lol) on the same lap.








    =\ And I think I have somewhat of a decent agility level...

  7. If you're going to 85 just for the shortcut.. Absolutely not. The shortcut is horrible lol. It might help a couple times when you're doing something like the regicide quest, but it only takes off maybe 4-5 seconds, and helps less than any of the other, lower level elven shortcuts, imo.








    And the wild agility course is IMMENSELY faster exp. Something like 10 seconds less to complete a lap for more exp.



    Nice shaded character, as usual you draw good chars in your style. Bg is pretty nice as well, shows you don't always need a object oriented BG all the time if you use just the right color patterns.








    Why not sell it here? The theme appeals to a lot of sig buyers here.




    :oops: Probably sounds greedy, but people seem to pay better on DI =x right?








    edit: nvm, I'll give it a try.. =P








    Thanks for the nice comments though =)








    :idea: Maybe try selling it on both? Just on your DI post, give links to the place where your selling it on tip it, and on your tip it post, give links to where your selling it on DI.. this way people can see if their offer is currently the highest.




    Ooh.. If only you didn't have to log in to view boards on DI =x Same with Tip.it too =( People would probably get annoyed, lol. I'll just go there if I don't get a high enough offer =P

  9. =P I could just do both.. But that'd take forever :?








    I do vector stuff on Illustrator =) It takes a little while to get used to, but it's not too bad once you get the hang of it. You really need to know how to draw if you're gonna use it though.. And it doesn't really work with any style of drawing =x

  10. Nice shaded character, as usual you draw good chars in your style. Bg is pretty nice as well, shows you don't always need a object oriented BG all the time if you use just the right color patterns.








    Why not sell it here? The theme appeals to a lot of sig buyers here.




    :oops: Probably sounds greedy, but people seem to pay better on DI =x right?








    edit: nvm, I'll give it a try.. =P








    Thanks for the nice comments though =)

  11. =x I just drew both of these sigs up really fast.. I didn't have an example for a pixel sig that I had a vector for already, so I made this one. It's blurry mostly bc I added a blurry outline.. I don't even know why I did that anymore lol








    The last time I made one was like almost a year ago or somethin, lol. It's kinda bad.. And not really the style I wanted, lol









  12. =S I can't decide..
































    (btw, third pixel sig I've ever made =P I know it's kinda rushed-lookin)








    I think both styles are just as easy to sell (dunno really.. Haven't sold any sigs), but vector takes like 20+ hours and lots and lots and lots of layers, where pixels take like.. 3+ hours and maybe 5 layers. However, I don't mind showing off a vector drawing, but it's kinda embarassing showing off a pixel sig.








    So which would you pick =x?

  13. sig_pix_warrior.gif








    edit: Added Animation :oops:












    =) Umm.. Well, I tried, lol. This is my second try at making a pixel sig. I know I said I wouldn't make anymore pixels after my first one, but I was getting bored, lol. I'm not adding a background to it, apart from that green one =S Too lazy I guess, and it'd take away from the character.








    About the character.. Yes, it's an original picture. I drew it up on paper and then pixeled it.








    And.. I'm probably not selling it here. It'll probably be auctioned off elsewhere =x Hopefully for over like 100k =P Iono, I've never sold a sig before lol T_T








    btw, PLEASEEEE don't ask me to draw a sig for you =x I'm really busy



    WOW you have some serious talent. Very good job! :lol:
























    yer u are very good as i've said before 8) i reackon a bg woud be better, its a tad plain. u use a tablet for the drawings and stuff? and i'd like 2 see what the bottle looks like 2...




    =x That's all mouse work








    The bottle's is too embarassing to show lol T_T. I think looked bad bc she's too big compared to the pic or somethin.. And I didn't wanna make her smaller, since it'd take away detail

  15. =P It's a wallpaper.. For your computer.. Use it!
















    btw, extra bonus.. ^_^ This is the next thing I'm workin on :oops: :












    It's not really for anyone.. I dunno what I'm doing with it yet lol. I still hafta fix it up a lot before I start coloring and everything.. Like his pants T_T and face.. area.. lol

  16. jabraulter, thanks! You certainly are crazy :)




    ha.. just kiddin












    I like em, but..








    I'm not sure I like the blurring in the top left corner of the first one, and the focus is kinda weird on those few flowers and the branch thing.








    I like the second one =) But it might look better with more water drops or brighter colors.. =S it's so gloomy lookin lol








    And.. :? macro should have more detail. Great job on the cropping and composition though =)




    Thanks for the tips! I'm still very new to this, so feel free to point out any other flaws ;)








    I'm not too sure how to fix the branch/flower focus issue, but I see exactly what you mean. Unfortunately they were both about the same distance and I suppose they were both focused about equally. :?








    As for the second one, I thought mood was something you should try and bring out in photos? :? Sorry, I'm new to this, as I've said! :P








    Agreed, they are slightly grainy / out of focus. Maybe work on your focus and if thats not the problem were you using a very high ISO?




    Hmm.. I believe the main subject flowers (oops.. and the branch too, hehe) are in focus, with the rest blurred to keep it from being too busy. Should I have kept more flowers in focus, using a smaller aperture?








    And yes, I used a very high ISO, 1600 to be exact. Since I read your post, I've started reading up a little on ISO. I read that slower film speeds result in less grain. But since my digital is simply imitating the sensitivity, would lower ISO settings actually reduce the grain?




    I've also read that higher ISO is better for keeping many objects in focus, which may be one problem that caused the branch/flower focus issue WF brought up.








    Thanks for the tips you two, I havn't really thought that much about film speeds & grain and I'll be sure to try and fix my focus issues. :D




    True, I guess it depends on what you were trying to achieve.. The colors just tell me it's supposed to be like an old-fashion photo. People usually don't do that =x Especially with flowers.. If you're going for gloomy, orange isn't really good.








    Ooh! try making the background black and white and leaving the flowers colored =P that might be nice, since they're a nice red/pink =)

  17. I like em, but..








    I'm not sure I like the blurring in the top left corner of the first one, and the focus is kinda weird on those few flowers and the branch thing.








    I like the second one =) But it might look better with more water drops or brighter colors.. =S it's so gloomy lookin lol








    And.. :? macro should have more detail. Great job on the cropping and composition though =)

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