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Posts posted by AngelsShadow

  1. KK.1. Have you ever played cod4 pc? there are bots, it can never be too complex because bot makers will just overcome it (an actually cod bots on pc arent that hard to make)

    2.Completely agree with you sy, everyone says that bots make jagex money they do in a sense but they make a loss as well which is bigger than the profit.

    3. They removed free trade and wildy cos of bots.... not causes of scamming



    Judging by your grammar and horrible ideas, I would like to think that you're pulling [cabbage] out of your ass. Why would someone make a bot for COD. It's not a game where you have to spend months/years to get your character to the "fun" levels....


    Take combat for instance. The game is most fun at 99 in combat skills (pking/staking aside). Combat average xp is roughly 50k-80k/hr. Even with botting, that is still roughly 220 hours. Assuming the bot only bots for 10 hours a day, that is 22 days, just to get to 99 strength. That's almost a month, AUTOMATED. Add the other combat stats, that means that before I can pro boss hunt, I need to spend 3 months on the game, if I was botting. I'm sorry, but I have probably at most, 10 hours a week to spend on runescape. Imagine how long it would take me to get 99....


    I'm not a fan of people making games that ruin lives. Runescape does this. You could spend most of your time doing something more productive. That's why I believe xbox has a bigger market. MMORPG's players kind of received the stereotypical label as "anti-social", "nerdy", "no-life", etc. I can play COD for 1-2 hours, be pleased, and then go off and do something else, whether it be homework/studying, working, spending time with real life friends. If it's a weekend, going out to the bars with my friends, working on projects that actually provide life experiences/knowledge in something I eventually want to do.


    Take the botting community for example. The kids who develop the scripts/bots are gaining knowledge in programming, something they will be able to apply later on in life if they so choose. And they also get to play the game as well. Yeah, it sucks if you spend the time to get the levels, and they were able to get to it by simply running a program, but can you blame them for not wanting to click the same thing over and over again in order to get a level.


    I'm going to end this rant here, as I know I will receive a lot of negative feedback from this topic, but after all the experiences I went through, I don't really understand why I ever spent so much of my life on this game.



    Completely off topic bit that may provide some insight: I'm 21 year old college student studying computer science/engineering. I play quite a bit of runescape from the time I was in jr high/high school. I gave up the game a lot around my senior year and completely when I went off to college. After some recent events in my life, I started playing the game a little in order to help get my mind off some things. Honestly, it help tremendously. I've never botted, but I often wonder why I don't use my skills that I have learned in Java/C programming to automate the processes that I dislike about this game. I have thought about it a lot recently, and maybe eventually I will, but at this point I'd rather just play the game when I have the time.


    TLDR: move along....



    Thank You for putting it so bluntly to the ignorant.



  2. Your Clan Name (as you want it to appear): The Hunters PvM | 80+

    A link to your clan's banner (please keep it under 810x250 or it will automatically be resized): Clan Banner

    A link to your clan's website/forums: www.thehuntersrs.webs.com

    A link to your clan's runehead/memberlist: RuneHead

    Your Clan Leaders: Khalil 6111, Fyre Bl00D & AncientWolf

    Your Clan Initials: TH

    Your Clan's Main Focus (ie. Warring, Skilling, Pest Control, etc.): Player verses Monster, Events, Community & Skilling

  3. Welcome to the Hunters (PVM Clan),





    --------|||----The Hunters ------|||











    Welcome on behalf of the our humble and mighty clan The Hunters, we accept people of all combat levels who have prventheir worth in a certain skill. We travel all over runescape slaying only the most poewrful and legendary monsters in all the lands to acquire their precious and valuable rewards. . We both used to fight many of runescapes strongest monsters alone most of whom fell at our feets yet their are monsters who can overce the two of us there for we have made this clan where we now call upon the help of the bravest of champions to follow us into battles against runescapes strongest monsters. The beasts we speak of are non other then the King Black Dragon, The Giant Mole, The Chaos Elemental, Revenants and many others. We request the help of runescapes most powerful warriors, the swiftest of rangers, and the smartest of mages. With our great wisdom and strength we will dominate RuneScape.



    World: 131

    HQ: Jolly Boar Inn in Varrock

    Clan chat is: jdoumani

    Clan Website:thehuntersrs.webs.c-o-m

    Recruitment Thread Quick find code: 87-88-491-61918768


    We Hope You Will Join Our Clan!

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