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Posts posted by Maniac379

  1. I myself have been an avid reader of tip times for many months now and a player of runescape for over 5 years. I have finally decided to create an account because I wish to give tribute to Syzygy. I'll admit this is very loosely based on the article, but depending on your point of view it could be very relevant.


    A Note to Syzygy.


    You probably don't remember me but when I myself was a runescape noobling you were busy being the best F2P player out there. As I mentioned I have been playing for 5 years, it was 4 years ago that I first met you while killing ice giants. I wasn't allowed to be a member at the time due to my parents but I Still enjoyed F2P. Sadly my nostalgia glasses do not remember if you were either very polite or very quiet. Regardless I'll believe that you were polite. As I moved on my Runescape adventures after that day I remember hearing your name pop up somewhere and that was when I found out how far you truly were in the game. I was bewildered, I had met one of the best players of all time. Ever since that time I would remember your name as one of my best experiences of my runescape history...


    Years passed and I've grown older. Not even a year since I met you I was finally able to become a member. I enjoyed all that it held for many years to come. At one point I had started to lurk in different clan chats as a way to entertain myself. It was earlier this year actually that I was sitting at my computer doing some mundane task in Runescape when I saw the name Syzygy flash into the clan chat. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was even more surprised that you were nice enough to reveal your location to me. Here I was, a member for 5 years, feeling the excitement that comes when you first play runescape. You know the excitement, when you first figure out how to make your own armor or complete a hard quest. Syzygy you were the player I always wanted to be, and your name will always remind me the most of my early years of runescape. You might not believe it but I am on the quiz bowl competition team at my high school, where you answer academic questions. Last year the question came up on how to spell Syzygy after given its definition. Sadly I spelled it wrong. I'll never forget how to spell Syzygy again, and I am eagerly awaiting the day I'll be in college and the term Syzygy will come up in my textbook. I am currently a senior of high school interested in engineering...I know Syzygy refers to some sort of space science related occurrance. The day I hear that term is the day I'll log into runescape, and at the rate I've been playing currently, might be very impressive.


    I'm not sure why I wanted to type this...well yes I am. As a runescape player for this long, I'll admit that it's the goals that drive you to play as you mentioned in your article. I'm not afraid to admit that the high scores mean something, if only for a little bit. As the owner of what I consider a high level character I know the desire to be remembered. It's the thought that you could be immortalized deep down that keeps you going, I think. We all want that in real life at least (I have noticed so many things that runescape has taught me in real life). I want you to know Syzygy, that even though we never really met, you are immortalized in my childhood.


    I hope you see this, I'm not expecting a response but for the tip moderators if I could ask a favor...if you do consider this off topic I truly ask that you leave it be. I don't foresee me writing something like this again.

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