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Posts posted by Instinctive

  1. Cutting dragonstones are but its really difficult to do them consistently since the limit is only 100 per 4 hours. Even lower gems its hard to keep up. You can cut about 4.5k gems an hour. Someone else can post in more detail. I'm too busy pp'ing atm :P


    Perhaps the best option is to buy all the dstones while doing another skill? Perhaps FM, WC, or Smith?

  2. No.


    One thing that always annoyed me was a particular famous person who killed many players outside of the wilderness, and in their reply after they were permanently banned they said anyone who had the power they were given would have abused it too. To that I say they were extremely presumptuous.


    If I accidentally came across a bug I would never abuse it, in fact I would report it immediately like I have done so with many other bugs. I find satisfaction knowing that I've probably saved a few players from falling victim to the bug, and a couple times J mods have turned up thanking myself and the other players warning people of the bug - which is pretty awesome.


    I remember when that happened I think - wasn't it in a POH? The Fally Massacre or whatever?

  3. suomi is flying through slayer. i can't wait until he dumps his effigies.


    I hope he saves as many as possible because I want to see massive gains. That's always the most fun.


    He'd have to do Crafting, Summoning ---- what else has he maxed besides Agility/RC? I can never remember what each guy has done except the most impressive ones...

  4. Doubling money is my favorite scam. They assume anyone offering less than 100-500k or so is just gonna be like "OMG he can do it!!!!!!!" and tell everyone. I like to put up 100k (or 200k if I'm feeling daring) evry single time I go through the GE.


    I then immediately yell how its a scam with his name, and I report him. Haha.


    I have no idea how much cash I have made working over the scammers. I hate them so much.

  5. I utilize ticks to bury bones from everything I kill, and I DIY other ways.


    When I need food I fish - I then either sell all the fish for better fish, or I cook swordies and tuna and make tuna potatoes.


    When I mine, I bank all my gold in LRC for smithing. I use all my gold to craft things. I alch what I craft for magic exp.


    I farm and MTK for herblore...



    That kind of stuff. I'm not so extreme that I hunt for a drop like D Chain and refuse to buy it...and I sell a lot of my pots and drops for cash to get better armor. But a lot of DIY.

  6. Thanks for the clarifications guys. I figured the purple sweets had to be used because they were stackable.


    One last question: about how long is a "tick" and how did we discover them? Don't see any guides on tip.it and this thread is the first I have heard of them - been playin since 04/05...

  7. "Doubling Money"


    You tell them what they're doing wrong and they act like nothing is wrong


    Then they get a friend to come over and say "thanks"


    Sad scammers


    My favorite thing to do is ask for a 100k "test." Then they give me 200k, I take it, and I start yelling that they're scamming for a couple minutes. Makes me a quick buck at the expense of a scammer. I hate scammers. I may end up world hopping for an hour or so just doing this over and over. The money doesn't even mean anything, it's like adding insult to injury :)

  8. The banging is a great response...super constructive.


    At the risk of going off topic, the banging indicated you take a very conservative stance on life. In the US, I would use the term "far right." Does that translate to the UK?

  9. @ Racheya - Jagex is UK based. The bona fide on-line sites I've looked at that are UK based that seem to stipulate the same thing- For the fun sites you have to have parental consent to play if under 18. Your site is US based.

    Secondly our child protection laws and the way we do things are different in the UK and we are regulated more heavily by the gambling commission. What is acceptable in one country isnt acceptable elsewhere.


    You are treating this quite flippantly as if its no bad thing. Use your moral perspective and answer me these.

    a) Is it acceptable for children to learn the rules of real life poker in a game thats nothing to do with it?

    b) Is it acceptable for them to use what they have learned on RS to bet elsewhere?

    c) Would you be happy if your 14 year old kid, who you thought was slaying dragons, making gold and generally making an on-line nuisance of himself was learning to bet for a RL game?

    d) Can you imagine the negative publicity if even a few kids used what theyd learned in RS in RL and it became public knowledge? Throw in a few irate parents too.


    @Ringworld Sorry but youve lost the plot completely. Lets explain this so you understand it

    Cat fights in RS Stylised so theyre cartoon versions so not real. The same as the fantasy violence, betting on flower games (try that in RL and wait a couple of months!) etc. etc. etc. Cartoon versions, not real simulation. You get this?


    Poker in RS Learning rules and techniques of poker. No matter how you stylise its look and feel youre still learning a game you could use for gambling purposes in real life. You learn ACTUAL TECHNIQUE.


    Do you get this yet or would you like me to draw you some diagrams?


    Umm...what's wrong with learning the rules and techniques of poker?

    a) yes

    b) yes in a way - one of the most fun things I did back in school was play poker for smarties. We all grabbed like 8 things of smarties and bet them on the game.

    c) I wouldn't be happy, but I wouldn't be unhappy. I don't know that it would evoke an emotional response from me. Unless he was really good...then I sure as heck would be happy haha.

    d) How would they use it IRL? You can't go to a casino at age 14...

  10. General discussion of what it takes to get 200M in all skills is fine, but unfair criticism, passing judgment on people you don't know, making assumptions, and bashing are not permissible.



    That's fair, but where is line eh?

    Am I allllowed to point out that it is unhealthy to put that many hours in the game, because its kind of bashing but it is kind of true..


    I would love to know the total play hours of say, S U O M I or Skiller..


    Why would we care if it is healthy or not? I would be fairly confident in saying that anyone shooting for this is old enough to understand. Hell, it's healthy if you can't stand people, still exercise, and playing keeps yu out of fights that could lead to prison/bodily harm/firing from job...

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