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Posts posted by Nuffbutmage

  1. sonic, my best one was a f26 1:42 in time 8,6k

    there is very little possible improvement, perfect scenario would be only doors, 10 roomer and rammernaut as boss where you hit perfectly and that on f29, this might result in 9,5k-10k at max in under 2min


    in that small i had 10 rooms and rammernaut as boss and no guardian doors, only key doors and easy and fast tk doors



    180k/h+ on a small is pretty common with karl :)

  2. deyan2, sorry for a late response but i decided not to confront me with rs the past two weeks, i dont train the most efficient way in all skills btw, i ve posted a month or so about the misstrack on runetracker and made a statement (no i didnt get rolledback or so :) dw, its a very weird glitch), please look for my post in the f2p general discussion thread


    i will also soon make a videos where i show my training methods for all skills, that will not include perfect efficiency, but i guess thats the purpose, technically resting while smithing would save time, yet i refuse to do it, i will slowly come back to my xp rates and maybe will mention maximum gains/h if ive tested and im sure i did well


    although it would easily allow my budget to do so im not looking to get 200m prayer, im thinking of 200m crafting atm though :), but thats far away in the future




    in other words, im back, i will continue my playstyle and will try to get used to vidding very quickly and hopefully post a vid in the next few days, and thanks for all the people who voted on the poll, very nice to see a great feedback for something i would really enjoy doing


    heyheyhey :D


    Yes Kameeru and Lokizorro where both very helpful pointing this one out a while ago and I have had a good 2-3hours look on the issue and this awkward situation


    My Overall Xp (max): http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=syl0r5&s=7


    You do not really see any changes here but I will come back to it later,


    I will pick 2 skills for example:


    My Ranged Xp (max): http://oi55.tinypic.com/2po7hjc.jpg, I seem to have 400k less Xp at some point


    My RuneCrafting Xp (max): 6qyz2f.jpg it got changed to 506k i personally have not heard of an 8k Xp Rollback but instead of mentioning all my stats, where in fact only a few were "affected" the whole tracking database has no pattern, you can look up all my skills, they either "didnt change" or "changed in the negatives" but if you look again there is a small change in my overal Xp:


    The only thing i didnt get in this time period was xp or extremely little, but bottom line "i lost mils", no I have not been afk over the 4 months as well, I have no idea why it does not get updated in the meantime but frankly it does not matter

    You can see also several skills are unavailable to review from the infamous october state, which would make them a new released skill =P


    The result?: a9q151.jpg




    Overall i got "reset" less than 100k, I did not have Skills like Woodcutting tracked from the infamous October, if you add up the Xp gained in other skills but lost in skills from this October you do not get that number shown in overall Xp, but in fact the thing that I lost Xp but gained 250 total levels makes this impossible.


    A real rollback looks like this (as we recently got to know): 2mwxpvb.jpg


    This was not an attempt to defend myself, I also do not want to evade this thread into an argument about this, please pm me on tip.it if you have questions concerning this issue, I hope this post shows that I care a lot over your opinion and it hits me somehow that something which disgusts me could fly back to me like a bumerang in a sorta weird way. I'm not using my current gains as a counter-argument, for example my dedication to train dungeoneering well over 10-12 hours per day, but I want to say that i enjoy this game, and would personally not like to be confronted with a possible hate speech about what i like and do.

    In the end I cannot come up with another reason, but i guess its a rare case but i am not the only one, it is in your hand to evaluate this, but I am greatly dissociating myself from bots and everything that is linked with them.

    (i couldnt post that many pictures so i wrote just the url)

    I feel like a part of a community I greatly enjoy and respect, and thorougly apologize for this mediocre post that takes away forum space


    but thank you very much for your input firehawk, i think you deserved an answer so here it is =)


    best wishes, nuff :)



  4. He could've had his public chat off during the vid. The rollback says enough though ;).


    Oooh and according to Runetracker, Nuff has also had a rollback in multiple skills. Is that a bug or has he been botting as well?



    i have been confronted with this by kameeru a while ago, i can make a statement but in all fairness im not defending myself from anything, if you have a close look its glitched all over but i can write it in another post

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