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Posts posted by Metaform

  1. I'm one of those people who don't believe in being addicted to the game itself, but rather to the "void filling" and distractions it provides.


    I know this first hand as RSClassic filled up a void in my life and was easily the high point of the day way back when. It is a very good coping mechanism for a train wreck (not a literal one). I would say I was putting myself first when I used the game to escape, rather than putting the game before everything else due to what that everything else actually was.


    Now that I have no need to escape constantly, it's rather easy to come and go as I please.


    Not to say I don't think it is possible to be physically addicted to the game the way you can be to chemicals and other things, I just find the evidence lacking and a more reasonable explanation the probable one.


    Point is, since not everything that you do will be useful in your life, face the fact that you will waste a major part of it doing nothing useful. And that's fine by me.


    Now the usefulness of things that can be learned from a video game/MMORPG is another topic, and a rather interesting one at that. :^_^:

  2. Maybe I'm just ignorant of clans as I've never seen a point in joining one in a game like this over the years, but I do feel like Jagex is adding all this clan support for something that's not really that important in the game. I guess there is more "multiplayer" content now than there ever was, and maybe that is their new direction for the game.


    Could they be adding the necessary infrastructure prior to adding more multiplayer content? Or just fluffing things up?


    I will say that part of the reason I keep coming back is that I can choose between playing single player (even easier with the GE, but I do miss Fally park/Varrock garden) or multiplayer activities as I desire, both against monsters and players. Unlike other games where the best and relevant content forces you into cooperating with what can often be described as headless chickens. :-|


    Queue the "anti-MMO-MMO-player" song and dance. :thumbsup:


    Still, this could be really awesome and a stepping point for RS in the next few years, or just another empty location forgotten by the majority of the player base.


    Oh and the bugs....I'll be sure not to play the day this is released. :wink:

  3. Buy 500m worth of cabbage or onions and troll people by trying to stake them for their bank, or offer to buy rares with them. If that fails/gets boring go party chest/quitting rs giving away 500m party them at the GE.


    I'd love to see the look on the persons face who gets that many cabbage. Especially when they realize " how am I going to get rid of these? " Sell 50 at a time to the store or try and GE it? =D>



    Oh and don't feel bad My_Eggs, I'll be joining that club in 1.1m prayer experience. Aside from 5k infernal ashes my bank looks like it did in 2002. :thumbsup:


    Maybe I'll slay in a Black Mask and rune plate and legs... Or try and find a RSOF Bandos group wearing junk like that.

  4. Seems like everything is crashing to me. Is a solid item one that has a flat graph like a rune scim? or is it one that just isn't crashing hard/going up a lot?



    That's a stable item, it's possible to make some profit off things like that but not a whole lot. I tried that with rune platebodies, which have a 100 at a time limit. Took forever to fill, longer to sell, and only like ~20k profit or so. Not exactly the road to riches (or Turmoil) I was looking for. :shame:


    An excelent guide to flipping that another posted here in a different moneymaking thread is My link.


    It is NOT my guide, and I forget who the original posters tip.it account is, but it had good graphs explaining what was good, bad and mediocre to flip with. Sadly, the entire Curse network seems to be down with hardware issues ( :wall: ). Check it when it's back up, really helped me get an idea what to look for, then I just started running items and "roles" through my head to find niche items to test out. Easily the best guide on using the GE that I've read in years of lurking. :^_^:


    Once you know what to look for, just start buying and selling single items at min/max to test it till you get a solid profit % and quick returns. You don't want it to take too long to fill or sell, or to hold onto stacks of stuff too terribly long as it could crash and cost you money. Tip: "too long" is subjective; I'm lazy and not very risky so I went for fast returns.


    Persistence pays off, keep at it.


    Edit: Forgot to ask, do you do your Kingdom daily/weekly? Free cash basically as long as you keep ~1250k in there or so. Best setup is like 9maple/6coal or mahogany I think, if you collect weekly, or 10/5 if daily. This changes often so I would check the RSWikia calculator to see what yields the best combination.

  5. Word of advice, don't flip things like whips that are "mainstream" but specifically, don't flip whips. There's a constant supply coming into the game nearly, not many going out with the items kept on death changes and as more people get Chaotics the less point there is in buying one. From all the topics and guides I've read, anything that's crashing that hard is a bad idea.


    To give you a better idea what I was doing, I made the ~30m or so I needed for turmoil in a little over a week flipping items I could buy large quantities of every 4 hours (5k+) that had a fast resell rate (which erases the 4 hour timer once you sell 'em). At times I would have something like 30k selling and as many as I could afford buying. Once you find a solid item, preferably at least three, you can really rake it in without having to gamble on items that rise and fall every week or so.


    I had 3 items myself, 2 crashed after a few days but the last one I flipped till I had all I needed then cashed out 90% of my value to buy turmoil. I don't recommend doing that, cashing out all your value for something, but I'm impatient with time on my hands, and the waste seemed justified.


    TL;DR: Just kidding, go read it.


    Don't give up though, you'll find items that will work for you and once you do it comes so easy. I didn't think I could either till I finally found what worked, and now I'm sold. :^_^:

  6. If I remember correctly, Snapdragons are best money maker at your level of farming with and without Juju potions. A less cash intensive option would be Toadflax as bots can't get it from the Garden and it has a relatively "high" demand as it goes into Saradomin brews. I switched from Snaps to Toadflax myself so I had more cash to merch with instead of a big pile of seeds 'cause I'm super lazy. :thumbsup:



    As for merching, .5% profit is a bit low, true enough, but if it's something you can flip very fast that's not bad. I flipped with about a 50m cash stack while charm hunting or Mithril Dragon slaying and most of my profits were about 2%. It didn't take long to get what I needed for Turmoil. Best advice I can give is don't give up and keep looking for items, specifically niche items (that's what I did, and no I'm not telling you which ones! :razz: ) rather than bulk goods that have a massive supply and are traded constantly. Not to say you can't profit off that stuff, but it's tiny usually.



    I think the usual stuff like Green Dragons are still 1mil+ an hour and Frosts a bit more, even with the bot infestation. I've never actually done these, before or after bots, so I'll let someone who knows better take over.

  7. I think I remember seeing this thread back in my forum lurking days, shortly after realizing Tip.it actually had a forum worth reading rather than just quest guides and the rest.. :oops:



    I quit RS for WoW for 3 years, but I came back. Who woulda thunk



    That's me too, except it's more like 5 years of WoW with multiple returns to RS and trying other MMOs...


    I can't help but say there is something about this game that keeps me coming back and enjoying it, when most new games bore me after a week. I never imagined I would still be coming back here, or that I would hate a game and its "gamers" as much as I do WoW.




    The doomsayers who say it's on it's last legs, are just doomsayers. They will always be around. On the other hand, I do agree that if microtransactions are to become common, I will become frustrated with the company and leave. I'll continue to play as long as I have time and am interested.


    I couldn't agree more. Having played many games, there is always these types, and very seldom are they actually correct.

  8. Do you have Elite Void? With or without a deflector.


    As I was merching for turmoil I spent a lot of time camping these with Elite Void, Rapier, deflector, pony, elite Excalibur. I could last almost the entire pony but my limitations were from prayer potions (piety + protect from melee) rather than damage taken.


    With a Yak to bank bones and carry supplies in, I imagine you could last a very long time there. Especially if you bring a pony for after the Yak is used up.

  9. Google Chromes empty response bug ate my post... twice! =D>




    Anyway, great update IMO. Imagine MA rings being easier to get, or Dungeoneering theme'd worlds without the effigy spam or guys trying to do 5:5 c6 Frozen floors...


    Good job Jagex, this has me excited for the next batch of updates using these features. :^_^:



    Frosts were totally worth it.



    If I had the capital to do those I would, I had to choose between being cheap and buying Turmoil now and spending time leveling, or risking my impatient nature and trying to double my bank and do frosts.


    In the end gutting out 30k ashes won as I felt it would be easier to make money back with Turmoil than trying to double my cash heap without it.



    Preemptive congrats on the 99 prayer pic that is surely coming next! :^_^:

  11. was just thinking of in setup for peopel who dotn have soul split, like me, and...





    TYVM, tookl 327 wyverns


    Very nice! :thumbsup:


    How is using Protect from Magic there? Before buying Turmoil I was using Protect from Ranged with Elite Void and could last a full tort + inventory 90% of the time on 12 sharks and Elite Excalibur. Sometimes they would just do nasty things to me and obliterate my food but that was rare. -.-


    Seemed as if their ranged attack was far more accurate than melee, and the breath can't be stopped to my knowledge, just reduced to ~100 max hits. That's with Piety and Extreme Defense also.

  12. On Topic: This is becoming more and more of a problem. As long as they don't do Slayer I won't be that mad though. >.>

    they do


    Damn really, how?


    Excuse me while I go shoot myself. Brb.



    Bots? In MY slayer dungeon? Getting their Slayer cape even!? This is a travesty! :angry:



    Oh, wait...



    I'll take " What is Soul Wars " for 500. :wall:

  13. Flip margins for many items are much smaller, but the buy/sell limits are resettable now. You can buy 2 of a single rare every 4 hours, but you can resell the 2 instantly and if you sell them you can buy 2 more before the 4 hours is up. (Unless they changed it since I last flipped, which was awhile ago.)



    They have not changed, this is partly how I'm making my money now that I've gotten the hang of it. I will say that flipping bulk goods while the bigger ones buy/sell still nets good profit in and of itself. If you can't afford flipping big things you can still make bank off bulk, just takes more effort, which is not a lot to begin with. :thumbsup:

  14. I voted against because of what is happening atm. Tnx to all who voted yes =D> :thumbdown:


    What exactly is happening that is so terrible?


    Gold farmer spam? - Not too different from Merch clan spam


    Bots? - What else is new? :rolleyes: people seem to forget how many were in restricted trade


    Pking/Staking/gift-giving/W2/no more price manipulation - Sounds like an improvement to me compared to the days of restricted trade



    I miss anything?



    This, so very much.


    People botted in " ye ancient tymes " too, although I don't recall selling gold as an issue for many games in the dark ages. The merch clan spam was just as annoying as gold sellers, dice games, flower games, money double scams are today; just as annoying as people spamming random letters and junk messages in the dark ages trade hubs. Fally bank and park, or Varrock castle garden anyone? :shame:


    Granted there are more of some of these today, specifically the bots (or are they just more visible?), but what can you expect? More people playing, more people with the time and skills to write the bots, or pay for them, and of course the laziness, lack of time, or whatever reason they have for botting. I'm hardly surprised this "happened" as so many people put it.


    As for the topic, I would have voted yes if I had returned in time to vote, as I see the trade limit and what not as a band-aid fix for their legal troubles, and not a real solution. Think of the " barb wire eye wash " in post 9/11 America. Looks real nice, but is it helping things? Really? (at least they did get around the credit card legal issues in the end)


    I would still vote yes today, too. ;)

  15. Shameless endorsement of the Wyvern cannoning, from a former, okay current addict. Cannoning the Wyverns is like 4-500k profit on top of charms, after supply cost an hour roughly. You could range them I guess, but their defense seems too high to get the same kill rates as slashing melee + cannon. Depends what you value more, charms, ranged experience, or profit (as you said your bank is small).


    As for Black Demons, I went there on task the other day and couldn't find a decent world in 30minutes of hopping. Chaos Tunnel/resource dungeon demons were vacant at the time, but the charms seemed horrible even with a decrepit spirit dagg familiar helping with piety and extremes. Probably as bad as Taverly with bots. :thumbdown:


    Chinning Nechryaels is good ranged experience, but the charm rate seemed poor the last time I went. Might still profit without a yak though, not 100% sure as seed prices and what not have crashed.




  16. Maybe it's the fact I've seen this already in several MMOs, most notably WoW, or the fact I've played too many games in general, that I find most of the commentary on this absolutely silly. People complained about them selling vanity items and what not there too, flamed users "publicly" for having them and in the end, they moved on. The game continued to run, as far as I know they've yet to sell things of "use" in-game, such as levels or top of the line gear.


    From my point of view, that's the only thing that should upset someone over these tactics - obviously so. Offering levels and top end gear for cash would truly make peoples "achievements" worthless. So would selling things like party hats or other holiday items.


    The only thing that even displeases slightly me about this is the limitations of location and payment method, which for all we know could just be the first place they've negotiated rights to sell them in. Plus, the official "release" is what? 5 days away?


    At the end of the day, I don't give a hell rats ass what fancy little things they add onto game cards to help younger gamers get mommy and daddy to buy them a card " 'cause it's a deal! " As long as they do the reasonably smart thing and not cast the games core components (levels, quests, highscore ranks and "rares" you could say) into illegitimacy I'm okay with it. Something a new player will use a bit, then bank or destroy? Please.


    Besides, if other MMO producers are selling vanity items and other niceties to increase profits, why wouldn't, or shouldn't, Jagex do the same? Seeing as how I play this game still, I would kind of like them to turn a profit and continue keeping it good entertainment, as it has been for 10 years. If it was my company I would certainly offer vanity items too, as there obviously is a demand for it. I just might take the time to implement it where the max possible userbase has access to it should they want it...




    You could argue about them wasting time developing these rather than fixing problems within the game...which would be nice if it actually happened...*cough* bots. Alas, this is Jagex, and while they make their share of blunders, I hardly find fault with this, at least as it stands tonight. :mellow:


    ...Now if they start offering Bunny Ears to people I'll start a RSOF riot and crash servers. :thumbsup: /jk

  17. From what I've read, Nomad is a cakewalk with 99 melees and a Chaotic Rapier. Money is not an issue, aside from overkill stuff like spirit shields and Nex gear.


    Should I be using Elite Void, Bandos or dragon hide?


    Rocktails or brews? (I have extremes but not overloads, if it matters)


    What spec weapon? (I have EEE and Korasi, was going to buy claws)


    What familiar with 88 summoning?



    Thanks! :^_^:

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